scholarly journals Internet and the elderly: Enhancing active ageing

Comunicar ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (45) ◽  
pp. 29-36 ◽  
Carmen Llorente-Barroso ◽  
Mónica Viñarás-Abad ◽  
María Sánchez-Valle

Global ageing has led European and international organizations to develop programs for active ageing, in order to reconstruct the role of the elderly in society. Active ageing includes social communication aspects which have been the subject of less research than other more pressing ones linked to physical and economic characteristics. This research is centered on these communication variables; it addresses the link between the elderly and Internet, and has two main objectives: to discover how useful Internet is for this age group, and to explain the potential this medium has for active ageing. To do so, a qualitative methodology is used based on three discussion groups, each made up of four or five people between the ages of 56 and 81, led by an expert moderator. The results of the qualitative content analysis of each discussion indicate that the Internet is a source of opportunities for the elderly, and this potential may be divided into four categories: Information, communication, transactions and administration, together with leisure and entertainment. This potential improves the quality of life for the elderly and contributes to their active ageing. However, to maximize this, e-inclusion programs and methodologies are needed to make the Internet user-friendlier for the elderly and provide them with training in digital skills. El progresivo envejecimiento de las sociedades ha llevado a los organismos internacionales y europeos a desarrollar programas de envejecimiento activo, capaces de construir una nueva cultura sobre el papel de las personas mayores en la sociedad. Estos incluyen aspectos sociales de carácter comunicacional que, sin embargo, han tenido menos desarrollo investigador que otros más apremiantes, vinculados a aspectos físicos y económicos. Esta investigación atiende precisamente a estas variables comunicacionales, abordando la vinculación de los mayores con Internet y planteándose dos objetivos principales: Conocer las utilidades que tiene Internet para este colectivo y explicar los motivos que convertirían a este medio en una fuente de oportunidades para un envejecimiento activo. Para satisfacerlos, se utiliza una metodología cualitativa que se apoya en el desarrollo de tres grupos de discusión constituidos por entre cinco y seis personas de 56 a 81 años y moderados por un experto. Los resultados obtenidos del análisis cualitativo del contenido en cada discusión indican que Internet es una fuente de oportunidades para los mayores, que pueden aglutinarse en cuatro categorías: informativas, comunicativas, transaccionales y administrativas, y de ocio y entretenimiento. Estas oportunidades optimizan la calidad de vida de los mayores y contribuyen a su envejecimiento activo, si bien, su máximo aprovechamiento precisa de programas de «e-Inclusion» y metodologías que aproximen Internet a los mayores, facilitándoles una formación en competencias digitales.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 543
Pedro Miguel Fernandes Almeida ◽  
Maria De Fátima Sousa Batinas ◽  
Maria Araújo Leão Rita

ABSTRACTObjective: to reflect on active ageing as a strategy designed for the health promotion of the elderly population. Method: this article aims at reflecting on active Ageing. It is grounded on a selection of on-line literature, namely from the Virtual Health Library (Lilacs, Medline, Scielo). The descriptors used for the research were the following: Ageing, Quality of Life; Strategies, Health Promotion. Results: this study focuses on the importance of active ageing as a health promotion strategy, in order to enhance the active participation of the elderly in society. Final considerations: health promotion enhances both the quality of life and the independence of the elderly as well as of all those who are undergoing the ageing process. Hence, the need to implement health promotion strategies directed at this target group, within the framework of active ageing. Descriptors: ageing; quality of life; strategies; health promotion.RESUMOObjetivo: refletir sobre o envelhecimento ativo como estratégia de promoção da saúde da população idosa. Método: trata-se de um artigo reflexivo sobre o envelhecimento ativo. A selecção das publicações foi feita por meio eletrônico, na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (Lilacs, Medline, Scielo). Os descritores utilizados para a pesquisa foram os seguintes: envelhecimento; qualidade de vida; estratégias; promoção da Saúde. Resultados: o estudo situa a importância do envelhecimento ativo como estratégia de promoção da saúde, de modo a proporcionar a participação ativa dos idosos na sociedade. Considerações finais: é importante promover a saúde de forma a alcançar a qualidade de vida e independência dos que envelheceram ou daqueles que estão no processo de envelhecimento. Considera-se então necessária a implementação de estratégias dirigidas a este grupo etário visando a promoção da saúde, numa perspectiva do envelhecimento ativo. Descritores: envelhecimento; qualidade de vida; estratégias; promoção da saúde.RESUMENObjetivo: reflectir sobre el envejecimiento activo como estrategia de promoción de la salud de la población anciana. Método: se trata de un artigo reflectivo sobre el Envejecimiento Activo. La seleción de las publicaciones se há realizado por medio electrónico, en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud (Lilacs, Medline, Scielo). Los descriptores utilizados para la búsqueda han sido los siguientes: envejecimiento; calidad de vida; estrategias; promoción de la salúd. Resultados: el estudio situa la importancia del envejecimiento activo como estrategia de promoción de la salud, de forma a proporcionar la participación activa de los ancianos en la sociedad. Consideraciones finales: es importante promover la salud de forma a atingir la calidad de vida e independencia de los que han envejecido o de aquellos que estan en el proceso de envejecimiento. Se considera por ello necesario la implementación de estrategias dirigidas a este grupo etario com el objetivo de promover la salud, en una perspectiva de envejecimiento activo. Descriptores: envejecimiento; calidad de vida; estrategias de promoción de la salud.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (spe2) ◽  
pp. 87-93 ◽  
Ana Carolina Albiero Leandro da Rocha ◽  
Suely Itsuko Ciosak

