scholarly journals Estudio relativo a los principios de la potestad sancionadora y a la tramitación del nuevo procedimiento sancionador común, a la vista de su regulación en las leyes 39/2015 y 40/2015 y de la jurisprudencia reciente


LABURPENA: Administrazio Publikoen Administrazio-prozedura Erkidearen 39/2015 eta Sektore Publikoaren Araubide Juridikoaren 40/2015 Legeak duela urte bat baino gehiago indarrean sartu dira. Ondorioz, Administrazio Publikoen lankidegoak bi arau horiek praktikara eramateko aukera izan du eta, horregatik, badirudi momentu egokia heldu dela analisi kritikoa egiteko. Hain zuzen, lan honen helburua zehapen-prozedura da (printzipioak, izapideak, …); baina, bereziki, balizko aldaketak, prozeduraren lege berri horiek indarrean sartu eta gero. Halaber, saiatuko gara ikuspuntu kritikoak eta irteera posibleak ematen, oraindik aplikagarriak diren epai-erabakiak behin aztertuta. RESUMEN: Tras haber transcurrido más de un año desde la entrada en vigor de las Leyes 39/2015 de Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas y 40/2015 de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público, el personal de las Administraciones Públicas hemos tenido ocasión de poner en aplicación ambas normas y, por ello, parece que ha llegado un momento óptimo para realizar un análisis crítico. En concreto, es objeto de este trabajo el procedimiento sancionador (principios, trámites,…), destacando posibles cambios tras la entrada en vigor de estas nuevas leyes de procedimiento, pero intentando aportar un punto de vista crítico y posibles soluciones a la vista de pronunciamientos jurisprudenciales que siguen resultando aplicables. ABSTRACT: After more than one year after the entry into force of the Laws 39/2015 of the common administrative procedure of the Public Administrations and 40/2015 of legal regime of the public sector, the personnel of the Public Administrations have had opportunity to implement both standards and, therefore, it seems that there has been an optimal time to conduct a critical analysis. In particular, the sanctioning procedure (principles, processes,...) is the subject of this work and, specially, we want to analyze possible changes after the entry into force of these new procedural laws, but trying to provide a critical point of view and possible solutions in sight of jurisprudential pronouncements that continue to be applicable.


El 2 de abril de 2021 es, sin duda, una fecha clave para el funcionamiento del sector público, ya que en coherencia con la disposición final séptima de la Ley 39/2015, entra en vigor el Real Decreto 203/2021, de 30 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de actuación y funcionamiento del sector público por medios electrónicos, que desarrolla tanto la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas como la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público. El presente artículo analiza la incorporación de la vigente normativa al régimen jurídico administrativo y los principales puntos del Real Decreto 203/2021 a tener en cuenta en el procedimiento administrativo. Sin duda, traerá consigo un cambio definitivo del modelo administrativo de los próximos años. 2021eko apirilaren 2a, zalantzarik gabe, funtsezko data da sektore publikoaren funtzionamendurako; izan ere, 39/2015 Legearen azken xedapenaren zazpigarrenarekin bat etorriz, martxoaren 30eko 203/2021 Errege Dekretua indarrean sartu zen; horren bidez onartu zen Sektore publikoa bitarteko elektronikoen bidez jarduteko eta funtzionatzeko Erregelamendua, bai Herri Administrazioen Administrazio Prozedura Erkidearen urriaren 1eko 39/2015 Legea, bai Sektore Publikoaren Araubide Juridikoaren urriaren 1eko 40/2015 Legea garatzen dituena. Artikulu honek aztertzen du indarreko araudia administrazio-araubide juridikoan nola txertatu den eta zein diren administrazio-prozeduran kontuan hartu beharreko 203/2021 Errege Dekretuaren puntu nagusiak. Zalantzarik gabe, datozen urteetako administrazio ereduaren behin betiko aldaketa ekarriko du horrek. April 2, 2021 is unquestionably a key date in the functioning of the public sector since, in accordance with the seventh final provision of Law 39/2015, it marks the entry into force of Royal Decree 203/2021, of 30 March 2021, approving the Regulation on action and operation in the public sector by electronic means, which develops on both Law 39/2015, of 1 October 2015, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and Law 40/2015, of 1 October 2015, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector. This article analyzes the incorporation of the current regulations into the administrative legal regime, and the main points of Royal Decree 203/2021 to be taken into account in administrative procedure. This will unquestionably bring about a definitive change in the administrative model in the coming years.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 200
Gabriel Joner ◽  
Jesser Rodrigues Borges

