scholarly journals Development of the garden design of 18th century in Sankt Petersburg and comparison with main European patterns

Anna Acostová

The 18th century was the period when the Russian empire started to open to the western culture. The economic and cultural development of this country started after the reforms of the emperor Petr I. Large number of the imperial palaces where built after the foundation of Santk Petersburg in 1703. Peter I was a big admirer of the western culture, his knowledge about it increased during two visits through Europe. Therefore, the formal gardens and baroque palaces built during the reign of Peter the Great are called Peter’s baroque.Until 1715 were all Russian gardens influenced by the Holland pattern like the palaces built by William of Orange in Holland – Het Loo and in England part of the Hampton Court. The first garden laid out in formal style in Sankt Petersburg was the Summer Garden – located in the architectural heart of the city. Gardens of this period were characteristic by small closed ground plan surrounded by water canals, an absence of using terrace as a symbol of majesty and highest point of view and finally by modest architecture. After the second visit of Peter I to Europe, he started to use all principles of the French formal gardens based on Andre Le Notre work. Palaces like Petrodvorets, Strelna and residence of first minister Alexander Menshikov in Oranienbaum were laid out on a natural terrace overlooking the Gulf of Finland. During the reign Elizabeth Petrovna started a huge expansion of palaces Petrodvorets, Hermitage and Tsarskoe Selo by the Italian architect Francisco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, whose combinations of rich ornaments, soft unusual colours and white columns are symbol of Russian baroque of the middle of 18th century. Moreover, F. B. Rastrelli also rebuilt some garden pavilions giving a new dimension of composition between buildings and garden. His sense of buildings soft colours in contras to the dark colours of north nature was very important and helped to improve Russian garden design of this time.After the start of reign Catherine II in 1761 begun new period of architectural style – Classicism and English Landscape School. At first was rebuilt a part of the formal gardens in Tsarskoe Selo for which was used the composition of the famous Stowe Park as a pattern. Others built landscape parks were Pavlovsk, Gatchina and Alexandrowski Park. In the process of creating those imperial residences were used principles of the work of William Kent, with antique temples, also Lancelot Brown’s famous nature scenery. Moreover, the compositions of landscape parks are good examples of oriental and neo-gothic pavilions. Russian formal gardens and landscape parks are inseparable part of European art in 17th and 18th century. They composition content basic characteristic of French baroque and English landscape school together with different elements originated as a adaptation to the specific climatic conditions of this region.

2018 ◽  
Vol 322 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-184 ◽  
A.A. Fedotova

The paper discusses the Białowieża bison (Bison bonasus bonasus) as a museum exhibit in the 18th – early 20th centuries, basing on the analysis of archival documents, mainly from St. Petersburg. One of the last remnants of extinct megafauna once roaming through Europe, by the Early Modern time it had been eliminated in the most part of its previous range. In the 16th–18th century, it had the status of a natural curiosity and an exclusively royal game. In the 18th century, the carcasses of the European bison from the imperial menageries went into the cabinets of curiosities where they became the objects of study for naturalists. By the late 18th century, the last population of the European lowland bison had survived in Białowieża Primeval Forest, which became a part of the Russian Empire with the Third partition of Poland. The attention of the Imperial family, which preserved the system of protection of the European bison and the forest where they lived, ensured the survival of the species till WWI. The development of zoology and zoological collections provided a new status to the Białowieża bison – the status of a valuable gift of the Russian Tsar to a scientific community. To receive such a precious gift, a scientific community had to use its diplomatic and bureaucratic channels, to recruit a naturalist willing to travel to Białowieża, to organize a hunt, to process the skin and bones, and finally, to deliver this massive package to a museum. Nevertheless, throughout the second half of the 19th century, most requests made by European and Russian naturalists were granted and the majority of zoological museums received the European bison from Białowieża, either in form of a stuffed animal, a skeleton, or at least a skull. The transformation of the 17–18th century Kunstkammern into research zoological institutions and the development of taxidermy went in parallel with the transformation of the European bison as a museum exhibit. Stuffed animals became anatomically accurate; new expositions included habitat groups, and some institutions amassed extensive collections for comparative study. The presence of the European bison almost in every major European museum made them well known for wider public. In 1919, the last Białowieża bison was killed in the wild, but the popularity of this species helped the restitution of the animal. Nowadays, the “old” specimens are of interest not only from a historical point of view, but also as a source of samples for genetic research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 45-49
Victor Tvircun ◽  

