formal relationship
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Anna Piechnik

From Formality to Familiarity: Greeting Formulas in Emails Written by Teachers to ParentsThe purpose of the article is the analysis of greeting formulas in emails written by teachers to parents. The linguistic material is based on 513 email messages sent to parents by means of an online parent portal (e-dziennik). The messages in question were sent by teachers representing a number of schools in Lesser Poland Province. The formal relationship between the participants of the communication and the written form of the exchanges clearly pertains to the traditional formality of the situation; as a result, expectations are raised in terms of the official style of utterances produced under these circumstances. The analysis of the obtained material indicates that greeting formulas used in emails diverge significantly from those used in official paper-based correspondence. Traditional formulas such as Szanowni Państwo (Dear Sir/Madame, Dear Sirs) are clearly replaced by formulas originating from direct verbal communication (Dzień dobry, Witam). There is an apparent tendency to become familiar with recipients by using emoticons or the language formulas present in private correspondence between people who have a close relationship. In addition to the lack of text segmentation, the overall linguistic layout and spelling strategies that prevail in both greeting formulas and the entire body of letters indicate a negligent attitude in terms of text layout. Od dystansu do poufałości. Formuły powitalne listów elektronicznych kierowanych przez nauczycieli do rodzicówCelem artykułu jest analiza formuł powitalnych w listach elektronicznych nauczycieli do rodziców. Bazę materiałową stanowi 513 e-maili kierowanych przez nauczycieli wybranych szkół w południowej Polsce do rodziców za pośrednictwem dzienników elektronicznych. Formalny typ relacji między uczestnikami komunikacji oraz pisemna forma komunikatu stanowią tradycyjnie jaskrawy wykładnik oficjalności sytuacji i – co za tym idzie – powodują oczekiwanie oficjalnego stylu komunikatu powstającego w takiej sytuacji. Analiza materiału pokazuje, że formuły inicjalne listów elektronicznych znacząco odbiegają od grzecznościowych form powitalnych stosowanych w oficjalnej korespondencji papierowej. Nad tradycyjnym Szanowni Państwo wyraźnie dominują formuły zaczerpnięte z bezpośredniej komunikacji ustnej (Dzień dobry, Witam). Daje się zauważyć skłonność do przełamywania dystansu w postaci stosowania zwrotów do adresata, charakterystycznych dla korespondencji prywatnej między osobami będącymi w bliskiej relacji uczuciowej czy używania emotikonów. Kształt językowy i ortograficzny znacznej części formuł inicjalnych (ale i całości listów) oraz brak segmentacji tekstów świadczą o braku dbałości o graficzną stronę wiadomości.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Kukatova Olga ◽  
Isakova Ravshana ◽  
Otazhonova Firuza ◽  
Begmatova Navruza ◽  
Khosilova Farida

The article is devoted to the consideration of the lexical-grammatical and semantic features of converting pairs of emotive verbs in the Russian language such as “????????? – ???????, ??????????? – ?????????, ????????? – ???????, ???????? – ??????”. These verbs form an opposition having a grammatical, derivational and semantic character. In terms of the semantic relationship, the transitive verb is more complex, since it contains “causation”, while the formal relationship, on the contrary, means greater complexity of the reflexive verb, which has a postfix “-??”. The constitutive semantic features of emotive verbs of the Russian language are “unintentional action”, “focus on the object” (for a transitive verb) and self-isolation (reflexive verb), the ability to describe an emotional state, emotional experience, emotional attitude.

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-118
Benedict Wiedemann

In the early thirteenth century a new formal relationship between popes and kings appeared: kings might now be papal ‘vassals’ (vassalli) and their kingdoms ‘fiefs’ (feuda). Such language appeared in King John of England’s surrender to Pope Innocent III in 1213 and thence spread to other kingdoms, including the kingdom of Man, through a network of courtiers at the papal curia, all of whom had connections with the English royal court. The development and construction of these relationships was a two-way process in which both kings and popes participated; such relationships were not enforced on unwilling rulers by an over-mighty papal monarchy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Maylton Silva Fernandes ◽  
Gustavo Lopez Estivalet ◽  
Márcio Martins Leitão

