scholarly journals “Ya no vamos a poder dejar las puertas abiertas”: experiencias territoriales de cara al actual proceso de paz en Colombia. Una mirada a la región de El Pato

Lorena Carrillo González

En más de cinco décadas de confrontación armada, generaciones enteras aprendieron a vivir en medio de ella, compartiendo cotidianidades con los distintos actores armados y regulando su diario vivir conforme a la toma de algunas decisiones estratégicas de la guerra. Presento aquí una mirada etnográfica sobre las experiencias desarrolladas en una de las regiones más emblemáticas para la guerra en Colombia, la región de El Pato, centrada en la forma en la que se planearon, diseñaron y construyeron unas normas de convivencia comunitarias tanto por campesinos y campesinas, como por miembros de la insurgencia de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, Farc-EP, para concertar la regulación del orden social en esa localidad campesina. Tomo esta construcción conjunta para mostrar que en los territorios colombianos la guerra ha significado más que violencias.Palabras Clave: Farc-EP, Acuerdos de paz, Comunidades campesinas, Vida cotidiana, Territorio, Región de El Pato ABSTRACT"WE WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO LEAVE THE DOORS OPEN": TERRITORIAL EXPERIENCES IN THE FACE OF THE CURRENT PEACE PROCESS IN COLOMBIA. A LOOK AT EL PATO REGIONIn more than five decades of armed confrontation, many generations learned to live in it, sharing the everyday life with different armed groups and regulating their daily lives as some strategic decisions of war. I present here an ethnographic look at the experiences in one of the most emblematic regions for the war in Colombia: El Pato. Focusing on how they were planned, designed and constructed rules of community living, both peasants and members of the insurgency of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army, FARC-EP , to arrange regulation the social order in this rural town . I take this joint construction to show that in Colombian´s territory war has meant more than violence.Key Words: Farc-EP, Peace agreements, Peasant communities, Everyday life, Territory, Region of El Pato

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. a7en
Adilson Cabral ◽  
Jaqueline Suarez Bastos

This article addresses the independent media after the 2013 demonstrations in Brazil, taking as object of analysis the notion of independence built by the collective Jornalistas Livres (Free Journalists) in their daily lives, understood here as central to the social structures (re) production and change, in order to to understand how communication is inscribed in the conquest, maintenance and dispute of hegemony. It is understood here that an independent media is not unique, assuming, on the contrary, different meanings in several contexts. Our objective give focus to the idea of independence, discussing potentialities and limitations to the initiatives that operate under this logic. Anchored in a critical and dialectical perspective, we established as methodological procedures the bibliographic review, documentary survey and discourse analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-208
Małgorzata Kubacka

The aim of this article is to show the home as an emotional place. The sphere of social conditions, which has been neglected until recently, can help explain emotion as a social construct. Many researchers have pointed to the emotional dimension of the experience of the home and living practices. A home is a complex place, a conglomerate of three aspects: material, symbolic, and relational. The experience of domesticity can be considered to have multiple aspects and to be variable. Taking emotions into account enables a fuller understanding of the duality of household practices, in connection with both their “function” and their role in creating, recreating, and changing the rules of the social order. In this sense, a home is located between the private and public sphere, emotional authenticity and emotional work, freedom and control, socialization and de-socialization, everyday life and celebration.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-162
Xi Cui ◽  
Eric Rothenbuhler

In this essay, we explicate the internal logic of contemporary terrorist acts and our society’s responses, to denaturalize the label and meanings we give to “terrorism.” We argue that contemporary terrorism communicates intimidation, fear, and anxiety through the ritualization and mediatization of terrorist attacks. Mediatization refers to the strategic coercion of imperative media coverage of the attacks, and ritualization refers to the focus on sacred life structures in both terrorist attacks and remedial responses. In combining ritualization and mediatization, terrorism aims to introduce maximal chaos through unexpected disruption of the sacred and taken-for-granted in everyday life in the community of the attack and wherever media coverage can reach. The fear and anxiety induced by disrupted life rhythms, including normal media flows, and the compelling footage of the disruption lead to ritualized reactions which both restore and transform the social order beyond the moment of the attack.

