European Journal of Applied Physics
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Published By European Open Access Publishing (Europa Publishing)


2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 84-90
Sumio Hosaka ◽  
Hui Zhang ◽  
You Yin ◽  
Hayato Sone

We have formed nanometer-wide lines & spaces by graphoepitaxy of sphere type polystyrene-poly dimethyl siloxane (PS-PDMS), with a molecular weight (MW) of 14.6 kg/mol., along electron-beam (EB)-drawn resist guide lines. We have 3-dimensionally ordered the sphere type PS-PDMS by controlling a thickness of the PS-PDMS along improved guide lines to form the line and space pattern. We obtained the thickness dependence on the pattern change such as nano-dot arrays and nano-line & space patterns. When the thickness increased to about +4 nm from the upper thickness for formation of the dot arrays, the line & space patterns have been formed with about 7 nm in line width and 14 nm in pitch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 76-83
E. A. Thompson ◽  
I. O. Akpan ◽  
C. A. Thompson

In this study, we solve the non-relativistic radial part of the Schrödinger wave equation for the superposition of the Hulthen with spin-orbit plus adjusted Coulomb potential (SHSC) potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method for arbitrary states. The Hulthen with spin-orbit plus adjusted Coulomb (SHSC) potential is the simplest potential field for a nuclear system and has been used to obtain the single particle energy spectrum for both nucleon species orbiting a closed nuclear core. We also obtained in this study the corresponding single particle normalized wave function expressed in terms of the Jacobi polynomial. Besides, we obtained two special cases of the energy spectra for the SHSC potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Ioannis Haranas ◽  
Ioannis Gkigkitzis ◽  
Kristin Cobbett ◽  
Ryan Gauthier

According to Landauer’s principle, the energy of a particle may be used to record or erase N number of information bits within the thermal bath. The maximum number of information N recorded by the particle in the heat bath is found to be inversely proportional to its temperature T. If at least one bit of information is transferred from the particle to the medium, then the particle might exchange information with the medium. Therefore for at least one bit of information, the limiting mass that can carry or transform information assuming a temperature T= 2.73 K is equal to m = 4.718´10-40 kg which is many orders of magnitude smaller that the masse of most of today’s elementary particles. Next, using the corresponding temperature of a graviton relic and assuming at least one bit of information the corresponding graviton mass is calculated and from that, a relation for the number of information N carried by a graviton as a function of the graviton mass mgr is derived. Furthermore, the range of information number contained in a graviton is also calculated for the given range of graviton mass as given by Nieto and Goldhaber, from which we find that the range of the graviton is inversely proportional to the information number N. Finally, treating the gravitons as harmonic oscillators in an enclosure of size R we derive the range of a graviton as a function of the cosmological parameters in the present era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 61-65
Jiří Stávek

We have studied the contributions and presentations published in the Proceedings of the Solvay Conference 1911. Based on the lecture of Ernest Solvay on the “gravito-matérialitique” we can distinguish two features of the Earth´s gravitational field – 1. “gravité réelle” described by the Newton´s gravitational law and 2. “gravité potentielle” acting as an agent of the self-organization on quantum particles and creating structures described by the Planck constant hEARTH. From the discussions followed after the presentations of Walther Nernst and Albert Einstein we interpreted the Nernst- Lindemann Formula for the specific heat of solids using the comment of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (the discoverer of the superconductivity) as two transverse and one longitudinal oscillations of phonon in the surroundings at temperature T. In order to falsify this “geocentric” model of foundations of quantum mechanics in the spirit of Karl Popper we propose to initiate the CURE Project (China – USA – Russia – European Union) (cure = to solve a problem) in order to build quantum laboratories on different orbits around the Earth, on the surface of the Moon and Mars, and in the Lagrange points of the system the Earth – Moon and the Earth – Sun to get new experimental data for the specific heat of solids, the critical temperatures of superconductors, chemical and physical self-organized reactions (Liesegang rings, Belousov- Zhabotinsky waves, chemical clocks, Bose-Einstein condensates, de Broglie waves, etc.). There is space enough for all participants on this CURE Project to collect new valuable data describing this “hidden variable” presented by Ernest Solvay in his forgotten lecture in 1911.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 47-60
Robert A. Sizov

