Moche Sociopolitical Dynamics and the Role of Licapa II, Chicama Valley, Peru

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-492 ◽  
Michele L. Koons

Fieldwork at the Moche (A .D. 250–900) site of Licapa II in the Chicama Valley, Peru, has resulted in a more nuanced history of the changing sociopolitical relationships among Moche centers. The distinct archaeological signatures of Moche society, namely ceramics and huacas (monumental structures), have been interpreted as emblematic of an ethnic and political reality and as evidence for a state. Nonetheless, scholars are now disentangling these assumptions, arguing that Moche society was a complex mosaic of interacting settlements. My research at Licapa II combined surface collection, geophysical surveys, excavation, and chronometric analysis to better understand this site within the context of broader Moche sociopolitical dynamics. Ceramic and architectural evidence from Licapa II indicates that a shift in ideological organization occurred around A.D. 650. This shift reflects changes seen throughout the Moche world. Licapa II is located on the border of the northern and southern regions of Moche cultural development, and ceramic styles indicate that many of the interactions between these regions could have occurred here. By comparing these findings to evidence of sociopolitical reorganization seen elsewhere, research from Licapa II contributes to a non-state and decentralized view of the sociopolitical structure of Moche society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 101 (4) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Ye Tuyte ◽  

Writing is very important for human society. This is the highest indicator of cultural development. Writing provides linguistic communication between people. For many centuries man has been using writing to communicate with each other. It helps to connect people who are from each other both at close and at a great distance. The article examines the problem of the origin of writing in the history of mankind, the history of the formation and development of the known types of writing, as well as its social role (functions). The article reveals the issues of the process of improving writing: its meaning in the development of society, the main stages of its formation. The letter has a long and complex history of its development, which covers a period of several thousand years. Therefore, the article determines the place of pictographic, ideographic, syllabic and letter psychology in meeting social needs. of its time. The writing of the peoples of the world has developed along different paths, the writing of each language of the world has its own characteristics that distinguish it from all other types of written speech. The article covers in detail such issues as the approximate time of the origin of writing, the causes and foundations of its occurrence, i.e. the factors that influenced its emergence, as well as the first users of writing, the form of the first writing, its evolutionary development over time, existing today types and signs of writing. The issues of the alphabet that caused the origin of writing (writing), the first sounds and types of Phoenician writing, its improvement, Greek and Aramaic writing, which caused the origin of the alphabet of the countries of the West and the East, problems of the science of descriptiveness — the problem of graphics, spelling, transcription and transliteration are considered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 1245-1258
Evgenii A. Koloskov ◽  

The article is devoted to the history of the formation and transformation of the theory of the Huns in contemporary Bulgaria through the prism of the political history of the country from the beginning of the debate about the origin of Bulgarians up to present day. The article examines how political reality impacted the processes of shaping scholarly and educational images, i.e. constructing a “convenient” usable past by the Bulgarian academic and non-academic circles. The main aspect in the study is related to the question of various interpretations of the ethnic origin of the Bulgars, the Huns and the role of the Slavic factor in the ethnogenesis of the contemporary Bulgarians. The milestones of the difficult history of Bulgaria and changes in political regimes have become the reasons for rejecting “Slavic” origin or, in some case, returning to it depending on external and internal circumstances. Today the Hun theory in all its variations and interpretations lies outside the professional scope of academic circles but is becoming the domain for various marginals. However, increasing activity of the right and the far-right in the politics of Europe capitalizing on the 2015 refugee crisis might return to the mainstream of official academic discourse the theory of the Hun The upcoming challenges of foreign policy (Euro-skepticism, ambitious projects outside the EU framework) and internal political issues (the question of national minorities) may also have a significant impact on this issue.

Adeptus ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 76-85
Ksenia Egorova

