Jurnal Inovasi Teknik Kimia
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Published By Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semerang

2541-5891, 2527-614x

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Siti Indana Isdiyanti ◽  
Laeli Kurniasari ◽  
Farikha Maharani

Kersen (Muntinga calabura L) adalah pohon yang memiliki buah kecil dan manis. Tumbuhan ini dimanfaatkan antara lain sebagai  obat penurun panas, mengobati pembengkakan kelenjar prostat dan mengobati penyakit asam urat, selain itu juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antiseptic, antioksidan, antimikroba, dan anti inflamasi. Berbagai macam metode ekstraksi telah dikembangkan dari yang konvensional ke metode modern, dimana salah satunya yaitu Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) dan Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh metode ekstraksi yang dilakukan terhadap rendemen, menganalisa pengaruh rasio solid berbanding liquid serta waktu terhadap rendemen, dan menguji kadar flavonoid yang dihasilkan dari kedua metode tersebut. Percobaan dilakukan dengan variabel rasio-pelarut 1:5 – 1:25, sedangkan variabel waktu 5 menit – 25 menit. Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa ke dua variabel berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi flavonoid hasil ekstraksi. Secara umum meningkat seiring kenaikan variabel sampai maksimum di titik tertentu, kemudian turun. Konsentrasi maksimum diperoleh pada variabel umpan-pelarut MAE sebesar 1:25 dengan kadar flavonoid 132,41 mg/ml dan rendemen sebesar 39%. Adapun waktu terbaik adalah 5 menit dengan kadar flavonoid 91,669 mg/ml dan rendemen sebesar 22,7%. Sedangkan pada proses UAE (Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction) dengan rasio umpan-pelarut maksimal sebesar 1:10 dengan kadar flavonoid 47,5899 mg/ml dan rendemen 26%. Sedangkan waktu terbaik  10 menit dengan kadar flavonoid 56,7769 mg/ml dan rendemen sebesar 19,65%. AbstracKersen  (Muntinga calabura L) is a tree with small and sweet fruit. The fruit is used, among others, as a febrifuge, treating swelling of the prostate gland and treating gout. Besides the fruit, its leaves also has potential as an antiseptic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory. Various extraction methods have been developed from conventional to modern methods, one of which is Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) and Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE). The research will extract the kersen leaves and aim to analyze the effect of the extraction method on the yield, the effect of the solid to liquid ratio and time on the yield, and the flavonoid content produced by both methods. The experiment was carried out with a solvent-ratio variable of 1:5 – 1:25, while the time variable was 5 – 25 minutes. The results of the experiment showed that the two variables had an effect on the concentration of flavonoids extracted. In general, it increases as the variables increase to a maximum point, then decreases. The maximum concentration obtained in the feed-solvent variable MAE was 1:25 with a flavonoid content of 132.41 mg/ml, with a yield of 39% and the best time was 5 minutes with a flavonoid content of 91.669 mg/ml, with a yield of 22.7%. While in the UAE Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction process with a maximum feed-solvent ratio of 1:10 with a flavonoid content 47.5899 mg/ml and yield  26%, while the best time of process was 10 minutes with  flavonoid content 56.7769 mg/ml and yield 19, 65%.Kata kunci: Flavonoid, Ekstrak Kersen, MAE, UA

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Novi Laura Indrayani ◽  
R Hengki Rahmanto ◽  
Riri Sadiana

