GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling
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Published By Muhammadiyah Metro University

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Dasapta Erwin Irawan ◽  
Muhamad Ratodi ◽  
Juneman Abraham

Kami mengevaluasi perjanjian Pemindahan Hak Cipta (CTA/copyrights transfer agreement) 15 jurnal kategori SINTA 1 Indonesia dan membandingkannya dengan 10 jurnal terbitan luar negeri dalam lingkup bidang ilmu yang sama. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam menelaah CTA meliputi: (1) model pengelolaan jurnal (open access atau tidak), (2) ada atau tidak CTA, dan 3) komponen Hak Cipta yang dipindahkan (sebagian atau seluruhnya). Beberapa hasil yang kami dapatkan: (1) Seluruh jurnal OA nasional menggunakan lisensi Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) dengan berbagai varian tanpa pengalihan hak cipta ke penerbit. (2) Ada satu jurnal nasional menggunakan lisensi ini sekaligus mengalihkan hak cipta ke penerbit, (3) Seluruh jurnal terbitan luar negeri yang dikelola oleh asosiasi profesi, universitas dan penerbit komersial memiliki keseragaman CTA. Untuk rute non OA, CTA mengalihkan hak cipta dari penulis ke penerbit (all rights reserved), sedangkan rute non OA menggunakan lisensi CC-BY-XX-YY. Ini mungkin menjadi indikasi bahwa penerbit jurnal di Indonesia perlu memahami lebih rinci tentang hak cipta, sekaligus sebagai refleksi untuk pengembangan Jurnal Guidena di masa mendatang.

Adi Heryadi ◽  
Evianawati Evianawati ◽  
Agustin Atmaningrum

This descriptive research with the survey method aims to determine the level of knowledge and understanding of junior high school students in Sleman, DIY on corruption, and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The cluster sampling technique was used to obtain data from a total of 20,748 students from 137 junior high schools in Sleman Regency in 2017, through a questionnaire consisted of 10 answer choices. This research was conducted from 21 May to 21 August 2017 and analyzed with the SPSS version 16 with a 95% level of confidence and a margin error of 1.86%.The data collected was descriptive, therefore, it does not need further explanation or test hypotheses (Azwar, 2015). The results of this study are used to determine the intervention steps that need to be taken in anti-corruption campaigns in the millennial generation.  

Andhika Alexander Repi

"Kakak Pendamping, Support Class Program" is a term for peer mentor of Faculty Psychology WM University program. The mentor needs to be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of becoming good mentors through training programs called "How To Be a Good Mentor" training. But, this program hasn’t evaluated whether the training is effective or not. If a training program is not assessed, it will cause several losses for both mentors and the organization. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of the training "How To Be a Good Mentor.” The method used is mix-method and involves all stakeholders in the UKWMS Psychology Faculty, namely staff, students, and Mentors. The results of the study found that "How To Be a Good Mentor" training has not been effective because it does not go through the ideal design stage of training. Without any needs analysis program, and the absence of a training evaluation program, as an action plan due to ineffectiveness of the training that has been held. A training module will be redesigned to develop a training module, "Creating a Full Heart Mentor." This training aims to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the Mentors. Evaluation of the "Creating a Full Heart Mentor" training is useful in evaluating the results of assessments showing the satisfaction of Mentor to the training process, and improving learning after obtaining training materials. The training on "Creating a Full Heart Mentor" produces needs analysis data used as a further development program for Mentors. "Kakak Pendamping Support Class Program" adalah sebutan untuk peer mentor program Fakultas Psikologi WM University. Sebagai upaya untuk mengoptimalkan program ini, para mentor perlu dibekali dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap bagaimana menjadi mentor yang baik melalui program pelatihan yang dinamakan pelatihan “How To Be a Good Mentor”. Namun program ini belum dievaluasi apakah pelatihan tersebut efektif atau tidak. Jika program pelatihan tidak dievaluasi, maka akan menimbulkan sejumlah kerugian baik bagi mentor maupun organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan "How To Be a Good Mentor". Metode yang digunakan adalah mix-method dan melibatkan seluruh stakeholder di Fakultas Psikologi UKWMS yaitu staf, mahasiswa, dan Mentor. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pelatihan "How To Be a Good Mentor" belum efektif karena tidak melalui tahap desain pelatihan yang ideal, tanpa adanya program analisis kebutuhan, dan tidak adanya program evaluasi pelatihan. Sebagai sebuah action plan akibat tidak efektifnya pelatihan yang telah dilaksanakan, maka modul pelatihan akan didesain ulang dan menghasilkan pengembangan modul pelatihan “Menciptakan Mentor Sepenuh Hati”. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap para Mentor. Evaluasi pelatihan “Menciptakan Mentor Sepenuh Hati” efektif ditinjau dari hasil evaluasi yang menunjukkan kepuasan pendamping terhadap proses pelatihan, dan peningkatan pembelajaran setelah mendapatkan materi pelatihan. Pelatihan “Membuat Mentor Sepenuh Hati” menghasilkan data analisis kebutuhan yang nantinya akan digunakan sebagai program pengembangan lebih lanjut bagi Mentor.

