scholarly journals Pengaruh Sleep Hygiene Therapy Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pasien Skizofrenia


Introduction: Sleep hygiene therapy is a non- pharmacological therapy that can be done by nurses in providing nursing actions to schizophrenic patients. Methods: The design of this research is Pre- Experimental Design in the form of One-Group Pretest-Postest Design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 15 respondents Results: The results of the analysis showed that there were differences in the sleep quality of schizophrenic patients before and after sleep hygiene therapy which was indicated by the results of the Paired Sample T- Test analysis where the significance results were p value = 0.000 <0.05. Discussion: The results showed the influence of sleep hygiene therapy on the quality of sleep of schizophrenia patients in the Elang 1 and Elang 2 at Soeharto Heerdjan Mental Hospital, Jakarta 2020.

Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih

ABSTRAK Tidur merupakan kebutuhan yang harus terpenuhi terutama pada fase perkembangan karena selama tidur akan terjadi perkembangan otak maupun tubuh, sehingga gangguan tidur merupakan masalah yang akan menimbulkan dampak buruk terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Kualitas tidur bayi yang baik dapat diciptakan dengan memberikan pemijatan bayi secara rutin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa pemijatan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas tidur bayi umur 0-3 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Quasy Eksperimental dengan metode One Group Pretest-Postest. Sampel 22 bayi yang dipilih dengan tehnik Total Sampling yang di observasi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pemijatan. Variabel yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitas tidur bayi 0-3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pijat bayi terhadap kualitas tidur bayi umur 0-3 bulan (p value  0,008 < α = 0,05).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disarankan agar keluarga dan masyarakat memberikan pemijatan secara rutin dan mandiri untuk meningkatkan kebutuhan tidur bayi yang berkualitas.   ABSTRACT Sleep is a human necessity that must be met, especially in the development phase because during sleep will occur the brain and body developments, so that sleep disturbance is a problem that would cause adverse effects on infants’ growth and development. The good quality of sleep can be created by providing the infants massage routinely. This study aimed to prove that the massage could affect the quality of sleep on the 0-3 months old baby. This study used Quasy-experimental design with One Group Pretest-Posttest. The sample 22 infants selected by total sampling technique observed on before and after the massage. The variables measured in this study are the quality of sleep. The results of study indicate that there is an effect of infant massage to the sleep quality on 0-3 months old babies (p value 0,008 < α = 0,05).Based on the results of this study it recommended for the families and communities to provide infant massage regularly and independently to increase the quality of sleep on the baby.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Prastiwi Puji Rahayu ◽  
Retno Utami

