scholarly journals Blockchain and IoT Technology in Transformation of Education Sector

Parul Agarwal ◽  
Sheikh Mohammad Idrees ◽  
Ahmed J. Obaid

Technology has impacted every field of life, and Education sector is no exception. It has seen seismic changes off-late. The traditional classroom teaching-learning process involved teachers and students using the black-board approach. But, the past years have seen a change in dynamics of this process. Technology has crept in and has profoundly changed it for better. On one hand, when traditional classrooms had teachers, students and books as players, the current classroom has teachers, students, robots, e-books, laptops and books as the players. Today’s classrooms have enabled the teaching-learning process cross boundaries in the form of e-lectures and tutorials. Massive amount of Information is readily available for the process. Also, a shift from “Teacher-centric” to “Student Centric” can be seen in the current scenario. Several technologies have been key-players in revolutionizing the education sector, but the focus of this paper is concentrated in exploiting the applications of Blockchain and IoT in the sector and identifying the areas where they prove to be beneficial. An extensive literature survey shall be done to understand, and identify how these technologies are a solution to major educational problems. The teaching learning process needs to be understood with respect to various parameters: change in process, change in players, change in outcomes derived, and others. The associated challenges shall also be identified. A detailed analysis of these enables us to conclude that these technologies, can revolutionize the education sector for better in future, particularly Blockchain is young, but, owing to the benefits derived from it, further research and adoption shall for surely change the teaching-learning process.

Yuni Fitriani

Pandemi COVID-19 menuntut sektor pendidikan untuk melakukan berbagai perubahan maupun inovasi dan adaptasi demi pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran tetap berjalan baik. Pandemi COVID-19 mendorong sektor pendidikan terutama perguruan tinggi untuk melakukan perubahan pada model proses pembelajaran dimana proses pembelajaran berpindah dari pembelajaran konvensional atau tatap muka di kelas menjadi pembelajaran online atau daring. Dengan demikian, tenaga pengajar yaitu dosen dan mahasiswa harus siap beradaptasi dan menghadapi terobosan maupun tantangan baru terhadap perubahan sistem dalam  pembelajaran yang diterapkan perguruan tinggi. Learning Management System (LMS) adalah salah satu cara yang digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk mendukung dan mengelola pembelajaran secara online agar proses belajar mengajar tetap berjalan dengan baik selama pandemic COVID-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode semi deskriptif   kuantitatif. Dimana tujuan  dalam  penelitian ini adalah untuk  menjelaskan pemanfaatan Learning Management System sebagai media pembelajaran online yang digunakan selama pandemic COVID-19. Aplikasi Learning Management System seperti Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, serta SEVIMA Edlink dan LMS yang dikembangkan oleh perguruan tinggi maupun yang disediakan oleh pemerintah sangat bermanfaat sebagai media pembelajaran online atau daring selama pandemi COVID-19. Dimana dengan aplikasi LMS ini, sistem pembelajaran dan komunikasi tetap berjalan dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang tersedia dalam aplikasi LMS tersebut.   Kata kunci: komponen; Learning Mangement System, Pembelajaran Online, COVID-19   Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic requires the education sector to make various changes and innovations and adaptations for the implementation of the learning process to continue. The COVID-19 pandemic encouraged the education sector, especially universities, to make changes to the learning process model where the learning process moves from conventional or face-to-face learning in the classroom to online or online learning. Thus, faculty, lecturers and students must be ready to adapt and face breakthroughs and new challenges to the system changes in learning implemented by universities. Learning Management System (LMS) is one of the ways used by universities to support and manage online learning so that the teaching learning process continues well during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used in this study is a semi-descriptive quantitative method. Where the purpose in this study is to explain the utilization of Learning Management System as an online learning medium used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning Management System applications such as Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, and SEVIMA Edlink and LMS developed by universities as well as provided by the government are very useful as online or online learning media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where with this LMS application, the learning and communication system continues to run properly by utilizing the facilities available in the LMS application.   Keywords: Learning Mangement System, Online Learning, COVID-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-104
Yusuf Budi Prasetya Santosa ◽  
Fahmi Hidayat