This is an exploratory study using a qualitative methodology which aimed to identify and understand the role of spirituality in the management of chronic disease in the elderly. The discourse analysis revealed the following central themes: multidimensional impact of chronic diseases, coping and expectations of the elderly. Regarding coping with chronic diseases, the individual coping, social support and religiosity/spirituality/faith were analyzed. The results showed the changes brought about the diagnosis of chronic disease and its implications for the adaptation to the new way of life. The management of these changes is complex and many factors influence positively and negatively in order to deal with the new condition. The results showed that spirituality/religiosity /faith interfere positively in addressing the barriers and difficulties of life, strengthening the resilience of the patient, thus improving their quality of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Sekar Farah Nabila

  Penempatan peran yang baik bagi Family Caregiver sangatlah membantu lansia dalam meningkatkah qualitas hidupnya, meningkatkan motivasi dalam menjalankan hidup Penelitian ini bertujuan Mengetahui hubungan peran Family Caregiver dalam pemenuhan qualitas hidup bagi lansia di Kelurahan Langenharjo Kabupaten Kendal. DesainPenelitianDeskriptifKorelasional menggunakan pendekatan Krosectional,tehnikSamplingStratified Simple Random Sampling dengan karakteristik heterogen, dari populasi mempunyai hak yang sama untuk diseleksi sebagai sampel teknik undianPengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Uji statistik Chi-square, dengan taraf signifikasi 5%jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 70 sampel pada Family Caregiver dari 213 populasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian dari 70 responden didapatkan Peran Family Caregiver tidak baik dengan qualitas hidup tidak baik 33 (47,1%), sedangkan Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik 3 (4,3%). Untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik sebanyak 6 responden (8,6%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik sebanyak 23 responden (32,9%). Terakhir, untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik didapatkan hasil 2 responden (2, 9%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik didapatkan hasil 3 responden (4,3%)Menunjukkan nilai ρ value 0,001 (ρ < 0,05) berarti ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan lansia dalam keikutsertaan posyandu lansia. Disarankan kepada semua Family Cregiver lansia untuk mampu memahami pentingnya perhatian, dukungan bagi lansia dalammeningkatkan qualitas hidup yang lebih baik bagi lansia.   Kata kunci : Peran family caregiver, qualitas hidup, lansia.   ABSTRACT Placement of a good role for Family Caregiver is very helpful for the elderly to improve their quality of life, increase motivation in living life Research Objective: To know the relationship between the role of Family Caregiver in fulfilling quality of life for the elderly in Langenharjo Village, Kendal Regency. Descriptive Correlational Research Design uses a cross sectional approach, Sampling Stratified Simple Random Sampling technique with heterogeneous characteristics, from the population has the same right to be selected as a sample lottery technique Retrieving data using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Test Chi-square statistics, with a significance level of 5% the number of samples in this study 70 samples on the Family Caregiver from 213 populations. Results of the Study Of 70 respondents found the role of Family Caregiver was not good with poor quality of life 33 (47.1%) , while the role of the Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of a good elderly 3 (4.3%). For the distribution of the role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of the poor family as many as 6 respondents (8.6%) while for the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of good elderly as many as 23 respondents (32.9%). Finally, the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the poor is obtained by 2 respondents (2, 9%), while the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the elderly is obtained by 3 respondents (4.3%). 0.001 (ρ <0.05) means that there is a relationship between family support and the compliance of the elderly in the participation of the elderly posyandu. It is recommended to all elderly Cregiver families to be able to understand the importance of attention, support for the elderly in improving the quality of life better for the elderly   Keywords: Role of Family Caregiver, Quality of Life, Elderly

