scholarly journals Slum Handling Strategy Based On Community Social Economic Characteristics In The Slum Area In Bantaeng Sub-District, Bantaeng District, South Sulawesi

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
A Budianto ◽  
R Wikantari ◽  

Abstract Bantaeng District is one of the sub-districts in Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province, with a slum settlement problem. The increase in slum areas between 2014-2019 by 132.58 hectares shows the need for more effective treatment, which focuses on improving social and economic aspects to prevent the emergence of new slum settlements. This study aims to identify the socio-economic characteristics of the community in the slum area and formulate a slum management strategy. The results showed that, in general, the socio-economic characteristics of the people in the slum areas were shallow, including the level of education, most of whom only graduated from elementary school, work as laborers and farmers, and income ranged from Rp. 800,000 - Rp. 1,400,000 per month, with most of the land they occupy without ownership documents or are illegal. However, there are several better socio-economic conditions, such as the head of the family mostly still productive, the density of occupancy, which is mostly still above 7m2, adequate drinking water and sanitation facilities, and ownership of mostly self-owned buildings. Strategies that can be implemented are to encourage the improvement of the socio-economic quality of the community, involve the community in slum handling actions, and make the slum eradication program a priority program of the regional government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Dewi Marni ◽  
Sofyan Husein Siregar ◽  
Imam Suprayogi

The development of slums in urban areas is inseparable of the increases in population and population activity. In addition, undirected and unplanned development also supports the degradation of the quality of residential environment. One area that is included in the slum area is located in Tanah Datar Sub-District. The residential area of Tanah Datar Sub-District is right in the heart of Pekanbaru city. Thus, living conditions and the welfare of the people who live in these settlements greatly affect the face of a city. The characteristics and conditions of slums in each region is different. Thus, this study aims to identify the condition of a residential area in order to determine alternatives to handling slum areas appropriately. The method used  is exploratory descriptive of phenomena and facts relating to the condition of the community and the environment of slum areas based on real facts, expert opinion and the criteria of the Minister of PUPR Regulation Number 14/PRT/M/2018. The results showed that in achieving the goal of handling slum areas, the priority of government policy and budget allocation alignments be the most important factor. Then, strengthen government collaboration with relevant stakeholders and  handling based on the priority scale required by the residential area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 223

This study aims to determine and analyze the urgency of Zakat Intensification in Riau province which is an absolute thing to improve the collection results so that it can improve the quality of life and create sustainable community welfare in Riau Province. Technical research was carried out using literature and observation methods. The results showed that the Intensification of Zakat in Riau Province Urgen (Important and Urgent) to be immediately carried out by the Regional Government of Riau Province together with the Legislature and Zakat Institutions and other elements of society, is useful so that the people of Riau Province can play an active role (participate) better in the future. in management, especially in maximizing the collection of Zakat, Utilization and new initiatives for the revival of Zakat in Riau. Recovery in people who are reluctant to give zakat needs to be done. One way is: by regulating sanctions, both criminal in the Regional Regulation for anyone Muslim and Muslim who do not want to deposit their zakat is recorded and given proportional sanctions, the point is to maximize zakat. More importantly, the intensification of zakat must be able to bring prosperity, prosperity and justice to all communities in Riau Province, and the need for synergy between the Regional Government of Riau Province with Baznas and LAZNAS to create various programs to intensify the collection of Zakat in Riau

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Samuel Samuel ◽  
La Baco Sudia ◽  
La Ode Ahmad Nur Ramadhan

ABSTRACT Slum areas are always a concern because of the quality of the environment that is not healthy. The method used is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis. The results of this research are the existing conditions of slum areas in Boepinang Bajo Barat and Bajo Timur, namely: (1) the area of the slum area reaches 10.32 hectares with (a) the area of the West Bajo slum area is 4 Ha; (b) the area of the slum area of East Bajo is 6.32 Ha. Slum areas in Boepinang (East Bajo) and West Boepinang (West Bajo) Villages are included in priority scale one (1). Need attention in settlement management.Keywords ; West Bajo, East Bajo, Slum, SettlementsABSTRAK Permukiman kumuh selalu menjadi perhatian karena dari segi kualitas lingkungan yang tidak sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting Kawasan Kumuh Boepinang Kumuh Bajo Barat dan Bajo Timur dan untuk mengidentifikasi klasifikasi tingkat kekumuhan di Kawasan Kumuh Boepinang Kumuh Bajo Barat dan Bajo Timur. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Kondisi eksisting Kawasan kumuh di Boepinang Bajo Barat dan Bajo Timur sebagao berikut : (1) luas kawasan kumuh mencapai 10,32 Ha dengan (a) luas Kawasan kumuh Bajo Barat 4 Ha; (b) luas Kawasan kumuh Bajo Timur 6,32 Ha. Kawasan kumuh di Kelurahan Boepinang (Bajo Timur) dan Boepinang Barat (Bajo Barat) masuk skala prioritas satu (1). Perlu Perhatian dalam pengelolaan permukiman.Kata Kunci ; Bajo Barat, Bajo Timur, Kumuh, Permukiman