Resumo: Palavras cognatas são conhecidas por dividirem semelhanças formais e semânticas entre duas ou mais línguas, possivelmente dividindo representações no léxico mental. Nesse sentido, as palavras cognatas possuem diferentes graus de semelhança, como por exemplo pares do português-inglês: cognatos perfeitos “banana”, cognatos de alto grau “momento-moment” e cognatas de baixo grau “noite-night”. Focalizando a relação formal e independentemente do conhecimento bilíngue, como as palavras cognatas do português-inglês são reconhecidas por monolíngues? O presente artigo tem o objetivo de investigar o reconhecimento de palavras cognatas do português-inglês por monolíngues através do grau de semelhança ortográfica. Para tanto, aplicamos um experimento de julgamento de aceitabilidade entre pares de palavras cognatas. Com o objetivo de se pesquisar o grau de similaridade, utilizou-se a Distância de Levenshtein Normalizada entre as palavras cognatas. Os resultados apontaram uma correlação significativa entre o julgamento de aceitabilidade e este coeficiente. Portanto, os resultados indicaram que mesmo participantes não-bilíngues são capazes de reconhecer a granularidade da semelhança ortográfica. Ainda, de forma exploratória, foi possível determinar o coeficiente a partir do qual as palavras podem ser consideradas pares cognatos. Enfim, espera-se que o presente estudo permita uma melhor compreensão das palavras cognatas assim como provoque uma reflexão do monolinguismo. Palavras-chave: Cognatas; distância de Levenshtein; julgamento de aceitabilidade; bilinguismo.Abstract: Cognate words are known to share formal and semantic similarities between two or more languages, possibly dividing representations in the mental lexicon. In this sense, cognate words have different degrees of similarity, as for example PortugueseEnglish pairs: perfect cognates “banana”, high degree cognates “momento-moment” and low degree cognates “noite-night”. Focusing on the formal relationship and regardless of bilingual knowledge, how are cognate words in Portuguese-English recognized by monolinguals? This article aims to investigate the recognition of cognate words in Portuguese-English by monolinguals through the degree of orthographic similarity. For that, we applied an acceptability judgment experiment between cognate word pairs. In order to investigate the degree of similarity, the Normalized Levenshtein Distance was used between cognate words. The results showed a significant correlation between the acceptability judgment and this coefficient. Therefore, the results indicated that even non-bilingual participants are able to recognize the granularity of orthographic similarity. Still, in an exploratory way, it was possible to determine the coefficient from which words can be considered cognate pairs. Therefore, it is hoped that the present study allows a better understanding of cognate words as well as provoking a reflection of monolinguals.Keywords: cognate; Levenshtein distance; acceptability judgement task; bilingualism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Lucas James

The practice of speech surrogacy is used for communication across many cultures. Previous work has historically engaged with the study of speech surrogates as part of anthropological or ethnomusicological inquiry; more recently, scholars have explored aspects of the formal relationship between spoken and surrogate linguistic structures. How speech surrogates function as systems of communication is not yet well understood. Based on evidence from an interdisciplinary corpus of documentation, characteristics of culture and discourse, as well as features of linguistic structure, are shown to play a role in fostering communicability in speech surrogates. Cultural constraints are linked to the development of a speech surrogate-mediated discourse within a community of practice, facilitating comprehension of the surrogate system. Moreover, specific structures including formulas, enphrasing, and framing devices are identified as common to various speech surrogate traditions, suggesting a common function as aids to communication. This analysis points to the need to investigate speech surrogates as linguistic systems within a discursive context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Muchamad Zaenuri ◽  
Yusrim Musa ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

This article aims to explain the governance of collaboration between local government, village government, the private sector and the community in the management of Posong Temanggung natural attractions. Lack of mutual trust and commitment is a prominent issue. After going through qualitative research using descriptive techniques, it can be seen that collaboration that has been built among stakeholders is still embryonal; there is no formal collaboration tied to the memorandum of understanding. From the research conducted, it was found that there was an intensive dialogue between stakeholders, mutual trust between stakeholders, a high level of commitment, and a reasonably even sharing of understanding. But, four things that have not been created a formal relationship, so there needs to be a process of transformation towards partnership and sustainability in a formal bond.This study recommends that the government be the main actor in building collaboration with the public and private sectors. The government must provide space for them to contribute in making the tourism village of Posong.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tata kelola kolaborasi antara pemerintah daerah, pemerintah desa, swasta dan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan obyek wisata alam Posong Temanggung. Hal ini dikarenakan permasalahan kolaborasi diantara stakeholder tersebut terdapat berbagai kendala. Kurangnya kepercayaan dan komitmen bersama menjadi permasalahan yang mengemuka. Setelah melalui penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif dapat diketahui bahwa kolaborasi yang terbangun diantara stakeholder masih bersifat embrional, belum ada kerjasama formal yang diikat dengan nota kesepahaman. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh temuan bahwa sudah ada dialog yang intensif diantara stakeholder, saling percaya diantara pemangku kepentingan, komitmen yang sudah tinggi, dan terdapat berbagi pemahaman yang cukup merata. Namun dari keempat hal tersebut belum tercipta hubungan yang bersifat formal, sehingga perlu ada proses transformasi menuju kemitraan dan berkelanjutan dalam suatu ikatan yang bersifat formal.Rekomendasi dalam penelitian in iadalah pemerintah harus menjadi actor utama dalam membangun kolaborasi dengan masyarakat dan swasta. Pemerintah harus memberikan ruang bagi mereka untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam membangun desa wisata Posong