Beatriz Thadani ◽  
Ana M. Pérez-García ◽  
José Bermúdez

Abstract: Quality of life in patients with borderline personality disorder: The mediating role of life satisfaction. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental illness characterized by a pattern of instability in relationships, moods and behavior. Using two groups of women (clinical or diagnosed with BPD, N = 138; and control, with no physical or mental illness, N = 124) this study analyzed the differences between pathological personality traits, measured by the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 and different domains of quality of life (SF-36 and the WHODAS 2.0) as well as the mediating role of life satisfaction in personality traits and quality of life. Differences were found between the groups in pathological personality and quality of life. Moreover, many SF-36 dimensions were partially mediated by life satisfaction in both groups. Therefore, new treatments for BPD may include developing life satisfaction, palliating the effects of this disorder on quality of life, reducing its impact on day-to-day tasks.Resumen: El trastorno de personalidad límite (TPL) se caracteriza por inestabilidad en las relaciones, el humor y la conducta. Se analizaron en dos grupos de mujeres (clínico o con TPL, N = 138; y control, sin enfermedad física o mental, N = 124) las diferencias en rasgos patológicos de personalidad (evaluados con el Personality Inventory for DSM-5) y diferentes dominios de calidad de vida (SF-36 y WHODAS 2.0), así como el papel mediador de la satisfacción vital en las relaciones entre personalidad y calidad de vida. Se encontraron diferencias entre los grupos en personalidad patológica y calidad de vida. Además, varias dimensiones de calidad de vida del SF-36 estaban mediadas parcialmente por la satisfacción vital en ambos grupos. Por tanto, los tratamientos del TPL podrían incluir el desarrollo de satisfacción vital para paliar sus efectos en la calidad de vida de los que lo padecen, reduciendo su impacto en las tareas del día a día.

Orazio Licciardello ◽  
Manuel Mauceri ◽  
Graziella Di Marco ◽  
Maria Giuseppina Cardella

Abstract.We conducted some researches in order to explore “fields” or dimensions of elderly people’s Quality of Life (QoL), both as self-perception and hetero-perception. A set of researches were conducted in Italy and Spain, involving seniors and university students. The aim was to explore the seniors’ QoL from both their and the students’ point of view. Results showed elderly people perceived their own life better than the “other” attributed to them; they were quite good at managing Positive and Negative Emotions. Spanish university students represented more positively the elderly people’s QoL than Italian colleagues. A Positive Affect as well as an empathic attitude towards seniors affected a better representation about elderly people’s QoL. Another set of studies was focused on the elderly people’s QoL and New Technologies (NTs) as these may offer opportunities both to maintain an independent lifestyle and to being involved in relevant activities. Most participants had nor any digital skills neither prejudices on the NTs; the perceived QoL was quite positive; Self-Efficacy believes were really high. The QoL was affected only by Self-Efficacy. A workshop was held, involving a small group of both disabled and healthy seniors; it was focused on the NTs, as tools to promote an active citizenship. After Training our seniors improved their Digital Skills and their own Quality of Life. In the end, a study was conducted in order to verify how both empathy (Empatic Concern; Perspective Taking), Theory on Mind (RMET) and contact worked well to improve QoL levels attributed to elders by a group of university students. On an applicative plan, empathy and TOM should represent the backdrop in supervised experiences of contact between students and elders. Further research will be conduct on this path.Key-Words: Active ageing; Quality of Life; Social Representations; Contact; Empathy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-106
Gillian Harrison ◽  
Simon P. Shepherd ◽  
Haibo Chen

Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies and services are rapidly developing and have the potential to revolutionise the transport systems. However, like many innovations, the uptake pathways are uncertain. The focus of this article is on improving understanding of factors that may affect the uptake of highly and fully automated vehicles, with a particular interest in the role of the internet of things (IoT). Using system dynamic modelling, sensitivity testing towards vehicle attributes (e.g., comfort, safety, familiarity) is carried out and scenarios were developed to explore how CAV uptake can vary under different conditions based around the quality of IoT provision. Utility and poor IoT are found to have the biggest influence. Attention is then given to CAV ‘services' that are characterized by the attributes explored earlier in the paper, and it is found that they could contribute to a 20% increase in market share.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202127
Chirles da Silva Monteiro ◽  
Gutemberg Armando Diniz Guerra