Subcarpathian Rus as a part of Czechoslovakia: history, culture, national identitySubcarpathian Rus was incorporated into the Czechoslovak Republic as a result of the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919). The following year Subcarpathian Rus being a part of Czechoslovakia was declared a self-governing autonomy with a certain number of democratic rights established by the Constitution. Among them was a right to use their national language. Codification of the Subcarpathian Ruthenian language has not yet been completed and it is an extensively discussed problem for contemporary linguists.After the First World War the Subcarpathian lands with its Ruthenian population was a poor farming region with a low level of ethnic self-awareness. Global economic and politic processes changed the situation dramatically and compelled the educated part of Subcarpathian Rus citizens into a discussion about their national language, culture and literature. The President of Czechoslovakia T. G. Masaryk participated in the discussion and was very interested in the cultural development of the region.Ruthenian society was split into two parts – pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian. The national composition of the region was very complicated. In order to understand the flow of national ideas in Subcarpathian Rus, the research presented here sets out to cover the history of the codification of the Ruthenian language, the creation of grammar books for schools, and to analyze the role of both the Russian and Ukrainian components in the cultural development of this region. This research also takes into consideration the complex analysis of Masaryk’s Slavonic policy and cultural strategies. Ruś Podkarpacka jako część Czechosłowacji: historia, kultura, tożsamość narodowa Ruś Podkarpacka weszła w skład Republiki Czechosłowackiej w wyniku traktatu podpisanego w Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919). W następnym roku ogłoszono autonomię Rusi Podkarpackiej jako części Czechosłowacji. Ruś otrzymała szereg demokratycznych praw określonych przez Konstytucję. Jednym z nich było prawo do korzystania z własnego języka narodowego. Kodyfikacja języka Rusinów na Rusi Podkarpackiej nie została jeszcze zakończona i nadal jest problemem szeroko dyskutowanym we współczesnym językoznawstwie.Po pierwszej wojnie światowej tereny Rusi Podkarpackiej były ubogim regionem rolniczym o niskim poziomie samoświadomości etnicznej zamieszkującej go ludności rusińskiej. Globalne procesy gospodarcze i polityczne zmieniły w sposób radykalny sytuację i zmusiły wykształconą część obywateli Rusi Podkarpackiej do rozpoczęcia dyskusji na temat swojego języka, kultury narodowej i literatury. Prezydent Czechosłowacji T. G. Masaryk brał udział w tej dyskusji i popierał rozwój kulturowy regionu.W społeczeństwie rusińskim istniały dwie dzielące je orientacje: prorosyjska i proukraińska. Struktura narodowościowa regionu była bardzo złożona. Artykuł próbuje przybliżyć czytelnikowi problem przepływu idei narodowych na Rusi Podkarpackiej. W artykule omówiono kwestie historii kodyfikacji języka rusińskiego i tworzenia podręczników do gramatyki dla szkół. Oprócz tego przeanalizowana została rola rosyjskiego i ukraińskiego wkładu w rozwój kultury tego regionu. W badaniach uwzględniono kompleksową analizę słowiańskiej polityki i strategii kulturowych Masaryka.

I. N. Nikulina ◽  
M. N. Potupchik

The study of history of cultural and educational society’s activity, as well as the way they influence the socio-cultural space of provincial towns, contributes to holistic perception of cultural development of Siberia as well as Russia in general. Some  issues  relating  to  creation  and  development  of  Barnaul  Society  of  Care for Elementary Education and its educational activity through libraries are considered in the article. The society was founded due to the selfless work of such an outstanding public person as V. K. Shtilke. Shtilke’s initiative as well as the initiative of other members of the society contributed to the opening of schools for children and weekend schools for adults, strengthening of public education through library organization, public readings, lectures, accessible performances. The main directions, methods, forms and results of educational work identified in the course of the study have led to the conclusion about the leading role of the Society in extracurricular education in Barnaul in 1880s – the beginning of 20th century. The conclusion about the significant influence of libraries of the Society on the dissemination of book culture among the broad masses of the population is justified. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-43

This article sheds light on the history of the city of Jerusalem during the early Abbasid period (132-247 AH/749-861 AD), after the city had reached the most advanced stages of architectural and cultural development in the Umayyad period, based on it being a religious and political center competing with the Two Holy Mosques in the Hijaz. After the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate, the political role of the city of Jerusalem lessened, once the center of the caliphate moved to Baghdad, despite the continued care of the Abbasid caliphs for the city, especially regarding restorations of the holy sites, after the natural disasters that afflicted the city. The study also sheds light on the cultural and economic role of the city during the period.

Yuzef Nikolchenko ◽  
Tamara Nikolchenko ◽  

The «Chronicles of Ancient Chronographers» Theodosius Sofonovich is a unique monument of Ukrainian history and culture, the creation of which coincides with the period of the National Liberation War of the Ukrainian people of 1648-1658 when political reality contributed to the development of Ukrainian national education and culture, headed by Kyiv Mohyla Collegium and patriotic Orthodox clergy. «Chronicles ...» consists of three parts: «About Russia», «The beginning and the name of Lithuania», «About the land of Poland». The first part covers the history of Kievan Rus, the second and third – the history of Ukraine XIV–XVII centuries. on the background of the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland (after 1569 – the Commonwealth). In the «Chronicles ...»Theodosius Sofonovich contains twenty messages on the problem being investigated, in particular: «Volyn» – 18; «Volyn lands» – 1; «Volyn» (city) – 1. With the help of the messages «Chronicles ...», an important role played by Volyn and Volyn lands in national history and culture from the time of the settlement of the Slavs in Eastern Europe to the events of the initial period of the National Liberation War in June 1648 was determined. Considering only one particular issue in the pages of «The Chronicles of the Chroniclers of the Ancients» Theodosius Sofonovich, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that this work not only greatly represents the bright national historiography of the New time, but also gives the opportunity to a modern researcher to find out the features of the historical, socio-political, social, economic and cultural development of Ukraine and its separate lands from ancient times to the last quarter of the XVII century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (06) ◽  
pp. 521-530
Zainab Abd Ali MUHSEN

