scholarly journals The Level of Financial Literacy: A Lesson from the Village Community in Toba Lake, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Handriyani Dwilita ◽  
Pipit Buana Sari ◽  
Devita Elyana

The research purpose is to investigate the level of financial literacy of village community "Dosroha". The method used in this research is a descriptive method. Data Process using application software SPSS version 17. The result shows that the level of knowledge of financial literacy Dosroha village communities, including in the category is sixty until eighty percent. Based on the financial behavior who desired not appropriate and does not increase consistently. The characteristics of respondents with relatively high financial literacy is the society of female, while the community that have a low financial literacy level is the male.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Try agung Handaya putra ◽  
Agus Tinus ◽  
Nurbani Yusuf

AbstrakUpacara Larungan merupakan salah satu tradisi peninggalan leluhur yang diwujudkan dengan melarungkan sesaji ke Telaga Ngebel. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan setiap satu tahun sekali pada tanggal 1 Suro atau 1 Muharram. Tujuan dilaksanakannya larungan ini adalah sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas berkah yang telah diberikan. Upacara larungan tersebut memiliki makna mendalam bagi masyarakat Ngebel, karena masyarakat percaya akan datangnya malapetaka apabila tidak melaksanakannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) partisipasi masyarakat dalam upacara larungan, (2) kearifan lokal upacara larungan dapat mewujudkan harmonisasi sosial masyarakat, (3) peran pemerintah desa dalam mencegah konflik dengan memanfaatkan kearifan lokal upacara larungan.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah Pemerintah Desa Ngebel, tokoh masyarakat Desa Ngebel dan masyarakat Desa Ngebel. Pengumpulan data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) partisipasi masyarakat Desa Ngebel dalam upacara larungan tergolong aktif dibuktikan dengan keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam rangkain kegiatan yang sudah disusun oleh panitia pelaksana; (2) nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam upacara larungan antara lain: nilai religi, nilai hiburan, nilai kekerabatan, nilai keindahan dan nilai simbolik. Kearifan lokal dalam upacara larungan memiliki kekuatan untuk menumbuhkan rasa persatuan sehingga membuat persaudaraan masyarakat semakin kuat yang menjadikan masyarakat dapat hidup damai dan harmonis; (3) nilai kearifan lokal dalam upacara larungan yang menjunjung semangat persatuan dimanfaatkan pemerintah desa dan stakeholders dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang timbul di masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Upacara Larungan, dan Harmonisasi AbstractUpacara Larungan is one of the ancestral heritage that is realized by washed away the offerings to Telaga Ngebel. this tradition is carried out once every year on the 1st of Suro or 1st Muharram. The purpose of doing this ban is as an expression of gratitude to the all-powerful God for the blessings that have been given. The upacara larungan has deep meaning for Ngebel society, because people believe it will come disastrous if not implement it.This study aims to describe: (1) community participation in upacara larungan, (2) local wisdom of upacara larungan can realize social harmonization of society, (3) role of village government in preventing conflict by exploiting local wisdom of upacara larungan.This research uses qualitative research with descriptive method. The data sources used are Ngebel Village Government, Ngebel village community leaders and Ngebel Village community. Data collection was collected by interview, documentation and observation techniques. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing/verification.The results of the study showed (1) the participation of Ngebel Village communities in the upacara larungan is classified as actively evidenced by the participation of the community in the series of activities that have been prepared by the organizing committe; (2) the values of local wisdom contained in the upacara larungan include: religious value, entertainmen value, kinship value, beauty value and siymbolic value. Local wisdom in the upacara larungan has the power to foster a sense of unity that makes the community fraternity stronger that makes the people can live in peace and harmony; (3) the value of local wisdom in the upacara larungan that upholds the spirit of unity utilized by the village government and stakeholders in resolving conflicts arising in the community. Keywords:Local Wisdom, Upacara Larungan, and Harmonization

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 109-120
Novi Ekri Nurwahyuni ◽  
Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf

Desa Wisata Jambu berdiri sejak tahun 2018  berlokasi di Kecamatan Kayen Kidul Kabupaten Kediri yang meraih penghargaan  nominasi kategori desa wisata terbaik 2018 dan 2019 pada Penghargaan Anugerah Desa. Pada fase awal pembangunan desa wisata menggunakan modal anggaran yang berasal dari Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, serta metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung turun ke lapangan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Focus penelitian ini adalah meneliti mengenai permasalahan yang diangkat yaitu sumber daya manusia yang kurang responsive terhadap pengelolaan desa wisata. Desa wisata jambu memiliki 17 spot wisata diantaranya yaitu  Kebun Bibit Kediri, Wisata Edukasi Wiwit Padi, Permainan Outbond, Wisata Tubing Niagara, Wisata Edukasi Menangkap Lele, Agrowisata Petik Kelengkeng, Agrowisata Petik Alpukat, Agrowisata Buah Lokal, Wisata Edukasi Menanam Padi, Agrowisata Okulasi dan Tabulampat, Wisata Edukasi Angon Kerbau, Edukasi Pengolakah Yogurt, Edukasi Perah Kambing Ettawa, Edukasi Pengolahan Limbah Kayu “Ask Craft”, Wisata Sungai Sejuta Ikan, Edukasi Karawitan, Pasar Papringan. Pemerintah Desa Jambu gencar mengupayakan tumbuhnya pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengelola desa wisata. Tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengelolaan desa wisata Jambu yaitu untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa serta mewujudkan masyarakat desa yang mampu berdaya saing dan mandiri. Dalam proses pengelolaan desa wisata terdapat kendala atau hambatan yang terjadi yaitu tanggapan masyarakat yang tidak responsive terhadap konsep spot wisata yang sudah disepakati. Selain itu kurangnya akses sarana dan prasarana spot wisata juga menjadikan kondisi desa wisata yang tidak kondusif sehingga akan menurunkan daya tarik wisatawan. Kata kunci : Desa Wisata, Alokasi Dana Desa,  Pemberdayaan Masyarakat   Jambu Tourism Village was founded in 2018, located in Kayen Kidul District, Kediri Regency, which won the nomination award for the best tourism village category 2018 and 2019 at the Village Award. In the early phase of tourism village development using budget capital from the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) with the aim of increasing the empowerment of village communities. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach, and data collection methods are carried out directly in the field with interviews, observation, and documentation. The focus of this research is to examine the problems raised, namely human resources who are not responsive to the management of tourist villages. Guava tourism village has 18 tourist spots including Kediri Seed Garden, Wiwit Paddy Educational Tour, Outbound Games, Niagara Tubing Tour, Catfish Catching Educational Tour, Longan Picking Agro, Avocado Picking Agro, Local Fruit Agro Tourism, Paddy Planting Educational Tour, Grafting Agro tourism and Tabulampat, Education Tour for Buffalo Angon, Education for Yogurt Processing, Education for Ettawa Goat Milk, Education for Making Rengginang, Education for Wood Waste Processing “Ask Craft”, One Million Fish River Tour, Education for Karawitan, Papringan Market. The Jambu Village Government is aggressively seeking the growth of community empowerment by managing a tourist village. The purpose of community empowerment through the management of the Jambu tourism village is to improve the economy of the village community and create a village community that is able to be competitive and independent. In the process of managing a tourism village, there are obstacles or obstacles that occur, namely the response of the community that is not responsive to the agreed tourist spot concept. In addition, the lack of access to tourist spot facilities and infrastructure also makes the condition of the tourist village not conducive so that it will reduce the attractiveness of tourists. Keywords: Tourism Village, Village Fund Allocation, Community Empowerment

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 411
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah ◽  
Uyunun Nafisa

Reform and regional autonomy is actually a new hope for the goverment and village communities to build their villages according to the needs and aspirations of the community. The implementation of development in the village is intended to improve the standard of living and welfare of the village community itself through the establishment of policies, program activities that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. The Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian) is an institution of the realization pf democracy from the village community or an institution that represents the voice of the community and is a working partner of the village Government in administering The Goverment in the village head along with his device was overseen by the Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian). The method of the approach used in this study is the Juridical Sociological approach, it uses the Juridical Sociological. The selection results obtained include : 1) Inbiting factors influenced by human resource factors both from the village Government itself as the highest office holder in the village, as well as from PD members who are tasked with assisting in the implementation of the legislative functions of approval and discussion of illage regulations. 2) Solutions and efforts, the village Goernment is expected to conduct training in human resource development such as improving the quality of education and developing capabilities in shapping regulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah

Reform and regional autonomy is actually a new hope for the goverment and village communities to build their villages according to the needs and aspirations of the community.  The implementation of development in the village is intended to improve the standard of living and welfare of the village community itself through the establishment of policies, program activities that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. The Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian) is an institution of the realization pf democracy from the village community or an institution that represents the voice of the community and is a working partner of the village Government in administering The Goverment in the village head along with his device was overseen by the Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian). The method of the approach used in this study is the Juridical  Sociological approach, it uses the Juridical Sociological. The selection results obtained include : 1) Inbiting factors influenced by human resource factors both from the village Government itself as the highest office holder in the village, as well as from PD members who are tasked with assisting in the implementation of the legislative functions of approval and discussion of illage regulations. 2) Solutions and efforts, the village Goernment is expected to conduct training in human resource development such as improving the quality of education and developing capabilities in shapping regulations.

Meri YULIA ◽  

The business entity owned by the Village, as an economic institution at the village level, established to improve the economic welfare of the village community. One of the efforts made is to increase awareness behavior in saving. The behavior of villagers in saving  is often still short-term oriented, so most villagers have not been able to manage finances to anticipate their financial problems in the future. Therefore, research on the role of BUMDes as a village-scale economic institution in improving the financial management capabilities of the village community is very important to do. The purpose of this research is to find out how the role of business entities have    in improving the financial management capabilities of the community through  savings products with a savings pick-up system.  This research uses a qualitative approach with case study methods  in Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Pakandangan Emas. Data collection techniques are conducted through interviews and observations in the field. This research found that Unit sharia savings business in BUMDes Pakandangan Emas can shape people's behavior  in long-term financial management. This behavior is formed mainly through a savings system that is directly picked up to the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 67-79
M. Ardiansyah Syam ◽  
Suratno Suratno ◽  
Syahril Djaddang

Abstrak        Badan Usaha Milik Desa adalah lembaga usaha desa yang dikelola oleh masyarakat dan pemerintah desa dalam upaya memperkuat perekonomian desa dan membangun kemasyarakatan masyarakat yang dibentuk berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat desa. Sebagai badan usaha milik umum (milik desa), tata kelola dan akuntabilitas publik juga melekat pada BUMDes. Literasi tata kelola BUMDes tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi pengelola atau pengawas BUMDes, tetapi juga bermanfaat bagi masyarakat desa terkait penggunaan aset desa yang dipisahkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat desa dan memberikan layanan berkualitas kepada masyarakat desa. Melalui tata kelola yang baik, BUMDes diharapkan dapat dikelola secara profesional, mandiri, dan memiliki jaringan yang baik dengan berbagai pihak sehingga dapat terkonsolidasi dan menjadi kekuatan ekonomi pedesaan menuju desa yang mandiri dan mandiri. Kata Kunci:  audit sektor publik, akuntansi & tata kelola desa, transparansi dan akuntabilitas.   Abstract       Village-owned enterprises are village business institutions that are managed by the community and village government in an effort to strengthen the village economy and build social communities that are formed based on the needs of the village community. As a publicly owned (village-owned) enterprise, public governance and accountability are also inherent in BUMDes. BUMDes governance literacy is not only beneficial for BUMDes managers or supervisors, but also benefits village communities related to the use of separated village assets to meet the needs of village communities and provide quality services to village communities. Through good governance, BUMDes are expected to be managed professionally, independently, and have good networks with various parties so that they can be consolidated and become a rural economic power towards an independent and autonomous village. Keywords: village owned enterprises, governance, community empowerment, literacy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Fajar Ifan Dolly

