scholarly journals Prinsip-Prinsip Etika Kristiani Bermedia Sosial

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-68
Simon Simon ◽  
Tan Lie Lie ◽  
Heppy Wenny Komaling

Indonesian netizens are often labeled as social media users at will without heeding politeness when interacting. This assessment is further confirmed by a survey conducted by Microsoft,  that Medsos users are labeled as netizens with the worst politeness level for Southeast Asia scale. The predicate is certainly aimed at allreligius netizens without emphasizing certain beliefs. The low politeness indicates the lack of social media ethics applied by the people of the country. Ironically, Indonesia is known as areligius and civilized country, it seems invisible if you look at the behavior of netizens who are. The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The description of this topic religion certainly teaches how politeness and politeness in the public space are displayed especially in social media, because politeness is an indikator we are called ethical or not. The principle of Christian ethics teaches that when using social media what a believer must do is not to do body shaming with other online media users, or not to comment racistically. Because God does not differentiate between fellow humans by loving one and not loving another just because humans are different physically, race or nation. The next principle of Christian ethics in social media is not to argue theologically and not to spit negative things. The goal is to avoid quarrels, let alone hate speech. Netizen Indonesia kerap di cap sebagai pengguna media sosial sesuka hati tanpa mengindahkan kesantunan ketika berinteraksi. Penilaian ini makin dipertegas melalui survei yang dilakukan oleh Microsoft,  bahwa pengguna Medsos dilabeli sebagai netizen dengan tingkat kesopanan paling buruk untuk skala Asia Tenggara. Predikat itu tentu ditujukan kepada semua netizen yang beragama tanpa menitik-beratkan keyakinan tertentu. Rendahnya kesopanan menandakan kurangnya etika bermedia sosial diterapkan oleh masyarakat tanah air. Ironisnya, Indonesia yang di kenal sebagai negara yang religius dan beradab, hal itu seakan tidak terlihat bila melihat perilaku netizen yang bar-bar. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriftif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Uraian dari topik ini agama tentu mengajarkan bagaimana kesopanan dan kesantunan di ruang publik ditampilkan terlebih dalam bermedia sosial, karena kesopanan itu merupakan indikator kita di sebut beretika atau tidak. Prinsip etika Kristiani mengajarkan bahwa ketika bermedia sosial  yang  harus dilakukan orang Kristen  adalah tidak melakukanbody shaming kesesama pengguna media online, maupun tidak berkomentar secara rasis. Karena Allah tidak membeda-bedakan sesama manusia dengan mengasihi yang satu dan tidak mengasihi yang lain hanya karena manusia itu berbeda secara fisik, ras atau bangsa. Prinsip etika Kristiani berikutnya dalam bermedia sosial adalah tidak berdebat secara teologis dan tidak mengumbar hal negatif. Tujuannya  agar tidak terjadi pertengkaran apalagi ujaran kebencian.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 133
Fabianus Fensi

