2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-80
Ni Nyoman Tanjung Turaeni

AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan relasi sosial antartokoh yang menjadi ciri khusus dalam cerpen Para Pedansa. Dengan melihat unsur instrinsik untuk mengungkap hubungan antartokoh perempuan dan laki-laki dan pandangan laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap kaumnya. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah sosiologi sastra dan metode deskriptif analisis yaitu memaparkan hubungan interaksi antartokoh laki-laki dan perempuan yang tercermin dalam cerpen tersebut. Hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa laki-laki cenderung memiliki kekuasaan atau kekuatan yang lebih dibandingkan perempuan, baik secara fisik, finansial. Hal itu terjadi akibat dari fakta sosial, sikap sosial dari kelompok sosial tertentu, serta kondisi masyarakat modern yang diwarnai proses sosial melalui kelas sosial yang terjadi akibat pengaruh globalisasi. Kata kunci: hubungan antartokoh, cerpen, dan sosiologi sastra  AbstractThis paper aims to reveal the social relation between the characters that characterize Para Pedansa short story. By looking at the intrinsic elements to reveal the interrelation of the characters between women and men and the views of men and women against them. The approach used is the sociology of literature and descriptive analysis method that describes the interaction relations between men and women are reflected in the short story. From the results of the analysis it can be seen that men tend to have more power or strength than women, both physically and financially. It occurs as a result of social facts, social attitudes of certain social groups, and the conditions of modern society characterized by social processes through social classes that occur due to the influence of globalization. Key words: character interrelations, short story, sociologu of leterature

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-79
Laipanova A. A. ◽  

The actual problem of modern society is the presence of gender inequality, which is expressed in various forms. One of these forms manifests itself in the labor sphere, namely in the pay gap between men and women. And despite the existence of international and domestic mechanisms that help to reduce the gap and overcome the asymmetry in wages, the problem has not yet been fully resolved. The aim of the study is to characterize the international apparatus for solving the problem of the gender gap in work and state policy of some states on this issue. The methods used in the research process include the comparative method, the analysis method, and the static method. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there is a need for a comprehensive and coordinated solution to the problem, a rethinking of the social attitudes of society and an objective assessment of the situation.

Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-228
Resti - Nurfaidah

Abstrak Makalah berjudul “PSK dalam Framing Tiga Monolog” ditulis untuk membahas tokoh PSK dalam ketiga monolog yang bertemakan kehidupan PSK, yaitu Monolog Tanda Tanya (Anggi Eka Putri), Monolog Pelacur (Putu Wijaya), danMonolog Cahaya (Lenny Koroh dan Silvester Hurit). Penelitian dalam makalah tersebut dibatasi pada penampilan tokoh PSK dalam ketiga monolog, pembahasan PSK berdasarkan konsep framingdan representasi, serta sikap lingkungan terhadap tokoh PSK. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif komparatif pada ketiga monolog. Konsep teoretis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Pan Konscki, serta representasi Hall. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil berikut: (1) PSK yang ditampilkan dalam ketiga monolog ditunjukkan sebagai perempuan yang terjerumus. Tokoh PSK mudah terjerumus ke dalam dunia hitam, tetapi sulit keluar dari dunia tersebut; (2) Berdasarkan hasil framing dan representasi, tokoh PSK merupakan korban yang tidak mampu mengatasi dampak pelecehan seksual atau pemerkosaan. Kekecewaan berkepanjangan tidak pernah teratasi karena tokoh PSK dipertemukan dengan lingkungan atau pihak yang berkompeten menjerumuskan perempuan itu di dunia hitam, misalnya teman atau kekasih. Konflik dengan sosok ayah juga dianggap sebagai pencetus utama tercetusnya seorang perempuan ke dunia hitam; serta (3) sikap lingkungan terhadap tokoh PSK menunjukkan bahwa dunia hitam para PSK bukan dunia yang ramah. PSK tidak dapat ke luar dari dunia tersebut dengan mudah sementara ia harus bertanggung jawab untuk kehidupan anggota keluarganya.  Selain itu, ia harus menanggung risiko besar selama menjalani profesinya, tanpa perlindungan apa pun. PSK bukan saja mengalami kesulitan di dunianya sendiri, melainkan pula di dunia luar. Lingkungan sosial sulit menerima eksistensi mereka, bahkan cenderung merendahkan. Tidak jarang lingkungan sosial dapat menjadi pencetus atau pendukung terjerumusnya seorang perempuan menjadi PSK. Kata kunci: PSK, framing, pelecehan, korban Abstract"PSK in Framing of Three Monologues" discussed prostitute figures on the three prostitute themed monologues:  Monolog Tanda Tanya (Anggi Eka Putri), Monolog Pelacur (Putu Wijaya), dan Monolog Cahaya (Lenny Koroh dan Silvester Hurit). The research was limited to (1) the appearance of prostitute figures in all three monologues, (2) prostitute discussions based on the result of framing and representation, also (3) environmental reactions towards prostitutes. This research is qualitative with a comparative descriptive analysis method on all three monologues. The theoretical concept used in this research was Pan Konscki’s framing, as well as Hall representation of the. The result was below. First, PSK displayed in all three monologues was shown as women who were extremely trapped. PSK figures easily fell into the site, but were difficult to get out from. Second, based on the framing and representation, prostitute figures were victims who were unable to cope with the effects of sexual harassment or rape. Prolonged disappointment had never been resolved because they met with the environment or the competent party plunged them into such world, such as friends or lovers. Conflict with a father figure was also considered as the main originator of the emergence of a woman into the sit. Three, the environmental attitude towards the prostitute shew that the surroundings of prostitutes were not a friendly world. They won’t let to be out of it easily while, on the other hand, they had to be responsible for the lives of their family members. In addition, they were close to high-risks of their profession, without any protection. Prostitutes were not only experience difficulties in their own world, but also in the outside world. The social environment also hardly accepted their existence, even tends to be condescending. Sometimes, it could be the originator or supporter of a woman becoming a prostitute. Keywords: prostitute, framing, harrashment, victims

