factory owner
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-114
Nurul Sukma Lestari ◽  
Jessica Glory Aprillia

Abstrak Makanan merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan Pariwisata di suatu daerah.  Banyak wisatawan yang datang ke suatu daerah karena ingin mencoba makanan khas dari daerah tersebut.  Indonesia kaya akan makanan khas dari tiap daerah, salah satunya adalah Tauco. Tauco merupakan ikonik dari Kota Cianjur. Tauco adalah makanan berfermentasi yang berfungsi sebagai bumbu dalam masakan.  Dengan seiring jaman, bangsa Cina yang tinggal dan menetap mulai memperkenalkan Tauco kepada masyarakat setempat.  Tetapi karena rasa asli Tauco kurang digemari oleh masyarakat setempat, maka rasa Tauco mulai mengalami perubahan untuk menyesuaikan dengan rasa yang dikenal oleh masyarakat setempat.  Perlu untuk mengetahui jejak sejarah dari tiap makanan tradisional agar kita dapat menjaga dan melestarikan serta memperkenalkan ke dunia luar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejarah dari Tauco, cara pembuatan tauco dan bagaimana eksistesinya saat ini.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan melakukan pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, kuisioner dan studi literatur.  Nara sumber adalah pemilik pabrik tauco yang merupakan keturunan keempat dari generasinya dan pemilik rumah makan yang sudah berkecimpung di dunia restoran selama 68 tahun. Sedangkan untuk responden kuisioner didapatkan 100 orang yang berasal dari berbagai kota.  Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa Tauco dibawa pertama kali ke kota Cianjur oleh bangsa Tiongkok (China) pada masa penjajahan Belanda yang kemudian berasimilasi dengan rasa lokal sehingga dapat diterima dan disenangi oleh masyarakat. Cara pembuatan masih menggunakan cara tradisional, terutama proses pengeringan yang masih menggunakan sinar matahari, menggunakan kendi tanah liat yang sudah berumur ratusan tahun dan cara pemasakan yang manggunakan kayu bakar.  Sedangkan eksistensi tauco sampai saat ini masih banyak berada di generasi tua.  Karenanya disarankan untuk lebih memperkenalkan masakan tradisional seperti tauco kepada generasi muda, bisa melalui seminar atau pengetahuan tambahan yang diberikan di sekolah.  Agar generasi muda dapat mengenal, menyukai dan ikut menjaga masakan khas daerahnya. Keyword : Tauco, Makanan Khas, Asimilasi  Abstract Food is one way to increase tourism. Because sometimes tourists come to specific area because they want to try special foods from that area. Indonesia is rich in specialties from each region, one of which is Tauco. Tauco is an iconic of Cianjur. Tauco is a fermented food that serves as a spice in cooking. Derived from soybeans through a long process because it still uses the traditional method so that it becomes a cooking spice that can be used to cook various kinds of food ingredients such as fish, vegetables, chicken, and many more. The purpose of this research is to know the history of Tauco, how to make tauco and how it exists today. The research method used is qualitative and performs data collection by interviews, questionnaires and literature studies. The resource person is a tauco factory owner who is the fourth descendant of his generation and a restaurant owner who has been in the restaurant world for 68 years. Meanwhile, for the questionnaire respondents, it was found that 100 people came from various cities. The results of this study found that Tauco was first brought to the city of Cianjur by the Chinese during the Dutch colonial period which then assimilated it with a local taste so that it could be accepted and liked by the community. The manufacturing method still uses traditional methods, especially the drying process which still uses sunlight, using a clay jug that is hundreds of years old and the cooking method using firewood. Meanwhile, the existence of tauco is still in the older generation. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce more traditional dishes such as tauco to the younger generation, through seminars or additional knowledge given at school. So that the younger generation can get to know, like and take part in preserving their regional specialties. Keyword:  Tauco, Specialty Food, Assimilation

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-87
Bogdan Adrian Stanescu ◽  
Adriana Cuciureanu

The purpose of this paper was to present an environmental assessment specific to a case study with reference to the storage of sand waste from a cast iron foundry, a factory with a long period of operation located in Transylvania, Romania. The environmental assessment started from the need to achieve compliant conditions for long-term storage of waste specific to cast iron casting parts activities. The activities performed in the project were carried out in stages and in parallel with the activities of sand waste valorification from the non-compliant deposit. The collaboration of the factory owner with the local environmental authorities was able to effectively materialize the objectives of the soil evaluation and facilitated the obtaining conditions for new compliant deposit construction. The evaluation of the soil quality was performed in areas where the deposited material, respectively the sand waste from the casting of the cast iron was already valorificated and, in that case, access to the soil layer was facilitated. Thirty soil samples and a control sample were analyzed and interpretation of the results was performed in corelation to specific legislation. The conclusions of the study were provided to the beneficiary and, also to the environmental authorities in order to authorize future activities (capitalization of the remaining waste, arrangement of a new landfill).

