scholarly journals Notas bibliográfico-críticas de filología castellana medieval = Critical Bibliographical Notes on Medieval Castilian Philology

Francisco Abad Nebot

Los presentes párrafos indican fuentes primarias o secundarias acerca de la lengua y la  literatura castellanas medievales; se analizan las primeras, y se orienta acerca de las segundas. Se trata de mantener un punto de vista específicamente filológico y atento, por lo tanto, a lengua, literatura e historia.AbstractThe following study identifies primary and secondary sources of medieval Castilian language and literature: primary sources will be analysed, while secondary sources will merely be commented for future research. This article adopts a strictly philological approach and hence will focus on language, literature and history.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Khaled Nour Aldeen

This paper aims to present recommendations that can immune a conventional financial system against the global crisis, particularly the Covid-19 pandemic crisis from the lens of Islamic finance. This paper contends that Islamic finance is a relatively immune financial system comparing to the mainstream financial system by eliminating Riba and considering only asset-backed transactions as fruitful ones. This paper begins with the conceptual investigation of the literature on the principles of Islamic finance. The literature’s origins include primary sources (Quraan and hadith) and secondary sources (books, journals, and online resources). This paper is only conceptual and does not aim to examine the issues or theories empirically. The article will be useful to develop hypotheses for future research, especially in Islamic finance. Islamic concepts will of interest, especially for countries that adopt the conventional financial system. This paper will also be useful in the introduction for both Islamic and conventional finance practitioners alike. This paper provides a conceptual model to substitute the dominant conventional economics. Highlights the necessary steps to reconsider the conventional financial system. Islamic finance can mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the economies mainly because of the PLS (profit-loss sharing) system and Islamic ethics in financial transactions. The paper shows its originality in substance and makes a unique contribution to the literature on systems and ethics by emphasizing Islamic finance practices approaching an effective alternative to conventional finance. Keywords: Islamic finance, mainstream finance, Covid-19JEL Classifications: G00, Y9 