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Smart systems are going to transform the social life of modern society. Notwithstanding the benefits of these systems, its use is still low in developing world including Jordan. This study aims to construct a novel model to identify the factors that affect people’s intention to use smart systems in their homes. A survey was conducted on 650 individuals among which 550 valid questionnaires were considered in Jordan. The collected data were analyzed for descriptive analysis and further to valid the hypothesis using Structural Equation Modeling. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between individuals’ attitudes related to PU and PEOU with their intention toward using smart systems in their lifestyle. It indicated that the research model explains 68.6% of the variance in the individual’s intention to use smart systems in their residence. Practically, it fruitful to the top management of IT companies that offers smart systems. Moreover, enhancing the current systems and organizing a strategic plan for implementation within best practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Marta Widyawati

This research aims to show the masculinity crisis experienced by a male character (a husband) due to the shift role of breadwinner in marriage in the short story "Huruf Terakhir" by Benny Arnas. This research is essential because it can demonstrate the impact of the wife's involvement to work in the public domain towards the husband's condition. This research is qualitative research by utilizing the concept of gender. Data collection techniques are carried out through document tracing on a short story "Huruf Terakhir" by Benny Arnas as the corpus.  The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results showed that shifting role of breadwinner can cause a man (a husband) to experience a crisis of masculinity such as loss of independence, confidence, courage, assertiveness, and emotional control. The shifting role as breadwinner is also shown to open the opportunities for repression in women. Therefore, the research on the short story "Huruf Terakhir" is expected to contribute to the study of gender-sensitive literature, especially since it is able to show masculinity traits associated with the role of breadwinner can complicate men’s position and  potentially hinder women's freedom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Putu Mia Sintya Dewi ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulatri ◽  
I Made Sendra

The title of this research is “Shinju in Sonezaki Shinju and Shinju Ten no Amijima, Short Stories by Chikamatsu Monzaemon”. This research aims to examine the background factors of shinju and the author's view of shinju in the Sonezaki Shinju short story and Chikamatsu Monzaemon's Shinju Ten no Amijima short story. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis method by Ratna (2015). The theory used in this research are the sociological theory of literature proposed by Wellek & Werren (1990), the author's worldview theory proposed by Goldmann in Faruk (2010) and suicide theory proposed by Emile Durkheim (1897). Based on the results of the analysis found three factors underlying the occurrence of the shinju phenomenon in the Sonezaki Shinju short story, such as 1) shinju as a form of rejection of custom marriage, 2) shinju as a way out of conflict between on, giri, and ninjo, and 3) shinju is a form of proof of love, while in Chikamatsu Monzaemon's Shinju Ten no Amijima short story there are three factors underlying the shinju phenomenon, such as 1) shinju as a form of implementation of giri, 2) shinju as a form of shame, and 3) shinju as a form of proof of love. From these factors there are also three authors' views about shinju itself, such as 1)shinju restores self-esteem, 2) shinju to remove shame, and 3) shinju as a union of love.

