KESMAS UWIGAMA: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat
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Published By Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam

2477-5819, 2460-0350

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-116
Sunindy Wahyunita ◽  
Nikie Astorina Yunita Dewanti ◽  
Mursid Raharjo

Abstrak Latar Belakang: Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik menempati urutan ketiga penyebab kematian di dunia. Setidaknya sekitar 10-20% kasus penyakit paru obstuktif kronik ditemukan di lingkungan kerja. Salah satu penyebab gangguan pada fungsi paru pekerja adalah karena inhalasi debu silika.Tujuan: Mengindentifikasi determinan terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja terpapar debu silika.Metode Penelitian: Systematic review kuantitatif melalaui studi meta analisis dengan hasil pencarian awal artikel sesuai judul dan abstrak adalah 44 artikel dan dilakukan eliminasi menggunakan kriteria inklusi menghasilkan 20 artikel. Tahun publikasi artikel yaitu 2007-2020 dan teindeks Portal Garuda Dikti, SINTA, DOAJ dan Scopus. Hasil: Jumlah sampel penelitian hasil gabungan 20 artikel adalah 2.561 pekerja dan 31% dari sampel mengalami gangguan fungsi paru. Nilai p pada variabel bebas antara lain yaitu umur p=0,001, jenis kelamin p=0,854, status gizi p= 0,037, kadar debu terhirup p= 0,007, masa kerja p=0,000, lama paparan p=0,027, riwayat penyakit paru p= 0,101, kebiasaan olahraga p= 0,098, penggunaan APD p= 0,004, dan kebiasaan merokok p=0,022.Kesimpulan: Variabel sebagai determinan dengan risiko terbesar terhadap terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru adalah faktor individu kebiasaan merokok dan faktor lingkungan pekerjaan masa kerja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-149
Siti Zaerina Zaerina ◽  
Yusniar Hanani Darundiati ◽  
Nikie Astorina Yunita Dewanti

Background: COVID-19 is an pandemic, including Indonesia. PHBS (Clean and Healthy Living Behaviour) is an effort to strengthen the behaviour of a person, group, and community to care for and prioritize health to create a higher quality life. Community participation in efforts to prevent COVID-19 is an important factor in breaking the chain of infection. As 9 July 2020 3 residents have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Randuboto Village. Objectives: Therefore this research was carried out to analyze the factors related to PHBS practices durung the COVID-19 pandemic in Randuboto Village, Gresik Regency. Research Metodes: This type of research used in this study is an observational study using a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was the total population of Randuboto Village, Gresik Regency which was recorded as many as 4,006 people. The sampling technique used in this study was snowball sampling. The nimber of samples taken was 108 samples that met the inclusion criteria. The independent variables in this study are the level of knowledge, attitudes, and the availability of supporting facilities for the respondents. The dependent variable in this study is PHBS practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: PHBS practices in Randuboto Village, Gresik Regency during the COVID-19 pandemic showed good practice at 55,6%. This is related to the activity of washing hands with soap and running water, diligently eat healthy foods, regularly do physical activity/ exercise, smoking outside the house, regularly cleaning the neighborhood where I live, regularly leaving the house during the COVID-19 emergency using a mask, frequently visiting public places and being crowded during colds.  The majority of respondents were ≤ 25 years old, which was 63,9%, while the majority of respondents education level was Senior High School  at 53,7%. The majority of respondents types of work are other at 52,8%. The variable related to the practice of PHBS during the COVID-19 pandemic are the level of knowledge(0,001), attitudes (0,001), and the availability of supporting facilities (0,001). Conclusion: Most of the respondents have a poor level of knowledge, good attitude, availability of adequate supporting infrastructure and good PHBS practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.The practice of PHBS during the COVID-19 pandemic In the environment around Randuboto Village, Gresik regency needs to be improved again, especially in knowledge, as weel as the availability of supporting facilities. It is hoped that the community an also improve personal hygiene such as washing hands regularly and wearing masks when doing activities outside. This is very important to break the chain of spread of the COVID-19.   Keywords: Clean and Healthy Living Behaviour, corona virus 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Santy Irene Putri