<p>ABSTRACT<br />The hoax phenomenon is a historical reality. He was born along with the birth of the era of information media freedom. Hoaxes are often damaging to a pluralistic society. History records that hoaxes destabilize harmony of a society. Therefore the hoax must be terminated immediately. This paper uses a textual literature study approach. Hoax phenomenon is placed in the tension between media idealism and media ethics. The scope of the discussion began with a review of some of the country's formal regulations, such as the Law that had been produced. For the author, state regulation of media life is an ideal condition (media idealism) where the state is based on its capacity to regulate what must be broadcast. The result is that ideal conditions do not always have an impact in reality. Many rules are violated in the practice of media, especially social media. So, there should be room to be filled in to overcome this gap, namely an ethical commitment as a normative necessity for social media activists. Law enforcement alone is not enough so it must also be equipped with other social capital, namely: the firmness of citizens' attitudes, are social media users to maintain the integrity of society. The integrity is possible by the determination of the social media community to ensure a truth of the message before it is broadcast to the public; Maintain the privileges inherent in each individual; Strictly separating the realm of private issues from public problems; Reveal a message that avoids lying, slander, and attacking others' personal motives; and full awareness that the cultural diversity of society is sensitive. All of these are referred to as ethical principles that must be considered as guidelines for living together as a nation.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ethics, Hoaxes, Social Media, Plurality, Regulation.</p><p><br />ABSTRAK<br />Fenomena hoax adalah sebuah kenyataan sejarah. Dia lahir bersamaan dengan kelahiran era kebebasan media informasi. Namun, keberadaannya seringkali merusak tatanan masyarakat yang plural. Sejarah mencatat bahwa hoax menggoyahkan kerukunan, bahkan perpecahan masyarakat. Karena itu hoax harus segera diakhiri. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian literatur tekstual, dimana fenomena hoax ditempatkan dalam ketegangan antara idealisme media dan etika bermedia. Cakupan pembahasan dimulai dari tinjauan terhadap beberapa regulasi formal negara, seperti Undang-undang yang pernah dihasilkan. Bagi penulis, regulasi negara atas kehidupan media adalah kondisi ideal (idealisme media) dimana negara berdasarkan kapasitasnya mengatur apa yang harus disiarkan. Hasilnya bahwa kondisi ideal tidak selalu berdampak dalam kenyataannya. Banyak aturan dilanggar dalam praktik bermedia, terutama media sosial. Maka, seharusnya ada ruang yang harus diisi untuk mengatasi kesenjangan tersebut, yaitu sebuah komitmen etis sebagai keharusan normatif bagi para pegiat media sosial. Penegakan hukum saja tidak cukup maka harus pula dilengkapi modal sosial yang lain, yaitu: keteguhan sikap warga negara, pengguna media sosial untuk menjaga keutuhan masyarakat. Keutuhan itu dimungkinan oleh keteguhan masyarakat media sosial untuk memastikan sebuah kebenaran pesan sebelum disiarkan kepada publik; Menjaga hak istimewa yang melekat pada setiap individu; Memisahkan dengan tegas ranah persoalan privat dari persoalan publik; Mengungkapkan pesan yang menghindari motif-motif bohong, fitnah, dan menyerang pribadi orang lain; dan kesadaran penuh bahwa keragaman budaya masyarakat adalah sensitif. Semua ini disebut sebagai prinsip etis yang harus dianggap sebagai pedoman hidup bersama sebagai bangsa.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Etika, Hoax, Media Sosial, Pluralitas, Regulasi.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Eni Maryani ◽  
Preciosa Alnashava Janitra ◽  
Reksa Anggia Ratmita

The fast-growing social media in Indonesia has opened up opportunities for spreading feminist ideas to a wider and more diverse audience. Various social media accounts especially Instagram that focus on gender advocacy and feminism such as @indonesiafeminis, @lawanpatriarki, and @feminismanis have developed in Indonesia. However, the development of the social media platform also presents groups that oppose feminists. One of the accounts of women’s groups that oppose feminists is ( The research objectives are namely to analyze the diversity of issues and reveal the discourse contestation that developed in the, and dynamic relationships on the online and offline spaces between groups of feminists and anti-feminists or the other interest. This research employed the digital ethnography method that utilized observation, interview, and literature study as data collection techniques. This study found that the online conversations at revealed misconceptions on feminism from a group of women with a religious identity. Furthermore, the conversation also tends to strengthen patriarchal values with religious arguments that are gender-biased. However, the serves as a public space for open debates and education on feminist issues. The anti-feminist group behind the are women who identify themselves in a certain Muslim circle that has political, cultural, and religious agendas. One of the agendas is to influence the public to reject the Sexual Violence Eradication Bill. This study also noted the Muslim supporters of anti-feminism in Indonesia are less popular compared to progressive religious-based Muslim women organizations such as Aisyiyah (Muhammadiyah), Muslimat NU (Nahdlatul Ulama), and Rahima (Center for Education and Information on Islam and Women’s Rights). The study also evokes discussion on how the feminist and anti-feminist discourses can be utilized to criticize and develop the women’s movement or feminism in a multicultural context.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-42

