attitude scales
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 286-302
Nurhattati Nurhattati ◽  
Ahmad Jauhari Hamid Ripki

Abstract The lack of teacher participation in the preparation of the RKAM has an impact on the disbursement of BOS funds of Private Madrasah Ibitdaiyyah in Karawang Regency. The initial assumption is the teacher's lack of knowledge regarding the RKAM , the level of participation in determining the RKAM and the factors that influence it . The study used a survey method of data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire in the form of an attitude scales/scaled distributed among/over 301 respondents , strengthened by documentation studies and FGDs with key informants and informants. The results showed (1) teachers ' understanding of RKAM both in the aspect of activity planning, budgeting and operation of the e-RKAM system was very low; (2)Teacher participation in determining the RKAM both in determining the vision, mission, values, goals, targets is low; (3) The lack of socialization of the RKAM, the limited opportunities given to teachers to participate, in addition, the internal factors of teachers related to age, tenure and employee status and limitations in operating the e-budget have an impact on the low participation of teachers in determining the RKAM. For this reason, it is recommended that madrasas should socialize and provide opportunities for teachers to participate in RKAM, and the government will create a teacher participation system in RKAM.   Abstrak Minimnya partisipasi guru dalam penyusunan RKAM berdampak pada pencairan dana BOS di Madrasah Ibitdaiyyah Swasta di Kabupaten Karawang. Asumsi awal adalah kurangnya pengetahuan guru terkait RKAM, tingkat partisipasi dalam penetapan RKAM dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket dalam bentuk skala sikap yang disebar terhadap 301 responden, diperkuat dengan studi dokumentasi dan FGD dengan informan dan narasumber kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Pemahaman guru terhadap RKAM baik pada aspek rencana kegiatan, penganggaran dan pengoperasian sistem e-RKAM sangat rendah; (2) Partisipasi guru dalam penetapan RKAM baik dalam penetapan visi, misi, nilai, tujuan, sasaran rendah. (3) Kurangnya sosialisasi RKAM, terbatasnya kesempatan yang diberikan pada guru untuk berpartisipasi, selain, faktor internal guru terkait usia, masa kerja dan status pegawai dan keterbatasan dalam pengoperasian e-anggaran berdampak terhadap rendahnya partisipasi guru dalam penetapan RKAM. Untuk itu direkomendasikan madrasah hendaknya mensosialisasikan dan memberi kesempatan guru untuk berpartisipasi dalam RKAM, dan pemerintah membuat sistem partisipasi guru dalam RKAM.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001698622110194
James R. Andretta ◽  
Frank C. Worrell

The Adolescent and Adult Time Inventory–Time Attitude Scales (AATI-TA) were used to examine the association between time attitudes and self-reported academic and social–emotional outcomes in 967 academically talented adolescents ( M age = 14.27, SD = 1.42) attending a summer educational program. The AATI-TA consists of six subscales assessing positive and negative attitudes toward the past, present, and future. Bivariate associations between AATI-TA subscales scores and outcomes were small. Cluster analyses of AATI-TA scores yielded several profiles, labeled Pessimists, Negatives, Ambivalents, and Positives. Students with Positive and Ambivalent profiles reported greater course enjoyment, higher perceived academic rank, and higher expected summer GPA than their peers with the Negative profile, even though the groups did not differ on how challenging they perceived the courses to be, time spent on homework, and studying. In keeping with previous research using the AATI-TA, Positives reported the most favorable outcomes, Negatives the least, and Ambivalent and Pessimistic adolescents fell between these two groups. Future research on time attitudes should include measures of actual academic performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-53
Revina Putri Hermawan Rerev