Dampak adanya halusinasi dapat mengakibatkan seseorang mengalami ketidakmampuan untuk berkomunikasi atau mengenali realitas yang menimbulkan kesukaran dalam kemampuan seseorang untuk berperan sebagaimana mestinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dampak bagi keluarga halusinasi sulit diterima oleh masyarakat, individu dan dipandang negatif oleh lingkungan.Mengetahui hubungan lama hari rawat dengan tanda dan gejala serta kemampuan pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi di RSJ Grhasia Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan menggunakan Desain penelitian studi korelasional (Corrrelation study). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling, Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 45 pasien halusinasi yang ada diruang inap Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grhasia Yogyakarta. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji statistik menggunakan kendal Tau. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan lama hari rawat pasien halusinasi Di RSJ Grhasia Yogyakarta didapatkan  paling banyak lebih dari 30 hari sebanyak 42 responden, tanda dan gejala pasien halusinasi Di RSJ Grhasia Yogyakarta didapatkan paling banyak kategori kurang sebanyak 30 responden, dan kemampuan pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi Di RSJ Grhasia Yogyakarta didapatkan paling banyak  kategori cukup sebanyak 27 responden.Tidak ada  hubungan lama hari rawat dengan tanda dan gejala dilihat dari nilai p-value sebesar 0,170<0,05, dan terdapat hubungan lama hari rawat dengan kontrol halusinasi dilihat dari nilai p-value sebesar 0,030<0,05 dengan nilai keeratan hubungan 0,325 dalam kategori rendah. Bagi pimpinan RS agar memberikan pengembangan pelayanan kesehatan pada pasien dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, khususnya dalam lama hari rawat dengan tanda dan gejala kemampuan pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi. Alahkah baiknya ada perbandingan antara tanda dan gejala sebelum di teliti dan sesudah di teliti. Kata kunci: Lama hari rawat, tanda dan gejala, kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi THE CORRELATION BETWEEN INPATIENT DURATION, AND SIGNS, SYMPTHOMS AND PATIENT’S ABILITY TO CONTROL HALLUCINATIONS ABSTRACTHallucinations can cause disability to communicate or recognize the reality that creates difficulties to act properly in everyday life. The impact of hallucinations on the family is hard to accept by society and individuals, and it is viewed as negative thing by the environment. The study aims to identify the correlation between inpatient duration and signs, symptoms and patient's ability to control the hallucinations at Grhasia Mental Hospital of Yogyakarta. This study used correlational study design. This study used total sampling technique. The samples were 45 hallucination patients at impatient wards at Grhasia Mental Hospital of Yogyakarta. The analytical method used statistical test using Tau constraints. The results of this study indicated that based on the hallucination of inpatient duration at Grhasia Mental Hospital of Yogyakarta, there were 42 respondents who had 30 days of inpatient duration; there were 30 respondents of hallucination patients at Grhasia Mental Hospital of Yogyakarta who have signs and symptoms in low category; there were 27 respondents at Grhasia Mental Hospital of Yogyakarta who had the ability in controlling hallucinations in moderate category. There was not any correlation between inpatient duration and signs and symptoms that can be seen from the p-value of 0.170 <0.05, and there was correlation between the inpatient duration and the control of hallucinations that can be seen from the p-value of 0.030 <0.05 with the closeness value 0.325 in low category. Hospital boards are suggested to provide the development of health services to patients in improving the quality of care, especially about inpatient duration and signs and symptoms of the patient's ability to control hallucinations. Is it better to have a comparison between the signs and symptoms before and after being studied. Keywords: Inpatient Duration, signs and symptoms, ability to control hallucinations

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Foerwanto ◽  
Muhamat Nofiyanto ◽  
Tri Prabowo

Background:Sleep is a very fundamental need for every individual, especially for elderly people in social institutions. Poor quality of sleep in the elderly may lead to several disturbances, such as vulnerability to diseases,forgetfulness, psychomotor disorders, disorientation and difficulty to make decision. Some intervention may include pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. One of non-pharmacology therapies that isused to increase sleep qualityis rose aromatherapy. Objective: To determine the effect of rose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly at PSTW Budi Luhur Kasongan Bantul, Yogyakarta. Method: This study was a quasi-experiment research,with one group pretest-posttest design. Samples were taken with simple random sampling technique, involving 24 respondents. Each respondent was given rose aromatherapy for 5 minutes for 5 consecutive days. Result:Statistical analysis with marginal-homogeneity test showed p-value of 0,000 (p value<0,05).It suggested that there was a significant effect ofrose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly atSocial Institution of Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kasongan Bantul, Yogyakarta. Conclusion:Roses aroma therapy has effect in improving sleep quality in the elderly at Social Institution of TresnaWerdha Budi LuhurKasonganBantul, Yogyakarta. Keywords: Elderly, PSTW, Sleep quality, Aromatherapy, Rose.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Foerwanto Foerwanto ◽  
Muhamat Nofiyanto ◽  
Tri Prabowo

Background:Sleep is a very fundamental need for every individual, especially for elderly people in social institutions. Poor quality of sleep in the elderly may lead to several disturbances, such as vulnerability to diseases,forgetfulness, psychomotor disorders, disorientation and difficulty to make decision. Some intervention may include pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. One of non-pharmacology therapies that isused to increase sleep qualityis rose aromatherapy. Objective: To determine the effect of rose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly at PSTW Budi Luhur Kasongan Bantul, Yogyakarta. Method: This study was a quasi-experiment research,with one group pretest-posttest design. Samples were taken with simple random sampling technique, involving 24 respondents. Each respondent was given rose aromatherapy for 5 minutes for 5 consecutive days. Result:Statistical analysis with marginal-homogeneity test showed p-value of 0,000 (p value<0,05).It suggested that there was a significant effect ofrose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly at Social Institution of Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kasongan Bantul, Yogyakarta. Conclusion:Roses aroma therapy has effect in improving sleep quality in the elderly at Social Institution of TresnaWerdha Budi LuhurKasonganBantul, Yogyakarta. Keywords: Elderly, PSTW, Sleep quality, Aromatherapy, Rose.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 382
Diah Merdekawati ◽  
Farida Susanti ◽  
Maulani Maulani