Media literacy in the Millennial generation in the digital era is still not well implemented. We still see and read a lot of information that is still not clear the truth on social media. This research was conducted to see how media literacy in the Millennial generation in the digital era, especially in social media. Research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach, by analyzing theories and analyzing based on phenomena that occur so that a comprehensive understanding of the application of media literacy in Millennials in the digital age is obtained. The results of the study revealed, first the literacy of the pause in the digital age is still not well implemented in society even though they are already adept at using digital devices. This bias can be seen that there is still a lot of information found that the truth is not yet distributed in social media by Millennials. Second, the Millennial generation is the term for the generation born in the 1980 to 2000 range. Those who are said to be the Millennial generation are the generation who are currently aged 19 to 40 years, or school age to productive / worker age. Third, Millennial generation interaction with social media in the digital era is very intense. This generation is very ska surfing on social media to share information, entertainment, highlight their existence, mingle with the community in chat groups. Fourth, the development of media literacy in the Millennial generation in the digital era is still not as expected. Millennials do not have good knowledge about media literacy, so there are still many violations in social media, especially in terms of filtering and disseminating information to the public. Keywords: media literacy, millennial generation, media literacy in the digital era

2022 ◽  
Azizah Pauleta Arthamevia ◽  
Rachel Arifa ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

This research is motivated by mass communication and retrieval of information on Instagram, creating hate speech on digital platforms. With the availability of social media as a means of disseminating the required information, the pattern of society has shifted, either implicitly or unseen, so that culture, ethics, and norms become biased and cause conflict. This study aims to identify hate speech on Instagram and test the effectiveness of digital ethics within the axiological analysis. The object of this research is hate speech used to comment with inappropriate words. This research method uses a literature review method. This research collects data from various journals and finds proof of hate speech on Instagram. The freedom of expression results in this literature study state that many social media users do not apply excellent and polite social media ethics. Besides that, axiological studies supported these results that do not help ethical skills related to moral and aesthetic values. In addition, many Indonesian netizens still spread hatred intentionally or unintentionally on social media. Therefore, there is a need for education and proactive action for Indonesian netizens to use social media.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Satria Kusuma ◽  
Djuara P. Lubis

The developments of information technologies affect the life of democracy in Indonesia. Information technology such as social media has caused social change. Social media should be a public space to establish relations and public information centers. The user submits a message to create a closer ties with the community and convey information about social problems. The public get information faster from social media rather than print media, radio and television. But there are some people who spread false news (hoaxes) or even attack the other party through hate speech. Such actions lead to defamation toward certain people then lead public opinion to worsen the socio-political situation, causing a split. The insult to the President by a citizen through a message on social media which continues to the proceedings reminds us to be more concerned about the ethical consideration of communication in public spaces. This issue should be a shared responsibility between the organizers and users of social media in order to maintain a cultured communication behavior and ethical understanding. The policy from the head of Indonesian Police regarding hate speech in social media is the firm stance of the government against violators who deliberately spread messages of hate, violate the values, norms, manners and ethics. The act of spreading the message of hate speech is against the law. Hate speech message ruins the conduciveness of social and political situation. This kind of violation could threaten the mentality of younger generations as users of social media in creating a civilized communication in Indonesia.Keywords: hate speech policy, messages of hate, and social media.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Dwi Agustina

