scholarly journals The development of interactive multimedia-based instructional media for elementary school in learning social sciences

2019 ◽  
Vol 1321 ◽  
pp. 032107 ◽  
Y Miaz ◽  
Y Helsa ◽  
Zuardi ◽  
Yunisrul ◽  
R Febrianto ◽  
Suwarti Suwarti ◽  
Restu Restu ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat

This research deals with Interactive Multimedia Development in Social Sciences Subject of Disaster material in Grade IV SDN.(Public Elementary School) no. 024183 East Binjai on 2017/2018. As a product, interactive media is the result of solving a problem based on an audio-visual communication approach. The design of an interactive multimedia-based learning media is a visual communication design that is displayed through a monitor that can be presented at a certain time. The unavailability of learning media and the relevant learning models to be used because learning is not optimal, so the main focus of this research is the development of interactive multimedia-based learning media as an alternative in overcoming the problem of learning outcomes. This research was conducted from August 21 to November 20, 2017 in even semester at SDN (Public Elementary School) No. 024183 East Binjai having his address at Danau Laut Tawar Street, Sumber Mulyo Rejo, Binjai City, North Sumatra Province. Feasibility of using interactive multimedia on social studies subjects Disaster materials based on the results of validation from material experts and instructional media experts show that the average overall is categorized as "good" and is worthy of being used as social media learning media. The qualifications of Material experts are 82.30% with 84% percentage of guides and information, 81% multimedia material and 82.5 evaluations. The qualification of Media experts are 78% with a percentage of the assessment of each aspect namely 73% guidance and information, 82% operating software and 76% Systematic, aesthetics and media principles. Based on the results of the validation, it was concluded that the interactive multimedia of social studies subjects developed included very good criteria so that they could be accepted and used in the learning process.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Harun Sitompul ◽  
Reni Astuti

Abstract: The Effect Of Instructional Media And Multiple Intelligences On Student’s Learning Achievement On Information And Comunication Technology (ICT) Of Primary Teacher Education,  State University Of Medan. The objectives of  this quasi – experimental research were to discover: 1) whether the students learning achievement of Primary Teacher Education (PTE) in ICT taught by using CD interactive multimedia interactive instructional media was higher than learning achievement of  PTE taught by using module instructional media, 2) whether the students learning achievement of  PTE in ICT with spasial visual multiple intelligences was higher than student’s with verbal linguistic multiple intelligences, and 3) the interaction between instructional media and multiple intelligences in affecting the student’s learning achievement in ICT. The population of the study was 180 students of PTE who took the ICT from 6 classes namely 2 regular classes, 3 extension classes from the city government Academic year 2010/2011.Based on cluster random sampling technique 4 clasess taken from 2 reguler classes and 2 extention classes. The A regular class and A extension class using CD interactive multimedia instructional media and module was used in B regular class and B extention class. The research findings showed that : (1) the students’ learning  achievement in ICT taught by using CD interactive multimedia instructional media was higher than the students’ taught by using module instructional media with Fcount = 11.65 > Ftables = 4.00 at the level of  significance α = 0.05; (2) the students’ learning achievement in ICT with multiple intelligences spatial visual was higher than students’learning achievement with multiple intelligences verbal linguistic with Fcount = 11.65 > Ftables = 4.00 at the level of  significance α = 0.05, and (3) there was an interaction between instructional media and multiple intelligences on students’ learning achievement in ICT where Fcount =  8,85  > Ftable =  4.00 at the level of  significance α = 0.05.         The conclusion of research is that application of the instructional media in the instructional process can improve the student’s learning achievement especially for PTE. Therefore, the implication is lecturers should be trained in order they can apply a more variative instructional process. So, it is the suggested that the lecturers should able use a variety of media for the success of the instructional process. Keywords : instructional media, multiple intelligences, interactive multimedia, module, spatial visual, verbal linguistic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-44
Vita Apriliya ◽  
Mohammad Kanzunnudin ◽  
Imaniar Purbasari

