Retina ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-233 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Tatyana N. Danilchuk ◽  
Kamal М. Alkhateeb

The article analyzes the scientific literature on the effect of microwave exposure on the vital activity of microorganisms. The influence of the frequency of microwaves, the power of the applied impact and the total amount of absorbed energy on the viability of microorganisms and the features of their growth is considered. Possible mechanisms of interaction of microbial cells with the electromagnetic field in the ultrahigh frequency range are considered. It is noted that microorganisms die when exposed to high-energy and high-frequency microwaves, while low-energy and high-frequency microwaves contribute to the intensification of their growth. It is concluded that although many authors observe significant biological effects when exposed to microwaves on living systems, this issue has not been sufficiently studied in the scientific literature. It is of interest to conduct a systematic study of the effect of microwaves of a certain frequency on the biological, biochemical and growth parameters of the cells of microorganisms, in particular lactic acid organisms, in order to use the results of these studies in the food industry in the production of new food products.

1984 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 599-602
T.V. Johnson ◽  
G.E. Morfill ◽  
E. Grun

A number of lines of evidence suggest that the particles making up the E-ring are small, on the order of a few microns or less in size (Terrile and Tokunaga, 1980, BAAS; Pang et al., 1982 Saturn meeting; Tucson, AZ). This suggests that a variety of electromagnetic and plasma affects may be important in considering the history of such particles. We have shown (Morfill et al., 1982, J. Geophys. Res., in press) that plasma drags forces from the corotating plasma will rapidly evolve E-ring particle orbits to increasing distance from Saturn until a point is reached where radiation drag forces acting to decrease orbital radius balance this outward acceleration. This occurs at approximately Rhea's orbit, although the exact value is subject to many uncertainties. The time scale for plasma drag to move particles from Enceladus' orbit to the outer E-ring is ~104yr. A variety of effects also act to remove particles, primarily sputtering by both high energy charged particles (Cheng et al., 1982, J. Geophys. Res., in press) and corotating plasma (Morfill et al., 1982). The time scale for sputtering away one micron particles is also short, 102 - 10 yrs. Thus the detailed particle density profile in the E-ring is set by a competition between orbit evolution and particle removal. The high density region near Enceladus' orbit may result from the sputtering yeild of corotating ions being less than unity at this radius (e.g. Eviatar et al., 1982, Saturn meeting). In any case, an active source of E-ring material is required if the feature is not very ephemeral - Enceladus itself, with its geologically recent surface, appears still to be the best candidate for the ultimate source of E-ring material.

J. B. Warren

Electron diffraction intensity profiles have been used extensively in studies of polycrystalline and amorphous thin films. In previous work, diffraction intensity profiles were quantitized either by mechanically scanning the photographic emulsion with a densitometer or by using deflection coils to scan the diffraction pattern over a stationary detector. Such methods tend to be slow, and the intensities must still be converted from analog to digital form for quantitative analysis. The Instrumentation Division at Brookhaven has designed and constructed a electron diffractometer, based on a silicon photodiode array, that overcomes these disadvantages. The instrument is compact (Fig. 1), can be used with any unmodified electron microscope, and acquires the data in a form immediately accessible by microcomputer.Major components include a RETICON 1024 element photodiode array for the de tector, an Analog Devices MAS-1202 analog digital converter and a Digital Equipment LSI 11/2 microcomputer. The photodiode array cannot detect high energy electrons without damage so an f/1.4 lens is used to focus the phosphor screen image of the diffraction pattern on to the photodiode array.

J. M. Oblak ◽  
W. H. Rand

The energy of an a/2 <110> shear antiphase. boundary in the Ll2 expected to be at a minimum on {100} cube planes because here strue ture is there is no violation of nearest-neighbor order. The latter however does involve the disruption of second nearest neighbors. It has been suggested that cross slip of paired a/2 <110> dislocations from octahedral onto cube planes is an important dislocation trapping mechanism in Ni3Al; furthermore, slip traces consistent with cube slip are observed above 920°K.Due to the high energy of the {111} antiphase boundary (> 200 mJ/m2), paired a/2 <110> dislocations are tightly constricted on the octahedral plane and cannot be individually resolved.

E.D. Wolf

Most microelectronics devices and circuits operate faster, consume less power, execute more functions and cost less per circuit function when the feature-sizes internal to the devices and circuits are made smaller. This is part of the stimulus for the Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) program. There is also a need for smaller, more sensitive sensors in a wide range of disciplines that includes electrochemistry, neurophysiology and ultra-high pressure solid state research. There is often fundamental new science (and sometimes new technology) to be revealed (and used) when a basic parameter such as size is extended to new dimensions, as is evident at the two extremes of smallness and largeness, high energy particle physics and cosmology, respectively. However, there is also a very important intermediate domain of size that spans from the diameter of a small cluster of atoms up to near one micrometer which may also have just as profound effects on society as “big” physics.