RESUMOO presente estudo tem por objetivo, sem a pretensão de esgotar o tema, analisar o Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas, incluído pelo Novo Código de Processo Civil de 2015, sob a ótica do denominado sistema de precedentes e, ao final, propor uma análise crítica acerca da possível “commonlawlização” do direito brasileiro. Para tanto, buscou-se breves considerações históricas acerca dos institutos da common law e da civil law, na sequência, analisou-se tais institutos sob a ótica do Código de Processo Civil de 1973 e, ao final, a sua sistematização a partir do Novo Código de Processo Civil. Os mecanismos incorporados pelo Novo Código visam a amenizar a problemática atualmente enfrentada pelo Poder Judiciário, com o objetivo de proporcionar celeridade processual e segurança jurídica. Por fim, analisa-se o Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas, propondo uma leitura crítica do fenômeno da “commonlawlização” do direito brasileiro, apontando a necessidade de cautela em relação aos mecanismos importados do direito estrangeiro, em especial, ao Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas, a fim de dar-lhes uma leitura conforme a Constituição Federal.Palavras-chave: Novo Código de Processo Civil. Sistema de Precedentes. Common law. Civil law. Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study, without the pretension of exhausting the subject, is to analyze the Incident for Resolution of Repetitive Claims, included in the New Civil Procedure Code of 2015, under the perspective of the denominated precedents system and, at the end, to propose a critical analysis about the possible “communalization” of Brazilian law. ¬¬¬¬Therefore, short historical considerations were sought on the common law and civil law institutes, followed by an analysis of these institutes from the point of view of the Code of Civil Procedure of 1973 and, finally, their systematization based on the New Code of Civil Procedure. The mechanisms incorporated by the New Code aim to alleviate the problems currently faced by the Judiciary, with the objective of providing procedural expediency and legal certainty. At the end, the Repetitive Demand Incident Incident is analyzed, proposing a critical reading of the phenomenon of “commonlization” of Brazilian law, pointing out the need for caution in relation to the mechanisms imported from foreign law, especially to the Incident of Resolution of Demands Repetitive, in order to give them a reading according to the Federal Constitution.Keywords: New Civil Procedure Code. Precedents System. Common law. Civil law. Incident for Resolution of Repetitive Claims.

Challenges ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
George Xydis ◽  
Luca Pagliaricci ◽  
Živilė Paužaitė ◽  
Vygintas Grinis ◽  
Gyula Sallai ◽  

In an aim to contribute to already existing knowledge upon the subject of smart cities and the public sector’s wider knowledge in Europe, this study investigates the perception by the municipalities and the wider public sector, responsible for implementing smart solutions in the environment. The understanding of the concept of smart cities/villages by municipalities is on a low level due to the fact that the problem is too wide, not well described, solutions even wider, accompanied by the lack of experts able to offer comprehensive solutions to municipalities. The study presents factors according to the current municipalities’ knowledge (environmental awareness, knowledge and prior experience) and the existing market, of whether these factors can be said that affect the acceptance of smart cities. The public is already aware of the smart cities as a general concept, however, the study sheds light upon the established knowledge that the decision makers have in five countries, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Lithuania, and Denmark.

Estela Sáenz Rodríguez

En este artículo se ofrece un análisis detallado de la evolución del sector público español desde la vertiente del gasto. En primer lugar, se presenta una breve reflexión acerca de la medición del tamaño del sector público. A continuación, se realiza una descripción histórica y gráfica de las series de gasto escogidas en el periodo 1960-2000. Las mismas nos revelan el importante cambio estructural experimentado por el sector público español en un periodo de tiempo relativamente corto. Finalizamos el estudio con un análisis de las propiedades estadísticas de estas variables.This article offers an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the Spanish public sector from the point of view of expenditure. First, there is a brief reflection on measuring the size of the public sector.This is followed by a description of the history and graphic display of the spending series chosen during the period 1960-2000. These show us the important structural change experienced by the Spanish public sector within a relatively short period of time. The study is completed with an analysis of the statistical properties of these variables.

Legal Concept ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 167-175
Ilya Dikarev ◽  
Sailaubek Baymanov ◽  

Introduction: the paper discusses the possibility of differentiating the forms of criminal prosecution. The critical analysis is subject to the widespread position in the science of criminal procedure that the forms of criminal prosecution are suspicion and accusation. This point of view is based on the conclusion that the content of criminal prosecution varies depending on the degree of proof of the guilt of the person subject to criminal prosecution. Concerning compliance with the principle of adversarial parties, the theoretical position is also evaluated, according to which one of the forms of criminal prosecution is conviction. The question of the grounds for differentiating the forms of criminal prosecution is studied. Purpose: the confirming the unified nature of the criminal prosecution carried out during the pretrial proceedings, regardless of the procedural position of the person accused of committing the crime. Methods: the paper uses the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach, as well as specific scientific methods: legal interpretation and logical-legal. The methodological framework was the dialectical method. Results: the study of the common position in the science of criminal procedure, according to which criminal prosecution at different stages of its implementation consistently takes the forms of suspicion and accusation, showed its inconsistency. From the standpoint of philosophy, the content always has a determining value, and the form is always determined. Accordingly, to establish a change in the form of criminal prosecution, it is necessary to make sure that the content of this activity changes. However, the degree of proof of the person’s involvement in the crime is not reflected in the content of the accusatory activity, it remains the same. Therefore, suspicion and accusation do not form the independent forms of criminal prosecution. At the same time, the differentiation of the forms of criminal prosecution is possible, but on different grounds. Conclusions: the differentiation of the forms of criminal prosecution should be made depending on, first, the organization of procedural activities that determine the role and powers of the subject of criminal prosecution in the process of proof; secondly, the procedural status of the participant in the criminal process on the part of the prosecution and, thirdly, the content of the fact in issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Atanas Totlyakov ◽  

