scholarly journals Sosialisasi Pentingnya Penerapan 3M di Era New Normal Desa Riding Panjang

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-90
Dita Hardiani ◽  
Hazbi an Yasypiaka ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hidayat ◽  
Siti Nursiah ◽  
Bayu Pratama

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on all levels of society, including the people of Bangka. Positive cases of Covid-19 in Riding Panjang Village are still relatively high and continue to grow. This results in a high transmission rate. Therefore, this problem needs to be considered so that it is handled as soon as possible to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Public awareness of the importance of adhering to health protocols is still very minimal, this is what has become the main cause of transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Based on these problems, there is a need for public awareness to change behavior patterns to better comply with health protocols in tackling the spread of Covid-19. With that, it is important to make an effort that can make the public's mindset aware of the importance of complying with health protocols, namely by holding outreach activities in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This socialization was conducted in Bukit Tulang Hamlet, Riding Panjang Village, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. As for the activities achieved from this socialization, the community is more concerned with complying with health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands.

Rafi Ramadhani Elgaputra ◽  
Evan Yoga Adhi Sakti ◽  
Dahayu Bethari Widyandri ◽  
Alifia Riza Azhari ◽  
Claudia Renatta ◽  

In carrying out the 62nd Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) of Universitas Airlangga, group 270 raised the theme 'Socialization of COVID-19 in an Effort to Increase Public Awareness of Health Protocols' with a target of 500 active users of Instagram social media and the people of Cempaka Putih Barat Village, Cempaka Putih District. , Central Jakarta. The 270 group chose Instagram because it is a trend in a society where the majority use Instagram as a media to search and find all information. Meanwhile, Cempaka Putih Subdistrict was chosen as the target because the sub-district ranks fifth in the red zone in Jakarta.There are 4 activities that we do online and one activity offline. Online activities include group discussions recorded through online meeting platforms and short videos related to things that need to be done and prepared for activities outside the home in the New Normal era. Then, we also recorded online discussions in collaboration with the Team of Medical Doctors, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya.abstrakDalam melaksanakan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Ke-62 Universitas Airlangga, kelompok 270 mengangkat tema ‘Sosialisasi COVID-19 dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan’ dengan sasaran 500 pengguna aktif media sosial Instagram dan masyarakat Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Barat, Kecamatan Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat. Kelompok 270 memilih  Instagram  karena menjadi trend dalam masyarakat yang mayoritas menggunakan Instagram sebagai media untuk mencari dan menemukan segala informasi. Sedangkan pemilihan Kecamatan Cempaka Putih sebagai sasaran karena seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, kecamatan tersebut menempati urutan kelima zona merah di Jakarta. Terdapat 4 kegiatan  yang kami lakukan secara daring dan satu kegiatan secara luring. Kegiatan daring berupa diskusi kelompok yang direkam melalui platform meeting online dan video singkat terkait hal yang perlu dilakukan dan dipersiapkan untuk beraktivitas di luar rumah pada era New Normal. Kemudian, kami juga melakukan rekaman diskusi daring berkolaborasi dengan Tim Dokter  Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Yogi Arman Sugiarto ◽  
Sapta Sari ◽  
Vethy Octaviani

The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of communication in the mass of the application of the Covid-19 New Normal protocol in the V hamlet of Sidoluhur village, Seluma district. This research method is fleld research with a qualitative approach. The data was collected by means of observation, interview and documentation techniques. The theory used in this study is the Effendy Communication Pattern, which states that there are three patterns of communication, namely one-way, two-way, and multi-direction. The resource persons of this research were the Sidoluhur Village Government and the Dusun V. Community. The results showed that the Communication Pattern between the Sidoluhur Village Government and the Dusun V Community was a One-way Communication Pattern because in carrying out prevention socialization there was no direct interaction and mass gathering. This can be seen from the socialization activities carried out but it has not received a good response from the people of Dusun V Sidoluhur Village. The factors that cause a lack of public awareness about the importance of good communication patterns during the Covid-19 New Normal are internal factors in the community itself.