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1029-1033
G. Narkabilova, Et. al.

The article describes the factors, conditions, the principle of communicative activity (as a component of the principle of activity), signs, opportunities in creating conditions for the development of many areas of the student's personality, goals, objectives, content and forms of extracurricular activities. A systemically organized extracurricular lesson includes methods of teaching, upbringing and development that stimulate students to master knowledge and skills on their own, and also disposes to more informal interaction with teachers, which leads to the disappearance of the framework of the formal relationship and the disclosure of the internal potential of students.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9 (107)) ◽  
pp. 0
Grigory Borisov

The article examines the evidence from sources about the legal orders in historical Frisia, the territory of the modern Netherlands, in the Carolingian era — from 777 to 806. During the Charlemagne’s reign, these territories completely entered the Frankish Realm and were christianized. Therefore, the idea of the hierarchy of legal orders on these lands at the turn of the 8th and the 9th century provides an important evidence for the dynamic processes, going in the legal consciousness of the early medieval society. The sources include the private charters of Liudger, abbot of the monastery Werden an der Ruhr, preserved in the cartulary of the 9th century and in royal diplomas. In the three-parted study are being sequentially examined the charters of land donations to the monastery and the diplomas of Charlemagne, the main attention is focused on the charters of 793 and 802, as well as the diploma of 777. The author makes a conclusion about coexistence of various legal orders in the early Carolingian Frisia: based on personal, informal relations between the donor of the land and its recipient, supported by arguments from public law relations. This order is typical for actions within a local community. The legal order brought into this local world by the royal power through the sovereign's messengers and counts becomes impersonal, uses the concepts of legality and prevails over a larger territory, no longer in micro-, but in mesospaces. Finally, the royal power, in its appeal to counts and other judges of large districts, maintains a public-legal and formal relationship and operates in large macrospaces.

Nurhasanah Purba ◽  

This study discusses about the gesture meaning of tortor in Simalungun Wedding Ceremony. The theory used in this study is McNeill's theory. The data collection was conducted by real work methods it were interviews, documentation and literature study. The methods is used in this study is qualitative method and descriptive approach.  The result of this study show that the meaning of totor in simalungun wedding ceremony are showing happiness, respect, compassion, delighted. Each gesture of tortor also serves show a close sense of relationship between two families. In human life, God creates men and women who will have marital relationships and are called husband and wife. With the merging of two families with a marriage, the happiness of both families it show by tortor. Based on McNeill's theory gesture, tortor of Simalungun wedding ceremony included in the types of iconic gesture. This is because the gesture contains a formal relationship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (16) ◽  
pp. 6359
Antonio Nesticò ◽  
Pierfrancesco Fiore ◽  
Emanuela D’Andria

In response to the abandonment and depopulation of small towns in inland areas, it is necessary to provide analysis and technical-economic evaluation tools with the aim of selecting effective recovery and valorization strategies. In the light of what criteria and indicators should this selection be carried out? The principles of sustainability guide us to a new definition of social, economic, environmental, and historical-architectural criteria. The intention is to outline a new way of classifying the judgment criteria, exclusively referring to the peculiarities of small towns. In turn, the criteria are specifically defined in sixteen sub-criteria, again able to represent the salient features of small municipalities: Local traditions, genius loci, urbanization levels, but also prevailing economy, environmental (flora and fauna, water, soil, air, etc.), and historical-architectural components (relations between the small town and the immediate context, formal relationship between building and urban core, etc.). This is followed by the drafting of a novel dataset of evaluation indicators, capable of expressing the project actions’ capacity to pursue the objectives expressed by the criteria. These are datasets that give back 24 indicators for the social sub-criteria, 42 for the economic sub-criteria, 34 for the environmental ones, and 38 for the historical-architectural ones. The goal-criteria-subcriteria-indicators structure outlined in this paper opens up research perspectives on the characterization of a hierarchical model of multi-criteria analysis.

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