L.E. Murr

The production of void lattices in metals as a result of displacement damage associated with high energy and heavy ion bombardment is now well documented. More recently, Murr has shown that a void lattice can be developed in natural (colored) fluorites observed in the transmission electron microscope. These were the first observations of a void lattice in an irradiated nonmetal, and the first, direct observations of color-center aggregates. Clinard, et al. have also recently observed a void lattice (described as a high density of aligned "pores") in neutron irradiated Al2O3 and Y2O3. In this latter work, itwas pointed out that in order that a cavity be formed,a near-stoichiometric ratio of cation and anion vacancies must aggregate. It was reasoned that two other alternatives to explain the pores were cation metal colloids and highpressure anion gas bubbles.Evans has proposed that void lattices result from the presence of a pre-existing impurity lattice, and predicted that the formation of a void lattice should restrict swelling in irradiated materials because it represents a state of saturation.

P.E. Batson

Use of the STEM to obtain precise electronic information has been hampered by the lack of energy loss analysis capable of a resolution and accuracy comparable to the 0.3eV energy width of the Field Emission Source. Recent work by Park, et. al. and earlier by Crewe, et. al. have promised magnetic sector devices that are capable of about 0.75eV resolution at collection angles (about 15mR) which are great enough to allow efficient use of the STEM probe current. These devices are also capable of 0.3eV resolution at smaller collection angles (4-5mR). The problem that arises, however, lies in the fact that, even with the collection efficiency approaching 1.0, several minutes of collection time are necessary for a good definition of a typical core loss or electronic transition. This is a result of the relatively small total beam current (1-10nA) that is available in the dedicated STEM. During this acquisition time, the STEM acceleration voltage may fluctuate by as much as 0.5-1.0V.

Charles W. Allen

Irradiation effects studies employing TEMs as analytical tools have been conducted for almost as many years as materials people have done TEM, motivated largely by materials needs for nuclear reactor development. Such studies have focussed on the behavior both of nuclear fuels and of materials for other reactor components which are subjected to radiation-induced degradation. Especially in the 1950s and 60s, post-irradiation TEM analysis may have been coupled to in situ (in reactor or in pile) experiments (e.g., irradiation-induced creep experiments of austenitic stainless steels). Although necessary from a technological point of view, such experiments are difficult to instrument (measure strain dynamically, e.g.) and control (temperature, e.g.) and require months or even years to perform in a nuclear reactor or in a spallation neutron source. Consequently, methods were sought for simulation of neutroninduced radiation damage of materials, the simulations employing other forms of radiation; in the case of metals and alloys, high energy electrons and high energy ions.

Joseph J. Comer ◽  
Charles Bergeron ◽  
Lester F. Lowe

Using a Van De Graaff Accelerator thinned specimens were subjected to bombardment by 3 MeV N+ ions to fluences ranging from 4x1013 to 2x1016 ions/cm2. They were then examined by transmission electron microscopy and reflection electron diffraction using a 100 KV electron beam.At the lowest fluence of 4x1013 ions/cm2 diffraction patterns of the specimens contained Kikuchi lines which appeared somewhat broader and more diffuse than those obtained on unirradiated material. No damage could be detected by transmission electron microscopy in unannealed specimens. However, Dauphiné twinning was particularly pronounced after heating to 665°C for one hour and cooling to room temperature. The twins, seen in Fig. 1, were often less than .25 μm in size, smaller than those formed in unirradiated material and present in greater number. The results are in agreement with earlier observations on the effect of electron beam damage on Dauphiné twinning.

K. Izui ◽  
S. Furuno ◽  
H. Otsu ◽  
T. Nishida ◽  
H. Maeta

Anisotropy of damage productions in crystals due to high energy electron bombardment are caused from two different origins. One is an anisotropic displacement threshold energy, and the other is an anisotropic distribution of electron flux near the atomic rows in crystals due to the electron channeling effect. By the n-beam dynamical calculations for germanium and molybdenum we have shown that electron flux at the atomic positions are from ∽4 to ∽7 times larger than the mean incident flux for the principal zone axis directions of incident 1 MeV electron beams, and concluded that such a locally increased electron flux results in an enhanced damage production. The present paper reports the experimental evidence for the enhanced damage production due to the locally increased electron flux and also the results of measurements of the displacement threshold energies for the <100>,<110> and <111> directions in molybdenum crystals by using a high voltage electron microscope.

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