Humanitarian actual problems of the humanities and education
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Published By National Research Mordovia State University Mrsu

2587-7879, 2078-9823

Zhanna G. Garanina ◽  
Alyona I. Lashina

Introduction. The article analyzes the problem of self-actualization and professional orientation of specialists in various fields. A theoretical study of the problem of self-actualization has shown that it is a specific form of cognitive creative activity, involving the identification, study and assessment of one’s capabilities and implementation in the profession. Materials and Methods. The article presents the results of an empirical study of self-actualization and professional orientation of specialists of various profiles using a set of methods: the questionnaire “Diagnostics of self-actualization of the personality of A. V. Lazukin” (adapted by N. F. Kalin); test to determine the professional orientation of the personality of J. Holland; methods of diagnostics of socio-psychological attitudes of a person in the motivational-need-sphere of O. F. Potemkina; methods of statistical data processing: Mann – Whitney U-test, correlation analysis. Research Results. Statistically significant differences were revealed between the indicators of self-actualization, motivation and professional orientation among specialists from different professional groups. The correlation relationships between the types of professional orientation and various scales of self-actualization and attitudes in the motivational-need-sphere of representatives of various professional groups have been revealed. It was found that the features of self-actualization, values, motives and needs of specialists are largely due to the specifics of their professional activities and the type of professional orientation. The desire for self-actualization, creativity, spontaneity, self-understanding, contact and flexibility in communication is most pronounced among specialists with a social and entrepreneurial type of orientation, whose activities provide opportunities for creative self-expression. Discussion and Conclusion. The results obtained confirm the assumption that the desire for self-actualization of specialists is largely due to their professional orientation and the specifics of their professional activities.

Alexey N. Rukhlin ◽  
Oksana A. Rukhlina

Introduction. This article describes the Xinhai Revolution in China. The authors, with the help of the Samara periodicals, highlighted the beginning, course and completion of the revolution, the activities of Sun Yatsen and Yuan Shikai, as well as the social aspects of this period. October 10, 2021, the legitimate successors of the Xinhai Revolution of the PRC and the Republic of China in Taiwan celebrate 110 years. The significance of the presented material is undoubted, since it is based on real historical sources – periodicals of 1911–1912. The purpose of the article is to determine the historical place of the Xinhai Revolution and its importance for the further history of China on the basis of newspaper materials. Materials and Methods. The most important in the study, based on the provisions formulated by the above authors, is the historical method, or, as it is also formulated, the principle of historicism. In carrying out this scientific research, the author relied primarily on special historical or general historical methods. Research Results. The study showed that starting with the Wuchansk uprising on October 10, 1911, metropolitan and provincial newspapers actively followed and published materials about the revolution. The outbreak of riots and uprisings in the provinces were reflected in detail by journalists and editors of Samara newspapers. The left-wing liberal party press, in contrast to the semi-official press, perceived the revolutionary movement of the popular masses in China positively. Discussion and Conclusion. Any revolution is always a large and controversial topic for scientific discussion. The Xinhai Revolution did not lead to the expected results, both among the people and among the bourgeoisie, the intelligentsia and the upper class. It was followed by further turmoil, which led first to the government of the Kuomintang, and then the Communists. It can be concluded that the theme of the Chinese Revolution of 1911–1912 is still relevant. The proposed provisions and conclusions create the prerequisites for further study of this problem.

Marina Е. Ryabova

Introduction. Student migration exists over the whole period of society development and by the second half of the 20th century it is becoming a mass social phenomenon. A constant society complication under influence of information technologies gives student migration other forms. Considering the fact that student migration is a component part of unified educational process, its separate stages make actual differentiation of migrant students mobile behaviour, including localization of living environment, educational institution, educational activities and the interactive nature of training. The objective of the article is to attempt to explicate the phenomenon of student migration in the field of social philosophy, to consider its accompanying positive and negative aspects in the prism of distant context. Materials and Methods. The methodological basis of the study is interdisciplinary approach which allows to distinguish and describe the relationship of the phenomenon under study. Solution of research problems was provided by critical analysis intercomplementary methods and by interpretation of social reality phenomena based on the dialectic idea of removing the one-dimensionality of cognition of the globalizing educational space. The Results. The peculiarity of student migration was revealed consisting in 1) in the restriction of free movement in space; 2) in the forced relocation to the virtual reality of the digital format, which caused the imaginary territorial mobility; 3) in the weakening of direct contact with the host educational environment, leading to dissonance with the existing state of things; 4) in strengthening the cross-border nature of education, which allows to expand international cooperation with different countries. Discussion and Conclusions. Expected effect of student migration distant forms realization consists in a new interpretation of the subject of the universal, changing the attitude to migration. The media resonance that occurs everywhere contributes to the formation of prerequisites for a positive perception of the image of a migrant. Academic mobility caused by today’s modification of reality, was determined by the digitalization megatrend of educational institutions, which affected all aspects of life. Remote technologies have mitigated the problem of migrants’ adaptation to another cultural environment, neutralized the consequences of socio-cultural stress, which is usually experienced by the subject of both external and internal migration. Practical experience of remote forms realization of work with the subject of educational migration has shown the indisputability of universal involvement in the movement to a new type of knowledge production, the most important role in which is played by pragmatic situativeness and the powerful presence of digital environment tools.

