he was determined to ensure that he and his work would be available to both East and West, and thus his commitment to Communism was made on his own terms. Brecht also drew criticism from some of his supporters for appearing to condone Stalin’s barbaric form of Communism in Russia, and again for failing to criticise the East German government’s use of Russian tanks to restore order after the Berlin uprising of June 1953. As Peter Thomson says in his account of Brecht’s life: There is much about him, what he did and what he failed to do, that makes him vulnerable. He was a man who lived untidily, but who combined timorousness and combativeness as few people have. (Thomson and Sachs, 1994, p.38) Crucially, the corollary of Brecht’s Marxism was his creation of play-texts that were based on a social, economic and historical understanding of the development of human life and behaviour and its institutions, and which expressed Brecht’s passionate concern for the poor, the disempowered and the disenfranchised in society. His aim was not just to reflect the real world in his drama but to contribute to its change and improvement. While his deeply felt pacifism was readily acceptable to many at the time of and immediately after the war of 1939– 45, his anti-capitalist stance was more of a problem in the capitalist West. The ideals and heartfelt beliefs expressed in his plays were put into theatrical practice by Brecht operating through a working method and process that was open, experimental and collaborative, and which placed emphasis on the ensemble rather than on the individual performer. And this method and process were (and are) as much a stumbling block to his full acceptance in Britain’s theatre environment as was and is his Marxism per se. To compound the problem, much of his creative work appeared to arrive here already wrapped in the brown paper of Brechtian dramatic theory. There has always been an unwilling-ness in Britain to contemplate or work via a theoretical basis for art. British theatre, it might be argued, has never paid open respect to the intellectual approach; instead, it has thrived on traditional approaches and instinct, not on revolution and theoretical debate. Those ap-proaches include an eclectic manner in the creating of the professional actor (‘training’ is not a prerequisite for membership of the profession), though the predominance of a ‘naturalistic’ performance style in mainstream theatre (supported by television and film) results in the fact that a ‘psychological’ approach to character has been (and is) the dominant approach to a part for most actors. However, the paucity of rehearsal time in the British professional theatre, and the frequent concern on the part of directors to create ‘scenes’ rather than motivation, has encouraged the actors’ reliance on their own instinctual understanding of what a part requires rather than on the development of a systematic process based on training. This, plus a basic

2002 ◽  
pp. 13-13
Andri Setyorini ◽  
Niken Setyaningrum

Background: Elderly is the final stage of the human life cycle, that is part of the inevitable life process and will be experienced by every individual. At this stage the individual undergoes many changes both physically and mentally, especially setbacks in various functions and abilities he once had. Preliminary study in Social House Tresna Wreda Yogyakarta Budhi Luhur Units there are 16 elderly who experience physical immobilization. In the social house has done various activities for the elderly are still active, but the elderly who experienced muscle weakness is not able to follow the exercise, so it needs to do ROM (Range Of Motion) exercise.   Objective: The general purpose of this research is to know the effect of Range Of Motion (ROM) Active Assitif training to increase the range of motion of joints in elderly who experience physical immobility at Social House of Tresna Werdha Yogyakarta unit Budhi Luhur.   Methode: This study was included in the type of pre-experiment, using the One Group Pretest Posttest design in which the range of motion of the joints before (pretest) and posttest (ROM) was performed  ROM. Subjects in this study were all elderly with impaired physical mobility in Social House Tresna Wreda Yogyakarta Unit Budhi Luhur a number of 14 elderly people. Data analysis in this research use paired sample t-test statistic  Result: The result of this research shows that there is influence of ROM (Range of Motion) Active training to increase of range of motion of joints in elderly who experience physical immobility at Social House Tresna Wredha Yogyakarta Unit Budhi Luhur.  Conclusion: There is influence of ROM (Range of Motion) Active training to increase of range of motion of joints in elderly who experience physical immobility at Social House Tresna Wredha Yogyakarta Unit Budhi Luhur.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Ольга Віговська