EDUCATION AND PEASANT RESISTANCE IN THE PARAENSE AMAZONIAEDUCACIÓN Y RESISTENCIA CAMPESINA EN LA AMAZONIA PARAENSERESUMOEste artigo é fruto dos apontamentos da pesquisa de mestrado desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agriculturas Amazônicas (PPGAA) da Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA. Aborda os desafios da luta pela terra no Sudeste Paraense, refletindo sobre o papel da educação nesse processo. Ele aponta a educação que permeia o cotidiano das pessoas, como elemento que fortalece a resistência política dos camponeses, por isso, não está apenas relacionada à conquista da terra, mas também, à permanência na mesma e à mudança da qualidade de vida nos acampamentos e assentamentos. O artigo é resultado de um estudo de caso, desenvolvido no Acampamento Sem Terra, denominado de Dalcídio Jurandir, localizado no Sudeste Paraense e encaminhado por uma abordagem qualitativa. Entende-se que o movimento social busca uma educação que dê conta de compreender as circunstâncias vividas a partir de suas contradições sociais, tendo a mesma lógica de resistência do campesinato, porque é nele que ela tem sua raiz histórica. Trata-se de uma educação que antecede à escola e vai muito além dela.Palavras-chave: Educação; Luta pela Terra; Resistência Camponesa.ABSTRACTThis article is the result of the master's research notes developed in the Postgraduate Program in Amazon Agriculture (PPGAA) of the Federal University of Pará – UFPA. It addresses the challenges of the struggle for land in Southeast Pará, reflecting on the role of education in this process. This paper points out the education that permeates people's daily lives, as an element that strengthens the political resistance of the peasants, therefore, it is not only related to the conquest of the land, but also to the permanence in it and to the change in the quality of life in the encampments and settlements. The article is the result of a case study, developed at the agrarian reform camp, called Dalcídio Jurandir, located in Southeast Pará and guided by a qualitative approach. It is understood that the social movement seeks an education that is able to understand the circumstances experienced from its social contradictions, having the same logic of resistance as the peasantry, because it has its historical roots in it. It is an education that precedes school and goes far beyond it.Keywords: Education; Struggle for Land; Peasant Resistance.RESUMENEste artículo es el resultado de las notas de investigación de maestría desarrolladas en el Programa de Posgrado en Agricultura Amazónica (PPGAA) de la Universidad Federal de Pará – UFPA. Aborda los desafíos de la lucha por la tierra en el sureste de Pará, reflexionando sobre el papel de la educación en este proceso. Señala la educación que permea la vida cotidiana de las personas, como un elemento que fortalece la resistencia política de los campesinos, por lo tanto, no solo se relaciona con la conquista de la tierra, sino también con la permanencia en ella y con el cambio de la tierra. Calidad de vida en los campamentos y asentamientos. El artículo es el resultado de un estudio de caso, desarrollado en el Campamento Sem Terra, llamado Dalcídio Jurandir, ubicado en el sureste de Pará y guiado por un enfoque cualitativo. Se entiende que el movimiento social busca una educación que sea capaz de comprender las circunstancias vividas desde sus contradicciones sociales, teniendo la misma lógica de resistencia que el campesinado, porque tiene en ella sus raíces históricas. Es una educación que precede a la escuela y la va mucho más allá.Palabras clave: Educación; Lucha por la Tierra; Resistencia Campesina.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 2061
Ivanda Araújo Matias Issa de Oliveira ◽  
Cristiane Feitosa Salviano ◽  
Gisele Martins

