salvianolic acids
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2021 ◽  
pp. 393-404
М.П. Разгонова ◽  
А.Ш. Сабитов ◽  
Е.В. Перминова ◽  
Н.М. Михайлова ◽  
К.С. Голохваст

Виноград амурский Vitis amurensis Ruprecht содержит большое количество полифенольных комплексов, являющихся биологически активными соединениями. В данной работе впервые проведено сравнительное метаболомное исследование биологически активных веществ дикого винограда, собранного из пяти различных мест Приморского и Хабаровского краёв. Для идентификации целевых аналитов в этанольных экстрактах ягод винограда использована высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография (ВЭЖХ) в комплексе с ионной ловушкой amaZon SL, оснащенной источником ионизации электрораспылением ESI в режимах отрицательных и положительных ионов. Масс-спектрометр использовался в диапазоне сканирования m/z 100 - 1.700 для MС и МС/МС. Использовано фрагментирование 4-го порядка. Первичные масс-спектрометрические результаты показали присутствие 94 биологически активных соединений, соответствующих виду V. Amurensis ; причем сальвианоловые кислоты F, D и G, олеаноловая, урсоловая, миристолеиновая кислоты, берберицинин, меарнсетин, эскулин, невадензин, стигмастерол, фукостерол, флоризин, триптофан идентифицированы впервые в V. amurensis . Vitis amurensis Ruprecht contains a large number of polyphenolic compounds which are the biologically active components. In this work, for the first time, a comparative metabolomic study of biologically active substances of wild grapes collected from five different places of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories is carried out. To identify target analytes in ethanol extracts of grape berries, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used in combination with an amaZon SL ion trap (manufactured by BRUKER DALTONIKS, Germany) equipped with an ESI electrospray ionization source in negative and positive ion modes. The mass spectrometer was used in the scan range m / z 100 - 1.700 for MS and MS/MS. The fragmentation of the 4 order was used. Primary mass spectrometric results showed presence of 94 biologically active compounds corresponding to the species V. amurensis ; moreover, salvianolic acids F, D and G, oleanoic, ursolic, myristoleic acids, berbericinin, mearnsetin, esculin, nevadensin, stigmasterol, fucosterol, phlorizin, L-tryptophan were identified for the first time in V. amurensis .

Raziyeh Sharafdini ◽  
Hamid Mosaddeghi

In this study, the ability of salvianolic acids A, B, C, F, G and calix[[Formula: see text]]arenes ([Formula: see text], 5, 6 and 8) with different upper rims in the inhibition of insulin amyloid fibril formation was studied using molecular docking. The results were analyzed from a molecular point of view. All of the considering ligands interacted with significant residues of insulin, which had a crucial role in the process of insulin fibrillation. The interactions among the ligands and insulin residues could be done through hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions with good binding affinity. So, these ligands could prevent the formation of the insulin fibril. The good consistency of the docking results of [Formula: see text]-sulfonatocalix[4]arene and [Formula: see text]-sulfonatocalix[6]arene with the experimental results in the previous literature represented the capacity of the current theoretical method to supplement and interpret experimental findings. Also, in this study, salvianolic acids A, C, F and G were suggested as new inhibitors of the insulin amyloid fibril.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (14) ◽  
pp. 7541
Haolan Zou ◽  
Xiaorong Guo ◽  
Rao Yang ◽  
Shengsong Wang ◽  
Lin Li ◽  

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression involved in plant development and abiotic stress responses. Recently, miRNAs have also been reported to be engaged in the regulation of secondary plant metabolism. However, there are few functional studies of miRNAs in medicinal plants. For this study, we obtained Sm-miR408 interference lines to investigate the function of Sm-miR408 in a medicinal model plant (Salvia miltiorrhiza). It was found that inhibiting the expression of Sm-miR408 could increase the content of salvianolic acid B and rosmarinic acid in the roots. The SmLAC3 and Sm-miR408 expression patterns were analyzed by qRT-PCR. A 5’ RLM-RACE assay confirmed that Sm-miR408 targets and negatively regulates SmLAC3. Moreover, the overexpression of SmLAC3 in S. miltiorrhiza promoted the accumulation of salvianolic acids in the roots. Furthermore, the lignin content of the roots in overexpressed SmLAC3 lines was decreased. Taken together, these findings indicated that Sm-miR408 modulates the accumulation of phenolic acids in S. miltiorrhiza by targeting SmLAC3 expression levels.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 3042
Aswir Abd Rashed ◽  
Devi-Nair Gunasegavan Rathi