Experimental and theoretical studies of the author (period: 1968 - present) have shown that true sources of magnetic field are magnetic fundamental particles (magnetic charges), and not moving electrons. The main reason for the vicious ignorance of magnetic charges in physics is the super-hard conditions of confinement of these particles in atoms and substance which are cardinally different from the confinement of electrons. Magnetic charges together with electric charges form the shells of atoms which in reality are electromagnetic, and not electronic. The orbital electromagnetic currents in atomic shells are sources of the gravitational field which is the vortex electromagnetic field and is described by vortex vector rot[E–H]. Depending on the state polarization of vortex vectors rot[E–H] in compositions of the atomic gravitational fields its subdivided into paragravitational (PGF) and ferrogravitational fields (FGF). The main process defining formation of chemical compounds is the gravito-chemical binding or compression of atoms by the forces of the paragravitational "Dark Energy" which is realized between PGF atoms-sources. Between the atoms emitting PGF and FGF the effect of Gravitational levitation is realized the forces of which push the atoms away from each other. Therefore, the combination of carbon atoms (PGF sources) and hydrogen atoms (FGF–sources) with the formation of hydrocarbon molecules can be realized only if the hydrogen atoms are in molecular form (1H2). In the composition of water, within the framework of the chemical formula H2O, two stable isomorphic molecular structures are realized, the gravito-chemical bond in which is carried out, respectively of the hydrocarbon scenario described above, as well as under conditions of unidirectional ferropolarization of the gravitational fields of atoms in molecule and of the implementation of the so-called hydrogen bond. The external (technical) ferrogravitational field violates the initial (paragravitational) state of gravitational fields in interatomic regions what leads to the formation of positive (gravitational) “Dark energy” the forces of which break interatomic chemical bonds and leads to molecular decays. This process, by analogy with process of electrolysis, can be referred to as ferrogravitolysis. The Author's technology for the decomposition of water molecules by means of FGF is a technical analogue of the natural process of water decomposition which is realized in the cells of leaves of green plants and algae. The intensity of technical FGF, and, consequently, the efficiency of the process of decomposition water molecules can be thousands of times higher than the efficiency of its natural decomposition in plant cells, which makes it possible to obtain cheap green hydrogen for wide practical use. In addition, the effectiveness of the impact of (technical) FGF on the state of gravitational fields in the interatomic regions of molecules and the implementation of the process of their decomposition is many times greater than the capabilities of the currently used electric field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 36-46
Donald C. Boone

This research will examine the computational methods to calculate the nonlinear optical process of second harmonic generation (SHG) that will be hypothesized to be present during lithium ion insertion into silicon nanowires. First it will be determined whether the medium in which SHG is conveyed is non-centrosymmetric or whether the medium is inversion symmetric where SHG as a part of the second-order nonlinear optical phenomenon does not exist. It will be demonstrated that the main interaction that determines SHG is multiphoton absorption on lithium ions. The quantum harmonic oscillator (QHO) is used as the background that generates coherent states for electrons and photons that transverse the length of the silicon nanowire. The matrix elements of the Hamiltonian which represents the energy of the system will be used to calculate the probability density of second-order nonlinear optical interactions which includes collectively SHG, sum-frequency generation (SFG) and difference-frequency generation (DFG). As a result, it will be seen that at varies concentrations of lithium ions (Li+) within the crystallized silicon (c-Si) matrix the second-order nonlinear optical process has probabilities substantial enough to create second harmonic generation that could possibly be used for such applications as second harmonic imaging microscopy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 25-35
Mario J. Pinheiro ◽  
Mario Rodrigo Afonso Pinheiro

We examine the most basic feature of the economic process - momentum - under the point of view of analogies with physical laws, as they were reformulated recently [1]. Our approach is applied with minimal assumptions and we conclude that the inclusion of entropy as an effective variable in econophysics may bring a new vision of economic progress and the possibility to harness economic waves as a means to transport development from rich to poor countries using trade and technological progress. A new technical indicator for the stock market is proposed offering double opportunities on enter and exit trades, when compared to the Relative Strength Index usually used in analysis of financial markets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Espen Gaarder Haug

We demonstrate how one can extract the Planck length from ball with a built-in stopwatch without knowledge of the Newtonian gravitational constant or the Planck constant. This could be of great importance since until recently it has been assumed the Planck length not can be found without knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant. This method of measuring the Planck length should also be of great interest to not only physics researchers but also to physics teachers and students as it conveniently demonstrates that the Plank length is directly linked to gravitational phenomena, not only theoretically, but practically. To demonstrate that this is more than a theory we report 100 measurements of the Planck length using this simple approach. We will claim that, despite the mathematical and experimental simplicity, our findings could be of great importance in better understanding the Planck scale, as our findings strongly support the idea that to detect gravity is to detect the effects from the Planck scale indirectly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 21-24
S. A. G Erasimov

The dark electric current arising from the contact of aluminum with clean water decreases with an increase in the induction of the external magnetic field. Changing the distance between the source of the magnetic field and the aluminum electrodes makes it possible to determine the region of formation of the dark current. It turns out that this occurs in the area of liquid-metal contact where the curvature of the electrodes is maximal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Nikolai I. Kobasko ◽  
Anatoly A. Moskalenko

The paper discusses results of testing standard cylindrical probe 12.5 mm diameter in water polymer solutions which was additionally instrumented with a surface thermocouple. It is shown that central thermocouple cannot depict many physical phenomena taking place during quenching in polymer solutions such as shoulder formation, self- regulated thermal process establishing, surface temperature transient from film boiling to nucleate boiling process. Moreover, it is shown that experimental data depicted by central thermocouple cannot be used for solving inverse problem to analyze quenching process in liquid media. Along with analyzing film and nucleate boiling processes during quenching, the paper discusses the possibility of quality quench process control via using sonar system. It is established an equation for evaluating duration of transient nucleate boiling process. As an example, the cooling characteristics of fresh and old polyalkylene glycol (PAG) polymer solutions are analyzed. It is shown that with passing time the critical heat flux density of polymer decreases and inverse solubility effect disappears. That is while the method and apparatus were developed to control in industrial condition the quality of quenched steel parts during hardening in liquid media.

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