Thе present publication is the first in historiography to highlight the unknown pages from the biography of Maria Andreevna Kantakuzino, wife of Foma (Toma) Kantakuzino, Major General of the Russian Army, an associate of Peter the Great. The research is based on documents discovered by the author in the State archives of the Russian Federation. The hallmark of this article is the fact, that the biographical data of Maria Cantacuzino are disclosed in the context of the political events of the 1st quarter of the 18th century, as well as her personal ties and correspondence with statesmen of the Russian Empire, the author reflects the issue of the financial situation of the countess in Russia. At the same time, the publication sheds light on the previously unknown biographical data of Maria Cantacuzino – the time and conditions of her arrival in Russia, the place of residence, as well as the date of her death. This publication, on the basis of archival documents discovered and introduced into scientific circulation, makes it possible to show the property status and possessions of the Cantacuzino family in Russia in the first half of the 18th century, as well as their fate after the death of the owners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Vladimir N. Benda

The purpose of the research is to analyse the experience of organising the educational process and daily life of the Land Gentry Cadet Corps of the Russian Empire. The article deals with the issues related to the definition of the role of Land Gentry Cadet Corps, which it played in the training of command personnel (officers and non-commissioned officers) for the Russian army and in the development of the military school of the Russian state during this period. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the approach to the study of the educational process in the cadet corps from the point of view of accounting and use of their experience to being in connection with the revival and development of specialised aircraft, artillery and other military schools in modern Russia. Based on the studied archival and other sources, the author focuses on the role of heads of military educational institutions in instilling high moral qualities and professional knowledge in cadets. Some previously unpublished archival sources are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Ekaterina А. Rychkova ◽  

The development of folk crafts in Russia was closely connected with the formation of handicrafts museums that performed complex tasks of preserving, studying and promoting folk art. The study of their history today is one of the problems that have not yet been sufficiently studied in museology. Handicrafts museums were considered by researchers primarily in the general historical context of the influence of state policy and provincial zemstvos on the development of handicraft industry in Russia. However, the phenomenon of handicrafts museums remains insufficiently studied from the point of view of history and the theory of museum work. The type of the handicrafts museum has not yet been singled out as an actual form of the museum institution of the last quarter of the XIX – the first third of the XX centuries, which spread in several provinces of the Russian Empire. The purpose of the article is to review the main activities of the Moscow Handicrafts Museum - an example of the formation of new types of museums in Russia and their influence on the development of folk crafts in the second half of the 19th century – the first third of the 20th centuries. Moscow Handicrafts Museum opened in 1885. His task was to fully promote the development of folk art and the implementation of handicrafts. One of the main features and goals of creating the Handicrafts Museums in the Russian Empire was the formation of an established system of state patronage over the peasants who were freed from serfdom and promotion of their involvement in the new sector of the economy. The museum staff formed the museum collection, actively participated in organizing the training of folk craftsmen, arranging production workshops, became intermediaries in the art market, and was engaged in active exhibition work around the world, especially at large industrial fairs. In the 1890–1910s, the case started in Moscow spread quickly to almost the whole country. Handicrafts museums immediately arose in several provinces of Russia. One of the program documents of that period was the concept of the development of the Handicrafts Museum, proposed in a report of Sergey Morozov in 1910. Thus, at the beginning of the twentieth century in Moscow, the structure of an effective museum was formed, aimed at systematic work with folk crafts and successfully involving a wide range of partners: artists and scientists, merchants and foreign industrialists. Thanks to the assistance of handicrafts museums in Russia in the late XIX – early XX centuries traditional folk crafts were able to survive and be adequately represented throughout the world. The aesthetic significance of folk art has been recognized. The study of folk art has become an important subject of scientific research. All aspects of the multifaceted history of the formation and development of handicrafts museums and their role in the socio-economic and cultural development of Russia are of great scientific interest and require careful further study.