10.29210/9940 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Muhammad Husni Tamim ◽  
Rina Nopiana

Doing physical activity can make the body fit and increase the body's immunity to be able to fight the virus during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this, sports activities are needed to invite people to maintain their physical health through healthy exercise activities which are held aimed at increasing people's interest in exercising during the Covid-19 pandemic during new normal so that their body endurance is better. This community service (PKM) is a form of real work from the Hamzanwadi University Physical Education and Health Study Program for the people of South Pringgasela Village to participate in healthy gymnastics as an effort to prevent Covid-19. Healthy gymnastics activities can increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 299-305
Primiani Edianingsih ◽  
Raden Febrianto Christi

Abstrak: Susu merupakan produk hasil ternak berupa cairan putih dengan kandungan gizi yang lengkap serta memberikan manfaat bagi tubuh manusia. Sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam pemahaman berbagai produk olahan susu maka diadakan penyuluhan. Pengabdian ini telah dilaksanakan kepada masyarakat Desa Cisempur Kecamatan Jatinangor dengan diikuti sebanyak 22 peserta yang terdiri atas kalangan ibu rumah tangga. Metode pelaksanaan dengan cara partisipasi aktif dari peserta dengan pengenalan berbagai produk olahan susu. Tahapan dimulai dengan sebaran kuisioner pre test  sebelum kegiatan dilakukan dengan 20 pertanyaan yang diajukan, lalu pemaparan materi berbagai olahan susu mulai dari pendahuluan terkait susu sampai produk olahan susu, Penyebaran kuisioner Post test kepada peserta setelah acara selesai dengan pertanyaan yang sama seperti pre test. Kemudian membuat salah satu produk susu kepada peserta berupa susu pasteurisasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengenalan produk olahan susu pada masyarakat Desa Cisempur Kecamatan Jatinangor yang hadir setelah melakukan pre test dan post test.Abstract: Milk is a livestock product in the form of a white liquid with complete nutritional content and provides benefits to the human body. As an effort to increase public awareness in understanding various dairy products, counseling was held. This service has been carried out for the community of Cisempur Village, Jatinangor District, followed by 22 participants consisting of housewives. The method of implementation is by means of active participation of the participants with the introduction of various dairy products. The stages began with the distribution of pre-test questionnaires before the activity was carried out with 20 questions, then the presentation of various dairy products, from the introduction to milk to dairy products, the distribution of post test questionnaires to participants after the event was over with the same questions as the pre test. Then make one of the milk products for the participants in the form of pasteurized milk. The results showed that there was an increase in the introduction of dairy products in the people of Cisempur Village, Jatinangor District who attended after doing the pre test and post test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hanmo Li ◽  
Mengyang Gu

AbstractThe COVID-19 outbreak is asynchronous in US counties. Mitigating the COVID-19 transmission requires not only the state and federal level order of protective measures such as social distancing and testing, but also public awareness of time-dependent risk and reactions at county and community levels. We propose a robust approach to estimate the heterogeneous progression of SARS-CoV-2 at all US counties having no less than 2 COVID-19 associated deaths, and we use the daily probability of contracting (PoC) SARS-CoV-2 for a susceptible individual to quantify the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a community. We found that shortening by $$5\%$$ 5 % of the infectious period of SARS-CoV-2 can reduce around $$39\%$$ 39 % (or 78 K, $$95\%$$ 95 % CI: [66 K , 89 K ]) of the COVID-19 associated deaths in the US as of 20 September 2020. Our findings also indicate that reducing infection and deaths by a shortened infectious period is more pronounced for areas with the effective reproduction number close to 1, suggesting that testing should be used along with other mitigation measures, such as social distancing and facial mask-wearing, to reduce the transmission rate. Our deliverable includes a dynamic county-level map for local officials to determine optimal policy responses and for the public to better understand the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 on each day.