The Village Community Empowerment With Traditional Culinary Business in the Group of Boga Ganesha Buleleng The development of fast food must be balanced with the consumption of traditional foods because fast food is allegedly to be a risk factor for the emergence of various diseases. This study aimed to analyze the behavior of IbIKK group of Boga Ganesha. The choice of location of the research was determined purposively with the consideration that the Boga Ganesha is one of the groups to empower the people with the traditional culinary efforts. The method used in collecting the data in this study was interviews with questionnaire instruments. Based on the research results, the potential of the IbIKK of Boga Ganesha is a kosher, hygienic and healthy traditional food processing. Behavior that was demonstrated by the members can be classified into an excellent category (4,6). The achievement of the implementation of the empowerment program that is included in the category of successful (4,2). Empowerment of program aimed to improve the quality of human resources. In this regard, members of the group should implement their skills so that they can open up business opportunities in order to improve the economy of the family. To support this, the facilitator should use the appropriate method so that all participants can obtain information equally.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Tuti Rastuti

Prepare leaders with integrity processed fostering of the family. Various methods are used to determine the state 's future leaders, both through the regeneration of the cadre, the appointment or election. Election is a means to process and determine who will lead and hold the mandate of the people they lead. Election is a process, but the nature of the leader determines to be seen from the quality of his personality. Communities are often faced with the dilemma of how good a leader ? Values of the Islamic leadership in the family will answer what and how a leader with high integrity. Therefore, the family is the smallest unit of a miniature community. Integration leader is a leader who has a commitment to his family. The leader of the ummah in a large scale is determined by its leadership in the small-scale leader applying Islamic values in the family.Keywords : Islamic Values; Family; Leadership; LegislativeABSTRAKMempersiapkan pemimpin yang berintegritas diproses pembinaannya dari keluarga. Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh negara untuk menentukan calon pemimpin, baik melalui regenerasi pengkaderan, penunjukan ataupun pemilihan. Pemilu merupakan sarana untuk mengolah dan menentukan siapa yang akan memimpin dan memegang amanah rakyat yang dipimpinnya. Pemilu merupakan proses, namun hakikat menentukan pemimpin harus dilihat dari  kualitas kepribadiannya. Masyarakat sering dihadapkan pada dilema sosok pemimpin bagaimanakah yang baik? Nilai-Nilai kepemimpinan Islam dalam berkeluarga akan menjawab apa dan bagaimana pemimpin yang memiliki integritas tinggi. Sebab, keluarga merupakan miniatur unit terkecil dari suatu komunitas. Pemimpin yang berintegrasi adalah pemimpin yang memiliki komitmen  terhadap keluarganya. Pemimpin umat dalam skala yang besar ditentukan oleh kepemimpinannya dalam skala kecil yaitu pemimpin yang menerapkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam berkeluarga. Kata Kunci: Nilai Islam; Keluarga; Kepemimpinan; Legislatif

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-144
Asmuni Mth ◽  
Muntoha Muntoha ◽  
Ahmad Arif Syarif

Study of the products of Islamic law in Indonesia is often partial and focused on mainstream mass organizations. In fact, the existence of small and local organization that influence the dynamics of Islamic law in Indonesia, such as Wahdah Islamiyah. In response to the problems of the people, especially in South Sulawesi, this organization has been often condemned heretic wing, spreaders heresy and other negative charges. In fact, the style and the formulation of laws formulated emphasizes maqashid al-shari'ah, thus seem more flexible, visible, and dynamic. This negative accusations, is more likely due to political pressure, of the substance of the factors defined legal fatwa. Seeing the dynamic thinking of Islamic laws of community organi zation of Wahdah Islamiyah in its way to formulate some Fatwa by interacting with social, economic, political, cultural, localized, national and global reality is to enforce human beings’ welfare without ignoring nash. The interaction with social reality forms a way of thinking of Wahdah Islamiyah which leads to moderation and inclusive characteristics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Bawa Supratman ◽  
Fatah Nashir ◽  
Ahmad Syafi'i Rahman ◽  
Zainul Arifin ◽  
Cipto Sembodo

Jaring Aspirasi is a liaison between the people and the local government leaders of Kulonprogo Regency. With the face-to-face model with a regent every Thursday, it is hoped that public information will be absorbed immediately to solve problems as soon as possible. This legal sociology study is intended to find out how the process works. then the research was conducted by means of observation, documentation and interviews. Triangulation was also carried out to obtain data validity as expected. Qualitative analysis is analytical descriptive of the results of the collected data. The information and public complaints in the seminar department are resolved in four categories depending on the quality of the information. This pattern satisfies members of the community and makes them realize that information cannot always be resolved at one time, especially in matters requiring disposition with other institutions. Kamispaginan as a form of public service is a form of joint deliberation between the regional government and the community which should be continued with increased socialization so that community participation will also increase.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1377
Larissa Tinoco Barbosa ◽  
Rosemary Matias ◽  
Vânia Lúcia Brandão Nunes ◽  
Silvio Favero ◽  
Andreia Fernandes Brilhante ◽  