2016 ◽  
pp. 15
Mariana Giaretto ◽  
Victoria Naffa

ResumenEn este trabajo analizamos las relaciones entre tomas de tierras y Estado, en elAlto Valle de Río Negro en Argentina. En un contexto general de especulacióninmobiliaria, por la que se encarecen los precios de alquileres y terrenos, y depolíticas de vivienda selectivas y acotadas, los sectores populares acceden aun espacio en la ciudad mediante tomas de tierras. Frente a estos conflictos,el Estado, en sus diferentes niveles y poderes, despliega una forma deintervención basada en la criminalización de las luchas por tierra y vivienda.Al mismo tiempo, el poder ejecutivo nacional crea la Secretaría de Acceso alHábitat, para posibilitar la intervención política orientada a la regularizaciónde los asentamientos. Sin embargo, esta intervención tiende a reinscribir laproblemática habitacional en el campo político, para reducirla a un conflicto“entre partes”, eludiendo la responsabilidad estatal.Desde un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, seleccionamos como referenteempírico el caso del asentamiento de Villa Obrera en Fiske, Menuco (Gral.Roca), y las técnicas de recolección de datos se basan en fuentes secundarias,como expedientes judiciales y normativa, y en fuentes primarias como son losrelatos de los protagonistas mediante entrevistas individuales y colectivas.Palabras clave: tomas de tierras, Estado, criminalización de los conflictos.Conflicts caused by land occupation and modesof State intervention: analysis of an experience ofAlto Valle in Río Negro (Argentina)AbstractThis paper analyzes the relationship between State and land occupation,at Alto Valle in Río Negro, Argentina. In a general context of real estatespeculation, where rents and land prices are expensive, and a policy ofselective and limited housing, popular sectors can have access to a spacein the city through land occupation. In front of these conflicts, the Statein its different levels and powers, displays a form of intervention basedon the criminalization of struggles for land and housing. At the sametime, the national executive creates the Secretariat of Access to Habitat,oriented to allow political intervention for the regularization of settlements.However, this intervention tends to re-register the housing problems in thepolitical arena, reducing it to a conflict “between parties” and eluding theresponsibility of the State.From a qualitative methodological approach, we selected as empirical referencethe case of the settlement of Villa Obrera in Fiske, Menuco (GeneralRoca). The techniques of data collection are based on secondary sources, suchas policy and legal records, and primary sources as the stories of protagoniststhrough individual and collective interviews.Keywords: land occupation, State, criminalization of conflicts.Conflitos sobre ocupações de terras e modos deintervenção do estado: análise de uma experiênciado Alto Valle do Rio Preto (Argentina)ResumoEste trabalho analisa as relações entre a posse de terra e o Estado, no AltoValle do Rio Preto, na Argentina. Num contexto geral da especulaçãoimobiliária, por qual se encarecem os preços do aluguel e das terras, e depolíticas de habitação seletivas e limitadas, os setores populares acedem aum espaço na cidade através de ocupações de terras. Frente a estes conflitos,o Estado, em seus diferentes níveis e poderes, desenvolve uma forma deintervenção com base na criminalização das lutas pela terra e vivenda. Aomesmo tempo, o poder executivo nacional cria a Secretaria de Acesso àHabitat para possibilitar à intervenção política orientada a regularização dosassentamentos. No entanto, esta intervenção tende a registrar os problemasde habitação no campo político, para reduzi-la a um conflito “entre aspartes”, iludindo a responsabilidade do Estado.A partir de uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, foi selecionado comoreferência empírica o caso do Assentamento de Villa Obrera em Fiske,Menuco (Gral. Roca), e as técnicas de recolecção de dados são baseados emfontes secundárias, como expedientes judiciais e normativos, e em fontes primárias como são as histórias dos protagonistas através de entrevistasindividuais e coletivas.Palavras-chave: tomada de terras, Estado, criminalização dos conflitos.

1983 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 2-3
Stephen Frantzich

Until recently most students of Congress were limited to studying it from afar, depending primarily on secondary sources. Limited press coverage of current debates and behavior were often so skimpy that it was necessary to wait a number of years until a select group of events percolated through the process to become part of “the literature.” It took even longer before the events found their way into the classroom as relevant examples of important principles and concepts. The primary sources available (The Congressional Record, Committee Reports, etc.) were ponderous, poorly indexed and often retained the tainted image that they did not truly represent reality. While the Congress of recent years is much more open to public view than its predecessors, open committee meetings and the increase in recorded voting did little to enhance the resources available to teachers or students for understanding the process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
Marzia Duse ◽  
Francesca Santamaria ◽  
Maria Carmen Verga ◽  
Marcello Bergamini ◽  
Giovanni Simeone ◽  

Abstract Background In 2019, a multidisciplinary panel of experts from eight Italian scientific paediatric societies developed a consensus document for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders. The aim is to provide healthcare providers with a multidisciplinary document including indications useful in the clinical practice. The consensus document was intended to be addressed to paediatricians who work in the Paediatric Divisions, the Primary Care Services and the Emergency Departments, as well as to Residents or PhD students, paediatric nurses and specialists or consultants in paediatric pulmonology, allergy, infectious diseases, and ear, nose, and throat medicine. Methods Clinical questions identifying Population, Intervention(s), Comparison and Outcome(s) were addressed by methodologists and a general agreement on the topics and the strength of the recommendations (according to the GRADE system) was obtained following the Delphi method. The literature selection included secondary sources such as evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews and was integrated with primary studies subsequently published. Results The expert panel provided a number of recommendations on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in preschool wheezing, bronchial asthma, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy, laryngitis and laryngospasm. Conclusions We provided a multidisciplinary update on the current recommendations for the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders requiring inhaled corticosteroids, in order to share useful indications, identify gaps in knowledge and drive future research.