This text discusses some key points of contemporary theoretical concepts of intersubjectivity in the context of a specific group of creative practice. Emphasis is placed on the role and specificity of an area of joint attention shared between individuals, and interpersonal inclusions, which are essential for the creation and presentation to the public of objects and images. The problems of the temporary and non-permanent connection between the intentional subjects and the role of other acting forces, both quasisubjects and quasi-objects, within the framework of an art project developing in time are touched upon. The conventional contemporary critical analysis of a work of art has been replaced by ideas of visual culture and a body-oriented approach to tracing processes that are complemented from a sociological point of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 150 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Katarzyna Śledziewska ◽  
Renata Włoch

In this article we focus on identifying the specificity of digital transformation within the public sector. The aim of the article is to present the main mechanisms resulting from the introduction of digital innovations that have changed the functioning of the public sector. Starting from a discussion on the technological requirements of digital transformation, we briefly characterise the use of computers and the Internet in public administration, resulting in the development of e-services and administration. The main part of the article is devoted to discussing the specificity of the implementation of the new digital technologies in public administration, focusing mainly on artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies. Our thesis is that the impact of innovative digital technologies on the operation standards and structure of public administration should be analysed through the prism of interrelated mechanisms of datafication and platformisation, characteristic for the digital economy. The adopted methodology, which is based on an analysis of the subject literature and an analysis of new technology implementations in public administration in EU countries, indicates the pilot, random and non-transformational nature of these implementations, partly due to the lack of well-established methodologies to study and assess the maturity of digital transformation within the public sector.

Lisa Waddington

This chapter explores the relationship between disability quota schemes and non-discrimination law in Europe. While at first sight they seem to sit uneasily beside each other, the chapter reveals how, in some instances, quota schemes can serve to facilitate compliance with non-discrimination legislation. At the same time, the chapter explores seeming incompatibilities between the two approaches and considers whether there are differences between common and civil law jurisdictions in this respect. Tentative conclusions suggest that there is a greater willingness to establish quota schemes through legislation in civil law jurisdictions compared to common law jurisdictions, and that quota schemes in civil law jurisdictions are more likely to provide for the imposition of a levy in the case that employers fail to meet their quota obligations through employing the required number of people with disabilities. There also seems to be some indication that there is greater awareness of the potential for conflict or tension, in various forms, between non-discrimination law and quota schemes in common law jurisdictions than in civil law jurisdictions. Finally, the two schemes operating in the common law states are only applicable to the public sector—whilst in civil law states quotas are generally applied to both public and private sector employers. This may indicate different perceptions regarding the role of public sector employers and the legitimacy of imposing quota requirements.

2020 ◽  
pp. 002085232096321
Yoann Queyroi ◽  
David Carassus ◽  
Christophe Maurel ◽  
Christophe Favoreu ◽  
Pierre Marin

This article explores public innovations implemented by local authorities, which consider them as a key means of improving their performance in response to a restrictive context. The authors thus propose to grasp the impacts of these innovations in terms of perceived performance from a global and multidimensional point of view. Based on a quantitative study conducted among French local authorities, this research first presents the results obtained from a theoretical point of view, providing insight into the multiple impacts of implementing innovations within the public sector. Then, at the managerial level, the study identifies specific impacts for each type of public innovation, the aim being to structure the innovation portfolio of public organisations. Points for practitioners An increasing number of innovations are being introduced in the public sector. However, the impact of these innovations on public performance is often not assessed. That is why by focusing our research on French local authorities, we guide managers both in analysing this influence by distinguishing several types of innovation and performance, and in building a portfolio of innovations in line with the internal resources of their local authority, as well as the public service provided in response to the needs of the territory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-124
Sung Ho Park

AbstractStudies on welfare reform in advanced European countries have identified two established paths to welfare retrenchment: government unilateralism and corporatist bargaining. This study explores a more complicated path to welfare reform, wherein governments pursue ‘non-corporatist’ bargaining by actively combining features of unilateralism and negotiation. Such a hybrid case is explained by employing an ‘insider-outsider’ framework for public policy reform. The key argument is that the presence of exclusive insiders complicates the reform process, disqualifying both unilateralism and corporatist bargaining as feasible options for benefit cuts. The author demonstrates the validity of this claim by examining three cases of public sector pension retrenchment in the UK and Ireland during the 2000s and 2010s. Defying the common expectation that benefit cuts in residual welfare states would be promoted with government unilateralism, the public sector pension reforms in the UK and Ireland exhibited more complicated features which combined governments' unilateral initiatives andad hocnegotiations with public sector unions. Future studies may build on this finding to examine hybrid reform cases in a general European context.

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