The utilization of therapeutic plants is expanding around the globe, coupled with the tremendous expansion of alternative medicine and growing demand in health treatment. Plants are applied in pharmaceuticals to preserve and expand health—physically, mentally and as well as to treat particular health conditions and afflictions. There are more than 600 families of plants identified so far. Among the plants that are often studied for their health benefit include the genus of Salvia in the mint family, Lamiaceae. This review aims to determine the bioactive components of Salvia and their potential as antidiabetic agents. The search was conducted using three databases (PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus), and all relevant articles that are freely available in the English language were extracted within 10 years (2011–2021). Salvia spp. comprises many biologically active components that can be divided into monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, and phenolic components, but only a few of these have been studied in-depth for their health benefit claims. The most commonly studied bioactive component was salvianolic acids. Interestingly, S. miltiorrhiza is undoubtedly the most widely studied Salvia species in terms of its effectiveness as an antidiabetic agent. In conclusion, we hope that this review stimulates more studies on bioactive components from medicinal plants, not only on their potential as antidiabetic agents but also for other possible health benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Carlos A. Serrano ◽  
Gretty K. Villena ◽  
Eric F. Rodríguez

AbstractThe phytochemical profile of Lepechinia meyenii (Walp.) Epling and Lepechina floribunda (Benth.) Epling obtained by liquid chromatography associated with high-resolution mass spectrometry is presented. Forty eight compounds were detected exhibiting a variety of salvianolic acids and abietane phenolic diterpenoids. A simple procedure by cold evaporative crystallization to purify rosmarinic acid from these botanical species was also shown.

Shiling Hu ◽  
Jue Wang ◽  
Yongjing Zhang ◽  
Haoyun Bai ◽  
Cheng Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lin Li ◽  
Yuanchu Liu ◽  
Ying Huang ◽  
Bin Li ◽  
Wen Ma ◽  

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (S. miltiorrhiza), a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, contains numerous bioactive components with broad range of pharmacological properties. By increasing the levels of endogenous jasmonate (JA) in plants or treating them with methyl jasmonate (MeJA), the level of tanshinones and salvianolic acids can be greatly enhanced. The jasmonate ZIM (JAZ) proteins belong to the TIFY family, and act as repressors, releasing targeted transcriptional factors in the JA signaling pathway. Herein, we identified and characterized 15 TIFY proteins present in S. miltiorrhiza. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR analysis indicated that the JAZ genes were all constitutively expressed in different tissues and were induced by MeJA treatments. SmJAZ3, which negatively regulates the tanshinones biosynthesis pathway in S. miltiorrhiza and the detailed molecular mechanism is poorly understood. SmJAZ3 acts as a bait protein to capture and identify a WD-repeat containing the protein SmWD40-170. Further molecular and genetic analysis revealed that SmWD40-170 is a positive regulator, promoting the accumulation of secondary metabolites in S. miltiorrhiza. Our study systematically analyzed the TIFY family and speculated a module of the JAZ-WD40 complex provides new insights into the mechanisms regulating the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in S. miltiorrhiza.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 02004
Mayya P. Razgonova ◽  
Evgeniy I. Kislin ◽  
Andrey Sh. Sabitov ◽  
Elena V. Perminova ◽  
Natalia M. Mikhailova ◽  

Vitis amurensis Ruprecht contains a large number of polyphenolic compounds which are biologically active components. For the most efficient and safe extraction supercritical carbon dioxide was used. In this work, for the first time, a comparative metabolomic study of biologically active substances of wild grapes collected from five different places of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories is carried out. To identify target analytes in ethanol extracts of grape berries, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used in combination with an amaZon SL ion trap (manufactured by BRUKER DALTONIKS, Germany) equipped with an ESI electrospray ionization source in negative and positive ion modes. The mass spectrometer was used in the scan range m / z 100 - 1.700 for MS and MS / MS. Used fragmentation of the 4th order. Primary mass spectrometric results showed the presence of 94 biologically active compounds corresponding to the species V. amurensis, moreover, salvianolic acids F, D and G, oleanoic, ursolic, myristoleic acids, berbericinin, mearnsetin, esculin, nevadensin, stigmasterol, fucosterol, phlorizin, L-tryptophan identified for the first time in V. amurensis.

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