10.12737/6578 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 88-101
Евгения Лупанова ◽  
Evgeniya Lupanova

Collections of Peter the Great’s Museum for Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) represent unique combination of ethnic collections from dif erent countries of the world and historical monuments of Russian science, early period of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Expositions and funds of the museum permanently attract the attention of specialists in dif erent f elds. One of topics that can be learned on the basis of our museum is history of optics. The collections provide opportunities to study the simplest optical devices in Eastern traditional cultures. Collections provide the opportunity to study usage of mirrors, clear crystals (which were believed to possess magic power) in traditional cultures as well as the process of transformation of stored for ages celestial observations into a basis for further forming of scientif c knowledge. The interest of European scholars to Oriental countries in the 18th century was not just interest to exotic, but also interest to the stored experience of observations. The expositions «М.V. Lomonosov and Academy of Sciences in the 18th century» and «First Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences», as well as the funds of the department of the history of the Kunstlkamera and Russian sciences in the 18th century present scientif c instruments, which have become monuments of Russian and European optics — lenses, mirrors, spyglasses, telescopes, transit instruments and others. They are just f ne material both for enlightening work with visitors and for historical researches. One can see there instruments made by famous masters of the 18-19th centuries — E.W. Tschirnhaus, E. Nairne, J. Bird, J. Ramsden, J. Fraunhofer. There collections are also interesting from the cultural point of view. The period of forming Russian science is the same time as the process of refusing to perceive optical instruments as attributes of “elegant leisure”, devices for entertaining rich and enlighten public$ process of af rmance microscopes, telescopes, lenses etc. as scientif c instruments to be used by specialists at their observatories, laboratories and also for teaching purposes. Today we can see the revival of this fashion and high public interest to scientif c observations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 164-167
Айнура Байтокова

Аннотация. Макала учурдагы актуалдуу проблемалардын бири болгон жаш муундарда жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды тарбиялоо. Макалада Ч. Айтматовдун чыгармаларындагы баалуулуктардын мааниси жана алардын жаш муундарды тарбиялоодогу орду жөнүндө маселени козгойт. Өзгөчө жаңы социалдык экономикалык өзгөрүүлөр менен жаш муундардын адеп-ахлактык, руханий дүйнөсү өзгөрүүдө. Бул жагдайдан алып караганда коомдун социалдык-маданий жактан андан ары өнүгүүсү үчүн башкы бириктирүүчү факторлордон болуп жаш муундардагы жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды калыптандыруу маселеси биринчи орунга чыгат. Болочок мугалимдердин кесиптик билим алуусунда жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды терең түшүнүүсү, алардын келечектеги кесиптик даярдыгына жардам берет. Демек, аларга жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды сиңирүү абдан маанилүү учур талабы экендигин көрөбүз. Түйүндүү сөздөр: жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктар, адамгерчилик, адеп-ахлак, руханий баалуулуктар, учурдагы көйгөйлүү маселелер, жаш муундар, базар экономикасы ж.б... Аннотация. В статье затронута одна из актуальных проблем современности – достойное воспитание молодого поколения. Статья рассматривает проблематику воспитания молодежи и формирования общечеловеческих ценностей. В статье речь идет о роли произведений Чингиза Айтматова в воспитании молодежи. В условиях перехода в новый социально-экономический период меняется нравственно-духовный мир молодежи, в том числе у студентов. С этой точки зрения на первый план выходит задача формирования общечеловеческих ценностей, которые должны стать главным объединяющим фактором дальнейшего социокультурного развития общества. Обогащение опыта глубокого понимания общечеловеческих ценностей у будущих педагогов в профессиональном обучении способствует формированию подготовленности будущих педагогов профессионального обучения в будущем, также важно привить в них систему общечеловеческих ценностей. Ключевые слова: общечеловеческие ценности, гуманность, нравственно-этические принципы, духовные ценности, рыночная экономика. Annotation. the article touches on one of the pressing problems of our time - the decent education of the younger generation. The article considers the issues of youth education and the formation of universal values. The article deals with the role of the works of Chingiz Aitmatov in the education of youth. With the transition to a new socio- economic period, the moral and spiritual world of young people is changing, including among students. From this point of view, the task of creating universal human values comes to the forefront, which should become the main unifying factor in the further socio-cultural development of society. The enrichment of the experience of a deep understanding of human values in future teachers contributes to the formation of preparedness of future teachers of vocational training in the future, it is also important to instill in them a system of universal values. Keywords: universal values, humanity, thinker, wise, moral and ethical principles, spiritual values, market economy.