Estudos realizados no Distrito Águas do Miranda, município de Bonito – MS apontam alto índice de infecção por protozoários e helmintos em crianças que frequentam a escola local evidenciando grande necessidade na avaliação da qualidade da água que é distribuída para a população. Portanto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da água do Distrito de Águas do Miranda, por parâmetros físico-químicos, microbiológicos e parasitológicos, bem como conhecer o perfil dos moradores do Distrito. O trabalho foi realizado no Distrito de Águas do Miranda, município de Bonito-MS, onde foram realizadas quatro coletas de água em nove pontos do Distrito. As análises físico-química, microbiológica e parasitológica seguiram métodos padrões. Para verificar a variância entre os meses e os parâmetros analisados utilizou-se o teste MANOVA e a Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP). A partir dos resultados pode-se constatar que a população do Distrito de Águas do Miranda é jovem, a maioria são pescadores, tem acesso a luz elétrica e mora em residência própria. Em relação à qualidade da água, os resultados da análise parasitológica mostram que não há contaminação por protozoários e helmintos em nenhuma das amostras. Observa-se que todas as variáveis analisadas apresentaram correlação superior a 0,5. Esses dados somados ao fato de que o lixo é descartado a céu aberto levam a conclusão de que o saneamento básico local é deficitário.  A B S T R A C TPrevious studies developed at the village of Águas do Miranda, county of Bonito – MS showed high index of infection by protozoan and helminths in children that study at the local school, demonstrating great necessity of evaluating the quality of the water distributed to the population. Therefore, this work had as its goal to evaluate the quality of the water from the village of Águas do Miranda, via physicochemical, microbiological and parasitological parameters, as well as to survey the profile of the people from the county. The work was developed at the village Águas do Miranda, county of Bonito-MS, where four samples were taken in nine different points of the village. The physicochemical analysis, microbiological and parasitological followed the same pattern. To verify the variance between the months and the analyzed parameters, the MANOVA test and the Analyses of the Main Components (ACP) were used. Based on these results we can assume that the population of the village Águas do Miranda is young, the majority are fishermen, have access to electricity and live in their own residence. Regarding the quality of the water, the results of the parasitological analysis show that there is no contamination by protozoan and helminths in none of the samples. It is observed that all variables analyzed presented correlation major than 0,5. These data added to the fact that waste is disposed of in the open, lead to the conclusion that the local sanitation is deficient.Key words: social economic profile, parasites, water contamination. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-90 ◽  
Marlena Piekut

Abstract The age of household members is an important factor for expenditures. The aim of the study is to investigate the level of expenditure on restaurants and hotels incurred in Polish households of the elderly in 2004-2013 and to identify the factors affecting such expenditures. The source of information used in the study was the household budget survey of the Central Statistical Office of Poland. The main methods used in this study were variance analysis and regression analysis. Restaurants and hotels expenditure increases every year together with their share in total household expenditure. The most important factors affecting the restaurants and hotels spending in Polish households of the elderly are: income per capita and the level of education of the head of the family. The study on consumption determinants at different groups leads to better understanding of consumer behavior circumstances and thereby ensuring a good quality of life for the people of the elderly.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Urbánné Treutz Ágnes

<p class="AbstractText">Nowadays, when the fast-paced world is presented almost everyone's life, the role of the rest and the recreation is gettting more emphasized. It becomes more important to the people where, with whom and in what kind of circumstances they are willing to spend their free time, and how much money they are willing to pay for it. They can find recreation in countless type of tourism, depending on they wish to spend their rest actively or passively. The growing demand of tourism infers the growing supply of tourism and diversity too. Parallel to this the needs of the people who want to relax increase. In case of a tourist destination it is more and more determinative how they can offer various types and quality of services for their guests how they can cooperate in the region in the area or in the same settlement with other service-units, who can even be their competitors. Mórahalom in Hungary is a good example for that where the cooperation between the several service-units is exemplary. That is why I choose my research’s topic: analyzing the Thermál Panzió in Mórahalom. The accommodation service is an area where services are used by all age-group regardless of age and gender. Thus, the target group could include almost everybody. The purpose of my work is to examine the importance of the Thermál Panzió, on the other hand, to do the interrelation and relationship testing among the guests of the pension. The latter is done after the results of my quantitative research among the guests in the pension in 2013. My research focuses on three aims</p><p class="AbstractText">A1: To examine the coverage -, the requisition of the offered services-, the price-value ratio of the rooms-, and the family-friendly nature of the Thermál Panzió among the guests.</p><p class="AbstractText">A2: To map the relationship of the pension’s guests and Mórahalom (visiting of the city, knowledge of attractions).</p>A3: Examination of the guests of the Thermál Panzió (with whom, with what, and when they arrived).

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