The emergence of globalization show the existence of two sides to the light and the dark. The increasing of digital information technology becomes one of the obvious facts about the bright side of globalization. However, globalization in fact also provides a dark side in the era of increasingly advanced technology, one of which is the emergence of news hoax. Social media has become a new space for people to express their opinions without any social restrictions. The result between the real and the no longer becomes unlimited. This paper wants to analyze critically about the emergence of news hoax consumed by the public, with data collection used is literature study. News hoaxes are increasingly flooding the virtual world is now a cultural product in the consumption by the wider community. With just one click, hoax can spread all over the world. Thus, the virtual world becomes a public space that people consume to bullying and disseminate content that is not true.Keywords: social media, hoax, consumption culture, globalization

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 444-472 ◽  
Perry Maxfield Waldman Sherouse

In recent years, cars have steadily colonized the sidewalks in downtown Tbilisi. By driving and parking on sidewalks, vehicles have reshaped public space and placed pedestrian life at risk. A variety of social actors coordinate sidewalk affairs in the city, including the local government, a private company called CT Park, and a fleet of self-appointed st’aianshik’ebi (parking attendants) who direct drivers into parking spots for spare change. Pedestrian activists have challenged the automotive conquest of footpaths in innovative ways, including art installations, social media protests, and the fashioning of ad hoc physical barriers. By safeguarding sidewalks against cars, activists assert ideals for public space that are predicated on sharp boundaries between sidewalk and street, pedestrian and machine, citizen and commodity. Politicians and activists alike connect the sharpness of such boundaries to an imagined Europe. Georgia’s parking culture thus reflects not only local configurations of power among the many interests clamoring for the space of the sidewalk, but also global hierarchies of value that form meaningful distinctions and aspirational horizons in debates over urban public space. Against the dismal frictions of an expanding car system, social actors mobilize the idioms of freedom and shame to reinterpret and repartition the public/private distinction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Ahsan Samad ◽  
Erdiansyah Erdiansyah ◽  
Rina Wulandari

The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the impact and behavior of the community on post-disaster economic conditions in the city of Palu and to know the local government's public policies in handling these cases. Using qualitative methods with a case study approach, literature study, and secondary data processing from various social elements. In addition, data collection was carried out by interviewing informants who felt the direct impact of the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction in Palu, Sigi and Donggala. The results showed that the post-disaster impact felt by the people of Palu City was generally in the "severe" classification. The socio-economic conditions of the people of Palu include several aspects, ranging from the geographical conditions that are in disaster-prone zones, to the extremely poor health conditions after the disaster. The conclusion of this research shows that the escalation of natural disasters in the city of Palu is considered quite large because it consists of three types of disasters, namely the Earthquake, Tsunami and Liquifation in the same time period. Palu City is the capital of the Province as well as the economic and administrative center of Central Sulawesi Province. Damage to warehousing infrastructure coupled with massive looting from unscrupulous people in logistics supply warehouses resulted in goods that were supposed to be distributed both to the city and the district finally unable to be implemented.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan evaluasi dampak dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap kondisi perekonomian pasca bencana di kota Palu dan mengetahui kebijakan publik pemerintah setempat dalam menangani kasus tersebut. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan  studi kasus, studi literature, dan pengolahan data sekunder dari berbagai elemen sosial. Selain itu pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawacara kepada narasumber yang merasakan dampak langsung dari bencana gempa,tsunami dan likuifaksi di Palu,Sigi dan Donggala. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dampak pasca bencana yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat Kota Palu secara umum berada pada klasifikasi “berat”. Kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat kota Palu meliputi beberapa aspek, mulai dari kondisi geografis yang berada pada zona rawan bencana, kondisi kesehatan sangat memprihatinkan pasca bencana. Kesimpulan penelitain ini menujukkan bahwa eskalasi bencana alam kota Palu dinilai cukup besar karena terdiri dari tiga macam bencana yaitu Gempa Bumi, Tsunami dan Liquifasi dalam kurun waktu sama. Kota Palu merupakan ibukota Provinsi sekaligus sebagai pusat ekonomi dan pemerintahan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Rusaknya infrakstruktur pergudangan ditambah dengan adanya penjarahan yang massiv dari oknum masyarakat pada gudang-gudang suplai logistik mengakibatkan barang yang semestinya didistribusikan baik ke kota ataupun ke kabupaten akhirnya tidak dapat dilaksanakan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-108
Dwi Okta Renanda