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-197
V.E. . Sergei

The article is dedicated to the history of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps. The author examines the main stages of the museums formation, starting with the foundation of the Arsenal, established in St. Petersburg at the orders of Peter the Great on August 29th 1703 for the safekeeping and preservation of memory, for eternal glory of unique arms and military trophies. In 1756, on the base of the Arsenals collection, the General Inspector of Artillery Count P.I. created the Memorial Hall, set up at the Arsenal, on St. Petersburgs Liteyny Avenue. By the end of the 18th century the collection included over 6,000 exhibits. In 1868 the Memorial Hall was transferred to the New Arsenal, at the Crownwork of the Petropavlovsky Fortress, and renamed the Artillery Museum (since 1903 the Artillery Historical Museum). A large part of the credit for the development and popularization of the collection must be given to the historian N.E. Brandenburg, the man rightly considered the founder of Russias military museums, who was the chief curator from 1872 to 1903. During the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars a significant part of the museums holdings were evacuated to Yaroslavl and Novosibirsk. Thanks to the undying devotion of the museums staff, it not only survived, but increased its collection. In the 1960s over 100,000 exhibits were transferred from the holdings of the Central Historical Museum of Military Engineering and the Military Signal Corps Museum. In 1991 the collection also received the entire Museum of General Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, transferred from the Polish town of Bolesawjec. The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Coprs is now one of the largest museums of military history in the world. It holds an invaluable collection of artillery and ammunition, of firearms and cold steel arms, military engineering and signal technology, military banners, uniforms, a rich collection of paintings and graphic works, orders and medals, as well as extensive archives, all dedicated to the history of Russian artillery and the feats of our nations defenders.Статья посвящена истории создания ВоенноИсторического музея артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи. Автор рассматривает основные этапы становления музея, начиная с основания Арсенала, созданного в СанктПетербурге по приказу Петра I 29 августа 1703 года для хранения и сохранения памяти, во имя вечной славы уникального оружия и военных трофеев. В 1756 году на базе коллекции Арсенала генеральный инспектор артиллерии граф П. И. создал мемориальный зал, установленный при Арсенале, на Литейном проспекте СанктПетербурга. К концу 18 века коллекция насчитывала более 6000 экспонатов. В 1868 году Мемориальный зал был перенесен в Новый Арсенал, на венец Петропавловской крепости, и переименован в Артиллерийский музей (с 1903 года Артиллерийский Исторический музей). Большая заслуга в развитии и популяризации коллекции принадлежит историку Н.Е. Бранденбургу, человеку, по праву считавшемуся основателем российских военных музеев, который был главным хранителем с 1872 по 1903 год. В годы Гражданской и Великой Отечественной войн значительная часть фондов музея была эвакуирована в Ярославль и Новосибирск. Благодаря неусыпной преданности сотрудников музея, он не только сохранился, но и пополнил свою коллекцию. В 1960х годах более 100 000 экспонатов были переданы из фондов Центрального исторического военноинженерного музея и Музея войск связи. В 1991 году коллекцию также получил весь музей генералфельдмаршала М. И. Кутузова, переданный из польского города Болеславец. Военноисторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи в настоящее время является одним из крупнейших музеев военной истории в мире. Здесь хранится бесценная коллекция артиллерии и боеприпасов, огнестрельного и холодного оружия, военной техники и сигнальной техники, военных знамен, обмундирования, богатая коллекция живописных и графических работ, орденов и медалей, а также обширные архивы, посвященные истории русской артиллерии и подвигам защитников нашего народа.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 2753
Miroslaw Zukowski ◽  
Walery Jezierski

