Tinjauan Etika Bisnis Islam terhadap Praktik Pemasaran Busana Muslim Studi pada Almeera Moslem Store Bogor

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-140
Zulfa Nabillatu Rozhania ◽  
Kholil Nawawi ◽  
Syarifah Gustiawati

In Islamic economy, the market has important values, because it must have morality or ethics which is one of the responsibilities of every economic agents. Ethics in business must be realized personally which aims for every business person who trades to seek the maximum profit, in Islamic trade it is not just looking for a profit but looking for a blessing. This research explains how the application of Islamic business ethics in marketing Muslim clothing at Almeera Moslem Store Bogor and how the concept of Islamic marketing in Muslim business at Almeera Moslem Store Bogor. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, which means to describe some information in the field with data collection techniques used in this study in the form of interviews, and documentation.  The results of this study indicate that the application of Islamic business ethics in the marketing practice of Muslim clothing at Almeera Muslim Store Bogor has fully implemented the principles of justice, the principle of justice, the principle of free will, the principle of responsibility, and the principle of truth.  In the implementation of the marketing concept at the Almeera Moslem Store Bogor in the form of product marketing, prices, and transactions, but there is one thing, namely product satisfaction which is a problem for which there is no solution.  The general solution is to negotiate. Almeera Moslem Store Bogor is always friendly and courteous to consumers in service and marketing as has been implemented in Islamic law.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Dyah Ayu Perwitasari

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan menganalisis bentuk nilainilai keadilan dalam praktik pembiayaan mudharabah dan deposito mudharabah.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BPRS Asri Madani Nusantara Jember belum sepenuhnya menerapkan kelima unsur keadilan dalam praktik pembiayaan mudharabah.Dari kelima prinsip tersebut, BPRS hanya menjalankan kedua prinsip keadilan, yaitu bentuk pelarangan haram dan maysir. Untuk memenuhi kelima prinsip keadilan tersebut, seharusnya seharusnya BPRS Asri Madani Nusantara menerapkan praktik pembiayaan mudharabah secara murni, dimana perhitungan bagi hasil dilakukan setelah proyek terealisasi, edukasi syari’ah secara itensif kepada mudharib, pihak manajemen melakukan pengawasan secara itensif terhadap usaha yang dijalankan mudharib, serta etika bisnis Islami yang harus dimiliki sumber daya manusia perbankan. Sedangkan pada praktik deposito mudharabah, BPRS ASRI Madani Nusantara Jember telah menerapkan kelima unsur keadilan yaitu bentuk pelarangan riba, gharar, maysir, dzulm dan haram dalam transaksi deposito mudharabah.Kata kunci: mudharabah, deposito mudharabah, keadilan ABSTRACT This study aims to explore and analyze the forms of fairness values in the practice of mudharabah financing and mudharabah deposits. This type of research is a type of qualitative research with case study approach. The results of this study indicate that this bank has not fully applied the five elements of justice in the practice of mudharabah financing. Of the five principles, BPRS only runs the two principles of justice, namely the form of prohibition of haram and maysir. In order to fulfill these five principles of justice, should the BPRS Asri Madani Nusantara apply pure mudharabah financing practices, where the profit sharing calculation is done after the project has been realized, the shari'ah education has been intensively to mudharib, the management supervises it intensely on the mudharibrun business, As well as Islamic business ethics that must be owned by human resources banking. While in practice mudharabah deposit, BPRS ASRI Madani Nusantara Jember has applied the five elements of justice that is the form of prohibition of riba, gharar, maysir, dzulm and haram in mudharabah deposit transaction.Keywords: mudharabah, mudharabah deposit, justice