“Pemanfaatan material komposit pada saat ini semakin berkembang, seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan bahan tersebut yang semakin meluas mulai dari yang sederhana sampai sektor industri. Hal ini dikarenakan karakteristik material komposit mempunyai banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan jenis bahan lain yaitu  ringan, kuat, tidak terpengaruh korosi dan mampu bersaing dengan logam, dengan tidak kehilangan karakteristik dan kekuatan mekanisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi waktu sintering dan komposisi terhadap ketangguhan impak dan kekerasan komposit Eceng Gondok-PVC-LDPE. Bahan yang digunakan merupakan tanaman gulma dan limbah plastik. Proses pembuatan spesimen dilakukan dengan metode pressured sintering, yaitu dengan cara pembuatan serbuk, dan di screening 60 mesh. Selanjutnya serbuk di mixing dengan variasi komposisi perbandingan K1: EG 50%, PVC 10%, LDPE 40%; K2: EG 55%, PVC 10%, LDPE 35%; K3: EG 60%, PVC 10%, LDPE 30%; K4: EG 65%, PVC 10%, LDPE 25% dan K5: EG 70%, PVC 10%, LDPE 20% dan dikompaksi dengan tekanan 1,013 bar. Selanjutnya di sintering dengan temperatur 1800C. Pada penilitian ini variasi waktu sintering yaitu; 5 menit, 8 menit, 10 menit, 13 menit dan 15 menit. Sifat mekanik dilihat dari nilai kekerasan dan impak dengan menggunakan standar ISO 2039-1:2001, ISO 179-1:2010. Selain itu menganalisis morfologi dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Pengujian untuk sifat kimia dilihat dengan analisis morfologi SEM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian sifat mekanik didapatkan nilai kekerasan tertinggi dimiliki oleh komposit K2 sebesar 22.30 MPa dan 2.1 kJ/m2 untuk nilai impak.” Kata kunci: eceng gondok, komposit, LDPE, pressured sintering, PVC. Abstract“The utilization of composite materials nowadays is currently growing, along with the increasing use of these materials, which are expanding ranging from the small scale to the industrial sector. This is because the characteristics of composite materials have many advantages compared to other types of materials i.e. light, strong, not affected by corrosion and able to compete with metals without losing their mechanical characteristics and strength. This research aims to determine the effect of variations in sintering time and it’s composition against impact toughness and hardness of the Water Hyacinth-PVC-LDPE composite. The materials used are weeds and plastic waste. The process of specimen fabrication was performed by using pressured sintering method, i.e. by making it into powder and were screening by using screen 60 mesh. Furthermore, the powder were mixed with the variation of the composition K1: EG 50%, PVC 10%, LDPE 40%; K2: EG 55%, PVC 10%, LDPE 35%; K3: EG 60%, PVC 10%, LDPE 30%; K4: EG 65%, PVC 10%, LDPE 25% dan K5: EG 70%, PVC 10%, LDPE 20% and compacted with a pressure of 1,1013 bar. After that is sintering with temperature 180oC. In this research the sintering time variations is 5 minute, 8 minute, 10 minute, 13 minute and 15 minute. Mechanical properties if were seen from the hardness and impact values by using a standard ISO 2039-1:2001, ISO 179-1:2010. In additions to analyze the morphology by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Tests for chemical properties can be seen with the morphological analysis of SEM. Based on the testing results, the mechanical properties obtained the highest hardness value owned by a composite K2 by 22.30 MPa and 2.1 kJ/m2 for the value of the impact.” Kata kunci:water hyacinth, composite, LDPE, pressured sintering, PVC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Hargono Hargono ◽  
Ika Nurcahyaningsih ◽  
Permana Dwi Candra

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Nur Rokhati ◽  
Aji Prasetyaningrum ◽  
Nur ‘Aini Hamada ◽  
Adi Lamda Cahyo Utomo ◽  
Hery Budiarto Kurniawan ◽  

Logam berat adalah istilah untuk logam-logam seperti Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, dan Zn yang sering berhubungan dengan polusi dan toksisitas. Adsorpsi merupakan metode yang paling sering digunakan untuk menghilangkan ion logam. Tongkol jagung berpotensi menjadi adsorben karena kadar selulosanya yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji performa tongkol jagung sebagai adsorben ion Cr(VI) dan Cd(II). Penelitian dimulai dengan perlakuan awal adsorben dan dilanjutkan dengan proses adsorbsi. Kadar logam berat dihitung dengan metode spektrofotometri. Nilai efisiensi penyerapan Cd(II) meningkat dengan adanya perlakuan awal menggunakan suhu tinggi. Jumlah logam yang terserap semakin banyak seiring dengan lamanya waktu adsorpsi dengan efisiensi penyerapan sebesar 94,76% untuk Cr(VI) dan 83,96% untuk Cd(II). Penambahan jumlah adsorben tongkol jagung juga meningkatkan efisiensi penyerapan logam kromium hingga 82,33% dan kadmium sebesar 83,98%. Sedangkan jumlah ion Cr(VI) yang terserap tidak linear dengan penambahan kecepatan pengadukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tongkol jagung berpotensi digunakan sebagai adsorben ion logam berat dengan efisiensi di atas 80%.  Kata kunci: adsorpsi, kadmium, kromium, tongkol jagung AbstractHeavy metal is a term for metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn, often associated with pollution and toxicity. Adsorption is the most commonly used method to remove metal ions. Corncob have the potential to be an adsorbent because of their high cellulose content. This study aimed to examine the performance of corncob as an adsorbent of Cr(VI) and Cd(II) ions. The study began with the pretreatment of the adsorbent and continued with the adsorption process. Heavy metal concentration was calculated by the spectrophotometric method. The value of the absorption efficiency of Cd(II) increased with the pretreatment using high temperature. The amount of metal adsorbed increased with the length of adsorption time with the absorption efficiency of 94.76% for Cr(VI) and 83.96% for Cd(II). The addition of corncob adsorbent also increased the efficiency of chromium metal absorption up to 82.33% and cadmium by 83.98%. Meanwhile, the amount of Cr(VI) ion adsorbed was not linear with increasing stirring speed. Based on the results, it can be concluded that corncob could be used as heavy metal ion adsorbents with an efficiency above 80%. Keywords: adsorption, cadmium, chromium, corn cob