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Elena S. Bochkareva ◽  

The article presents the history of the ownership of Zlatoust mining plants by three generations of the Luginin family. It shows direct dependence of the dynamics of ownership and inheritance of plants on the vicissitudes of the family history. It is established that the founder of the Zlatoust factory farm, L. I. Luginin, relied in his business activities on the help of his son Maxim, who took over the management and control of a new part of the family business — the Ural factories in 1769. M. L. Luginin died in the middle of 1770s and L. I. Luginin was left without an assistant and a trained heir. The grandchildren of the factory owner, due to the life circumstances associated with their new noble status, character traits and age, failed to adopt the grandfather’s experience and did not become an equivalent replacement for their father. After the death of the founder, during the period of guardianship management of the factories, the middle grandson, Larion Maksimovich, showed interest in the factories, but he also died before he had been in the factories for two years. The transfer of ownership of the district to the most unworthy of the heirs, I. M. Luginin, eventually led to the exit of the estate from the possession of the family. Zlatoust factories, located far from the rest of the family’s possessions, required constant control of the owner, his participation in the management. In this case, the succession should have been manifested in the active participation of the heirs in the management of the district, personal control over the execution of orders. It is concluded that the succession of generations of the family is of great importance in the early stages of the organization of the business, when the personal control of the owner is a significant factor in the preservation of the business in the hands of the family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Widya Primatiana Susanto ◽  
Raima Dien Medina ◽  
Adanthi Maudy Adwitya P