The GDM program is a concrete step by the Bungo Regency government in order to improve welfare, provide opportunities for the development of the local economy of the village. As well as increasing the capacity of the community through a variety of village-level organizational affiliations and providing an opportunity for the village government to explore the potential that exists in the village so that it can further be developed into a village economic strength. This study aims to determine how the implementation and effectiveness of the GDM program in the context of community empowerment in Bungo District. This research uses a qualitative method approach with descriptive analysis. Data analysis techniques using the model of Miles and Huberman. Furthermore, this study uses data validity testing using the Triangulation Method, namely by comparing information or data in different ways so as to obtain the correctness of information. The results showed that the implementation of village community empowerment in Bungo District did not go well so it did not create opportunities for the community to be more empowered and protect the weak groups. The implementation of empowerment was also not carried out as stated in the regent's regulations regarding the GDM program. This is because the village government tends to focus more on rural infrastructure development and not focus on empowerment activities. The flow of submission and implementation of village community empowerment activities through groups also did not include and involve the youth organization as a forum for discussion of various group needs that existed in village communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Supriyo Wira

Indonesia needs to have social capital so that groups living in a society consisting of approximately 500 ethnic groups can unite. Every ethnicity has the potential to maintain its culture and territory. Moreover, Indonesia is a country where most of the population lives in rural areas and only a small part lives in urban areas. With the lack of economic development and education in the rural villages, the information flowing in the villages is not as fast and significant as in the cities. Even the da'i (preachers) have to fight harder to gain trust, so that they can provide precise and accurate religious information to the village community. This study discusses deeper on how Social Capital communication as a cultural da'wah can touch the community, especially in rural areas, to absorb religious information properly and correctly. This case study employs literature review method in collecting the data. The descriptive approach employed in this study also helps investigate the status of the existing factors and then looks at the relationship between one factor and another. Human resources or human capital is a very important and strategic capital in the life of a community organization. This is especially in terms of how a preacher as a communicator can convey his da'wah message to the village community, with a cultural and belief approach. Such way of communication is what makes the village communities easier to accept the da'wah activities since they are based on trust, mutual understanding and shared values. In addition, the communicators also convey all information about religion according to the existing culture and beliefs.

Alfian Alfian

The village law has given hope for village communities to have a more prosperous life in terms of village funding which gets greater attention when compared to the above government units, namely sub-districts and districts. This has been encouraged since the assistance of village funds has been carried out in recent years. The research method used in this research is literature study method. The literature studies obtained were sourced from various kinds such as regulations / laws, journals, books and other documentation. The conclusion is that the village law contains hope for the village community for a more prosperous life. This is also supported by the existence of village fund assistance which comes from various aspects of village income. Currently the Government distributes funds sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for Villages in 2021. The Government distributes Village funds, the amount can reach IDR 1.4 billion per village per year or an increase is given to 416 districts and 74,953 villages throughout Indonesia, but it is still constrained. plagued with a number of problems in use and accountability.

Athar Agung Ramdhan ◽  
H. M. Galang Asmara ◽  
H. Kaharuddin

The village head has an urgent function in development, empowering village communities. As a village head, as a public office, the decisions taken must comply with legality, the principle of protection of human rights, and the general principles of good governance. The fact is, the village government's problems do not always run smoothly because they get rejection and resistance from the community. The refusal and resistance, even to the point of legal issues or resolved through reporting. One of the cases occurred in the Berora Village administration, Lapok District, Sumbawa Regency, in the form of a decision by the Village Head to dismiss four Regional Heads. The above case basically will not happen if the principles of legal certainty and orderly administration of government according to the Sumbawa Regency Regulation Number 3 of 2015 can be carried out correctly. Researchers made in-depth observations of the subjects involved, starting from the Village Head, Hamlet Head, BPD Desa Berora, Camat Lapok, and possibly an in-depth investigation of the regional regulations themselves through the Sumbawa Regency law bureau. The results showed that the Dispute on the dismissal of the Village Apparatus by the Village Head of Berora resolves through two media, namely Administrative Efforts and the Mataram State Administrative Court. The decision has given through administrative efforts (Camat, strengthened by the Head of the Village Community Empowerment Service and the Regional People's Representative Council through Commission one decided that the dismissal of the Berora Village Apparatus must be annual.

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