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Indah Hartati ◽  
Salsa Erna Setiawati ◽  
Suwardiyono Suwardiyono

Pengolahan daging buah labu kuning menjadi tepung melalui proses pengeringan dapat meningkatkan umur simpan produk, mempermudah penggunaan dan pengolahannya menjadi berbagai produk lanjutan, mempermudah proses penyimpanan serta dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh suhu pada proses pengeringan daging buah labu kuning serta memvalidasi model kinetika lapis tipis Lewis, Henderson Pabis, Page, Midili dan Two Term menggunakan data eksperimen pengeringan daging buah labu kuning. Proses pengeringan dilakukan menggunakan pengering tipe rak pada suhu 60-70 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jika proses pengeringan pada suhu 70  selama 165 menit merupakan kondisi proses pengeringan yang dianggap relatif baik karena mampu menghasilkan produk dengan nilai moisture ratio yang rendah yakni 0,04. Berdasarkan nilai RSS-nya, model kinetika pengeringan Midili merupakan model kinetika pengeringan lapis tipis yang memiliki kesesuaian tertinggi dengan data eksperimen proses pengeringan puree labu dibandingkan model kinetika lapis tipis  Lewis, Henderson Pabis, Page, dan Two Term. Nilai konstanta kinetika pengeringan puree labu kuning adalah 9.10-8- 2,4.10-71/menit untuk proses pada suhu 60-70 .Kata kunci: labu kuning, model kinetika, Midili, lapis tipis

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Rudi Firyanto ◽  
MF Sri Mulyaningsih ◽  
Laura Nisa

Pestisida organik adalah pestisida yang bahan dasarnya berasal dari tumbuhan yang bersifat mudah terurai di alam. Salah satu tumbuhan yang dapat dijadikan bahan baku pembuatan pestisida organik adalah kulit jeruk nipis. Kulit jeruk dapat berpotensi menjadi repellent karena mengandung minyak atsiri dengan komponen limonene, mirsen, linalool, oktanal, decanal, sitronelol, neral, geraniol, valensen dan sinensial. Linalool, sitronelol dan geraniol termasuk senyawa yang bersifat repellent terhadap serangga (arthropoda).  Pengunaan bahan alami dari ekstrak kulit jeruk diharapkan lebih aman jika dibandingkan dengan bahan kimia Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT). Proses pembuatan pestisida organik dilakukan dengan ekstraksi maserasi menggunakan ethanol sebagai pelarut. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel terhadap hasil pengujian pestisida organic terhadap jangkrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada konsentrasi pestisida organic 5% didapatkan prosentase kematian jangkrik 72%, pada konsentrasi 15% didapatkan prosen kematian jangkrik 80%, dan pada konsentrasi 25% didapatkan prosen kematian jangkrik 88%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh terhadap perbedaan konsentrasi pestisida organic terhadap kematian jangkrik. Kata kunci: jeruk nipis, maserasi, pestisida organik AbstractOrganic pesticides are pesticides whose basic ingredients come from plants that are easily biodegradable in nature. One of the plants that can be used as raw material for making organic pesticides is lime peel. Orange peel can potentially be a repellent because it contains essential oils with components of limonene, mirsen, linalool, octanal, decanal, citronellol, neral, geraniol, valensen and sinensial. Linalool, citronellol and geraniol are compounds that are repellent to insects (arthropoda). The use of natural ingredients from orange peel extract is expected to be safer when compared to the chemical Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT). The process of making organic pesticides is done by maceration extraction using ethanol as a solvent. This study aims to determine the effect of variables on the results of testing organic pesticides on crickets. The results showed that at 5% organic pesticide concentration, 72% of crickets died, at 15%, 80% of crickets died, and at 25%, 88% of crickets died. The results showed that there was an effect on differences in the concentration of organic pesticides on the mortality of crickets.. Keywords: lime, maceration, organic pesticide

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Nur Hidayati ◽  
Wahib Khoiruddin ◽  
Isnadiah Endang Mastuti ◽  
Wahyu Devi Satna Pambudi