1974 ◽  
Vol 22 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 1-33 ◽  
Gwyn Harries-Jenkins ◽  
Jacques Van Doorn

1983 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-94 ◽  
Louis Assier-Andrieu

Until assuming the violent form most strikingly exemplified in France by the explosions of 1789 and 1848, the century-long movement of resistance and emancipation of the European peasantry mainly occurred in the legal domain. The focus of opposition was towards the attempt to impose a normative system which sought to undermine the working rules of peasant communities. It was carried through, for example, by protesting against seignorial obligations or by asserting claims to the free use of forests and communal pastures. In such actions the peasant will, revitalized by periodic subsistence crises, tried to maintain control over legal institutions, and therefore to retain relative social autonomy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-61
Muhammad Himmatur Riza

The Covid-19 pandemic has plagued all over the world. Many aspects of the social order have changed including da'wah activities. The development and existence of technology and restrictions on various religious activities during the Covid-19 pandemic are challenges and opportunities in da'wah activities. Research conducted is literature research that is by collecting data from various sources of references that already exist. The result of this research indicates that the speaker is required to have mastery in the field of technology and continuously to upgrade soft skills to preach in this era. The method that must be modern and practical dawah material becomes a bargaining value that is in demand by the community. This provides an opportunity for dai to document all forms of activities that are da'wah and can also publish muslims and the dynamics of their developing lives. Dai's role must be able to adapt and compete with the globalization of information technology that is already rapidly evolving and liberally controlled by the west, so as to build a new civilization of the face of Islam in the Islamic preaching activities.Keywords: Digitization of Da'wah, Covid-19 Pandemic, Islamic Civilization.Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah dunia. Banyak aspek tatanan kehidupan sosial mengalami perubahan termasuk dalam kegiatan dakwah. Adanya perkembangan dan keberadaan teknologi serta pembatasan berbagai kegiatan keagamaan di masa pandemi Covid-19 menjadi tantangan dan peluang dalam kegiatan dakwah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berbasis data kepustakaan yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber referensi yang sudah ada. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dai atau penceramah dituntut untuk memiliki penguasaan dibidang teknologi dan terus menerus untuk mengupgrade soft skill guna mampu berdakwah di era sekarang ini. Metode yang harus dimodernisasi dan materi dakwah yang praktis menjadi nilai tawar yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Hal ini memberikan peluang bagi para dai untuk mendokumentasikan segala bentuk kegiatan yang bersifat dakwah dan juga dapat mempublikasikan umat islam beserta dinamika kehidupannya yang sedang berkembang. Peran dai harus mampu beradaptasi dan bersaing dengan globalisasi teknologi informasi yang dikuasai yang sudah secara pesat berkembang dan dikuasai secara liberal oleh barat, sehingga mampu membangun peradaban baru wajah Islam dalam berdakwah.Kata kunci: Digitalisasi Dakwah, Pandemi Covid-19, Peradaban Islam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Pandu Hyangsewu

Perkembangan zaman yang begitu cepat tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi akan mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Globalisasi yang terjadi sudah mengubah pola kehidupan manusia, dimana dampaknya bukan hanya efek positif melainkan dapat menghadirkan efek negatif pula. Pengaruh globalisasi saat ini sudah melarutkan nilai-nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam mulai dari tatanan kebudayaan, adat istiadat dan nilai-nilai luhur ajaran Islam. Padahal Pendidikan Agama Islam mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia sebagai pendidikan yang bersifat mutlak, Pendidikan Agama Islam perlu dioptimlkan sebagai usaha pengembangan potensi diri agar tidak mudah terjerumus dalam gelapnya kehidupan di era globalisasi. Untuk itu, perlu diketahui berbagai macam tantangan dan antisipasi yang dapat dilakukan melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam di tengah arus globalisasi. Tujuan artikel ini untuk menjelaskan permasalahan Pendidikan Agama Islam saat ini dan bagaimana cara mengantisipasinya dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Data dalam tulisan ini menggunakan studi literatur yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa globalisasi dapat menjadi peluang sekaligus tantangan bagi Pendidikan Agama Islam. Arus globalisasi bukan sebagai kawan ataupun lawan bagi Pendidikan Agama Islam, melainkan sebagai dinamisator. Ketika Pendidikan Agama Islam tidak mengikuti arus globalisasi  maka akan mengalami hambatan intelektual. Sebaliknya, ketika Pendidikan Agama Islam mengikuti arus globalisasi tanpa berlandaskan pada keislaman maka akan terlindas dan tidak tahu arah. Oleh karena itu, Pendidikan Agama Islam harus memposisikan diri di tengah arus globalisasi  dalam arti yang sesuai dengan pedoman dan ajaran nilai-nilai Islam agar dapat diadopsi dan dikembangkan pada kehidupan manusia   The development of the era is so fast undeniably it will affect human life, Globalization has changed the pattern of human life, where the impact is not only a positive effect but can also bring adverse consequences. The influence of globalization now has dissolved the values ​​of Islamic religious education, starting from the social order, customs, and ethical values ​​of Islamic teachings. Even though Islamic education has an essential role in human life, as a comprehensive education, Islamic religious education needs to be optimized as an effort to develop self-potential, so as not to fall prey to the darkness of life in the era of globalization. For this reason, we need to know various kinds of challenges and anticipation that can be done, through Islamic religious education amid globalization. The purpose of this article is to explain the current issue of Islamic religious education and how to anticipate it in the face of the era of globalization. The data in this paper uses literature studies which are analyzed descriptively. The results of the survey show that globalization can be an opportunity as well as a challenge for Islamic religious education. The current of globalization is neither a friend nor an opponent for Islamic religious education but as a dynamism. When Islamic religious education does not follow the flow of globalization, it will experience mental obstacles. Conversely, when Islamic religious education follows the flow of globalization without being, based on Islam. It will get run over and don't know the direction. Therefore, Islamic religious education must position itself in the midst of globalization. in a sense that is by the guidelines and teachings of Islamic values ​​so that they can be adopted and developed in human life