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано феномен конструктивного самозбереження особистості як ознаки самоактуалізації, розкриття власного потенціалу і побудови перспективи розвитку особистості та емпірично виявлено ознаки психологічної детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок з різним соціальним статусом. Зазначено, що проблема самозбереження асоціюється з особливостями прояву інстинкту самозбереження людини, але потреби вищого порядку зумовлюють соціальну природу її поведінки, яка локалізована у найвищій точці самореалізації. Теоретично обгрунтовано, що самореалізація визначає тенденцію раціональної організації життя людини та проявляється у її почутті задоволеністю життям. З’ясовано, що психологічну основу конструктивного самозбереження становлять індивідуально-типологічні характеристики людини, які відображають психофізіологічні та психосоціальні резерви самореалізації особистості. Розроблена програма емпіричного дослідження, а також комплекс використаних методів математичної обробки результатів дослідження дає змогу конкретизувати психологічний зміст детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок вікового діапазону 35-45 років та з різним соціальним статусом. У жінок, які виховують проблемну (хвору) дитину, домінує інстинкт "егофільного типу", що виражається у їх надмірному егоцентризмі і супроводжується низькими показниками самоактуалізації, на відміну від досліджуваних жінок, які виховують здорових дітей і у яких на фоні вираженої тенденції до самоактуалізації домінує базовий інстинкт "дослідницького типу" та "лібертофільного типу". This article theoretically proves constructive phenomenon of self identity as signs of self-disclosure own potential and prospects of development of individual construction. In addition, it empirically showes signs of psychological determination of the dominant instinct in a constructive self-determination of women with different social statuses. It was noted that the issue of self-preservation is associated with the peculiarities of manifestation of self-preservation instinct of man, but it needs higher-order cause social nature of the behavior that is localized at the highest point of self-realization. It theorized that self-realization determines the trend of rational organization of human life and manifests itself in its sense of life satisfaction. It was found that the psychological basis of constructive self-preservation of the individual make individually-typological characteristics of a person that reflect physiological and psychosocial reserves of self-realization. The developed program of empirical research, as well as the methods used complex mathematical processing of results of research allows to specify the content of the psychological determination of the dominant instinct of constructive self-realization а women age range of 35-45 years and with different social status. Women who bring up the problem child dominates the instinct of self-preservation, which is reflected in their excessive self-centeredness, and is accompanied by low levels of self-actualization, as opposed to the study of women who are raising healthy children and that against the backdrop of a pronounced tendency to self-actualization, dominated by basic instinct "research type" and "independent type."

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 88-99
Andrey A. Lukashev

The typology of rationality is one of major issues of modern philosophy. In an attempt to provide a typology to Oriental materials, a researcher faces additional problems. The diversity of the Orient as such poses a major challenge. When we say “Oriental,” we mean several cultures for which we cannot find a common denominator. The concept of “Orient” involves Arabic, Indian, Chinese, Turkish and other cultures, and the only thing they share is that they are “non-Western.” Moreover, even if we focus just on Islamic culture and look into rationality in this context, we have to deal with a conglomerate of various trends, which does not let us define, with full confidence, a common theoretical basis and treat them as a unity. Nevertheless, we have to go on trying to find common directions in thought development, so as to draw conclusions about types of rationality possible in Islamic culture. A basis for such a typology of rationality in the context of the Islamic world was recently suggested in A.V. Smirnov’s logic of sense theory. However, actual empiric material cannot always fit theoretical models, and the cases that do not fit the common scheme are interesting per se. On the one hand, examination of such cases gives an opportunity to specify certain provisions of the theory and, on the other hand, to define the limits of its applicability.

Rakhimova I.I. ◽  
Mukhiddinova U.A. ◽  
Bеrdiqulоvа G.N. ◽  
Suleymanova D.I. ◽  

In today's age of the Internet, computers and mobile phones for people of all ages are available in almost every home. In addition, in today’s world-wide pandemic, the use of the Internet for education and all aspects of cultural, socio-economic life as well as games such as games is growing rapidly. This, in turn, has a psychological effect on the individual, both positively and negatively on our society and national values. In this article, I have tried to highlight the positive and negative aspects of the internet world that affect the individual. In the article we will focus on the role of the virtual world in human life, the need not to depend on it, to use it for useful purposes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 114-124
Татьяна Вячеславовна Кошкина