The use of varied learning models by history teachers will facilitate teachers and students in implementing and following the learning process. This study aims to determine the learning process and the use of learning models used by history teachers. This study uses a qualitative methodology with an observation and interview approach conducted at two high schools, Dian Didaktika High School and SMA Negeri 2 Depok. From the results of the study it can be seen, that the history teacher at the two schools has carried out the learning process using a scientific approach. There is no difference in the selection of learning strategies, both of them use the contextual teaching learning model. The difference between the two is in the selection of learning methods, where the history teacher Dian Didaktika uses the method of learning project base learning and the history teacher of SMA Negeri 2 Depok uses a method of learning outside the classroom by visiting museums.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Lalu Agung Rahmat Salehuddin

This paper discusses about the issues of code switching in the classroom that is used by teachers and students. Code switching that was used by both teachers and students influenced the teaching learning process. The paper also talks about the function of using the code switching in the classroom, how necessary the code switching is and to find out the advantages and the weaknesses of the use of code switching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Muhammad Safdar Bhatti

English has won the status of International language. The quality of our expression depends on our use of speaking skills. The importance and value of speaking English have been accepted worldwide. In Pakistan, Teaching English was mainly focused upon reading and writing skills. But in today’s world, listening and speaking skills have become much more important than in the past. Recently, the value of role-play in the classroom situation has become mandatory to make the teaching-learning process easy, attractive, and interesting. The implementation of role-play was expected to be an effective way to improve the learners’ speaking skills. So in the present study, the focus is on this matter whether the use of role play can be beneficial in bringing a positive change in the teaching-learning process of speaking skills for elementary level learners. The collective problems of the teachers and students during speaking English were the main focus of the study. 360 students and twenty teachers of Bahawalpur region participated in this study. Pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire were used as a tool to collect the data from the respondents. The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test results. It was suggested that speech practice with the help of role play should be encouraged at the elementary level.

2021 ◽  
pp. 53-73
Mª Dolores Asensio Ferreiro

Comunicarse de manera efectiva y apropiada en una lengua extranjera (FL) implica dominar las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas, comprensión y expresión escritas (CE-EE) y comprensión y expresión oral (CO-EO). Sin embargo, no se desarrollan al mismo nivel durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en entornos formales. El desarrollo de la expresión oral en FFL es a menudo un desafío para los profesores debido a condicionantes tales como la falta de motivación y sentimientos de inhibición, falta de seguridad o confianza en sí mismo del alumno. A estos, se suman otros como falta de tiempo, grandes grupos de alumnos o vacíos metodológicos y evaluativos que complican la práctica de esta competencia en el aula. Este trabajo presenta un proyecto educativo implementado en la clase FLE donde la Francofonía, el uso de las TIC y el aprendizaje colaborativo son fundamentales para desarrollar la expresión oral del aprendientee al mismo tiempo que ayuda a fortalecer sus habilidades personales. Communicating effectively and appropriately in a SL implies mastering the four language skills, i.e. written comprehension and expression and oral comprehension and expression. However, not all develop equally during the teaching-learning process in formal contexts.The development of oral expression in FFL is often a challenge for teachers and students due to conditions such as lack of motivation and feelings of inhibition of the students, lack of security or self-confidence. To these are added others such as lack of time, large groups of students or methodological and evaluative gaps that contribute significantly to hinder the practice of this competence in the classroom. This paper presents a teaching project implemented in the FFL classroom where Francophonie, the use of ICT and collaborative learning are key to developing the oral expression of the learner contributing to reinforcing their personal skills. Communiquer efficacement et de manière appropriée dans une langue étrangère (LE) implique de maîtriser les quatre compétences linguistiques, la compréhension et expression écrites (CE-EE) et la compréhension et expression orales (CO-EO). Cependant, elles ne se développent pas au même niveau au cours du processus d’enseignement-apprentissage dans des contextes formels. Le développement de l’expression orale en FLE est souvent un défi pour les enseignants en raison de conditions tellles que le manque de motivation et les sentiments d’inhibition de l’élève, le manque de sécurité ou de confiance en soi. À ceux-ci s’ajoutent d’autres comme le manque de temps, de grands groupes d’étudiants ou des lacunes méthodologiques et évaluatives qui réduisent la pratique de cette compétence en classe. Cet ouvrage presente un projet pédagogique mis en oeuvre en classe FLE où la Francophonie, l’utilisation des TIC et l’apprentissage collaboratif sont essentiels pour développer l’expression orale de l’apprenant en même temps qu’elle contribue à renforcer ses compétences personnelles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 101
Karla Janeth García Mariscal ◽  
Wilson Jesús Villaprado Alava