Claudio Garibay

This paper reflects on the effect that communal forestry ventures have on the social order of traditional indigenous peasant communities. From a material standpoint, the paper analyses the transformation of a family-oriented economy to a collectivist system that involves whole villages. In the realm of social reciprocity there’s a shift from a liberal mode to a corporate one. In the political order there’s an evolution towards a centralized self-government and a strong authority.This transformation process can be exemplified by the amazing case of the San Pedro el Alto Zapotec community, located on the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca.

Michael C. Legaspi

For Socrates, wisdom begins with the recognition of a moral order that identifies human flourishing with the life of virtue. The virtuous individual lives in harmony with a world governed by divine benevolence and characterized by justice. Because virtue is found in people in varying degrees, the social order is not necessarily ordered to wisdom and is, at times, inimical to it. Social life is the venue for a pursuit of wisdom in which rational discourse—as opposed to power and manipulation—structures a search for the good. Rational discourse, however, also reveals human moral and intellectual limitations, such that any claim to know what is good must be held tentatively and kept open to revision. In the face of human ignorance and hostility, loyalty to the good is sustained by piety, or reverence for the good, and by integrity, the refusal to give up one’s own just life.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-117 ◽  
Sam Sarpong ◽  
Ibrahim B. Nabubie

Purpose – The paper aims to focus on how the dualism “petty trading and traffic” exacerbates the development of a social bond among traders from various communities and ethnic groups in Ghana. As understood in their normal innocuous sense, “traffic and petty trading” independently mark off two generally distinguishable exclusive partners. However, both petty trading and traffic now denote essential aspects of contemporary Ghana’s new social order shared uniquely among informal traders. The paper dilates on this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach – The theory underpinning this study is social constructionism. Social constructionism is part of a post-modern understanding of the nature of reality. It is a strand of sociology, pertaining to the ways in which social phenomena are created, institutionalised and made into tradition by humans. The core idea of constructionism, therefore, is that some social agent produces or controls some object. ’s (1967) situational constraints thesis also provides an important element to this paper. The thesis maintains that the poor in society are constrained by the facts of their situation; hence, the poor are unable to translate many of their ideals into reality in view of the considerable poverty that engulfs them. The thesis, reiterates that once the constraints of poverty are removed, the poor would have no difficulty adopting mainstream behavioural patterns and seizing available opportunities. The thesis is significant in exploring the objectives of this paper. Findings – The paper finds that petty trading has given its adherents a new wave of life. The picture that emerges is that, although street hawkers are seen as a nuisance, a failure in society and lacking knowledge, they have become mindful of what society thinks about them. As a result, some have devised means to cope with what they do and also to find new ways to address the challenges facing them. The findings confirmed that people are self-reflexive beings and that they shape their own behaviour despite the influence of a variety of social factors that may constrain them. The study found that street hawkers have found a way to make life more meaningful for themselves than are actually perceived. Originality/value – The paper seeks to discover the daily lives of petty traders, which have been stealthily tied in to urban development and planning. It brings a new dimension to the issue of petty trading. The fundamental argument of the paper is that the multidimensional nature of poverty is leading petty traders to a new consciousness which bodes well for them. These traders are shaping their own behaviour despite the influence of a variety of social factors that may constrain them. The social bond and interrelationship that permeate their working relationship has created a basis for which they now forge close ties that promote an inclusion from the exclusion that they are generally enjoined to.

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