Abstract This research motivated by the findings of learning obstacles experienced students in material around square. This is known based on the results of  test questions conducted during preliminary study to fourth grade elementary school students. To overcome  learning obstacles experienced by students, researchers will design a didactic design. The purpose of this study is to describe the didactic design on the material around square and describe the students' responses the implementation of didactic design. The didactic design can be interpreted  learning design that emphasizes the didactic aspect, namely the teacher's teaching method. This study uses method with a Didactical Design Research (DDR) research design consisting of three research stages, namely a prospective analysis of the didactic situation before learning (prospective analysis) in the form of a Hypothetical Didactic Design including ADP (Pedagogical Didactic Analysis), metapedadidactive analysis, and retrospective analysis (retrospective analysis), with data collection techniques used in the form of interviews, observations, and attitude scales. The research subjects were 26 students in grades IV and VI and 1 teacher for grade IV at SDN 1 Sindangrasa. Based on results of study, through application of the didactic design carried out in stages I and II,  can help overcome learning obstacles experienced by students in the material around a square. This is shown from the students' responses on the attitude scale, results of the LAS (Student Activity Sheet) work and interviews with teachers. In addition,  didactic design is able to create a fun and meaningful learning atmosphere for students. Keywords: learning obstacle, didactical design research, square, meaningful learning, LAS Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya temuan learning obstacle  yang dialami siswa pada materi keliling persegi. Hal ini diketahui berdasarkan hasil soal tes yang dilakukan pada saat studi pendahuluan kepada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Untuk mengatasi learning obstacle yang dialami siswa, peneliti akan merancang sebuah desain didaktis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan desain didaktis pada materi keliling persegi serta memaparkan respon siswa dan guru terhadap implementasi desain didaktis tersebut. Desain didaktis dapat diartikan sebagai desain pembelajaran yang lebih menekankan pada aspek didaktik yakni cara pengajaran guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Didactical Design Research (DDR) yang terdiri dari tiga tahap penelitian, yakni analisis situasi didaktis sebelum pembelajaran (prospective analysis) berupa Desain Didaktis Hipotesis termasuk ADP (Analisis Didaktis Pedagogis), analisis metapedadidaktif, dan analisis retrospektif (retrospective analysis), dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa wawancara, observasi, dan skala sikap. Subjek penelitian yaitu 26 siswa kelas IV dan VI serta 1 guru kelas IV SDN 1 Sindangrasa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, melalui penerapan desain didaktis yang dilakukan pada tahap I dan II dapat membantu mengatasi learning obstacle yang dialami siswa pada materi keliling persegi. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari respon siswa pada skala sikap, hasil pengerjaan LAS (Lembar Aktivitas Siswa) serta wawancara terhadap guru. Selain itu, desain didaktis mampu menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan bermakna bagi siswa.  Kata kunci : hambatan belajar, desain didaktis, persegi, pembelajaran bermakna, LAS

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 803
Anat Shatz ◽  
Leon Joseph ◽  
Liat Korn

The purpose of the study was to assess Israeli parents’ knowledge of and attitudes towards practices promoting infants’ safe sleep and their compliance with such practices. Researchers visited the homes of 335 parents in 59 different residential locations in Israel and collected their responses to structured questionnaires. SPSS 25 statistical package for data analysis was used. Attitude scales were created after the reliability tests and scaled means of parental attitudes were compared between independent groups differentiated by gender, ethnicity, and parental experience. A logistic regression was run to predict the outcome variable of babies’ sleep positions. The total knowledge score was significantly higher for women (56.3%) than for men (28.6%; p < 0.001). Arabs were more committed to following recommendations (29.3%) than Jews (26.9%; p < 0.001). Consistent with safe sleep recommendations, 92% of the sampled parents reported avoiding bedsharing and 89% reported using a firm mattress and fitted sheets. The risk of not placing a baby to sleep in a supine position was higher among older parents (adjusted odds ratio—AOR = 0.36, 95%CI 0.16–0.82), smoking fathers (AOR = 2.66, 95%CI 1.12–6.33), parents who did not trust recommendations (AOR = 4.03, 95%CI 1.84–8.84), parents not committed to following recommendations (AOR = 2.83, 95%CI 1.21–6.60), and parents whose baby slept in their room (AOR = 0.38, 95%CI 0.17–0.88). Knowledge of safe sleep recommendations was not associated with actual parental practices. Trust of and commitment to recommendations were positively correlated with safe sleep position practices. It is essential to develop ethnic-/gender-focused intervention programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 1477-1488
Yunisca Nurmalisa ◽  
Muhammad Mona Adha ◽  
Rohman Rohman

The objective of this paper is to increase the comprehension of teachers on the significance of authentic assessment in Civic Education, particularly with a scientific approach and quality learning process. Therefore, adequate skill support for developing these channels, specifically in relation to character and learning activities in the form of attitude scales and guidelines. Expository, discussion, assignment, training, individual or group mentoring were among the applied community empowerment methods. Based on this assistance, teachers' understanding of the design and implementation of authentic assessment instruments in the 2013 curriculum was greatly increased. Furthermore, it is expected that the knowledge learned is simultaneously integrated into the learning process.

Rosmini Ismail

Numerous studies have foundthatfinancial literacy may assist in averting irresponsible spending that linked to materialistic values. However, the area of knowledge that delivers financial literacy varies among studies. The study determines whether credit hours of financial courses,namely, economics, finance and accounting, affect materialism. Consequently, three moderator variables namely gender, year of study and financial sponsorship, were added into the analysis. A survey was conducted on 1022 business undergraduates in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris using money attitude scales as a proxy to measure materialism. Findings indicate that there werenodirectcorrelations between credithoursof financial courses cumulatively or individually, with materialism scores. However, when the year of studyvariable,specifically fourth-year students category, wasinserted as a moderating effect, all three financial courses credit hours were found to be negatively correlatedwith materialism score. The findings demonstrate that accounting courses credit hours affect all materialism dimensions. Meanwhile, three and two materialism dimensions negatively correlated with economic and finance courses, respectively. It indicates that final year students materialistic values lessen as particular financial courses credit hours increased. The findings may provide input to financial literacy modules to mitigateyoung-executive debt crises.