Gliserol adalah produk samping yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan biodiesel. Karena peningkatan produksi biodiesel, utilisasi gliserol yang melimpah menjadi asetin berpeluang dilakukan karena manfaat asetin sebagai sumber bahan baku untuk material lainnya yang bernilai lebih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat katalis grafena oksida dari multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) dengan menggunakan metode hummers termodifikasi. Karakterisasi katalis GO dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji X-Rays Diffraction (XRD) dan Scanning Electron Microscope-Energi Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). Aktivitas katalitik pada asetilasi gliserol menunjukkan konversi yang tinggi mencapai 94% pada suhu 110°C dalam 2 jam reaksi dengan menggunakan katalis 3% berat. Kata kunci: Asetilasi, Gliserol, Grafena Oksida, Metode Hummers Termodifikasi AbstractGlycerol is a by-product of biodiesel production. Due to the increase in biodiesel production, the utilization of abundant glycerol into acetin has the opportunity to be carried out because of the benefits of acetin as a source of raw material for other materials of higher value. This study aims to prepare graphene oxide catalysts from multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) using the modified Hummers method. The characterizations of GO catalyst were assessed using X-Rays Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope-Energi Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). The catalytic activity of glycerol acetylation showed a high conversion reaching 94% at 110°C in 2 hours of reaction using a 3% by weight catalyst.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Muhrinsyah Fatimura ◽  
Rully Masriatini ◽  
Reno Fitriyanti

Gas CO2 atau gas asam (sour gas) merupakan salah satu kandungan dari gas alam yang sifatnya sebagai kontaminan. Adanya kandungan gas CO2 yang tinggi didalam gas alam perlu dilakukan treatment khusus dalam menghilangan kandungan gas asam (sour gas) tersebut dari gas alam dimana proses penghilangan gas asam dari gas alam disebut proses Sweetening. Proses Absorspi gas CO2 merupakan metode yang sering dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan  mengetahui pengaruh laju alir absorben dan waktu kontak terhadap konsentrasi CO2 yang di serap. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan perancangan alat yang bisa menunujukan proses absorpsi CO2. Variabel penelitian yang digunakan memvariasikan  laju alir absorben 4,95 ml/s, 7,26 ml/s, 10,75 ml/s serta waktu kontak 2,4,6,8 menit dengan menggunakan absorben K2CO3 dan   Gas alam yang digunakan compress Natural Gas CNG.  Dari hasil penelitan laju alir Absorbenyang paling baik didapat pada  10,75 ml/s dengan penyerapan  CO2 sebesar  69,45 %. Waktu kontak  pada setiap waktu   tidak berpengaruh banyak  terhadap konsentarsi CO2 yang terserap .  Kata kunci: absorben, Sour gas, gas alam, laju alir  AbstractCO2 gas or acid gas (sour gas) is one of the contents of natural gas which is a contaminant. The presence of high CO2 gas content in natural gas requires special treatment to remove the sour gas content from natural gas where the process of removing acid gas from natural gas is called the Sweetening process. The CO2 gas absorption process is a method that is often used. This study aims to determine the effect of absorbent flow rate and contact time on the absorbed CO2 concentration. The method used in this research is to design a tool that can show the CO2 absorption process. The research variables used varied the absorbent flow rate of 4.95 ml/s, 7.26 ml/s, 10.75 ml/s and a contact time of 2,4,6,8 minutes using K2CO3 absorbent and natural gas used compressed Natural CNG gas. From the research results, the best absorbent flow rate was obtained at 10.75 ml/s with CO2 absorption of 69.45%. Contact time at any time did not have much effect on the concentration of CO2 absorbed. Keywords: absorbent, sour gas, natural gas, flow rate

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Retno Ambarwati Sigit Lestari