Stanislav A. Malchenkov

Introduction. The relevance of the analysis of civilizational transformations in Russia is explained, first of all, by the vast vicissitudes of its political, economic and socio-cultural development in recent decades. The importance of the topic is growing, since the content of the philosophical problem in the period of building a multipolar world is supplemented by geopolitical components. Methods. The work used historical and dialectical methods, as well as systems analysis. Results. In modern scientific research, the ideas of linear and cyclical development are no longer opposed to each other as rigidly as was customary in the 19th – 20th centuries. The development of the concept of “axial time” by K. Jaspers leads to the idea that local civilizations, throughout their development, undergo significant transformations, while maintaining their own uniqueness. The concept of “civilizational transformations” is closely related to the category of “social transformations” that has developed in the scientific literature, however, it focuses primarily on cultural changes that cover the spiritual sphere of society. Discussion and Conclusion. At present, there is a need to include the concept of “civilizational transformations” in the scientific circulation, which in its most general form describes all possible changes in civilization on the way of its development. Civilizational transformations not only change the social code in the spiritual sphere, but also significantly affect the transformation of social, political and economic institutions.

Valery S. Lunin

Introduction. In the 1920s and 1930s, the USSR accumulated significant experience in pre-university training for young people, some elements of which remain relevant to this day. In domestic historical science, special attention was paid to the analysis of the phenomenon of workers’ faculties, which played a huge role in our country in the formation of the Soviet intelligentsia. However, at the regional level, to date, there is not a single special study, which would comprehensively consider the issues of the emergence and activities of the Mordovian workers’ faculty. This article attempts to partially fill this kind of “white spot” in the latest historiography of the history and culture of the Mordovian region and people. Materials and Methods. The main resource base of the study was made up of materials from the funds of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Mordovia (CSA RM), most of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The methodological basis for the analysis of the collected factual material was both general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, etc.) and special historical methods: descriptive (ideographic), historical-genetic, problem-chronological, historical-systemic. Results. The author reveales the reasons for the creation of the Mordovian workers’ faculty as the main form of pre-university training in Mordovia in the 1930s, shows the dynamics of its student body; analyzes the state of the educational process and extracurricular work at the workers’ faculty; gives the characteristic features of the financial situation, everyday life and life of Mordovian students-workers of the faculty. Conclusion. The creation of the Mordovian Workers’ Faculty at the end of the 20s of the last century was an adequate response to the urgent vital need of the young Mordovian statehood for its own highly qualified personnel. With all the minuses and shortcomings in its activities, the workers’ faculty has become the main “forge of applicants” from workers and peasants for the higher school of Mordovia, a kind of “forerunner” of the preparatory department and the faculty of pre-university training and secondary vocational education of Ogarev Mordovia State University.

Yana S. Pisachkina

Introduction. Social control is considered in the aspect of social philosophy, in the contexts of ideas of social dynamics, social changes, instrumentalities, manufacturability and criticism of instrumental reason. Methods. Research materials, philosophical, sociological, sociocultural works that form the methodological basis of social control. Methods of social statistics, social changes and transformations, social processes, social representation, social topology, constellation and typology are applied in macro- and microanalysis of social space in the study of quality of life problems, the formation and comparison of social practices in the context of the formation of modern forms of social control, informatization, optimization and humanitarization of the social environment, measurement of human capital in the aspect of social criticism. Results. Social control is a multifaceted and universal phenomenon, it is a mechanism that connects people, marking the application of goals, value orientations and norms. Social control is the most important factor in the state of “maturity” of society, the quality of the communication space, the public and power structures. Conclusion. Social control of important information about production, culture, cultural life of society, historical culture.