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penerapan metoda adaptive reuse pada sebuah bangunan ex gudang pabrik baju yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Maraknya bisnis factory outlet dan strategisnya lokasi memberi ide kepada pemilik pabrik untuk tidak menghancurkan gudang tersebut tetapi merubahnya menjadi sebuah bangunan komersil dengan fungsi kafetaria.  Ide ini sejalan dengan isu sustainable yang menerapkan konsep 3R yaitu reduce,reuse dan recycle yang pada bangunan dikenal sebagai adaptive reuse. Dengan mempelajari sejarah bangunan dan melakukan observasi ke objek maka diperoleh gambaran penerapan konsep adaptive reuse. Alih fungsi mendorong terjadinya perubahan, terutama pada ruang dalam sebagai bentuk adaptasi terhadap fungsi baru. Bagaimana potensi yang dimiliki bangunan, seperti tinggi plafond, lebar dan luas bangunan, perletakan jendela dan lubang angin dapat dipertahankan dan dioptimalkan untuk fungsi baru. Sedangkan perubahan pada facade bangunan dimaksudkan untuk memperindah tampilan sehingga bangunan terlihat indah dan dapat menarik banyak pengunjung. Metoda adaptive reuse cocok dengan issue sustainable sehingga bangunan lebih baik dialih fungsikan daripada dihancurkan. Untuk menunjang issue sustainable diperlukan campur tangan pemerintah dalam mengatur pembangunan sehingga ratio area terbangun dan tidak terbangun di kota Bandung dapat seimbang.Kata kunci: adaptive reuse, transformasi, sustainable building. ABSTRACTThis research is intended to study the application of the adaptive reuse method on an unused clothing warehouse building. The emerging of the outlet factory business and the strategic location of the building give the factory owner ideas not to knock down the warehouse but instead change it into a commercial building function as a cafeteria. This idea is in line with the sustainable issue which apply the 3R concept: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle or known as an adaptive reuse. By studying the building history and observing the object, an image of the adaptive reuse concept application could be gained. The function shift pushes to changes, especially in the inner room as an adaptation to the new function. How this building potential such as the ceiling high, wide and spacious, window and opening placement could be maintained and optimized to a new function. Whilst the building facade alteration is intended to beautify performance so the building looks picturesque and could attract many visitors. The adaptive reuse method is suitable for the sustainable issue so it is better to switch the function rather than to devastate it. To support the sustainable issue the intervention by the government is needed to organize the development so the ratio between the built and non built area in Bandung city could be balanced.Keywords: adaptive reuse, transformation, sustainable building.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penerapan metoda adaptive reuse pada sebuah bangunan ex gudang pabrik baju yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Maraknya bisnis factory outlet dan strategisnya lokasi memberi ide kepada pemilik pabrik untuk tidak menghancurkan gudang tersebut tetapi merubahnya menjadi sebuah bangunan komersil dengan fungsi kafetaria. Ide ini sejalan dengan isu sustainable yang menerapkan konsep 3R yaitu reduce,reuse dan recycle yang pada bangunan dikenal sebagai adaptive reuse. Dengan mempelajari sejarah bangunan dan melakukan observasi ke objek maka diperoleh gambaran penerapan konsep adaptive reuse. Alih fungsi mendorong terjadinya perubahan, terutama pada ruang dalam sebagai bentuk adaptasi terhadap fungsi baru. Bagaimana potensi yang dimiliki bangunan, seperti tinggi plafond, lebar dan luas bangunan, perletakan jendela dan lubang angin dapat dipertahankan dan dioptimalkan untuk fungsi baru. Sedangkan perubahan pada facade bangunan dimaksudkan untuk memperindah tampilan sehingga bangunan terlihat indah dan dapat menarik banyak pengunjung. Metoda adaptive reuse cocok dengan issue sustainable sehingga bangunan lebih baik dialih fungsikan daripada dihancurkan. Untuk menunjang issue sustainable diperlukan campur tangan pemerintah dalam mengatur pembangunan sehingga ratio area terbangun dan tidak terbangun di kota Bandung dapat seimbang.Kata kunci: adaptive reuse, transformasi, sustainable building.ABSTRACTThis research is intended to study the application of the adaptive reuse method on an unused clothing warehouse building. The emerging of the outlet factory business and the strategic location of the building give the factory owner ideas not to knock down the warehouse but instead change it into a commercial building function as a cafetaria. This idea is in line with the sustaineable issue which apply the 3R consept: Reduse, Reuse and Recycle or known as adaptive reuse. By studying the building history and observing the object, an image of the adaptive reuse consept application could be gained. The function shift pushes to changes, especialy on the inner room as an adaptation to the new function. How this building potential such as the ceiling high, wide and spacious, window and opening placement could be maintained and optimized to a new function. Whilst the building facade alteration is intendet to beautify performance so the building looks picturesque and could attract many visitors. Adaptive reuse method is suitable with the sustainable issue so its better to swich the function rather then to devaste it. To support the sustainable issue the intervention by the government is needed to organize the development so the ratio between the built and non built area in Bancung city could be balanced.Keywords: adaptive reuse, transformation, sustainable building.

GST is a tax that needs to pay on supply of products and offerings. Any person, who is presenting oroffering goods and services, is liable to fee GST. MSME‟s are a major driver in the Indian economy, contributing to almost 7% of the manufacturing GDP and 31% of the services GDP. With a consistent growth rate of about 10% they employ about 120 million people and contribute to around 46% of the overall exports from India. Under the GST regime, this significant sector too is set to change. This paper based on the survey based on the effect of the implementation of GST on the SME’s in which the problems associated with the GST will be primaries and it was concluded that a lot of people were still unable to understand the working of GST and they have to make understand their customer also, most of the youngster believe that with time all the problems were automatically solved and the fair face of GST will always profitable to everyone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Dicky Ocniel Aji Samuna ◽  
Nordy Fritsgerald Lucky Waney ◽  
Agnes Estephina Loho

The purpose of this study is to find out how much added value and benefits are, and to compare the added value of three soybean processing products at UD Tiga Brothers into tofu, sugar tofu andsoy milk. This research lasted for 3 months, from April until June 2019. Data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from direct interviews from the UD TigaBrothers factory owner, observations and records. The analysis used in this research is to use value added analysis, profit analysis, and compare the added value of the three soybean processingproducts.The results of this study indicated that the added value of processing soybeans into Chinese tofu is Rp. 37,749 / kg, the added value of processing soybeans into soy milk is Rp. 31,468 / kg and theadded value of processing soybeans into tofu sugar is Rp. 40,942.- / kg. while the benefits of processing soybeans into Chinese tofu amounted to Rp. 377,991 / kg, the profit from processing soybeans to soymilk is Rp. 33,464,5 - / kg and the profit from processing soybeans to tofu sugar is Rp. 68,140 / kg. Therefore it can be conclude the highest added value is tofu sugar product while the highest profit ischinese tofu products.*eprm*

