In this paper a high capacitance ratio and low actuation voltage RF MEMS switch is designed and fabricated for Ka band RF front-ends application. The metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors is employed on a signal line to improve the capacitance ratio, which will not degrade the switch reliability. To reduce the actuation voltage, a low spring constant bending folding beam and bilateral drop-down electrodes are designed in the MEMS switch. The paper analyzes the switch pull-in model and deduces the elastic coefficient calculation equation, which is consistent with the simulation results. The measured results indicated that, for the proposed MEMS switch with a gap of 2 μm, the insertion loss is better than −0.5 dB and the isolation is more than −20 dB from 25 to 35 GHz with an actuation voltage of 15.8 V. From the fitted results, the up-state capacitance is 6.5 fF, down-state capacitance is 4.3 pF, and capacitance ratios is 162. Compared with traditional MEMS capacitive switches with dielectric material Si3N4, the proposed MEMS switch exhibits high on/off capacitance ratios of 162 and low actuation voltage.