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Published By Croatian Economic Association

1848-9494, 0424-7558

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 358-376
Tanja Komarac ◽  
Stjepan Bešlić

Cilj je istraživanja otkriti kako studenti u Republici Hrvatskoj percipiraju muzeje s obzirom na nepostojanje prethodnih istraživanja. Konkretnije, nastojalo se (1) otkriti kako studenti opisuju muzeje i posjetitelje muzeja, (2) otkriti ulogu muzeja u društvu te (3) prikupiti prijedloge studenata radi poboljšanja iskustva posjeta muzeju. Korištena je kombinirana metodologija kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog istraživanja. Kako bi se dobio uvid u percepcije muzeja, kao instrument istraživanja korišten je anketni upitnik s otvorenim i zatvorenim pitanjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 110 ispitanika (studenata). Otkriveno je kako studenti u Republici Hrvatskoj imaju pozitivnu percepciju muzeja i posjetitelja muzeja. Uloga muzeja u društvu vezana je uz edukaciju te kulturno uzdizanje, dok je posebnost muzeja u usporedbi s drugim institucijama u tome što nude specifična znanja i vještine te izlažu autentične predmete. Kod prijedloga za poboljšanje iskustva posjete muzeju, interaktivnost i prilagodba usluga muzeja mladima, najčešće su isticana područja poboljšanja ponude muzeja. Ograničenja istraživanja vezana su uz vrstu i veličinu uzorka, namjerni prigodni uzorak od 110 studenata jednog zagrebačkog fakulteta. Ovo je prvi rad koji, koristeći kombiniranu metodologiju istraživanja, daje uvid u to kako studenti u Republici Hrvatskoj doživljavaju muzeje.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-448
Ivana Pavlić ◽  
Katija Vojvodić ◽  
Barbara Puh

Despite the increased interest in consumers pertained to Generation X, there is still much that is not understood about this particular market segment. In particular, this refers to their retail-related behaviour as well as the satisfaction and loyalty of customers in traditional brick and mortar retail environment. The purpose of this paper is to expand the knowledge base about Generation X’s retail store attitudes and retail behaviour in order to identify their loyalty in a retail store context. For that reason, an empirical research was carried out using a convenience sample of 153 Generation X members from the Dubrovnik- Neretva County during the period from June 1 to October 1, 2016. To analyse the data, ordinal logistic regression and ANOVA methods were used. The results revealed that several variables were found partially statistically significant, i.e. retail service quality, retail store quality, product price, product assessment, retail store format and frequency of purchase. This paper provides a framework for an improved understanding of Generation X as consumers and their overall store experience. Moreover, it contributes to the existing literature by providing new insights into the loyalty of Croatian Generation X consumers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 799-825
Michal Müller

Tax evasion is a problem in every country. Since taxes are the most important source of income for the state budget, finance ministers and tax authorities strive to increase tax compliance and secure higher tax revenues. In the context of European Union objectives to monitor the effects of behavioural insights and gather information for critical evaluation, this article contributes to these efforts by summarizing policies and measures related to increasing tax compliance. This article is based on a systematic review and is complemented by other relevant sources related to applying behavioural insights to tax policy. The article concludes that although there is empirical evidence to suggest that behaviourally informed initiatives and interventions have had a significant impact on tax compliance in the short term, there is not enough evidence to draw conclusions on the long-term effects. In addition, the real motives and causal mechanisms that have led to increased tax compliance are not entirely clear. The results of the research suggest that deterrence is an important factor. Although deterrence might increase tax compliance, it is uncertain whether it has any positive effect on tax morale in general. The article raises the argument that many behaviourally-informed techniques are actually based on deterrence. In this respect, the article calls for further research to reveal the real effects of behavioural insights. Further work on reviewing and evaluating research results will also be important, as individual initiatives across EU countries are not easily traceable. This fact represents the limits of this study and highlights opportunities for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 826-839
Zrinka Lukač