Indonesia memiliki banyak limbah pertanian yang selama ini hanya dibiarkan atau dibakar begitu saja. Limbah pertanian yang merupakan biomassa mengandung selulosa cukup tinggi dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi terbarukan berupa briket. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik briket yang dibuat  dari jerami padi, sampah daun dan kotoran sapi untuk dibandingkan dengan standar briket arang. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat briket dari bahan jerami padi, sampah daun dan kotoran sapi. Pembuatan briket biomassa dilakukan dengan teknik karbonisasi di dalam drum yang tertutup. Arang yang diperolah dihaluskan dan diayak 50 mesh selanjutnya ditambah bahan perekat berupa tapioka dengan perbandingan 7:1 dan sedikit air kemudian dicetak secara manual. Setelah dicetak, briket arang yang diperoleh  dijemur dibawah sinar matahari selama 3 hari. Waktu terbentuknya arang dari berbagai jenis biomassa berbeda-beda, waktu optimum untuk bahan dari jerami padi 30 menit, sampah daun 60 menit dan 75 menit untuk kotoran sapi dengan rendemen masing-masing 24,39%, 29,03%, dan 26,26%. Briket yang dihasilkan dari biomassa jerami padi memiliki kadar air 5,9% kadar abu 8,02%, kadar zat mudah menguap 35,68%, kadar karbon terikat 37,48% dan nilai kalor 3000 kal/gr. Briket dari sampah daun memiliki kadar air 5,6%, kadar abu 8,02%, kadar zat mudah menguap 32,46%, kadar karbon terikat 40,55% dan nilai kalor 4600 kal/gr. Briket dari kotoran sapi memiliki kadar air 8,4%, kadar abu 8,32%, kadar zat mudah menguap 26,63%, kadar karbon terikat 50,66% dan nilai kalor 5200 kal/gr. Kata kunci: briket, jerami padi, kotoran sapi,nilai kalor, sampah daun. AbstractIndonesia has a lot of agricultural waste that has been left or burned. Agricultural waste containing high cellulose which to be used as a renewable energy source in the form of briquettes. This study aims to find out the characteristics of briquettes made from rice straw, leaf litter and cow dung to be compared to standard charcoal briquettes. In this study made briquettes from rice straw, leaf waste and cow dung. The manufacture of biomass briquettes was done by carbonization in a closed drum.  The charcoal reduced in size in 50 mesh added tapioca adhesive in ratio of 7: 1 and a little water then formed to be briquettes manually. The charcoal briquettes obtained are dried in the sun for 3 days. The time for formation of charcoal from various types of biomass were varies, the optimum time for rice straw was 30 minutes, leaf waste was 60 minutes and 75 minutes for cow dung with yields of charcoal of rice straw was 24.39%, 29.03% for leaf waste and cow dung was 26.26%. Briquettes produced from biomass of rice straw have a  water content of 5.9% ash content of 8.02%, a volatile substance content of 35.68%, a carbon-bound content of 37.48% and a heat value of 3000 cal/gr. Briquettes from leaf litter have a water content of 5.6%, ash content of 8.02%, a volatile substance content of 32.46%, a carbon-bound content of 40.55% and a heat value of 4600 cal/gr. Briquettes from cow dung have a water content of 8.4%, ash content of 8.32%, a volatile substance content of 26.63%, a carbon-bound content of 50.66% and a heat value of 5200 cal/gr. Keywords:  briquettes, cow dung, heat value, leaf litter rice straw..

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Paryanto Paryanto ◽  
Sunu Herwi Pranolo ◽  
Ari Diana Susanti

Technological advance leads the natural dyes to be eroded by the synthetic one. Synthetic colorant has advantages of salient, more uniform color and more practical use. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of it is much metal content harmful to the environment. The natural colorant is colorant (pigment) derived from plant, animal or mineral sources. The advantage of natural dyes is that it is more environment-friendly because it is not poisonous and safe for health. The disadvantage of it is storage difficulty. When natural dyes in liquid form is stored too long, it will be decomposed easily. For that reason, it should be stored in powder form.The method used to get natural dyes was extraction with a batch manner. The extraction was carried out with basic material-to-solvent ratios of 1:10, 1:7, and 1:5. The basic materials used were mangrove spesies rhizopora stylosa, Soga Tingi, and Indigofera. The best extract was obtained with a ratio of 1:5 for all basic materials. The powder was prepared by feeding the extracting solvent into a spray dryer so that the natural colorant powder was obtained. The application of colorant powder was used at 1 gram/100 ml, 2 gram/100 ml, 2 gram/100 ml, 4 gram/100 ml, and 5 gram/100 ml. The immersing with natural colorant was conducted in 2 conditions: extract and powder are immersing were carried out 5 times with each submerging of 15 minutes and dried. Then, fixation (color-locking) was done to batik. The fixer employed was tunjung (changing the color of batik into the darker one), alum (maintaining the batik’s color), and lime (change batik color into the brighter one). The fixated batik cloth was then examined for its fading against washing using launder meter and against rubbing using crock meter. The result of the examination was analyzed using a staining scale and greyscale. The examination using the staining scale was divided into 2: wet and dry rubbings. From the result of the wet and dry rubbing test, it was obtained the best result with tingi colorant, alum fixer solution, and powder condition. Meanwhile, on the greyscale, it was obtained the best result with tingi colorant, alum fixer, and powder condition. So, it could be concluded that the optimum application of powder to batik cloth was 4 gram/100 ml water and 5 times immersing. The best result of fading resistance against washing and rubbing was tingi with alum fixer and in powder condition.Keywords – extraction, spray dryer, fixation, launderometer, and crockmeter

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