<p><em>The quality of sleep was someone’s satisfying feel for sleep, which made that person didn’t show any kind of tiredness, restlessness, worn out, apathy and constant yawning or sleepiness. One of the methods that could be done to overcome the bad quality of sleep was the giving of sleeping position. The aim of the giving of sleeping position was to lower oxygen consumption and increasing lungs expansion to maximal. The kind of this study was quasi experiment with one group pre-test and post-test design. The samples of this study were 33 respondents who had the match criteria in this study. The samples were taken with accidental sampling technique which the case or the respondents were taken by accident or available at that time. Analysis of the data in this study was done with Univariate and Bivariate. This study was using questioner as a helper in collecting data. The result of statistic test was p-value rate= 0,000 which meant there was significantly difference the estimate respondent’s quality of sleep before and after treatment. It could be concluded that there was an influence of the setting of sleeping position upon the quality of sleep for the clients at Cardio Ward. It was expected that the regional hospital's RadenMattaher Jambi could make this sleeping position 45<sup>o</sup> arrangement into an intervention and equality of positions on each of the clients</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Kualitas tidur adalah kepuasan seseorang terhadap tidur, sehingga seseorang tersebut tidak memperlihatkan perasaan lelah, gelisah, lesu, dan sering menguap atau mengantuk. Salah satu cara  yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi adalah dengan pemberian posisi tidur. Tujuan tindakan memberikan posisi tidur adalah untuk menurunkan konsumsi oksigen dan meningkatkan ekspansi paru yang maksimal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi eksprimen dengan desain one group pre-tes post-test. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 33 responden yang memiliki kriteria sesuai dengan yang akan diteliti. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara accidental sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan mengambil kasus atau responden yang kebetulan ada atau tersedia. Analisa data dalam penelitian ini secarra Univariat dan Bivariat. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat bantu dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil uji statistic diperoleh nilai p-value = 0,000 artinya terdapat perbedaan signifikan nilai kualitas tidur responden sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pengaturan posisi tidur terhadap kualitas tidur pada klien di ruang rawat inap jantung. Diharapkan kepada pihak RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi dapat menjadikan pengaturan posisi tidur 45<sup>o</sup> ini menjadi intervensi dan kesetaraan posisi pada setiap klien</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Suryati Suryati ◽  
Naelatur Rizqiyah ◽  
Eka Oktavianto

Background: every parent wants a child who can grow and develop optimally according to its age category. One of the factors that can influence growth and development is the quality of sleep, due to 75% growth hormone produced when the baby sleeps. Sleep quality of babies can be stimulated through the act of giving massage baby. Objective: this study aims to determine the effect of infant massage on improvement the quality of sleep for infants aged 3-10 months in a village of Banguntapan Public Health Center II. Research method: this research is a pre-experiment research with an approach in one group (one-group pre-post test design without control). Data analysis used is the Wilcoxon test. This research was carried out in the Working Area Village Banguntapan II Health Center, with a population of 64 infants aged 3-10 months. Technique sampling using purposive sampling, which is the number of 15 babies aged 3-10 month. Providing education and demonstration of baby massage is done once, then massage done by parents of babies every day within 3 weeks, and observed by researchers every 2 days. Sleep quality was measured using the A Brief Screening Questionnaire For Infant Sleep Problems (BISQ). Results: Before being given massage the majority of the quality of bad baby sleep was 14 respondents (93.3%), then after being given massage for 3 weeks there was an increase in quality sleep where all babies have good sleep quality of 15 respondents (100%). Comparative test results infant massage between before and after massage is p value 0.000 (p value <0.005). Conclusion: there is the effect of infant massage on improving the quality of sleep for infants aged 3-10 months at Village of Bangutapan II Health Center.