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Rianti Rianti

Business ethics is a character that is used to differentiate between a good and bad thing, right or wrong, should or should not, etc. and means a general principle that corrects someone to implement it in their behavior in terms of the business world. In today's era where technology has developed very rapidly, people can often understand in the business world about a business that has the main goal of getting very much profit. In economic law that continues to rely on little capital and also wants to get as much profit as possible, it is possible that business actors dominate business actors so that they do everything they can to get very large profits. Whereas in Islamic law, it has been explained how the ethics of doing business in sharia which have been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the application of business ethics in online buying and selling transactions on Lazada Marketplace with sharia business ethics in accordance with the rules set by Islam. The method used in this study is a descriptive method to describe an object or subject as it is to present reality and have the characteristics of the object precisely studied. The results showed that Islamic business ethics have not been applied in the practice of buying and selling in online stores in Marketplace Lazada and the application of business ethics practices has not been in accordance with islamic business ethics principles. Etika bisnis adalah karakter yang digunakan untuk membedakan antara hal yang baik dan buruk, benar atau salah, harus atau tidak, dll dan berarti prinsip umum yang mengoreksi seseorang untuk menerapkannya dalam perilaku mereka dalam dunia bisnis. Di era sekarang ini di mana teknologi berkembang sangat pesat, orang sering kali dapat memahami dalam dunia bisnis tentang sebuah bisnis yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat banyak. Dalam hukum ekonomi yang terus mengandalkan modal yang kecil dan juga ingin mendapatkan keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya, tidak menutup kemungkinan pelaku usaha mendominasi pelaku usaha sehingga melakukan segala cara untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat besar. Padahal dalam hukum Islam telah dijelaskan bagaimana etika berbisnis secara syariah yang telah dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian penerapan etika bisnis dalam transaksi jual beli online di Marketplace Lazada dengan etika bisnis syariah sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif untuk menggambarkan suatu objek atau subjek apa adanya untuk menyajikan realitas dan memiliki ciri-ciri objek yang diteliti secara tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etika bisnis Islam belum diterapkan dalam praktik jual beli di toko online dalam Marketplace Lazada serta penerapan praktik etika bisnis belum sesuai dengan dengan prinsip etika bisnis Islam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Dwi Lia Rosalianti ◽  
Ikhwan Hamdani ◽  
Hilman Hakiem

Islamic business ethics is a business activity carried out by a businessman and runs his business in accordance with Islamic law with the existence of Islamic business ethics, it is expected that business people will carry out in accordance with the demands of Islamic law that have been regulated in the Al-Qur’an. Discipline is an attitude of mutual respect and appreciation, obeying applicable regulations in accordance with agreements that have been mutually agreed from the start . compensation is an acceptance as reward from giving work to the recipient of work for a job or service that has been done. The purpose of  this study was to determine Islamic business ethics, work discipline, and compensation have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction in sharia’ah  cooperatives 212. This study uses quantitative methods. The data analysis is linear regression. The data processing method in this study used the SPSS 16 program. The sampling technique used in this study was a saturated sample technique, that is all of the population was sampled. Amounting to 35 respondents. The data retrieval used was a questionnaire or questionnaire distributed to employees of  the 212 shari’ah cooperative through the google from. The results of this study indicate that Islamic business ethics has no significant effect on employee job satisfaction in sharia’ah cooperatives 212, work discipline has a significant effect on employee job statisfactionin sharia’ah cooperatives 212, and compensation has a significant effects on employee job satisfaction in cooperatives shari’ah 212 with this conclusion, Islamic business ethics, work discipline, and compensation simultaneously have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction in shari’ah 212 cooperatives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-23
Ummal Khoiriyah

Kawan Kita traditional shop apply several strategies to improve service quality of sales by providing training, education, assessment and communication pattern in the Islamic business ethics perspective. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach that aims to describe strategies in improving service quality and Islamic business ethics perspective. Based on the results of the research, the strategies in improving the service quality in the Islamic business ethics perspective applied in Kawan Kita traditional shop are: human resource management is run well, based on Qur'an and Hadith. Among them is by providing training on Islamic business ethics, evaluating employees, approaching employees directly (hablum minannas), and communicating well and correctly according to Islamic law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-135
Nur Roikhatul Jannah

The purpose of this study is to analyze the transportation service of buses islamic business ethics perspective. Research will be about the theory of good service according to islamic business ethics. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive. With informal snowball collection techniques. On researcher obtained from interviews to bus business owners, bus drivers, and bus passengers in PT company. Minto Lestari Jaya which is located in the village of Jajag Gambiran, Banyuwangi. The results by the researchers showed that the services provided by bus drivers were effective. The officer has been polite and serves well in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught in the book Of Islamic Business Ethics by Fakhry Zamzam and Havis Aravik. The principles of Islamic business ethics include the following principles of business ethics: the first principle of autonomy, the second the honesty, the third the Principle of justice, the fourth principle of mutual benefit, the five Principles of integrity. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelayanan transportasi bus perspektif etika bisnis islam. Penelitian akan mendeskripsikan tentang teori  pelayanan yang baik menurut etika bisnis islam. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan informal snowball. Pada peneliti diperoleh dari wawancara kepada pemilik usaha Otobus, pengemudi bus, dan penumpang bus di perusahaan PT Minto Lestari Jaya yang beralamat di Desa Jajag Gambiran, Banyuwangi. Hasil yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan yan diberikan oleh pengemudi bus sudah efektif. Petugas sudah sopan dan melayani dengan baik sesuai dengan ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diajarkan alam buku Etika Bisnis Islam karya Fakhry Zamzam dan Havis Aravik. Prinsip-prinsip etika bisnis islam meliputi Prinsip-prinsip etika bisnis sebagai berikut: yang pertama Prinsip otonomi, kedua kejujuran, ketiga Prinsip keadilan, keempat Prinsip saling menguntungkan, kelima Prinsip integritas moral.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Mursal Mursal