2021 ◽  
Sebastian Jungkunz ◽  
Robert Andrew Fahey ◽  
Airo Hino

Surveys of the attitudes of voters for populist parties generally measure three non-compensatory factors of populism: anti-elitism, people-centrism, and Manicheanism. Using Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Module 5 data for 23 countries, we evaluate whether this approach explains voting for populist parties across countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas. We show that the existing scale of populist attitudes effectively explains voting for populists in countries where populist leaders and parties are in opposition but fails to ex- plain voting for populist parties in countries where they are in power. We argue that current approaches assume ‘the elite’ to mean ‘politicians’, thus failing to capture attitudes towards ‘non-political elites’ often targeted by populists in office – journalists, academics, bureaucrats, etc. The results reveal limits to the usefulness of existing survey batteries in cross-national studies of populism and emphasize the need to develop approaches that are more generalizable across political and national contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3622
Tessa-Marie Baierl ◽  
Bruce Johnson ◽  
Franz X. Bogner

Given the multitude of attitude scales, we examined the relationship between the 2-Major Environmental Values model (2-MEV) and the New Environmental Paradigm scale (NEP) based on a 6585 child sample over a 9-year period. The students participated in a three-day outdoor earth education program at field centers in three different US states (Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana). We further investigated the scales’ sensitivity to program effects, relating cognitive achievement and attitude with respect to a pro-environmental indicator of behavior (Y key). NEP and Preservation correlated highly, while the subscales Utilization and Preservation showed a strong inverse relationship. Based on further reliability and validity scores, and in line with the literature, this pointed to a unidimensional Preservation of Nature scale as a concise attitude measurement. In structural equation modelling, Preservation related to knowledge gains and the Y key, and effects from Preservation on knowledge held true for all three states. This suggests Preservation as one factor influencing cognitive achievement and environmentally conscious performance. Regarding program effects, the Earthkeepers program seemed to induce pro-environmental shifts based on knowledge gains and attitude changes (Preservation increasing and Utilization decreasing). Pro-environmental shifts were most prominent for those who received the Y key.

Julia Roth-Rawald ◽  
Franziska Kühne ◽  
Rebecca Lazarides ◽  
Florian Weck

Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Als Medical Students’ Disease wird die Angst von Medizinstudierenden bezeichnet, unter Krankheiten zu leiden, mit denen sie sich im Studium auseinandersetzen. Fragestellung: Es wurde untersucht, ob ähnliche Phänomene vorübergehender Krankheitsängste auch bei Psychologiestudierenden existieren. Methode: Mittels etablierter Illness-Attitude-Scales (IAS) und einer eigens entwickelten Ergänzung wurden Ängste vor somatischen und psychischen Erkrankungen erhoben. Ergebnisse: Krankheitsängste bei Psychologiestudierenden waren nicht stärker ausgeprägt als bei Studierenden anderer Fachrichtungen. Ängste vor körperlichen Erkrankungen waren häufiger als Ängste vor psychischen Störungen, die keiner signifikanten zeitlichen Veränderung unterlagen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Beschäftigung mit psychischen Störungen geht nicht zwangsläufig mit einem Anstieg von Ängsten vor psychischen Erkrankungen unter Psychologiestudierenden einher. Erhöhte Belastungswerte bei allen Studierenden legen nahe, dass das Studium selbst eine Herausforderung darstellt, für deren Bewältigung Unterstützung angeboten werden kann.

Svetlana O. Smerchinskaya ◽  
Nina P. Yashina

The problem of decision-making when evaluating alternatives according to several quality criteria is considered. Information is used about the pairwise comparison of alternatives by criteria: how many times one alternative is preferable to the other. The criteria may have nonuniform scales. The method to form preferences matrices for representing numerical estimates of alternatives in attitude scales is proposed. The properties of the constructed relation are investigated. The algorithms for constructing the relation with the minimum distance from the preferences by criteria are developed. An algorithm for constructing an aggregated relation based on the summation of preferences by criteria is developed. Aggregate relation depends on the method of specifying the distance between the matrices of preferences. The proposed algorithms for constructing an aggregated relation can use coefficients of importance of criteria. The method can be applied in collective choice problems when assigning estimates to alternatives by experts. A comparison of the proposed algorithms with each other and with known decision-making methods is carried out. The software system of multi-criteria choice is developed. The task of choosing start-up projects for the purpose of investing by a venture fund has been solved.

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