Arthur Cropley

Arts education occupies a fringe position in school curricula because the arts are widely regarded as accessible to only a chosen few and of little practical use, or as purely recreational. What is needed is understanding of the potential contribution of arts education to other areas of curriculum, including those often seen as the real core of school learning (“the three Rs”). The psychological processes and personal properties inherent to arts education correspond closely to those now regarded as vital right across the curriculum. In contrast, they are often neglected in conventional academic disciplines. Arts education is capable of promoting these processes and personal properties to transfer to other elements of the curriculum in the form of transferable creativity, but this will not occur without changes in mainline pedagogy, for example, in the assessment.

Tri Winarsih

The tolerance attitude of Indonesian people today are beginning to fade, along with the increasing cases of intolerance in our society, including in the education field. Issues such as abuse, fights, and bullying are examples of intolerant attitudes that are increasing nowadays. Education at the elementary school level is the foundation for the formation of children's character so that at this level, knowledge is essential to teach tolerance. One method that is proven effective for instilling character education is storytelling using Wayang Kancil. So, this method needs to test for its effectiveness in establishing a tolerance for elementary students. The purpose of this study is to find out whether storytelling using Wayang Kancil can improve tolerance for elementary students. This study used a quasi-experimental method, which involved two elementary schools as an experimental group and a control group. The storyteller gives the stimulus of storytelling using Wayang Kancil. Tolerance measurements in subjects were carried out both before and after the administration of treatment. Measurements are made by providing a scale of tolerance. This study using a non-parametric statistical analysis Mann-Whitney U Test. This test is to find out whether there are differences in patience in the experimental group and the control group, namely pretest, and posttest. The results showed significant differences between tolerance in the experimental group and the control group (p = 0.008, α <0.05). Tolerance attitude in the experimental group after being given the storytelling, the results were higher than the control group Sikap toleransi pada Bangsa Indonesia dewasa ini mulai memudar, seiring meningkatnya kasus-kasus intoleransi di tengah-tengah masyarakat, termasuk pada dunia pendidikan. Kasus-kasus seperti perundungan, perkelahian, dan tawuran pelajar merupakan contoh sikap intoleran yang semakin marak terjadi. Pendidikan pada jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) merupakan pondasi pembentukan karakter anak, sehingga pada jenjang ini sangat perlu diberikan pendidikan mengenai toleransi. Salah satu metode yang terbukti efektif untuk menanamkan pendidikan karakter adalah dongeng menggunakan Wayang Kancil. Untuk itu, metode ini pun perlu diuji efektivitasnya dalam menamamkan sikap toleransi pada siswa SD. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah dongeng dengan media Wayang Kancil mampu meningkatkan sikap toleransi pada siswa SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen, yang melibatkan dua kelas dari dua SD sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Stimulus berupa dongeng menggunakan media Wayang Kancil diberikan oleh pendongeng. Pengukuran toleransi pada subjek dilakukan baik sebelum dan sesudah pemberian perlakuan. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan memberikan skala sikap toleransi. Pengujian terhadap hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik non parametrik Mann-Whitney U Test. Pengujian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan sikap toleransi pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol, yaitu pretest, dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sikap toleransi pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,008, ?<0,05). Sikap toleransi pada kelompok eksperimen setelah diberikan dongeng, hasilnya lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok kontrol.

Fadhilla Yusri ◽  
Yeni Afrida

Islam and counseling are related to each other in their application. Islam determines counseling as a way to help one another between human beings. Counseling utilizes Islam as an approach to counseling services. Counseling is an unfamiliar thing to Minangkabau as one of the matrilineal communities. The philosophy of matrilineal community in Minangkabau is adat basandi syara’, syara’ basandi kitabiullah. This philosophy is based on the majority of Minangkabau as Moslem. The combination of Islam with counseling can be a gateway to counseling as a part of the matrilineal community in Minangkabau. Islam dan konseling saling terkait dalam penerapannya. Islam mengartikan konseling sebagai cara untuk saling membantu antar sesama manusia. Konseling memanfaatkan Islam sebagai pendekatan layanan konseling. Penyuluhan merupakan hal yang asing bagi Minangkabau sebagai salah satu komunitas matrilineal. Filosofi masyarakat matrilineal di Minangkabau adalah adat basandi syara ', syara' basandi kitabiullah. Filosofi ini didasarkan pada mayoritas Minangkabau sebagai Muslim. Perpaduan Islam dengan konseling dapat menjadi pintu gerbang konseling sebagai bagian dari komunitas matrilineal di Minangkabau