Oporezivanje je jedan od najmoćnijih instrumenata fiskalne politike koji ima značajne posljedice na ponudu i potražnju, utječe na ekonomski rast i investicije kao i na konkurentnost poduzeća. Također, utječe na poticaj poduzećima da ostanu u nekoj zemlji ili premjeste svoje poslovanje drugdje. Stoga je osmišljavanje optimalne porezne politike od presudnog značaja za svaku vladu. U ovom radu razmatra se problem određivanja optimalne porezne politike za jedno homogeno dobro koje proizvode dva konkurentska poduzeća smještena u dvije različite zemlje. Svako poduzeće ima jedan proizvodni pogon koji je smješten u zemlji iz koje poduzeće dolazi, dok se proizvod prodaje u obje zemlje. Države imaju različite porezne sustave. Ako poduzeće prodaje proizvod na stranom tržištu, uz trošak proizvodnje ima i trošak izvoza koji se sastoji od troškova prijevoza i troškova carine. Problem se modelira kao problem programiranja s dva sljedbenika, pri čemu vođa (vlada) maksimizira porezni prihod dok sljedbenici (poduzeća) maksimiziraju svoje funkcije dobiti. Uz to što se formulira novi model koji do sada nije poznat u postojećoj literaturi, u radu se izvodi optimalna razina poreza i pripadni iznos poreznog prihoda, izvode se optimalne razine proizvodnje i izvoza poduzeća, razmatraju se svojstva funkcije dobiti i utjecaj povećanja poreza na optimalne količine i funkcije prihoda i dobiti poduzeća te se pokazuje kako se teret poreza raspodjeljuje između proizvođača i potrošača. Model se ilustrira numeričkim primjerom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-357
Nina Pološki Vokić ◽  
Vinko Mostarac

Rad empirijski istražuje obilježja i dimenzije koje poslodavce čine poželjnijima za najmlađu generaciju visokoobrazovanih ekonomista u Hrvatskoj, s obzirom na manjak istraživanja u ovom području. Također, istraženo je u kojoj je mjeri smisleno segmentirati signale koje poslodavci odašilju na tržište rada kako bi privukli pripadnike najmlađe generacije visokoobrazovanih ekonomista različitih socio-demografskih obilježja. Anketno istraživanje provedeno na uzorku 407 studenata sveučilišnih diplomskih studija korištenjem „Skale privlačnosti poslodavca“ Berthona, Ewinga i Haha (2005) je ukazalo da ispitanici preferiraju „Razvojnu dimenziju“ privlačnosti poslodavca. Dodatno, na temelju inferencijalne statistike zaključeno je da su dimenzije privlačnosti poslodavaca univerzalne, odnosno da u značajnoj mjeri ne ovise o socio-demografskim obilježjima ispitanika. Proizlazi da poslodavci koji žele privući i/ili zadržati u organizaciji visoko-obrazovane ekonomiste mlađih generacija trebaju istima osiguravati prilike za osobni i profesionalni razvoj, bez obzira kojem segmentu prema svojim osobnim obilježjima oni pripadaju.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (5) ◽  
pp. 774-795
Marwan Alzoubi ◽  
Hamad A. Kasasbeh

The paper disentangles gross savings into government and private savings and investigate their impact on gross investment. Our methodology is based on a balanced panel of four MENA countries (Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon) for the period 2000-2017 by employing the Panel Vector Autoregressive Model (PVAR). Our findings show that government savings as a ratio of GDP does not have any impact on investment while private savings as a ratio of GDP does. Both variables exhibit the correct signs. The results also show that mobility of private saving is high and seemingly statistically inconsistent with the Fielstein and Horioka (1980) puzzle. Our paper also reveals that even though OECD countries are more open than our sample countries, the higher capital mobility of our sample is driven by the economic and political instability in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 840-868
Violeta Šugar ◽  
Alen Belullo ◽  
Emin Džanić

The research about the population of individual inventors/innovators in Croatia was carried out with the aim of finding answers to the following questions: 1. How many inventions/patents in Croatia are (not) commercialized; 2. What are the reasons of (un)successful commercialization of Croatian individual inventors' inventions/patents; 3. Is there any correlation between various forms of support for inventors / patent owners and successful commercialization; 4. Could education/training contribute to the successful commercialization of inventions/patents? The research was designed and carried out on individual inventors/innovators in Croatia via combination of online questionnaire and telephone interviews. The acquired data were analysed by descriptive statistics and nonparametric inferential statistics. Based on the results of the research, the literature and practical experience, a typology of individual inventors / innovators has been created. The research limitations relate to the lack of the institutional data and literature regarding the individual inventors. In addition to practical contribution of the findings regarding the public policies, there is also a theoretical contribution to existing literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 869-893
Visar Rrustemi ◽  
Gezim Jusufi