Rashid Nazir ◽  
Jawad Ali ◽  
Ijaz Rasul ◽  
Emilie Widemann ◽  
Sarfraz Shafiq

A new coronavirus-strain from a zoonotic reservoir (probably bat)—termed as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)—has recently claimed more than two million deaths worldwide. Consequently, a burst of scientific reports on epidemiology, symptoms, and diagnosis came out. However, a comprehensive understanding of eco-environmental aspects that may contribute to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread is still missing, and we therefore aim to focus here on these aspects. In addition to human–human direct SARS-CoV-2 transmission, eco-environmental sources, such as air aerosols, different public use objects, hospital wastes, livestock/pet animals, municipal wastes, ventilation facilities, soil and groundwater potentially contribute to SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Further, high temperature and humidity were found to limit the spread of COVID-19. Although the COVID-19 pandemic led to decrease air and noise pollution during the period of lockdown, increased use of masks and gloves is threatening the environment by water and soil pollutions. COVID-19 badly impacted all the socio-economic groups in different capacities, where women, slum dwellers, and the people lacking social protections are the most vulnerable. Finally, sustainable strategies, waste management, biodiversity reclaim, eco-friendly lifestyle, improved health infrastructure and public awareness, were proposed to minimize the COVID-19 impact on our society and environment. These strategies will seemingly be equally effective against any future outbreak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-271
M. Syahran Jailani ◽  
Makmur Haji Harun

This study is aimed at revealing how is the Empowerment Education of Madrasah at  Fisherman village Suku Laut Kuala Tungkal Jambi Province. Islamic schools are generally born from the initiation of society as a form of concern for the condition of the people, especially children in understanding the special religion of Islam as a matter of doubt. This research is conducted by using qualitative approach, where the stage is based on the opinion of Spradley . Data collection methods and data validity refer to Denzin and Lincoln and Guba. Result search,  Islamic schools gait has contributed greatly to this country not only in providing a religious understanding, but also in participating to educate the children of the nation through the educational process that has lasted tens or even hundreds of years. In its journey, the empowerment of Islamic schools experienced various dynamics, commitment of Islamic school leadership, public awareness and supporting efforts became the issue that made Islamic schools hard to develop as expected.

Selvia Katarina Waruwu ◽  
Agustina Simangunsong

Dental disease is one of the many health problems Complained of by the people of Indonesia. Dental health is a reflection of human health. Lack of knowledge and limited sources of information on oral health have the caused public awareness to maintain oral and dental health is still low .. The development of one of the fields of information technology namely artificial intelligence has been Widely applied in various fields of life. In this study, the dental and oral disease expert system uses the Dempster Shafer method to control inferences that Contain thought patterns and reasoning mechanisms used by experts in solving problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 419-424
Muhammad Sholeh ◽  
Pranoto ◽  
Sri Budiastuti ◽  

The use of polluted Citarum River water can cause various diseases, including diarrhea, skin diseases, respiratory infections, etc. This study examines the causes of Citarum River pollution in terms of how residents care about environmental conservation aspects of the Citarum River. The researchers used qualitative methods using questionnaires to explore public perceptions. This method explores four perceptions covering four main aspects: public perception, community participation, socio-economic community, and sanitation waste aspects. Questionnaire analysis with a bivariate statistical test approach and Cronbach's alpha test has the advantage of being able to clearly describe the updated condition of the Citarum River because the data can be justified. After all, it has a high level of confidence of around 95 percent. The results showed that in terms of public perception of the Citarum River, 68% were good, while in terms of community participation in preserving the Citarum River, 26% of the people also participated well, and 32% participated moderately in the maintenance of the Citarum River. As many as 42% of the community consisting of 27% less participate and 15% do not participate. The results of the questionnaire Socio-economy of the Citarum River community are classified as having a fairly good economic condition 59% and a moderate category 41%. The waste and sanitation questionnaire results showed that public awareness about waste and sanitation was also high. 45% percent of the community has a good awareness of the environment around the Citarum River, and 38% have sufficient awareness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-167
Muhammad Syahran Jailani

This study is aimed at revealing how is the empowerment of education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Fisherman village Suku Laut Kuala Tungkal. Madrasah are generally born from the initiation of society as a form of concern for the condition of the people, especially children in understanding the special religion of Islam as a matter of doubt. This research is conducted by using qualitative approach. Research result, Islamic schools gait has contributed greatly to this country not only in providing a religious understanding, but also in participating to educate the children of the nation through the educational process that has lasted tens or even hundreds of years. In its journey, the empowerment of Islamic schools experienced various dynamics, commitment of Islamic school leadership, public awareness and supporting efforts became the issue that made Islamic schools hard to develop as expected

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