Natalia Andriani ◽  
I Nyoman Rauh Artana ◽  
Made Ratna Dian Aryani

The research entitled "Translation Method and Ideology of Organ Kanyouku in Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's Short Story “Kappa" is aimed to study the methods and ideologies of translation applied in Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's short story, Kappa. The data source of the study is a short story entitled “Kappa” written by Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. This research was analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. The analysis of the translation method uses the method of translation theory by Newmark (1988), the ideology of translation theory by Venuti (2000) and the translation shift theory by Nida and Taber (1982). The results of this research indicates that in translating 19 kanyouku found in the data source. The translators only use five out of eight translation method proposed, there are two kanyouku use the communication translation method, 11 kanyouku use free translation methods, two kanyouku use the adaptation translation method; one kanyouku uses word for word translation method; and three kanyouku use the literal translation method. Regarding the ideology of translation by Venuti (2000), the results of this study indicates that there are 15 kanyouku that are translated through domestication and four kanyouku are translated through foreignization.

2008 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 1173-1187

AbstractIn Varma's story ‘Pata-banethi’, a robust young man refuses to marry a female student when he finds out that she is trained in defensive violence, as a virangana. At first sight, the story appears to draw attention to the difficulties women trained like men in fighting will have in getting married and finding a place in society. An analysis of characterisation, however, suggests that Varma's story goes against such a stereotypic male evaluation of strong women, and actually underlines the social and political value of violence controlled by mental strength, a value that can be recognised by both men and women.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Ayu Noviyanti

With the social interaction everyday, regular student should have his own assessment of Autism called perception. Perception is the way other people watching or seeing something that can affect a person action of behavior. While children with Autism is that they have an adventage in academic, social, behaviour or emotion. This research is made to determine the effect of regular student about children with Autism on the Nature their Empathy. This research is a quantitave research using descriptive analysis method. Population and sample of this research is the student Grade 6 School Nature Bogor. Based on finding of Simple Linier Regression Analysis Coefficient of Determation on the results of the study 13,5%. And the Coefficient F be 6,089 and P-value = 0,018 and smaller than ɑ = 0,025. Then concluded with a significance level of 0,025 that there is a good influence between student perception of with autism and their empathy trait.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-29
Dara Windiyarti

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji perjuangan perempuan bangsawan Bali mempertahankan martabat dan harga dirinya dalam cerpen “Sagra” karya Oka Rusmini yang terbit tahun 2004. Dalam cerpen ini, perempuan berusaha menempatkan dirinya sesuai dengan status sosialnya masing-masing. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah teori psikoanalisis sosial. Dalam teori ini dijelaskan bahwa tingkah laku manusia sebagian besar digerakan oleh daya-daya psikodinamik seperti motif-­motif, konflik-­konflik, dan kecemasan-kecemasan. Dijelaskan pula bahwa dalam diri manusia terdapat kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang bersifat dualistik, yang dapat dipenuhi dengan mengembangkan kesadaran. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik kepustakaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Pembahasan ini menghasilkan hal-­hal berikut. Pertama, adanya kondisi eksistensi tokoh perempuan yang dilematis, menciptakan berbagai peristiwa yang mendorong munculnya konflik batin tokoh-tokoh perempuan lainnya. Kedua, tindakan‐tindakan melalui pendekatan humanistik yang dilakukan tokoh perempuan bangsawan mampu mengurangi konflik batinnya dan mempertahankan martabat dan harga dirinya. Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the Balinese noblewomen's struggle in maintaining their dignity and selfesteem in the short story "Sagra" by Oka Rusmini published in 2004. In this short story, the women tried to put themself according to their own social status. The theory used in this study is the social theory of psychoanalysis. This theory explains that human behavior is largely driven by forces such as psychodynamic motives, conflicts, and anxieties. It is also explained that human beings have dualistic needs which can be satisfied by developing awareness. The data were collected by using librarian technique. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis. This discussion results in the following points. First, there is a condition in which a dilemmatic female figure exists; it creates a variety of events that encourage inner conflict of other woman figures. Secondly, the actions undertaken through a humanistic approach by female noble characters are able to reduce their inner conflicts and maintain their dignity and pride. Key Words: woman struggle; maintaining pride and dignity; social psychoanalysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
La Ode Gusman Nasiru

This research focuses on the characters in the three stories of the Moronene people, entitled: Tina Lungo (TIL); Unsono Nee Taubonto (UNT); and Duu-dunno Rema Yi Kotu'a (DRK). Using the theory of ecofeminism, this research examines the position of men and women in the Moronene ethnic communal and the extent to which the Moronene community applies their appreciation of nature. The work concept uses a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The analysis was carried out after describing the data that had been identified through the reading process. As the result, men are deliberately described with an image that is giddy, poor, and full of anger. Unlike the case with women, who can fully appreciate their oneness with nature, they are endowed with features that nurture, care for, love. In conclusion, humans need to go hand in hand with nature to create world civilization. The three stories are worth giving to children in the concept of fairy tales and bedtime. This is important so that they have ecological and gender awareness so that one day they become human beings who carry the mission of peace for the entire universe. 

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