Показано, что высокий уровень физической подготовленности студентов обеспечит их способность к качественному выполнению будущей трудовой деятельности. Для оценки уровня физической подготовленности студентов в рамках их физического воспитания в вузе возможно использовать нормативы комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) как универсального оценочного механизма, позволяющего выделять наиболее физически развитых представителей данного поколения. С этой целью определено соответствие уровня физической подготовленности современных студентов не физкультурных специальностей с нормами комплекса ГТО. Выявлены пути совершенствования физической подготовки студентов в условиях современного вуза. Материалом для исследования послужили теоретические и эмпирические данные, полученные на основе использования методов теоретического анализа специальной литературы и передового педагогического опыта, педагогического эксперимента, контрольных испытаний, математико-статистических методов обработки и анализа данных. Результаты исследования подтверждают, что в настоящее время уровень физической подготовленности студентов не всегда соответствует требованиям норм ГТО. Данный факт был доказан экспериментально на базе Марийского государственного университета. Требуется дополнительная работа по физической подготовке студентов. С этой целью сформулированы методические рекомендации по совершенствованию физической подготовки студентов в соответствии с нормами ГТО. Теоретически обоснована и эмпирически доказана целесообразность использования нормативов ГТО в качестве системы оценивания физической подготовленности студентов. Сформулированы методические рекомендации по повышению уровня физической подготовленности студентов в соответствии с нормативами комплекса ГТО. The importance of physical culture and sports in human life, associated with maintaining the health of the nation as a whole and ensuring individual health and working capacity of the individual in particular, is realized in the form of physical education carried out in educational institutions, including universities. A high level of physical fitness of students will ensure their ability to perform high-quality future work activities. In order to assess the level of physical fitness of students within the framework of their physical education at the university, it is possible to use the standards of the GTO complex as a universal evaluation mechanism that allows identifying the most physically developed representatives of this generation. The purpose is to determine the compliance of the level of physical fitness of modern students of non-physical education specialties with the norms of the GTO complex and to identify on this basis ways to improve the physical training of students in the conditions of a modern university. The materials for the study were theoretical and empirical data obtained on the basis of the use of methods of theoretical analysis of special literature and advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, control tests, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing and analysis. When studying the advanced pedagogical experience accumulated in our country since the introduction of the revived GTO standards in 2014, reflected in relevant publications, as well as scientific and methodological literature in the field of physical education, it was shown that at present the level of physical fitness of students does not always meet the requirements of GTO standards. This fact was proved experimentally, by conducting control tests on the basis of the Mari State University. This indicated that additional work is required on the physical training of students, and those indicators of physical fitness of students that require the greatest development were also identified. Methodological recommendations were formulated to improve the physical training of students in accordance with the standards of the GTO. The expediency of using the GTO standards as a system for assessing students’ physical fitness was theoretically justified and empirically proved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 497
Pedro Trigo

RESUMEN: Ponemos el núcleo de la modernidad en el descubrimiento de la individualidad, entendido como un proceso emancipatorio respecto de las co­lectividades que pautaban su vida. Sus dos modos básicos, en pugna constante, serían desarrollar su individualidad autárquicamente o entenderse como un ser humano, autónomo y único, pero referido a la única humanidad. Parecería que se ha impuesto el individualista, objetivando su dominio en los sistemas económico y político, pretendidamente autoconstruidos y autorregulados. Siempre hubo cristianos modernos, pero debieron soportar la contradicción de la institución eclesiástica. El Vaticano II discernió que el ser humano es histórico y que al hacer la historia se hace a sí mismo; reconoció que los bienes civilizatorios propician la vida humana, pero no equivalen al desarrollo propiamente humano. Sólo éste es escatológico. La responsabilidad ante los hermanos y la historia, que se ejerce en la encarnación solidaria, es el nuevo humanismo. La superación de la modernidad se da en el paso del individuo solo o en relación, al ser humano constitutivamente relacional, que se hace persona al actuar como hijo y hermano desde su insobor­nable individualidad.ABSTRACT: We put the core of Modernity in the emerging phenomena of indi­viduality, understood as a process of emancipation from the ruling groups. Its two ways, always in tension, would be to develop an individuality autocratically or to understand the individual as a unique and autonomous human being, but only in reference to humankind. It looks like that the individualist model has imposed itself dominating the economical and political systems, supposedly self-made and self-regulated. Modern christians have always existed, but they had always to deal with the contradiction of the Church as institution. The Vatican II discerned that the human being is historical and while making history we form themselves; rec­ognized that the civilizing benefits propitiate human life, but they do not equate to true human development. This is only eschatological. The responsibility towards brothers and history, that we perform in our caring incarnation, is the new hu­manism. We go beyond modernity when we pass from the individual alone or in relation to humankind intrinsically relational, that becomes a person by acting as a son and brother while anchored in indelible individuality. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Fatima Falih Ahmed Al-Badrani ◽  
Abdullah Fawaz Al-Badarneh

