dirty hands
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M. Nowak ◽  
A. Tolińska ◽  
L. Marciniak ◽  
M. Skrobańska ◽  
B. Tylkowski ◽  

AbstractThis study aimed to assess the characteristics, including morphology, physicochemical properties, and antibacterial properties, of silver nanocolloids obtained by D-glucose reduction. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized in accordance with the principles of green chemistry using D-glucose as a reductor. The obtained nanostructures were characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and dynamic light scattering. Stability tests performed after 1 month of storage revealed that the colloids prepared with and without polyvinylpyrrolidone as a stabilizer had the same properties. Distribution of the nanoparticles was tested using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry by doping the silver colloids into a natural soap mass. The antibacterial activity of the soap containing silver nanoparticles was tested on dirty hands. The antibacterial activity test demonstrated that the novel green soap materials improved with D-glucose-reduced silver nanoparticles possessed better antibacterial properties than a pure soap, and thus, they could be recommended for quotidian use by dermatological patients.

В.А. Ирдеева ◽  
Р.С. Аракельян ◽  
Е.И. Окунская ◽  
Г.Л. Шендо ◽  
А.В. Коваленко ◽  

Целью данной работы явился ретроспективный анализ заболеваемости населения Астраханской области токсокарозом за 2012-2019 гг. Проанализированы 48 эпидемиологических карт лиц, инвазированных токсокарами. Диагноз «токсокароз» подтверждался данными клинического осмотра, жалобами пациентов, эпидемиологическим анамнезом и результатами иммуноферментного анализа с применением тест-систем для выявления антител к антигенам токсокар класса G. Случаи токсокароза отмечались у лиц от 3 до 75 лет, из которых дети составили 18,8% (n = 9). По результатам эпидемиологического анамнеза выяснилось, что большая часть инвазированных – 91,7% (n = 44) не соблюдала правила личной гигиены (употребляла грязные немытые фрукты и овощи – 89,6% (n = 43), не мыла руки перед едой – 16,7% (n = 8), контактировала с недегельминтизированными животными – 58,4% (n = 28): собаками – 43,8% (n = 21), в т. ч. домашними – 90,5% (n = 19), кошками – 14,6% (n = 7), в т. ч. домашними – 85,7% (n = 6). Склонность к геофагии (привычка есть почву) отмечалась у 68,8% (n = 33) инвазированных. А привычка грызть ногти на руках и ногах (онихофагия) отмечалась у 18,8% (n = 9) детей. После установления окончательного диагноза все пациенты проходили курс химиотерапии препаратом албендазол. Таким образом, высокие цифры зараженности лиц, проживавших в Ленинском и Трусовском районах г. Астрахани, связаны с тем, что данные районы являются густонаселенными с большим числом домовладений частного сектора, в котором находятся домашние животные (кошки и собаки). Основные причины заражения токсокарами – несоблюдение правил личной гигиены, употребление в пищу плохо вымытых фруктов и овощей, контакт с животными и геофагия. Титр антител к антигенам токсокар выше разведения 1:800 свидетельствует о наличии висцерального токсокароза у обследуемого лица. The purpose of this work was a retrospective analysis of the incidence of toxocars in the population of the Astrakhan region for 2012-2019. 48 epidemiological maps of persons infected with toxocars were analyzed. The clinical diagnosis of «Toxocarosis» was confirmed by clinical examination data, patient complaints, collected epidemiological history, and data from the enzyme immunoassay method using test systems to detect antibodies to toxocar class G antigens. Cases of toxocarosis were observed in persons aged 3 to 75 years, of which children accounted for 18,8% (n = 9). An epidemiological history was collected, as a result of which it was found that most of the infected – 91,7% (n = 44) did not follow the rules of personal hygiene (this category of patients had such bad habits as: eating dirty unwashed fruits and vegetables – 89,6% (n = 43), unwashed dirty hands before eating – 16,7% (n = 8), contact with non – dehelminthized animals – 58,4% (n = 28): dogs – 43,8% (n = 21), including domestic – 90,5% (n = 19), cats – 14,6% (n = 7), including domestic-85,7% (n = 6). The tendency to geophagy (the habit of eating the soil) was observed in 68,8% (n = 33) of the infected. And the habit of biting the nails on the hands and feet (onychophagia) was observed in 18,8% (n = 9) of children. After the final diagnosis, all patients underwent a course of chemotherapy with albandazole. Thus, the high infection rates of people who lived in the Leninsky and Trusovsky districts of Astrakhan are associated with the fact that these areas are densely populated with a large number of private sector, in which there are domestic animals (cats and dogs). Presumably, one of the main causes of human infection with toxocars was not following the rules of personal hygiene, eating poorly washed fruits and vegetables, contact with animals and geophagy. The presence of a titer of antibodies to toxocar antigens above a dilution of 1: 800 indicates the presence of the disease «Visceral toxocarosis» in the examined person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Alvian Rivaldi Sutisna