Perkembangan lagu anak di Indonesia mengalami dinamika yang berbeda dari tahun ke tahun. Era 90-an merupakan puncak dimana lagu anak mendapat perhatian yang lebih dari masyarakat Indonesia. Namun kondisi tersebut berbeda dengan keadaan lagu anak sekarang. Sudah tidak banyak lagi penyanyi-penyanyi cilik yang tampil di televisi dan berkurangnya lagu-lagu yang sesuai untuk anak yang kaya akan pesan pendidikan dan nasionalis. Hal ini dikarenakan sudah tidak banyak label rekaman yang memberikan wadah bagi penyanyi cilik dan adanya anggapan bahwa lagu anak kurang laku. Objek penelitian ini adalah album penyanyi cilik Naura dengan topik strategi promosi dan sosialisasi lagu anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi bauran promosi album penyanyi cilik Naura dan mengetahui tanggapan masyarakat terhadap album penyanyi cilik Naura. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan data tambahan sebagai pelengkap dari data kuantitatif berupa pemaparan presentase. Data kualitatif didapat dari 3 orang narasumber dan data kualitatif diperoleh dari 34 responden yang merupakan followers Instagram Naura. Hasil yang diperoleh, manajemen Naura menggunakan semua alat bauran promosi, meliputi periklanan, promosi penjualan, publisitas, penjualan perseorangan dan pemasaran langsung. Sedangkan alat promosi utama yang digunakan adalah pemasaran langsung yang difokuskan pada penggunaan media sosial. Hal ini disebabkan karena mayoritas peggemar Naura adalah anak-anak dan remaja yang memiliki akun media sosial. The development of children's songs in Indonesia experienced different dynamics from year to year. The 90's is the peak where the children's song gets more attention from the people of Indonesia. But the condition is different from the state of the child's song now. There are not many singers-singers who appear on television and reduced the appropriate songs for children who are rich in educational and nationalist messages. This is because there are not many record labels that provide a container for the little singers and the assumption that the child's song is less salable.The object of this research is Naura little singer album with the topic of promotion strategy and socialization of children song. This study aims to examine the promotion mix strategy of Naura's little singer album and to know the public response to Naura's little singer album. The approach taken in this research is qualitative method with additional data as complement of quantitative data in the form of presentation of percentage. Qualitative data were obtained from 3 resource persons and qualitative data were obtained from 34 respondents who were followers Instagram Naura. The results obtained, Naura's management uses all promotional mix tools, including advertising, sales promotion, publicity, individual sales and direct marketing. While the main promotional tool used is direct marketing that is focused on the use of social media. This is because the majority of Naura's fans are children and adolescents who have social media accounts.

Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong

Faith in public life can be associated with Christianity in Ghana from the days of the early Western missionaries. Christian faith perspectives on matters of public concerns however, assumed a wider scope with the practice of regular issuance of communiques to governments and the people of Ghana by the churches. Christian ministry is expected to be holistic. A holistic approach in Christian ministry is considered to lead to the holistic development of the nation for the common good and the glory of God. Church leaders subsequently, bring their faith perspectives to matters of public concerns as a ministerial mandate to be in pilgrimage with the people. The study is a reflection on how the churches’ communiques are done and the factors that make the communiques theological in the public space. It further seeks to identify the contribution of the construction of communiques to public theology in Christianity in Ghana. The study as qualitative, examines both available primary and secondary sources. Copies of communiques of some selected churches, ecumenical bodies and joint communiques by ecumenical bodies are examined to appreciate insights of communiques by the churches. The study seeks to make a contribution to the theological construction of public theologies in Ghana and African Christianity. KEYWORDS: Public Theology, African Christianity, Communique, Common Good

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