The twentieth century was one of change and unrest. What characterises the age is that society, up to a high degree, was hostile to spiritual life. The spiritual values seemed to be neglected or totally abandoned for the material, more matter-of-fact values. This left society in a state of increasing confusion that was substantially realised in the outbreak of World War I. The impact of the war revealed the degeneration of the modern world with the breakdown of religion and moral and spiritual traditions. T. S. Eliot was fully aware of the ills of modern civilisation that surrounded people with a number of faiths established haphazardly to fight against the troubles of modern life. These faiths refer to political and social ideologies, parties, and allegiances. Eliot finds that all modern ideologies are poor and futile substitutions for religious faith. He finds that society should be built not upon power and its corruption, but upon a higher system of values which are mainly spiritual and moral. This research paper demonstrates how Eliot's Four Quartets affirms the possibility of spiritual regeneration and gives a positive projection of hope. The central theme of the poem is that if the heart of the individual is ever to be at rest, if his/her tormented apprehension about the transience of human life is ever to be calmed, it will be so when he/she accepts the conviction that humans’ peace is in God's will.

Roselis Natalina Mazzuchetti ◽  
Vinicios Mazzuchetti ◽  
Adalberto Dias de Souza ◽  
Ismael Barbosa

This research proposes a socio-rhetorical analysis of videos posted on YouTube under the tag “Sports”, specifically the regular content created by users, so-called YouTubers. The theoretical basis contemplates the concept of technology – based on the works by Viera Pinto (2005) – and participatory cultured – mainly guided by ideas from Shirky (2008, 2011). The analytical device is derived from work by Swales (1990, 1998, 2004), Askehave & Swales (2001), and Miller (1998, 2012). A hybrid methodology was created, resulting from the sociological and linguistic concepts applied to the organizational reality of virtual massive communication. The analysis decomposes the video in rhetorical movements. We follow the hypothesis that the main purpose of such communicational practices is self-promotion of the individual who produce the YouTube channel, or the promotion of the brand of which constitutes the channel produced by multiple users. Furthermore, the self-promotion and widening of audience is pursued with financial purpose.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-3
Allaman Allamani ◽  
Franca Beccaria

Allamani, A., & Beccaria, F. (2016). Editorial: Discussing conflicts of interest during a Kettil Bruun Society symposium, June 2014, Turin (Italy). The International Journal Of Alcohol And Drug Research, 5(1), 1-3. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.7895/ijadr.v5i1.226Human beings have always sought after truth and made efforts to define and measure objects and events outside and inside themselves. In the last four centuries, since the time of Galileo, scholars came to agree more and more on a scientific method that could be shared in order to obtain replicable results that could become a common good for humanity. The results of a study can in fact lead to technological applications in various sectors of human life, like education, commerce, industry, and health.The search for scientific truth and its relationship with the economy has always had a complicated life: first, because in any given moment there will be different ideas about truth, and second, because researchers need both the means and the time to conduct their work. This is why a researcher must either support him- or herself and/or be financially supported by someone that may have different expectations about the research results.Thus, this involves the integrity of both the individual researcher and his/her referral network—the "scientific community"—that can call into question their ethical sphere by a potentially problematic relationship with truth, economy, and utility.

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