El artículo trata la problemática de los sistemas contables en la Unidad Educativa Juan Montalvo, la cual tuvo como objetivo principal establecer la importancia pedagógica de los sistemas contables en los estudiantes de la unidad educativa Juan Montalvo del cantón Portoviejo, durante el año 2019 y analizar la manera en que éstas influyen en el proceso de aprendizaje de los educandos. Para poder desarrollar la investigación se aplicó la investigación bibliográfica, incluida la investigación de campo, se obtuvieron datos a través de la aplicación de encuestas realizada a los estudiantes de la institución. Basándome en toda la información se llegó a la conclusión que el uso adecuado de los sistemas contables por parte de los docentes beneficia al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes, siempre y cuando el educando esté predispuesto a innovar y enriquecer sus conocimientos. Además, hay que resaltar la importante labor del docente ya que es un factor clave en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Es importante destacar que los resultados obtenidos en la encuesta realizada a docentes y estudiantes permitieron estructurar las conclusiones. La investigación se abordó de acuerdo con las técnicas empleadas las cuales fueron la observación, la encuesta aplicada a los estudiantes y docentes de la institución. Finalmente, para resolver la problemática se realizó una propuesta que contribuyó a dar solución a la problemática. PALABRAS CLAVE: Sistemas contables; contabilidad; procesos pedagógicos. Pedagogical use of accounting systems in the Juan Montalvo Educational Unit   ABSTRACT The present problem deals with the accounting systems in the Juan Montalvo Educational Unit, which had as main objective to establish the pedagogical importance of the accounting systems in the students of the Juan Montalvo educational unit of the Portoviejo canton, during the year 2019 and analyze the way in which they influence the learning process of students. To develop the research, bibliographic research was applied, including field research, data were obtained through the application of surveys carried out to the students of the institution. Based on all the information, it was concluded that the proper use of accounting systems by teachers benefits the teaching-learning process of students, if the student is predisposed to innovate and enrich their knowledge. In addition, the important work of the teacher must be highlighted since it is a key factor in the learning process of students. It is important to emphasize that the results obtained in the survey of teachers and students allowed structuring the conclusions and recommendations. The research was approached according to the techniques used which were the observation, the survey applied to the students and teachers of the institution. Finally, to solve the problem, a proposal was made that contributed to solving the problem. KEYWORDS: Accounting systems; accounting; pedagogical processes.

Vânia Leal Machado

ResumoEste trabalho se propõe a fazer um estudo que envolvem professores e alunos e incitam para a construção de interações entre museus, instituição Cultural e Escola. Investiga a mediação cultural entre arte e público nas suas múltiplas relações integrada aos segmentos do projeto curatorial do Arte Pará. Investiga o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da escola com foco nas práticas de experiências externas como caminhos de construção sobre um discurso de educação para arte na Amazônia.AbstractThis work proposes to make a study involving teachers and students and encourage the construction of interactions between museums, Cultural institution and School. It investigates the cultural mediation between art and the public in its multiple relations integrated into the curatorial project segments of Arte Pará. It investigates the teaching-learning process of the school focusing on the practices of external experiences as construction paths on a discourse of education for art in the Amazon.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-2
Celia Carrera Hernández