RESUMOObjetivo: Identificar fatores que impactam na convivência dos familiares de crianças com incontinência urinária. Método: Estudo bibliográfico, descritivo, tipo revisão integrativa, com busca de artigos no mês de setembro de 2017, nas bases de dados LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE e CINAHL. Considerou-se o recorte temporal de janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2017, utilizando os Descritores em Ciência da Saúde (DeCS) controlados e não controlados no idioma inglês e português. Resultados: Foram incluídos 11 artigos, publicados entre 2012 e 2016, destacando-se três categorias: 1) O nível educacional dos pais como um fator de impacto; 2) O impacto na qualidade de vida dos familiares; e 3) As mudanças que impactam no cotidiano familiar. Conclusões: A incontinência urinária afeta a rotina familiar e pode provocar transtornos psicológicos como estresse, ansiedade e depressão nas crianças e em seus familiares. Houve escassez de produções que relacionassem a percepção do familiar ante a incontinência urinária diurna e fecal com o nível escolar dos pais. Evidencia-se o papel do enfermeiro que atua em uropediatria sobre a importância da compreensão da convivência familiar, a fim de contribuir com o delinear de orientações voltadas para a educação e compreensão das experiências vividas pelos cuidadores. Descritores: Incontinência Urinária; Família; Cuidadores; Crianças; Enurese; Incontinência Urinária por Estresse.ABSTRACTObjective: To identify factors that have an impact on the coexistence of family members of children with urinary incontinence. Method: Bibliographic, descriptive, integrative review type study with search of articles in September 2017, in LILACS, BDENF, MEDLIN, and CINAHL databases. We considered the temporal cut from January 2012 to December 2017, using controlled and uncontrolled Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) in English and Portuguese. Results: We included 11 articles, published between 2012 and 2016, highlighting three categories: 1) The educational level of parents as an impact factor; 2) The impact on the quality of life of family members; and 3) The changes that impact on daily family life. Conclusions: Urinary incontinence affects the family routine and can cause psychological disorders, such as stress, anxiety, and depression in children and their family members. There was a shortage of productions that related family members' perceptions of diurnal urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence to the parents' education level. The role of nurses working in pediatric urology was evident with respect to the importance of understanding family coexistence in order to contribute to the delineation of guidelines aimed at the education and understanding of caregivers' experiences. Descriptors: Urinary Incontinence; Family; Caregivers; Children; Enuresis; Urinary Incontinence Due to Stress.RESUMENObjetivo: Identificar factores que impactan en la convivencia de los familiares de niños con incontinencia urinaria. Método: Estudio bibliográfico, descriptivo, tipo revisión integradora, con búsqueda de artículos en el mes de septiembre de 2017, en las bases de datos LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE y CINAHL. Fue considerado el recorte temporal de enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2017, utilizando los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) controlados y no controlados en idioma Inglés y portugués. Resultados: Se incluyeron 11 artículos publicados entre 2012 y 2016, destacándose tres categorías: 1) El nivel educativo de los padres como un factor de impacto; 2) El impacto en la calidad de vida de los familiares; y 3) Los cambios que impactan en el cotidiano familiar. Conclusiones: La incontinencia urinaria afecta la rutina familiar y puede provocar trastornos psicológicos como estrés, ansiedad y depresión en los niños y en sus familiares. Hubo escasez de producciones que relacionaran la percepción de los familiares ante la incontinencia urinaria diurna e incontinencia fecal con el nivel escolar de los padres. Se evidencia el papel del enfermero que actúa en urología pediátrica con respecto a la importancia de la comprensión de la convivencia familiar, a fin de contribuir con el delinear de orientaciones sobre la educación y comprensión de las experiencias vividas por los cuidadores. Descriptores: Incontinencia Urinaria; Familia; Cuidadores; Niños; Enuresis; Incontinencia Urinaria por Estrés.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-26
Juan Carlos Campaña ◽  
Raquel Ortega

Internet use reduces the isolation or exclusion of individuals in specific socio-economic groups and, consequently, increases the quality of life, with this being especially the case for the elderly. Knowing that the elderly are becoming particularly active in dedicating time to the Internet, we provide evidence of the time that Spanish individuals aged 65 and older dedicate to two online activities: search and communications. We estimate a SUR model with data from the STUS for 2009-2010. Our main results indicate that being male has a positive influence on the time devoted to search on the Internet. Furthermore, time devoted to both Internet activities increases with higher levels of education and at the highest level of individual health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-165 ◽  
Päivi Hökkä ◽  
Katja Vähäsantanen ◽  
Susanna Paloniemi ◽  
Sanna Herranen ◽  
Anneli Eteläpelto

Purpose Although there has been an increase in workplace studies on professional agency, few of these have examined the role of emotions in the enactment of agency at work. To date, professional agency has been mainly conceptualised as a goal-oriented, rational activity aimed at influencing a current state of affairs. Challenged by this, this study aims to elaborate the nature and quality of emotions and how they might be connected to the enactment of professional agency. Design/methodology/approach Data are collected in the context of a leadership coaching programme that aimed to promote the leaders’ professional agency over the course of a year. The participants (11 middle-management leaders working in university and hospital contexts) were interviewed before and after the programme, and the data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Findings Findings showed that emotions played an important role in the leaders’ enactment of professional agency, as it pertained to their work and to their professional identity. The study suggests that enacting professional agency is by no means a matter of purely rational actions. Practical implications The study suggests that emotional agency can be learned and enhanced through group-based interventions reflecting on and processing one’s own professional roles and work. Originality/value As a theoretical conclusion, the study argues that professional agency should be reconceptualised in such a way as to acknowledge the importance of emotions (one’s own and those of one’s fellow workers) in practising agency within organisational contexts.

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