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-123 ◽  
Małgorzata Koszewska

An overview of the Western European literature shows that one of the most distinct trends in consumption that has been noted in the recent years is globally increasing environmental and social awareness. The issue of consumers' behaviours and attitudes towards "socially responsible products" has been gaining importance in Polish economy as well. This article evaluates the development prospects of ethical and ecological consumption in Poland vis-a-vis Western European countries. The comparative analysis being part of the article utilizes primary sources of information, i.e. interviews with a representative sample of Polish adults, as well as secondary sources of information. A factor analysis or, more precisely, a principal component analysis, allowed dividing Polish consumers into groups that were typologically homogeneous in respect of their sensitivity to various aspects of business ethics and ecology.

Seema S.Ojha

History is constructed by people who study the past. It is created through working on both primary and secondary sources that historians use to learn about people, events, and everyday life in the past. Just like detectives, historians look at clues, sift through evidence, and make their own interpretations. Historical knowledge is, therefore, the outcome of a process of enquiry. During last century, the teaching of history has changed considerably. The use of sources, viz. textual, visual, and oral, in school classrooms in many parts of the world has already become an essential part of teaching history. However, in India, it is only a recent phenomenon. Introducing students to primary sources and making them a regular part of classroom lessons help students develop critical thinking and deductive reasoning skills. These will be useful throughout their lives. This paper highlights the benefits of using primary source materials in a history classroom and provides the teacher, with practical suggestions and examples of how to do this.

Ajayi Adeola ◽  
Adegbite Stephen Akinade

This study explored the factors suppressing micro, small and medium enterprising (MSME) farmersin Ile-Ife Township of Osun State, Nigeria with a view to find the obstaclesmilitating against the performance of the small and medium enterprises subsector to the Nigeria economy and recommend ameliorative measures to make the sub-sector strong and vibrant in order to play the crucial role in Nigeria economy growth and development.Primary and secondary sources of data were utilized for the study. Primary sources of data were employed using structures questionnaires while secondary sources were from books, journals, newspapers, internet sources and public lectures on the field of industrial small and medium scale farmers. Multi stage random sampling was used to select a total of 120 respondents utilized for the study. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to achieve the objectives of the study. The results from the questionnaires revealed that SMEs have performed below expectation due to a combination of challenges which ranges from financial constraint, poor managerial skills, poor road network, weakness in organizational marketing and information, low and dwindling consumer personal, multiple taxes, insecurity of lives and properties and lexies, attitude and habits of SME famers themselves through frequent policy changes and somersault government instability and environmental related factor among others. The paper concluded that government should take a practical radical approach to address the identified problems of SME farmers inIle-Ife Township of Osun State, Nigeria.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 2735
Sefa Usta ◽  
Abdulvahap Akıncı