Background: The role of health students in providing information about reproductive health is very important, especially regarding reproductive health rights for women with disabilities. This is crucial to do because women with disabilities are very vulnerable to violence and discrimination, especially in terms of reproductive health. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the influence of knowledge and intention toward behavior of female health students in accessing information on reproductive health rights for women with disabilities. Research Methods: This was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. This study was conducted at the Midwifery Study Program at Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University Malang in October 2020. The sample size was 50 subjects, selected by simple random sampling technique. The dependent variable is the behavior of health female students in accessing information. The independent variables were knowledge and intention in access to information. Data collection using an online questionnaire. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. Results: The behavior of health female students in access to information was influenced by knowledge (b= 0.36, CI 95% = 0.12 to 0.60, p= 0.005), and intention in access to information (b= 0.45, CI 95% = 0.10 to 0.80, p= 0.014). Conclusion: Participants with good knowledge and high intention in access to information affect behavior in accessing information.   Keywords:  health students; reproductive health rights; women with disabilities

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-173
Kelvin Riupassa ◽  
Narizma Nova ◽  
Endah Lestari ◽  
Sri Juniarti Azis ◽  
Wahyu Sulistiadi

Background: An ambulance is a vehicle designed to be able to handle emergency patients, provide first aid and carry out intensive care while on the way to a referral hospital. Ambulance operations require a large amount of funds obtained from APBD funds through tariffs that were passed through the DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation five years ago. For this reason, a new tariff is required to adjust to current conditions. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to calculate the unit cost of ambulance services in DKI Jakarta to be a consideration in the tariff setting policy in DKI Jakarta province. Research Metodes: This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach to obtain information about the unit cost of the Jakarta ambulance production unit. The method used is the calculation of real cost using the basis of the causes of costs. This research was conducted at the DKI Jakarta Emergency Ambulance using secondary data on investment costs, operational costs and maintenance costs in 2018. Results: The total cost of emergency ambulance in 2018 is known that the proportion of three cost components, namely operational costs, is 76%, followed by investment costs of 20% and maintenance costs of 3%. The calculation of the total cost of medical evacuation using the double distribution method is Rp. 98,915,016,805.00 divided by the number of medical evacuations in 2018 of 37,564 activities, the unit cost of medical evacuation for the AGD of DKI Jakarta Health Office is Rp. 2,633,215.00 without subsidies. APBD costs, while if the subsidy component is included in the calculation, the unit cost for one trip to the AGD of the Health Office is Rp. 604,071.00. This is still far above the current tariff of Rp. 450.00, so the cost recovery rate (CRR) is still below. 100%. Conclusion: From the three cost components consisting of investment, operational and maintenance costs,the largest proportion was operational costs at 76%. The Cost Recovery Rate has not reached 100% so that the existing rates have not covered the costs incurred.   Keywords: ambulance; price fixing; unit cost

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-59
Anom Dwi Prakoso

  Background: The Indonesian Government's target of Universal Coverage or 100% Health Insurance participation by 2019 failed to be achieved, even until the end of October 2020. The failure of universal coverage resulted in BPJS Health's finances getting worse after experiencing a deficit. Informal sector workers are the most dominant sector that has not participated in the Health Insurance scheme, totaling 30,487,891 workers. Low income, uncertainty each month, and the increase in contributions resulted in a decrease in Willingness to pay Health Insurance contributions. Research purposes: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of income, knowledge, and disease susceptibility to the willingness to pay (WTP) of health insurance contributions to informal sector workers. Method: This cross-sectional research was conducted in Kudus Regency, Central Java in January-February 2020. Sampling used purposive sampling with a total of 200 informal sector workers who had not yet participated in BPJS Kesehatan. The dependent variable is a willingness to pay. The independent variables are income, knowledge, and disease susceptibility. Data collection using a questionnaire and data analysis with logistic regression. Result: Willingness To Pay health insurance contributions for informal sector workers increased in income ≥Rp 2,218,451 (b = 2.02; 95% CI = 1.01-3.55; p = 0.044), high knowledge (b = 4.64; 95% CI = 2.36-8.31; p <0.001), high disease susceptibility (b = 3.01; 95% CI = 0.26-5.75; p = 0.031). Conclusion: Income, knowledge, and disease vulnerability have a significant effect on the willingness to pay for health insurance contributions for informal sector workers.   Keywords: Universal Health Coverage; Willingness To Pay; Health Insurance; informal sector workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Amanda Luky Ernawati ◽  
Tri Joko ◽  

Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is one of the causes of infants death. One of the factors that is proven to be associated with  LBW incidence is pesticide exposure to pregnant women. The high number of female farmers in the agricultural sector will increase the risk of pesticide exposure in pregnant women. Objectives: This study aims to describe how pesticide exposure can be a risk factor for the incidence of LBW. Research method: This study is a systematic study that used meta-synthesis aggregation approach. The search for articles focused on articles that examined the risk factors for pesticide exposure on the incidence of LBW in pregnant women which was conducted on the online databases of Science Direct, Scopus, PubMed, Springer, Google Scholar, and Garuda Portal. The criteria for the articles used were national observational journals indexed at least 4 and indexed international journals published in 2010-2020. Result: There were 8 articles that match to the criteria and research topic. Factors that were proven to increase the risk of LBW incidence in pregnant women were agricultural activities related to pesticide, participation in agricultural activities, completeness of PPE, storage of pesticide, duration of exposure to pesticide, frequency of exposure to pesticide, amount of pesticide mixture, and types of pesticide used. Conclusion: Pesticide exposure to pregnant women causes the accumulation of pesticide residues in the body, thus reducing the formation of thyroid hormones and IGF-1 which can cause LBW.   Keywords: low birth weight; pesticide exposure; pregnant women

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-188
Endah Nur Latifah ◽  
Yusniar Hanani Darundiati ◽  
Nur Endah Wahyuningsih

Background: Wonogiri Regency is one of the dengue endemic areas in Central Java with a fluctuating number of cases during 2014-2018. The number of dengue cases drastically increased nearly 4 times amounting 52 cases in 2016 to 207 cases in 2017. Weather factors such as rainfall, humidity, temperature, and wind velocity can affect the reproduction and spread of DHF vectors. Objectives: This study was aimed to analyze the association between weather factors (rainfall, humidity, temperature and wind velocity) with the incidence of dengue fever in Wonogiri Regency in 2014-2018. Research Metodes: This research was an analytic observational study using cross sectional approach. The type of data used was secondary data about the weather (rainfall, humidity, temperature and wind velocity) in Wonogiri Regency which was obtained from the Wonogiri Meteorological Station and data on the number of dengue incidents in Wonogiri Regency which were obtained from the Health Office of Central Java Province. The data were used each month for 5 years, from January 2014 to December 2018. Data were analyzed by using univariate and bivariate analysis (Rank Spearman correlation test), because only the humidity variable is normally distributed. Results: The highest number of dengue cases during 2014-2018 as many as 30 cases in November 2018 with an average of 6 cases, the highest rainfall was 887 mm with an average 191.05 mm, the highest humidity was 91.55% with an average of 86.77%, the highest temperature was 28.75oC with an average of 27.50oC and the highest wind velocity was 7.86 knots with an average of 0.89 knots. The results of the Spearman Rank correlation statistical test showed that there was a significant association with moderate strength and a positive direction between rainfall and the incidence of DHF (p = 0.001 and r = 0.420), which means that the increasing of rainfall, the more the number of DHF incidents. There was no significant association between humidity and the incidence of dengue fever (p = 0.925 and r = 0.012). There is a significant association with moderate strength and a negative direction between temperature and the incident of DHF (p = 0.001 and r = -0.415), which means that the increasing the temperature, the number of dengue cases decreases. There is no significant association between wind velocity and the incident of dengue (p = 0.577 and r = -0.073). Conclusion: Rainfall causes the breeding place of Aedes mosquitoes to increase, as a result it has an effect on the increase of the mosquito population. Temperature affects the number of eggs produced by Aedes mosquitoes, so that the density of adult mosquitoes increases.   Keywords: DHF; rainfall; humidity; temperature; wind velocity