Alexander V. Shirshov

Introduction. Questions of continuity and cultural conservatism of the Russian society of the Modern era are one of the problems of the research in this article. The author suggests that the Old Russian religious and moral heritage was not completely destroyed by the Nikon church reforms in the Moscow state. The purpose of the article is to consider the diversity of forms of Russian religiosity in the context of the development of traditions of Russian society. Materials and Methods. In modern conditions, interest in religion and Old Believers continues to grow, as a rich cultural heritage of Russian society. Therefore, the appeal to the texts of the past in the philosophical method of dialogicality, hermeneutics, and a comprehensive analysis of the works of the Old Believers allows us to identify all the features of the heritage of the past of Russia. Results. The positions of the ethical and aesthetic consciousness of the schism teachers worried many Russian philosophers of the “Silver Age” era. The dramatic nature of the situation was that there was no complete reconciliation between the parties to the split in Russian spiritual thought. Discussion and Conclusion. Many of the ideas of Protopop Avvakum, one of the leaders of the Old Believers in Russia, continue to be relevant to the present day. The questions of the moral and socio-cultural identity of the Russians as the “last Orthodox kingdom” are of an eschatological nature. Many aspects of ritualism and rite-believing are preserved among the Russian people and among many Russian and foreign communities of believers. The confessional culture of the Old Russian epoch remains a mystery for many modern researchers and is of an actual nature, since many aspects of this problem remain poorly studied. The subject of the analysis of the influence of Old-Belief traditions on the fate of the spirituality of the Russian people is important.

Oleg I. Mariskin

Introduction. The study of the features of the confessional and socio-cultural development of peoples and individual regions of the Russian state is one of the important research tasks. Results and Discussion. At the end of the XVII century the village of Novotroitskoye of the Alatyrsky district became the first Mordovian Christian settlement of the region, in which the new Christians, protected from oppression, began to live, who were an example for their tribesmen in the adoption of the Orthodox faith. From the middle of the XVIII century in many Novokreschen villages of the region, a chapel was initially built, in which a priest was determined to serve. Then money was allocated for the construction of the church. In the XIX century active construction of Orthodox churches continued on the territory of the Alatyrsky and Ardatovsky districts of the Simbirsk province: instead of outdated and dilapidated church buildings, new ones were built, and parish churches were opened in populous villages. Conclusion. The Christening of a Mordva and opening of churches became an important step in strengthening of Orthodoxy and autocracy in the region, have played a positive role in spiritual and moral education of the people, have left a noticeable mark in education development. To acceptance of christianity there was a sociocultural integration of a mordva into structure of the Russian Empire. On the other hand, the commonality of the Orthodox religion was one of the factors in the development of assimilation processes among the Mordovian people.

Olga V. Galtseva

Introduction. The article proposes a worldview approach for typologizing local religious holidays of the rural population of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which they are considered as a system of communication between the human collective and the divine. Results. The life of the Russian peasant was built up in a constant dialogue with the divine, the mediators of this dialogue were the patron saints of the community, communication with whom was carried out through local holidays established in their honor. Various forms of celebration correlated in the worldview of Russian peasants with different reasons for turning to the patron saints, which allowed the author to distinguish two types of local religious holidays that differ in their functions: petition holidays and thanksgiving holidays. Discussion and Conclusion. The system of local religious holidays was not only an accessible mechanism of religious practices for Russian peasants, but also a traditional way of life support. The holidays of supplication and the holidays of thanksgiving, complementing each other in a number of functions, were closely connected with the life of the peasant community. The former was responsible for earthly goods and united people using common natural resources in religious communication, the latter ensured the spiritual kinship of members of tribal groups united in a single veneration of their patron saint. Every significant event in the secular and spiritual life of the peasant world found its expression in the local holiday calendar.

Elena L. Iakovleva

The relevance of the research topic is due to the interest in urban space and its cultural and symbolic meaning. The city, perceived as a text, helps in interpreting to understand its specifics and represent it at different levels, which increases, among other things, its tourist attractiveness. The purpose of the study is to analyze the metaphor of Kazan-a woman through the prism of the gastronomic culture of the Tatars. Materials and Methods of Research. The methodological basis of the research consists of the cosmosophical ideas of G. D. Gachev, as well as the books of K. F. Fuchs, K. Nasyri, F. Ibragimova, S. Lutfullina, in which there are characteristics of the gastronomic culture of the Tatars. In the original metaphor, analyzed from the point of view of G. D. Gachev’s cosmosophy, where Kazan represents the Cosmos, and a woman represents Psyche, a missing link is found – the Logos. It is this link that, while remaining an open structure, accommodates various spheres of manifestation of the national mind in the field of culture and art, which helps to identify the feminine qualities of the city when interpreting the metaphor. Results. A stable association associated with Kazan is its Tatar national cuisine. This is no coincidence. The very history of the city according to some extant legends and legends is associated with the cauldron, which is a mandatory attribute of the cuisine. Despite the primacy of the man in the family, the mistress of the kitchen is a woman. It is on her that a huge number of duties are assigned to prepare food and create a spiritual atmosphere during the meal. Gastronomic culture, acting as a Logo, allows us to identify such qualities of Kazan, interpreted as an image of a woman-hostess, as hospitality, cordiality, respect, sensitivity, creativity, rationalism, skillful and careful handling of products. Discussion and conclusion. Clarification of the meaning of the Kazan-woman metaphor requires further study. At the same time, other spheres of culture and various texts of art can act as Logos.

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