Ratna Sari ◽  
Elsa Daneska ◽  
Adinda Hartanti

This research explores the effectiveness of using the Workshop methodology in enhancing pedagogical competences of the Islamic Education Department (Pendidikan Agama Islam/ PAI) teacher candidates in organizing an inclusive setting learning. Pedagogical competence indicators in this study consist of five components; (1) Teacher’s understanding towards students, (2) Ability to design and organize learning, (3) Utilization of technology in learning activities, (4) Implementation of learning outcomes evaluation, (5) Development of student competencies. The workshop is one of the training methods that can be used to improve the pedagogical competence of PAI teacher candidates. This study utilizes a post-test only experiment method. The research subjects consist of the control and experimental class. The post-test was carried out in the control and experiment class, while data collected through a test, observation, and documentation. Furthermore, the data is analyzed by content analysis of the post-test and observation results of the workshop program implementation.

Hairani Yainahu ◽  
Devi Damayanti ◽  
Devi Damayanti

The purpose of this study was to see an overview of the level of job satisfaction of TPK Group employees in general from nine aspects; salary, promotion, supervision, benefits, rewards, operational procedures, co-workers, nature of work, and communication. This research is also to see aspects that affect job satisfaction and aspects that do not affect job satisfaction. The research method used is descriptive quantitative as a primary data collection tool and is supported by interviews. The subjects of this study were 43 employees of TPK Group Yogyakarta. The results showed that out of 43 employees, 16% (7 employees) had a high level of job satisfaction, 65% (28 employees) had a moderate job satisfaction level, and 19% (8 employees) had a low job satisfaction level. The supervision aspect has the highest effect value on job satisfaction, while allowances, operational procedures, and promotions get the lowest score related to employee job satisfaction at PT TPK Group. From the results of this study, it is suggested that companies/leaders need to conduct evaluations to improve systems and human resources so that the goals of the company can be achieved and improved.

Satrio Budi Wibowo

Lesson Study (LS) has been widely practiced by class teachers to improve the quality of learning in class. Lesson Study, which consists of the planning process (plan), the practice of carrying out learning (do), and reflection for improvement (see), is used by the classroom teacher to improve the process and learning outcomes. LS is applied to settings classical class. Information and orientation services in Guidance & Counseling (BK), almost similar to implementation Classroom learning, is given in a classical format. Information services are efforts that are made to meet students' lack of information, which can be done with several techniques such as conventional lectures, as well as with courses interactive with the help of media usage. Neither the orientation services are services provided in a classical format in a class aimed at helping students order able to adjust to the environment or new situations. So if Observing the application of LS can also be done on BK services, especially on services information and orientation. This paper discusses how to apply LS in BK service. The application of LS is expected to improve the quality of services provided by the BK teacher in the class.

Ulifa Rahma ◽  
Yulia Dwi Anggreni ◽  
Faizah Faizah ◽  
Yuliezar Perwira Dara

This research is a phenomenology study in qualitative about the portrayal of occupational well-being of school staff at Full Day School and Half Day School in Senior High School teachers, which is based on Saaranen's theory (2012). The interviews were used as data. Purposive sampling, eight primary teachers were selected, including four teachers from Universitas Negeri Malang Laboratory Senior High School as the full-day school and four teachers from Panjura Senior High School as a half-day school. Milles and Huberman were used as the data analysis following by triangulation techniques. The results showed that full-day and half-day schools needed to maintain the positive aspects that were fulfilled and improve improvement. A full-day school, the elements that have fulfilled are the workers' health and resources, professional competence, working conditions, and working communities. Meanwhile, the factors that have fulfilled are the aspects of the working community, the workers’ health and resources, and professional competence at half day school. In contrast, the element that needs to improve in this school is working conditions. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif jenis fenomenologi mengenai gambaran occupational well-being of school staff pada guru Sekolah Menengah Atas Full Day School dan Half Day School, yang berdasar pada teori Saaranen (2012). Data yang digunakan oleh peneliti melalui wawancara, dengan menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak delapan guru primer diantaranya empat guru di SMA Laboratorium Universitas Negeri Malang sebagai sekolah full day dan empat guru di SMA Panjura sebagai sekolah half day. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis data Milles dan Huberman serta menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekolah fullday dan halfday perlu mempertahankan aspek positif yang terpenuhi dan meningkatkan hal yang masih perlu diperbaiki. Pada sekolah full day, aspek yang telah terpenuhi yaitu aspek workers health and resources, professional competence, working conditions dan working community. Pada sekolah half day, yang telah terpenuhi yaitu aspek working community, workers health and resources, dan professional competence, sedangkan untuk aspek yang perlu ditingkatkan pada sekolah ini yaitu aspek working conditions. 

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