Digital marketing activities through social media are being developed extensively by firms in the Western Balkans region, therefore the purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of social media marketing activities on increasing sales of SMEs in the Western Balkans, with special emphasis on those of Kosovo. Using a sample of 100 manufacturing SMEs, we have researched the impact of digital marketing activities which are carried out through social media, on increasing the sales or turnover of these SMEs. The achieved results were analyzed through probit regression. The results show that facebook is mostly used for business activities in these SMEs. Also, the analyzed SMEs give a lot of importance to the opinions and comments of consumers expressed on social media. They design their business policies based on the comments and opinions received from online consumers. This empirical research provides data on the implementation of social media marketing activities by SMEs in the Western Balkans region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-87
Ana Babić

Gledajući kroz povijest, svaki val pokazuje svoju jedinstvenu uzročnost između inovacije, difuzije, institucionalne promjene, promjene produktivnosti, promjene u broju tvrtki i zaposlenika i relativne cijene čimbenika (Lundquist, Olander i Svensson Henning, 2008). Povećanje broja tehnoloških inovacija zahtijeva od današnjih djelatnika da neprestano ažuriraju svoje vještine kako bi bili spremni odgovoriti na nove uloge u sektorima u kojima rade, na koje utječu ili će utjecati nove tehnologije. U radu će biti prikazane inicijative koje su poduzele pojedine vlade i tvrtke počevši od obrazovanja, posebno visokog obrazovanja, prilagođujući nastavne programe, sudjelujući u izradi novih kurikula te, u konačnici, u stvaranju nove radne snage koja je spremna odgovoriti zahtjevima rada na tržištu digitalne ekonomije. Učinkovite vještine u korištenju tehnologijom, u kombinaciji sa znanjem i kompetencijama za inovacije, mogu povećati usklađenost digitalnih vještina s potrebama digitalne ekonomije. Većina industrija i sektora prepoznaje da će, budući da se sve više digitaliziraju, postojati sve veća potražnja za djelatnicima koji posjeduju različite stupnjeve digitalnih vještina. Rad donosi pregled definicija digitalnih vještina s detaljnim uvidom u područja koja obuhvaćaju te su navedene razlike među pojmovima koji se vežu za digitalnu pismenost, kao što su informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnološka pismenost, te informacijska, medijska i internetska pismenost. Iznimno je važno navrijeme ’uskočiti’ u val digitalnih promjena. Koliko su pojedine velesile poput SAD-a, Kine i Australije, u tome uspjele te kakva je situacija u Europi i u Hrvatskoj kada je u pitanju prilagodba vremenu digitalne transformacije, osnovna je svrha ovog rada. Odgovor na navedena pitanja prikazan je u obliku formulacija, definicija, statističkih podataka, strategija ulaganja te analizom mnogobrojnih relevantnih izvora. U istraživanju su primijenjene induktivna i deduktivna metoda, kao i metoda analize i sinteze.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-198
Daniela Gračan ◽  
Zrinka Zadel ◽  
Damir Pavlović

Tourism is a system that inevitably follows the technological advancement of other areas of social and economic life, especially in the domain of accessibility of all elements of tourist product offered by its basic unit - a tourist destination. Due to the inclination and the need to use mobile digital tools and services for visitors to better manage, the concept of the so-called "smart destination" is becoming increasingly important. However, as digital applications become increasingly saturated with everyday life and threaten the saturation of real and quality life, there is a need for selective access also in the domain of destination management through experience management and visitor satisfaction. Using the methodology of the survey questionnaire a survey has conducted on several tourist frequency locations in the destination, whose aim was to investigate the importance and participation of individual mobile applications in improving the visitor experience, among them the five most prominent. By applying correlation and regression analysis, results have been achieved, which applications most importantly participate in improving the visitor experience. The significance of this research is reflected in the design of a new tool for adaptive and selective introduction of new mobile applications in order to better target visitors in a destination and thus more effectively manage their experience.

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