Penelitian ini dimulai dari latar belakang masalah lingkungan yang saat ini sedang menjadi sorotan akibat dari alih fungsi lahan, eksploitasi flora dan fauna, dan sebagainya. Tujuan pembuatan artikel jurnal yaitu mendeskripsikan kajian ekokritik dalam novel Kekal karya Jalu Kancana. Ekokritik adalah kajian yang mengkritisi lingkungan melalui karya sastra. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ekokritik yakni dengan mencari kutipan dalam karya sastra yang memuat nilai-nilai lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Kekal karya Jalu Kancana. Penelitian ini terfokus pada kajian ekokritik. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjuk pada kajian ekokritik dalam novel Kekal karya Jalu Kancana yang menggambarkan tentang perjuangan tokoh bernama Alit yang sedang menggaungkan program Save Ciharus untuk dapat terus mempertahankannya sebagai bagian dari upaya pelestarian lingkungan dari tangan kotor sebuah korporasi yang hanya mementingkan aspek ekonomi dibandingkan dengan aspek ekologi.Kata Kunci: Ekokritik, Kekal, Jalu Kancana This research start from the background of environmental problems that are currently in the spotlight as a result of land transfer, exploitation of flora and fauna, and etc. The purpose of journal is to describe the study of ecocriticism in the novel Kekal by Jalu Kancana. This research is qualitative research. The subject in this study was jalu Kancana's novel Kekal. This research focuses on ecocriticism studies. The data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. The results point to the ecocriticism study in jalu Kancana's novel Kekal which describes the struggle of a figure named Alit who is promoting the Save Ciharus program to be able to continue to maintain it as part of environmental conservation efforts from the dirty hands of a corporation that only attaches importance to economic aspects compared to ecological aspects.Keywords: Ecocriticism, Kekal, Jalu Kancana

Fizra Balkhi ◽  
Aamna Nasir ◽  
Ayesha Asghar ◽  
Farhan Patel ◽  
Marium Zafar ◽  

Background: Health care worker’s hands are mostly responsible for transmission of healthcare associated infections (HCAI). In such instances, alcohol based hand rubs have been endorsed by WHO as the gold standard for hand hygiene for visibly clean hands; whereas, for visibly dirty hands soap and water is recommended. In developing countries (like Pakistan), affected people frequently exceed 25%. However, limited infrastructure in these countries hinders the performance of hand hygiene, but the use of alcohol-based hand rubs in such adverse situations is a practical solution to these constraints.Methods: In January 2021, we initiated a 12 week cross-sectional study in a public sector tertiary care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan. All participants were given a self-designed questionnaire with a consent form thereby giving us permission to use the data. Data was analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS version 23).Results: 84.3% of the participants had received prior instructions on hand hygiene; however 71.7% respondents did not have access to alcohol based hand rubs. When questioned if they followed WHO’s five moments of hand hygiene, only 50.5% use alcohol based hand rubs before patient contact; 88.6% used it after patient contact; 83.2% after body fluid exposure risk; 77% before an aseptic task and 78.6% after contact with patient’s surroundings.Conclusions: There is a dire need for concerned authorities to enforce proper hand hygiene in public hospitals of developing countries in order to curb health care associated infections and prolonged hospital stays.

Wiktoria Morawska

Celem artykułu jest wskazanie nowych wyzwań socjologii i ekonomii — uwikłanych w kontekst zjawisk globalizacji, segmentacji rynku i „społeczeństwa konsumentów”. Efektem tych przemian jest potrzeba postawienia imperatywu interdyscyplinarnego eksplorowania nowych obszarów badawczych. Artykuł zawiera przekrojowy rys historyczny socjologii ekonomicznej oraz asumptów do rozwoju heterodoksyjnych nurtów ekonomii. Dotyczy to krytycznej analizy gospodarki i problemów jej polaryzacji według S. Sassen, teorii społecznego zakorzenienia gospodarki M. Granovettera, socjologii gospodarki na Uniwersytecie Harvarda, modeli W. Morawskiego, czy tez o „brudnych łapach” i „czystych modelach” P. Hirscha, S. Michaelsa i R. Friedmana. Największą wartością jest wykazanie potrzeby interdyscyplinarności współczesnej ekonomii i redefiniowania pozycji dyscyplin o niskim prestiżu społecznym, włączając je do głównego nurtu badawczego. Kluczowe stało się odrzucenie dyskursu generowania i określania granic dyscyplin. Tak przyjęty imperatyw wynika z przekonania, że współczesna rzeczywistość wymaga nie tylko analizy ekonomicznej, lecz także metaforycznego „połączenia sił” w ramach nauk społecznych, humanistycznych i ścisłych.