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Sudirman ◽  
Hairil Akbar

Background: Making latrines is a human effort to improve health by creating a healthy environment in which to live. In making latrines, as much as possible, care must be taken so that they do not cause unpleasant odors. Objectives: This study to see the relationship between the level of education, behavior, and income of the community and the use of family toilet facilities in Dadap Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency in 2018. Research Methods: This research uses quantitative research with an analytic observational approach using the Cross-Sectional Study method. The population of this study was all heads of households in the village of Dadap with a sample size of 98 people. Result: The statistical test (Chi-Square test) show the results that the level of education is p = 0.240> 0.05 indicates there is no relationship between education and the use of family latrines. Behavior p = 0.000 <0.05 indicates a relationship between behavior and the use of family latrines. Income p = 0.000 <0.05 indicates that there is a relationship between income and the use of family toilet facilities. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the research results have no relationship between education and the use of family toilet facilities in Dadap Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency. Behavior and income have a relationship with the use of family toilet facilities in Dadap Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency. The need for increased education, to improve changes in people's behavior to create a clean and healthy life. Keywords: Education, behavior, income.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-29
Marina Silalahi

Background: Elephantopus scaber (ES) or tapak liman has been used by various ethnic groups in Indonesia and other countries as traditional medicine. Objectives: Comprehensive review of ES bioactivity is still limited, especially in the Indonesian language. Research Metodes: The writing of this article is based on a study of literature published on line and off line using several keywords Elephantopus scaber, bioactivities of Elephantopus scaber and uses of Elephantopus scaber. Results: In ethnobotany ES used wound medication, treatment of nephritis, edema, humidity, chest pain, fever, scabies, sores, coughs, tonics, fever, and bronchitis, and asthma. In China, ES leaves have been developed into "tea" to cure various diseases. The bioactivity of ES is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anticancer, hepatoprotective, stimulates hair growth, anti-diabetes mellitus, anti-wound, antioxidant, anti-neuroinflamation and overcoming kidney disorders. Conclusion: Deoxyelephantopin is one of the main sesquiterpenes lactones derived from ES has anti-cancer anti-cancer development. The development of ES tea as an anti-cancer needs to be further investigated because this plant is very easy to find in Indonesia.   Keywords: Elephantophus scaber, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, deoxyelephantopin

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-197
Oktavia Beni Kujariningrum ◽  
Anisa Nur Cahyanti ◽  
Rofifatun Nisa ◽  
Farid Agushybana ◽  
Sri Winarni ◽  

Background: Increased population mobility has continued to occur over time, especially worker mobility consisting of commuter mobility and circular mobility. A person's mobility is very influential on the condition of health status, especially related to the spread of infectious diseases. Direct infectious disease is a disease with the transfer of germs through physical contact from a sick person or a carrier to a healthy person. Objectives: To analyze the impact of the population mobility revolution on the spread of infectious diseases in Indonesia. Research Metodes: The study was conducted by studying literature through collecting supporting articles and analyzing secondary data. The data used are direct infectious disease data consisting of Tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis and Leprosy from the Indonesian Health Profile, Main Results of Basic Health Research, and Statistics Data from the Central Statistics Agency, as well as previous research articles. Results: The trend of the mobility of movers experienced an increase in line with trends in communicable diseases such as Tuberculosis, HIV, and Hepatitis. High mobility affects the spread of infectious diseases Tuberculosis, Hepatitis and Leprosy seen from the factor of interaction with others, as well as the influence on HIV. The influence can be seen from Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) who transmit to their customers and the families of CSW customers who can transmit it to their wives. Conclusion: The increased mobility pattern of movers is accompanied by an increased pattern of direct infectious diseases including tuberculosis, HIV, and hepatitis.   Keywords: Mobility, Population, Spread, Infectious Diseases  

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