Ayu Wulandari ◽  
Gita Kostania

Sleep is a basic need that must be fulfilled by humans. Sleep disorders often occur in pregnant women which has an impact on the quality of sleep. This study aims to identify the effect of soaking feet with warm water on the quality of sleep for pregnant women. This study used a quasi-experiment design with a nonequivalent control group design approach. The sampling technique used total sampling with 40 respondents who were in accordance with the eligible criteria. Interventions are given for 7 consecutive days. Measurement of sleep quality score using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire. The difference in sleep quality scores was analyzed by Mann Whitney test, and scores of each component were analyzed by using Wilcoxon test.The results of this study indicate the influence of soaking feet with warm water on sleep quality of respondents before and after the intervention (p = 0.007; α = 5%). From these results, it can be said that there was an increase in quality of sleep after soaking the feet with warm water. Hydrotherapy by soaking feet with warm water can be applied by pregnant women to improve sleep quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Wirda Anggraini ◽  
Melisa Rezki Puspitasari ◽  
Ria Ramadhani Dwi Atmaja ◽  
Hajar Sugihantoro ◽  

Antibiotics are drugs that work to kill and or inhibit bacterial growth. Antibiotics are a class of prescriptions drugs that are widely used in the management of pharmacological therapy. Antibiotic knowledge must be used rationally and requires knowledge for the patient. Low levels of knowledge about the use of antibiotics can lead to inappropriate use of antibiotics, so there is a risk of causing side effects of antibiotics. Providing education is one way that can be used to increase knowledge about rational use of antibiotics. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of education on the use of antibiotics on outpatients at Kanjuruhan Hospital Malang Regency. This type of research was an Quasi-experimental by using one group pre-test post-test and prospective with sampling using accidental sampling technique data collection of 62 respondents. The result of the research showed that in pre test 44% respondents were having lack antibiotic-use knowledge, 35% respondents were having sufficient antibiotic-use knowledge, and 21% respondents were having good antibiotic-use knowledge. In post-test, 3% respondents belong to low-category, 15% respondents belong to medium-category, and 82% respondents belong to high-category. The T-test showed differences in scores between before and after being given education with a significance value of 0.00 (p value <0.05). The conclusion of this research is that there is an effect of providing education on the level of knowledge of outpatients in Kanjuruhan Hospital Malang Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Dyah G. R. Kareri ◽  
Derri R. Tallo Manafe ◽  
Maria Kurniati Ester Payon

ABSTRACT Background: The quality of sleep in elderly tend to decline. This occurs as a result of certain changes such as physical, biological, mental and socio-economic. The quality of sleep may influence the healthcondition for short or long terms. Poor quality of sleep may cause difficulty in concentrating, slow response, memory disturbance and decrease of performance in daily life. The decline of sleep qualitymay be resolved with Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation (JPMR) exercise. Objective: To analyze the effect of Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation on sleep quality inelderly at Budi Agung Social Institution. Methods: This study is a pre experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design. The subject ofthis study were the 19 elderly at Budi Agung Social Institution. In this study, JPMR exercise was done in5 days. Sleep quality before and after JPMR exercise was measured using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI) questionnair. The data obtained was analyzed using McNemar test. Results: From a total of 19 subjects, 3 subjects had good sleep quality while 16 subjecst had poor sleepquality. On the other hand, after the JPMR excercise, improved sleep qualiy was found in the 16 subjectswhile the 3 subjects still had poor sleep quality; bivariate analysis p value = 0.002 (p <0.05). Conclusion: Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation (JPMR) has a significant effect on sleepquality in elderly at Budi Agung Social Institution. Keywords: elderly, sleep quality, Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation, Pittsburgh Sleep QualityIndex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Hartono ◽  
Chicilia Puspita Darmaningrum

Background. The prevalence of Gout Arthritis in the world is 34.2%. Gout Arthritis is characterized by an increase in uric acid levels >7.2 mg/dl in men and >6 mg/dl in women. This disease can be treated pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically, one of which is bay leaf and red ginger. Research purposes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of boiled water of bay leaves and red ginger on reducing uric acid levels in patients with gout arthritis. Methods. This research method is a pre-experimental static-group comparison design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. A sample of 60 respondents was divided into two groups of 30 respondents each, group A intervention boiled bay leaf water for 7 days, group B intervention boiled red ginger water for 7 days. Both groups were observed uric acid levels before and after the procedure using the GCU tool. Result: The results of the paired t-test analysis of group A p = 0.000 and group B p = 0.005 p value <0.05 which means there is a difference between before and after intervention A and intervention B were given. The results of the Independent t-test analysis showed that there was a difference in uric acid levels. after intervention A and intervention B with p = 0.004. The results showed that boiled water of bay leaves was more effective than boiled water of red ginger in reducing uric acid levels. Conclusion. Boiled water of bay leaves is more effective than boiled water of red ginger in reducing uric acid levels in gout arthritis patients

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