In the formation of a transparent and accountable public administration system and an understanding of administration, such institutions like the Ombudsman have important functions. The Ombudsman Institution, which undertakes an effective role in the solution of the problems experienced between the state and the citizen, has important responsibilities to institutionalize human rights and democratization, reduce the bad administration practices and most importantly, make the accountability mechanism the built-in in public administration. The Ombudsman Institution, which has been formed with different names in many countries in the world, has been established in Germany with the name of “the Defense Ombudsman,” and it carries out its activities under this framework.The main objective of the study is to examine the Ombudsman Institution as an extension of accountability mechanism in public administration and to asses “the Defense Ombudsman Institution”, which operates in Germany. Under the study prepared for this purpose, it is treated the concept of accountability in public administration with its general terms and examined the Ombudsman Institution, departing from the case of Germany. The study is terminated with an overview and a chapter of conclusion.In the study, it has been benefited from the scientific methods of descriptive analysis and critical review of the literature and set out from the secondary sources written about the subject and the primary sources like constitutional and legal regulations that are the basis of the Ombudsman Institution in Germany. ÖzetŞeffaf ve hesap verebilir bir kamu yönetimi sisteminin ve yönetim anlayışının oluşumunda Ombudsmanlık benzeri kurumlara önemli işlevler düşmektedir. Devlet ve vatandaş arasında yaşanan sorunların çözümü noktasında etkili bir rol üstlenen ombudsmanlık kurumuna, insan haklarının ve demokratikleşmenin kurumsallaşmasında, kötü yönetim uygulamalarının azaltılmasında ve en önemlisi kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik mekanizmasının yerleşik hale gelmesinde önemli sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Dünyada birçok ülkede farklı adlarla oluşturulmuş olan Ombudsmanlık Kurumu, Almanya'da Savunma Ombudsmanlığı ismiyle kurulmuş ve faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir.Çalışmanın temel amacı, kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik mekanizmasının bir uzantısı olarak Ombudsmanlık kurumunun incelenerek, Almanya'da faaliyet gösteren "Savunma Ombudsmanlığı Kurumu"nun değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hazırlanan çalışma kapsamında, kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik kavramı genel hatlarıyla ele alınmakta, Ombudsmanlık Kurumu Almanya örneğinden hareketle irdelenmektedir. Çalışma genel bir değerlendirme ve sonuç kısmıyla nihayetlendirilmektedir.Bu kapsamda hazırlanan çalışmada, betimsel analiz yönteminden ve eleştirel literatür taramasından yararlanılmış, konu ile ilgili yazılmış ikinci kaynaklardan ve Almanya'da Ombudsmanlık Kurumu'nun dayanağı olan anayasal ve yasal düzenlemeler gibi birincil kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 515-540 ◽  
S. Becker ◽  
C. J. Halsall ◽  
W. Tych ◽  
R. Kallenborn ◽  
M. Schlabach ◽  

Abstract. An extensive database of organochlorine (OC) pesticide concentrations measured at the Norwegian Arctic Monitoring Station was analysed to assess longer-term trends in the Arctic atmosphere. Dynamic Harmonic Regression (DHR) is employed to investigate the seasonal and cyclical behaviour of chlordanes, DDTs and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and to isolate underlying inter-annual trends. Although a simple comparison of annual mean concentrations (1994–2005) suggest a decline for all of the OCs investigated, the longer-term trends identified by DHR only show a significant decline for p,p'-DDT. Indeed, HCB shows an increase from 2003–2005. This is thought to be due to changes in source types and the presence of impurities in current use pesticides, together with retreating sea ice affecting air-water exchange. Changes in source types were revealed by using isomeric ratios for the chlordanes and DDTs. Declining trends in ratios of trans-chlordane/cis-chlordane (TC/CC) indicate a shift from primary sources, to more ''weathered'' secondary sources, whereas an increasing trend in o,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDT ratios indicate a shift from use of technical DDT to dicofol. Continued monitoring of these OC pesticides is required to fully understand the influence of a changing climate on the behaviour and environmental cycling of these chemicals in the Arctic as well as possible impacts from ''new'' sources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 492-508
Muhammad Asif ◽  
Majid Ali ◽  
Abdoulaye M’Begniga ◽  
Zhou Guoqing ◽  
Liu Yang ◽  

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an important Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project that integrates many countries. The CPEC project will play a vital role to make more strong relationship between China and Pakistan. CPEC project will enhance cooperation between Pakistan and China in field of socio-cultural and regional Bilateral Cooperation and exchange. Despite growth between two countries in the economic and trade field, there is a vital area to explore the cultural exchange, cooperation, and communication needed to improve from both sides. In this theoretical study method, the data has been obtained from primary and secondary sources. The primary sources consisted of books, official databases of China and Pakistan, MoU signed b/w both countries, etc., as the secondary sources consisted of research papers, newspapers, journals, online databases, etc. This paper has an analytical overview of the time value and general cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Pakistan. Further, the paper discussed the relationship between literature, art, and economics. In this paper, researchers have also examined the significant role of people-to-people contact for socio-cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Pakistan.

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