One difference between the Islamic economic system with the conventional economic system is a paradigm of life dengaan all akitivitasnya. Islamic economic position as the foundation of belief in doing good activity in social interaction maupn financial transactions. Tawhid is expected to establish the integrity of which will help the formation of a good government. The principle of justice is a necessity in the enforcement of Islamic law. By implementing the principles of economy and Isam in all aspects of economic behavior that justice can be expected welfare terujud. So, so that economic agents do not pursue material gains but also the spiritual.Salah satu perbedaan antara sistem ekonomi Islam dengan sistem ekonomi konvensional adalah paradigma kehidupan dengaan semua akitivitasnya.Posisi ekonomi Islam sebagai dasar keyakinan dalam melakukan aktivitas yang baik dalam interaksi sosial maupun transaksi keuangan. Tauhid diharapkan dapat membentuk integritas yang akan membantu pembentukan pemerintah yang baik. Prinsip keadilan merupakan sebuah keharusan dalam penegakkan syariat Islam.Dengan mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Isam dalam semua aspek dan prilaku ekonomi diharapkan kesejahteraan yang berkeadilan dapat terujud.Sehingga, sehingga agen ekonomi tidak mengejar keuntungan materi saja melainkan juga spiritual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 63-73
Naily El Muna

Abstract: This study portrays the efforts of Islamic banking to motivate employees in familiarizing the values ​​of Islamic business ethics. The development of Islamic banking has experienced significant growth. A survey by the financial services authority (OJK) stated that the assets of the Islamic banking industry increased 14 times from Rp. 21.5 trillion in 2005 to Rp. 296, 2 trillion in 2015. Islamic Banking I should implement the values ​​of Islamic Business Ethics (EBI) in accordance with Islamic law. These values ​​are divine values, balance (justice), freedom and responsibility. Researchers used a qualitative approach to normative juridical case studies. The findings and theories were built using snowball sampling, which is the process of searching for data from and according to needs. Data collection was carried out by: interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of this study include: (1) EBI habituation process: (a) As a spirit, (b) There is an emotional bond, the equality of managers, and users of customer funds, (c) The principle of the object is halal, mutual acceptance, needs, habits, and existential, (d) Being accounted for in a balanced manner in the form of scope of work, (2) The process of familiarizing EBI with employees in accordance with Islamic law.

Al-Mizan ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-242
Muhibbuddin Muhibbuddin

This study aims to examine the legal status of credit sale and purchase. This phenomenon is inseparable from the context of Islamic legal thinking about the legal status of the credit financing system with the addition of prices. Buying and selling credibility is one alternative for consumers to own the goods they want. The results of the study showed that there were three views of scholars regarding the legal status of the credit system sale and purchase, namely: a view that absolutely forbids, can be absolutely, and tafshil (between neutral and forbidden). The author argues that the issue of buying and selling credit is something that is not mentioned in the Qur'an, so that this authority is returned to the community, as long as it does not violate the Islamic business ethics, and there is mutual willingness to conduct transactions. Moreover, buying and selling credit is a bigger problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Utari Lorensi Putri ◽  
Sulastri Caniago

The focus of the study in this research is on the perspective of fiqh siyasah dusturiyah to the Legislation Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid. The purpose of this paper is to explain and analyze how the implementation of Legal Aid towards the fulfillment of the rights and justice of the people based on the Indonesian constitution and fiqh siyasah dusturiyah perspective. Legal Aid itself is so that the rights of the people can be fulfilled in cases in court and out of court. In carrying out Legal Aid must use the principle of justice. Justice is meant to place the rights and obligations of everyone in a proportional, proper, correct, good and orderly manner, the principle of equality in law is that everyone has the same rights and treatment before the law and the obligation to uphold the law. In Islamic courts, the idea of providing legal aid has been formed. The principles of justice and equality before the law or the fulfillment of people's rights are included in the concept of legal aid. The provisions of Islamic law are the most fundamental basis for the existence of Legal Aid in the Islamic legal process.

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