This study aimed to improve students’ learning outcomes through the STAD model aided by Scrapbook media in theme 7 "The Beauty of Diversity in My Country" in the content of Indonesian Language and Social Sciences subject of fourth grade of elementary school. The method used in this study was classroom action research conducted in fourth grade of elementary school, which numbered 19 students. This research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection was obtained through tests, observations, interviews and documentation. The results showed that an increase in students’ learning outcomes in the cognitive aspect of cycle I gained a classical completeness of 63.16%, then an increase in cycle II gained a classical completeness of 78.95% in Indonesian Languange Subject.  In the Social Science subject,  cycle I received a classical completeness of 52.63% and increased in cycle II gained 73.69% classical completeness. Psychomotor domain of students’ learning outcomes also experienced an increase when Indonesian Language cycle I gained an average of 72.28% and increased in cycle II by 77.31% with good criteria. In the Social Science, cycle I obtained an average of 72.63% and increased in the cycle II by an average of 80.94% with good criteria. It can be concluded that the application of the STAD learning model assisted by Scrapbook media can improve student learning outcomes in the cognitive and psychomotor domains.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Lilis Diah Kusumawati ◽  
NFn Sugito ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Interactive multimedia is a technology that mediates the development of learning activities to make it more interesting and enjoyable so that it can motivate students to learn. This study aims to determine feasibility of interactive learning multimedia product in motivating student for fourth grade of elementary school to learn mathematics. The research method uses the concept of ADDIE models to develop products with five stages, 1) analyze; 2) design; 3) develop; 4) implement; and 5) evaluate. The result showed that the development of interactive learning multimedia is feasible used for motivating students in grade 4 to learn mathematics. The result of validation by material experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 43 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 59 so that it was included in the "very good" category. Teacher responses related to the practicality of product use reached a score of 113 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while student responses related to the practicality of using the product reached a score of 83 so that it was included in the "very good" category. In motivating students to learn mathematics, interactive learning multimedia can be applied to elementary school students in grade 4.AbstrakMultimedia interaktif adalah teknologi yang memediasi pengembangan kegiatan pembelajaran agar lebih menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga mampu memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam memotivasi siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar untuk belajar matematika. Metode penelitian menggunakan konsep model ADDIE untuk mengembangkan produk dengan lima tahap, 1) menganalisis; 2) desain; 3) berkembang; 4) mengimplementasikan; dan 5) mengevaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif layak digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar matematika. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 43 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 59 sehingga masuk dalam kategori "sangat baik". Tanggapan guru terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 113 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan respons siswa terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 83 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Dalam memotivasi siswa untuk belajar matematika, multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dapat diterapkan untuk siswa sekolah dasar di kelas 4.

Elinda Rizkasari ◽  
Zulela MS ◽  
Muhammad Japar

This research aims for developing social sciences studying sources in elementary school. This research uses a research method and research procedure development using the Dick and Carey model which has 10 stages. Also, angket is used to determine the feasibility of media in terms of expert validation and field trials and a test to measure the student’s tolerance. Evaluation held by three steps: the first is an expert judgement conducted by media experts and social sciences materials. The second step is done by evaluating a small group with 10 students whose result showed that the source of learning in the form of a hero storybook is worthy of use. Finally, it was continued with the field group test with 25 students. T-test analysis results show differences in learning outcomes between pre-test and post-test. From the average score, indicating that learning resources developed is effectively used for the improvement of student’s understanding of social science learning in elementary school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 737
Angga Bramansta Putrantana ◽  
Eko Hariyanto ◽  
Saichudin Saichudin

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research aims to determine the feasibility of interactive multimedia-based teaching materials for elementary school students on traditional game materials. This research is a research development of traditional game teaching materials for small grade elementary school students. The product development then goes through a validation test by game experts, physical &amp; health education learning experts, multimedia experts and user experts. The results of the feasibility test are then analyzed descriptively. The results of this research product development in the form of interactive multimedia-based traditional game teaching materials, the percentage of product viability ranges from 75% to 100%. These results indicate the learning material developed in the appropriate category and can be used with a little revision.</p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar berbasis multimedia interaktif untuk siswa sekolah dasar pada materi permainan tradisional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar permainan tradisional untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas kecil. Produk pengembangan kemudian melalui uji validasi oleh ahli permainan, ahli pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani &amp; kesehatan, ahli multimedia dan ahli pengguna. Hasil uji kelayakan kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian produk pengembangan ini berupa bahan ajar permainan tradisional berbasis multimedia interaktif, persentase kelayakan produk berkisar antara 75% hingga 100%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam kategori layak dan dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 101-106
Yeka Hendriyani ◽  
Vera Irma Delianti ◽  
Lativa Mursyida

The purpose of this article is to find out the perceptions of primary school teachers on the use of Swishmax applications for the development of instructional media. Teachers' perceptions of the use of Swishmax applications for the development of instructional media are closely related to student learning achievement. Learning media generated with Swishmax applications that match the students' wishes will keep them motivated in learning. This article analyzes the data done descriptively. The data obtained in this article comes from questionnaire data and unstructured interview data. The result of this article is the perception of Swishmax's use for the development of instructional media by elementary school teachers in positive category. Keywords: Perception Teachers, Instructional Media, Swishmax