2020 ◽  
N.A. TRINA ◽  
A.R. MOULY ◽  

Dhaka city is with its unplanned urban growth, creating shortage of land in comparison to the ever-increasing population, and uneven distribution of residential lands among different income groups. Moreover, factories are flourishing in Dhaka city, but no attempt has yet been made so far, to provide adequate to the workers with low-income either by the government or the factory owner. A housing unit demands the qualities of comfort, conveniences, and amenities; however, this demand requires considerable chunk of land and renters or owners need to have financial solvency to dwell in. Here come the premises on housing affordability. The paper aims at understanding the pulse of low-Income peoples ‘housing' that include settlement pattern, house forms, space allocations, group accommodations, breathing spaces and sharing of facilities and utilities and consequently provide them a viable environment where life and living turn into a delight.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-108
Jenica Arnola Manoe ◽  
Indriati A. Tedju Hinga ◽  
Agus Setyobudi

Tofu is one type of food made from the soybean. Protein content and high water content make tofu easily damaged. Solving this problem is needed the right way to be able to maintain the quality of knowing physically, so that can be stored for a long time without experiencing quality changes and can be accepted and safe for consumers. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal temperature and storage time of tofu to maintain the quality of tofu in according to the quality requirements of knowing in SNI by looking at the physical changes that have been known during the shelf life. This type of study is a descriptive study to determine the organoleptic properties of tofu which include odor, taste, color, and appereance of tofu during the storage period with the help of panelist of three people. Observation data were analyzed descriptively using tables and explained in narrative form. Tofu samples were taken from three factories in Kupang Regency. The results showed that the ideal of tofu storage temperature was at 40C with a storage time of up to 6 days. The seller and factory owner they should pay attention to the storage temperature and sanitation, so that the tofu sold can survive without reducing the value of quality and taste from tofu.

2018 ◽  
Vol 94 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-324
André Koch

The discovery of a rare hybrid specimen of Maria’s bird of paradise (Paradisaeamaria, i.e., P.guilielmi × P.raggianaaugustaevictoriae) in the ornithological collection of the Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum in Braunschweig (SNMB) is reported. Until today only six male specimens (deposited in the natural history museums in Berlin and New York) and presumably one female have been identified in collections world-wide. The male specimen in Braunschweig corresponds well in its plumage colouration with an historical illustration and photographs of the original type specimen from the 19th century housed at the Berlin collection. It shows intermediate characteristics between both parental species, viz. the Emperor bird of paradise (P.guilielmi) and the Raggiana bird of paradise (P.raggianaaugustaevictoriae). In addition, we try to elucidate the circumstances how this rare specimen of hybrid origin, which formerly belonged to the natural history collection of the factory owner Walter Behrens from Bad Harzburg, came to the SNMB. Our unexpected discovery highlights the importance to maintain, support and study also smaller private natural history collections, since they may house historical voucher specimens of high scientific value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-30
Marjo Kaartinen

This article discusses the theosophy of Vera Hjelt (1857–1947), who was inspired by Annie Besant. Hjelt led an active life as a schoolteacher, factory owner, writer, occupational safety inspector and member of parliament. Hjelt experienced a theosophic-al awakening at the latest during the summer of 1894, after which her theosophical endeavours in Besant’s spirit and in imitation of her are revealed in Hjelt’s letters to her friend Cely Mechelin. These letters have not previously been used in scholarly study. The article argues that it is not possible to understand the underlying ethos behind Hjelt’s activities without considering her esotericism. In the worldwide unity of all creations, all bad deeds done to one were done to all. Thus it was essential to improve the working conditions of women in factories, for instance. When Hjelt experienced difficulties in her position as an inspector during the Voikka strike, and became an object of hatred amongst the workers against all her wishes, she was comforted by her theosophical thinking. This article for its part shows the many ways in which Western esotericism exerted an influence on late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Finnish culture, politics and policy making.

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