2021 ◽  
pp. 18-20
Suvikram Pradhan ◽  
G. Avinash Sharma ◽  
Anshuman Nayak ◽  
D Jayanth Kumar

In the global outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic the cleaning of hands has become most necessary which helps in prevention of germs which indirectly helps in reducing the cause of the diseases not only the covid-19 but various diseases because most of the germs reaches our body through hands while we touch our face of eat something with dirty hands. Now as prescribed by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION {WHO} to reduce the spreads we have to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water regularly as well as we have to sanitize our hands with the help of the sanitization liquids or gels. The most preferable form of the sanitization of the hands is considered as the use of sanitization liquids as compared to washing hands with soap because sanitizers are much more effective as compared to soaps and can be carried anywhere and can be used just by pouring in hands and rubbing thoroughly without the use of any water. And in another lateral thinking way it is not only helps in reducing the germs but also helps in saving the water. Since squeezing the sanitization bottle at times after times is considered unnecessary and unhygienic automation of the sanitization comes into picture.

Sergey Borisovich Panchenko

Salmonellosis is one of the most common intestinal infections with an established type of pathogen. It is caused by various subtypes of bacteria of the genus Salmonella, with domestic animals being the main source of infection. The infection can occur both through the contact with infected animals and by eating infected foods (eggs, cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, meat). Due to the immaturity of the immune system, the disease mainly affects children; more than half of the affected are preschoolers. Representatives of this age group are not yet fully aware of the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene and are inclined to taste everything; dirty hands, toys, and household items can serve as a source of infection. Newborns can become infected from adult carriers of Salmonella infection. There are frequent cases of mass infection by salmonellosis in organized children’s groups; the cause of the disease can be infected food products that have not undergone proper heat treatment, violation of sanitary and hygienic standards during the storage and preparation of products, as well as infected service personnel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (137) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Majed Jamil NASIF ◽  
Ridha Thamer BAQER

          The freedom and the existential engagement represent two essential notions in the mind of the writer Jean-Paul Sartre. It has been presented in a good and clear way by his philosophy or, in a clearer way, by his artworks. More specifically, the two plays of this author, The Flies and the dirty hands, are the mirror that reflects these twos existential notions.           These two plays are the perfect testimonies for the two important periods in the XXth century: before and after the Second World War. These two periods vary in so far, the human mind, politics and literature as are concerned. This variation has followed the historical and the political changes in the world in general and in France in particular.           Even if The Flies and the dirty hands are considered like two different existential dramas, but each one completes the other. The first drama evokes a human mind but, indirectly, another political one, whether the other play evokes the inverse. Oreste and Hugo, the two heroes of our study plays, are the superior heroes who try to save humanity of slavery and submission to injustice. Sartre and his audience place their hopes in these two heroes who search for the freedom through their existential engagement.           In the other hand, the female characters have played an affective role in the dramatic action in the two plays. By its freedom and its existential engagement, the female condition, according to Sartre's vision, searches for proving his human existence and revolting against the authority of the family, the society and the humanity. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Emy Yuliantini ◽  
Miratul Haya ◽  
Andi Eka Yunianto ◽  
Sherly ◽  
Tri Antini

Background: Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by corona virus. Smokers are the most vulnerable group form Covid-1. Dirty hands can spread disease by providing entry to pathogens, bacteria, or viruses. Handwashing could be effective and efficient prevention to prevent covid-19 infection.Objective: To determine the relationship between gender and smoking habits, handwashing and nutritional behavior among respondents.Methods: A descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional design. Respondents were 966 people who lived in Bengkulu Province. Data collection was carried out by online questionnaire which were distributed through WhatsApp media. Data analysis used the chi-square test.Results: There were significant relationship between gender and smoking habits (p = 0.003), gender and handwashing (p = 0.000), gender and nutritional behavior related with fresh food consumptions (p = 0.026). There were no relationship between gender and nutritional behavior related to preserved/instant foods consumption (p = 0.463), nutritional behavior and fruit-vegetable consumption habits (p = 0.090).Conclusion: There is a relationship between gender and smoking and handwashing habits.

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