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 380
Muhammad Ridwan Sutisna

Abstract. New trends of technology and also the higher needs of English proficiency have encouraged the quality improvent of English instructions. The aim of this research is to deter-mine the effect of Interactive Multimedia Audio Telling Machine (iMATE) and self regulated learning level in English language greetings application skill of vocational school students. iMATE is an Interactive instructional media used in this research. While student’s self regulated learning is divided into high and low level. This research used experimental design. This re-search was held at SMK Pasundan 3 Bandung. Findings of this research were; (1) Generally students achieved better result when using iMATE. (2) There was an interaction between use of instructional media and students’ self regulated learning level. (3) Students with high self regu-lated learning achieved much better when using iMATE. (4) Students with low self regulated learning had a better result when not using iMATE. This Findings lead to the conclusion that students’ self regulated learning level may affect the succes of instructional media use, especially in teaching English language skills.Abstrak. Perkembangan teknologi dan kebutuhan akan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang lebih tinggi mendorong kualitas pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris juga mengalami perkem-bangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penggunaan Interactive Multimedia Audio Telling Machine (iMATE) dan tingkat self regulated learning terhadap ke-mampuan menerapkan greetings Bahasa Inggris siswa SMK. iMATE adalah multimedia inter-aktif pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Siswa sebagai subjek penelitian dibagi kedalam dua kelompok yaitu yang memiliki tingkat self regulated learning yang tinggi dan ren-dah. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di SMK Pasundan 3 Bandung ini menggunakan desain ek-sperimen. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Secara umum siswa memperoleh hasil yang lebih baik dengan menggunakan iMATE (2) Terdapat interaksi antara penggunaan media pem-belajaran dan tingkat self regulated learning siswa. (3) Siswa dengan tingkat self regulated learning tinggi memperoleh hasil yang lebih baik dengan menggunakan iMATE. (4) Siswa yang memiliki tingkat self regulated learning rendah memiliki hasil yang lebih baik ketika tidak menggunakan iMATE. Penemuan ini mengarahkan pada kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran yang mempertimbangkan tingkat self regulated learning akan memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Faiza Indriastuti

The changes in curriculum KTSP 2006 to the curriculum 2013, had a signifficant impact in the field of education in Indonesia. The signifficant of difference is on its implementation. Implementation of curriculum 2013 for elementary school trough an intregrated learning. The implications for implementation of several components, including teacher, student, materials and learning resources, facilities and infrastructure as well as the selection of instructional methods. The purpose of this writing is to see how the role of instructional audio media in implementation of curriculum 2013 through an integrated thematic learning. Results of review the role of audio instructional media in the implementation of the curriculum 2013 trough an integrated thematic learning are: (1) the use of audio instructional in integrated thematic learning can make the learning process become more ideal, (2) an audio instructional media, can become tools or instructional materials for teacher, to explain the difficult materials, giving concentrate and build a classroom atmosphere, and (3) an audio instructional media in an integrated theme for students of being learning materials to access or repeat information submitted in learning so that it is possible to catch up on some subject matter.Abstrak:Perubahan kurikulum KTSP tahun 2006 menjadi kurikulum 2013, memberikan dampak yang signi kan di bidang pendidikan di Indonesia. Perbedaan yang siginifikan adalah pada implementasinya. Implementasi kurikulum 2013 untuk Sekolah Dasar melalui pembelajaran tematik terpadu. Implementasi tersebut berimplikasi pada beberapa komponen, diantaranya pendidik, peserta didik, materi dan sumber belajar, sarana dan prasarana serta pemilihan metode pembelajaran. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengkaji peran media audio pembelajaran dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 melalui pembelajaran tema terpadu. Hasil kajian peran media audio dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 melalui pembelajaran tema terpadu diantaranya adalah: (1) penggunaan media audio dalam pembelajaran tema terpadu dapat menjadikan proses pembelajaran lebih ideal, (2) media audio pembelajaran, bagi pendidik dapat menjadi alat bantu atau bahan ajar untuk menjelaskan materi-materi sulit, memberikan contoh konkrit serta membangun suasana kelas, dan (3) media audio pembelajaran dalam tema terpadu bagi peserta didik menjadi bahan belajar untuk mengakses atau mengulang kembali informasi yang disampaikan dalam pembelajaran sehingga dimungkinkan dapat mengejar ketertinggalan pada materi pelajaran tertentu.

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