According to the authors of this paper, the mathematical point of view allows us to see what sometimes cannot be seen from the designer’s point of view. The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of the most important parameters (volume of heat storage tanks, daily consumption of domestic hot water, optical efficiency, heat loss coefficient, and total area of a solar collector) on the thermal power output of solar domestic hot water (SDHW) system in European climatic conditions. Three deterministic mathematical models of these relationships for Madrid, Budapest, and Helsinki were created. The database for the development of these models was carried out using computer simulations made in the TRNSYS software environment. The SDHW system located at the Bialystok University of Technology (Poland) was the source of the measurement results used to validate the simulation model. The mathematical optimization procedure showed that the maximum annual useful energy output that can be obtained from 1 m2 of gross collector area is 1303 kWh in the case of Madrid, 918.5 kWh for Budapest, and 768 kWh for Helsinki weather conditions.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-38 ◽  
Iain Provan

It is well known that the seeds from which the modern discipline of OT theology grew are already found in 17th and 18th century discussion of the relationship between Bible and Church, which tended to drive a wedge between the two, regarding canon in historical rather than theological terms; stressing the difference between what is transient and particular in the Bible and what is universal and of abiding significance; and placing the task of deciding which is which upon the shoulders of the individual reader rather than upon the church. Free investigation of the Bible, unfettered by church tradition and theology, was to be the way ahead. OT theology finds its roots more particularly in the 18th century discussion of the nature of and the relationship between Biblical Theology and Dogmatic Theology, and in particular in Gabler's classic theoreticalstatementof their nature and relationship. The first book which may strictly be called an OT theology appeared in 1796: an historical discussion of the ideas to be found in the OT, with an emphasis on their probable origin and the stages through which Hebrew religious thought had passed, compared and contrasted with the beliefs of other ancient peoples, and evaluated from the point of view of rationalistic religion. Here we find the unreserved acceptance of Gabler's principle that OT theology must in the first instance be a descriptive and historical discipline, freed from dogmatic constraints and resistant to the premature merging of OT and NT — a principle which in the succeeding century was accepted by writers across the whole theological spectrum, including those of orthodox and conservative inclination.

R. Vesipa ◽  
C. Camporeale ◽  
L. Ridolfi

Precipitation of calcium carbonate from water films generates fascinating calcite morphologies that have attracted scientific interest over past centuries. Nowadays, speleothems are no longer known only for their beauty but they are also recognized to be precious records of past climatic conditions, and research aims to unveil and understand the mechanisms responsible for their morphological evolution. In this paper, we focus on crenulations, a widely observed ripple-like instability of the the calcite–water interface that develops orthogonally to the film flow. We expand a previous work providing new insights about the chemical and physical mechanisms that drive the formation of crenulations. In particular, we demonstrate the marginal role played by carbon dioxide transport in generating crenulation patterns, which are indeed induced by the hydrodynamic response of the free surface of the water film. Furthermore, we investigate the role of different environmental parameters, such as temperature, concentration of dissolved ions and wall slope. We also assess the convective/absolute nature of the crenulation instability. Finally, the possibility of using crenulation wavelength as a proxy of past flows is briefly discussed from a theoretical point of view.

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