A series of theoretical empirical reflections on research skills are presented from the experience of professors and postgraduate students. The purpose is to analyze from the experience of postgraduate teachers and students in education offered by the UPNECH Chihuahua campus the teaching-learning process and identify the research skills they have developed in order to propose actions to transform the process.The phenomenological method was used with a semi-structured interview and a theoretical review of studies developed in the international context was carried out. Among the main findings is the organization's research skills that the graduate student needs to develop,the need to link the curriculum with the research for the successful development of the graduate programs is identified and a series of proposals are made to favor the development of research skills in the teaching-learning process.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-50 ◽  
Carlos Fabiano De Souza

RESUMO: Este trabalho visa fomentar uma discussão acerca do uso da tecnologia digital móvel enquanto componente de apoio ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa, sobretudo em ambiente extraclasse. Pode-se dizer que o uso desse tipo de tecnologia como ferramenta educacional vai ao encontro do cenário atual, no qual tem havido um grande investimento em dispositivos móveis, o que nos leva a nos depararmos cada vez mais com educandos da Geração Digital – que fazem uso constante desses aparatos. Em outras palavras, os dispositivos móveis têm feito cada vez mais parte de nossas interações sociais e, em virtude da grande demanda, tem crescido substancialmente o número de aplicativos não só pagos, mas também disponibilizados para download grátis, que podem ser utilizados com o intuito de favorecer o aprendizado de línguas. Dessa maneira, apresentamos alguns aspectos relevantes quanto ao uso da tecnologia digital móvel no ensino de inglês, levando, sobremaneira, em consideração a sua finalidade pedagógica. Espera-se que os exemplos propostos possam vir a nortear futuras ideias de adoção de projetos educacionais que envolvam o uso de componentes tecnológicos dessa natureza em aulas de língua estrangeira/adicional.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tecnologia digital móvel. Ensino-aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. Língua inglesa.ABSTRACT: This work aims at promoting a discussion about the use of digital mobile technology as a component to support the teaching-learning process of English language, especially within extracurricular environments. We may say that the use of this kind of technology as an education tool suits the current scenario, in which there has been much investment in mobile devices, leading us to deal more and more with students from the Digital Generation, who use these apparatuses constantly. In other words, mobile devices have made even more part of our social interactions and due to their large demand, not only has it increased substantially the number of payable apps, but also the availability of the ones downloaded for free so as to favor the language learning. Thus, we will present some relevant aspects about the use of digital mobile technology in the teaching of English taking, primarily, into account their pedagogical purpose. It is expected that the examples proposed might guide future ideas of adopting educational projects which have to do with the use of technological components of this nature in foreign/additional language lessons.KEYWORDS: Digital mobile technology. Teaching-learning of foreign language. English language.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Freskina Mula ◽  
Shqipe Mula

The integration of the technology in education will mean a lot for the basic skills of computerizing and computers programs in a classroom. Effective integration of these technological skills should occur across the curriculum in ways that studies show deepening and enhancing of the learning process. The purpose of this paper addresses the fundamental issue of how schools, teachers and students are ready to use the basic tools of ICT (radio, TV, mobile phones, computers, laptops, projector, application programs, Word, Excel, Power-Point etc. ) during the teaching / learning process, knowing the rapid development of technology. Given the fact that the population in Kosovo consists mainly of new age, youth (age 15-24) who include 55. 3% of the population involved in the educational process www. ks-gov. net/esk, then from these data we can draw an image that the use of new technologies by young people and it is necessary installation requirement of ICT in schools, therefore there stems the need for this research. The survey was conducted in five schools of lower secondary education in the municipality of Gjakova/Republic of Kosovo. For conducting this paper there were used these methods: theoretical analysis method, the analysis of pedagogical documentation, the inductive method, comparative and statistical and research instrument was a questionnaire, which is applied to teachers and students. These changes, switching from traditional learning in contemporary learning using the technology undoubtedly help students and enables them to interact theoretical and practical knowledge in order to more easily apply the knowledge acquired.

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