The fashion is the interface of the world for human communication and the overlap of cultures, and globalization in contemporary fashion can have a positive impact as it is important in the development of design and executive awareness to achieve the job through economic and cultural development, stressing that the role of the contemporary designer artist is the continuous communication between the global heritage and the new visions used in the present and the aesthetics of design. Fashion and clothing are considered as the language full of symbols, which reflects the (identities) of human societies, because of the different environments in which they are present, as the costume is the title of world cultures as each environment of the world has special costumes that distinguish it, although it shares the fact that it is inspired by the traditional heritage of that region, and expresses the environment in which women live, and this is reflected in many forms of executive model technology carried by different costumes. Although they vary from region to region due to the demographics of the environment, tastes are multiplied by media communication with different peoples and civilizations. They are any costumes that tell the history of human beings from the beginning to the present. In recent times, a phenomenon has emerged characterized by a return to heritage and typical.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-160
Melissa Gregg

An affective dimension is often at work in constructions of political ‘reality’. Such a recognition might be seen to reinforce the value of certain legacies in cultural studies, particularly the role of articulation in public debate, and the renewed importance of such work in framing responses to volatile issues like the mandatory detention of asylum seekers. Revisiting the work of Stuart Hall on Thatcherism, and taking note of Judith Brett’s recent history of the Australian Liberal Party, I want to contemplate the prominent role language plays in political life, and, alongside Watson and others, question the priority the Left accords this key element of contemporary politics. In doing so, I use Hall as an example of what might be called scholarly affect: a voice of intervention that catalyses the Left in moments of crisis, and a voice that deploys cultural theory to make sense of concrete political problems.

S. A. Baturenko

The article considers intellectual premises of forming of a feministic discourse in the Russian sociology are considered. The origin perspective in Russia of feminism as social phenomenon and theory of feminism in the history of the Russian social thought begins with them. The developed prerequisites promoted an indication of interest of the first Russian sociologists to this problem. The specifics of historical and cultural development exerted impact on judgment of a set of questions within social sciences including on need of a research of “women’s issue”. Many outstanding sociologists actively worked at a turn of the 19–20th centuries in the field of studying of this problem. The question of social position and role of women attracted a keen interest of representatives of the most different directions of sociological science of the classical period of development in Russia: positivistic, neopositivistic, subjective sociology, genetic, neokantian, Marxist, geographical direction. The author notes that judgment of a women’s issue in Russia began much earlier, namely in the first half of the 19th century to what a huge number of books and articles on this perspective testifies. The problem of position of women in society is considerably expressed in the context of the Russian culture, and widely reveals in the Russian literature in works of the famous writers, poets, publicists, philosophers. Statement of a problem of inequality, overcoming a dependency of the woman, providing her rights in Russia differs from western in original specifics. These specifics are caused by historical and social development of society, formation of legal system, religious consciousness. On the one hand, considerable impact was exerted by the European social thinkers. On the other hand, it is possible to speak about the Russian philosophers of this period who developed a problem of female equality in the works and in many respects defined the general direction of development of domestic sociology. In article the process of intellectual development of the Russian social thought which is directly preceding emergence of sociology in Russia and to forming of a feministic discourse within some leading schools of sciences is analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Eka Asih Putrina Taim

Kutai Lama merupakan salah satu kota lama yang terdapat di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Salah satu bukti hubungan antara Kutai Lama dengan dunia luar adalah banyaknya sebaran pecahan keramik asing, terutama dari Cina, yang padat di sepanjang tepian sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami keberadaan keramik kuno di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Adapun sasaran penelitian ini adalah bentuk dan variasi keramik, sehingga diketahuifungsi serta peranan keramik Cina pada masa itu. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada penelitian terdahulu yang mengulas tentang besarnya pengaruh eksistensi keramik Cina dalam perkembangan kebudayaan di kawasan Kutai Lama. Situs Kutai Lama merupakan kawasan penting bagi rekonstruksi sejarah awal perkembangan Islam di Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-deskriptif, dan perbandingan-perbandingan berdasarkan literatur keramik Cina. Hasil analisis morfologi dan kronologi menunjukkan bahwa keramik Dinasti Song-Yuan mendominasi populasi temuan keramik di Kutai Lama. Hal ini menjadi indikasi komoditi dagang tersebut dihargai sebagai suatu hadiah, sehingga menjadi barang berharga yang dimiliki oleh kalangan tertentu atau tokoh masyarakat. Kutai Lama is one of the old towns located in the Mahakam River catchment. One of the items of evidence of the relationship between Kutai Lama and the outside world is a large number of fragments of foreign ceramic, especially from China, which was densely found along the banks of the river. The objective of this study was to understand the existence of old ceramics in the Mahakam River catchment. The target of this research was the form and variation of ceramics, thus providing information on the purpose and role of Chinese ceramics then. This research was conducted because there were no previous studies that reviewed the magnitude of the influence of the existence of Chinese ceramics in the cultural development in the Kutai Lama region. The Kutai Lama site is an important area for the reconstruction of the early history of Islamic development in Kutai Kartanegara. The research method used was qualitative-descriptive, and comparative based on Chinese ceramics literature. The results of the morphological and chronological analyses showed that the Song-Yuan Dynasty ceramics dominate the population of ceramic findings in Kutai Lama. This is an indication that such trade commodity was also valued as gifts, therefore, it became valuable items owned by certain groups or community leaders.

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