Columbia Gorge Gap Winds: Their Climatological Influence and Synoptic Evolution

10.1175/826.1 ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 970-992 ◽  
Justin Sharp ◽  
Clifford F. Mass

Abstract This paper quantifies the impact of the Columbia Gorge on the weather and climate within and downstream of this mesoscale gap and examines the influence of synoptic-scale flow on gorge weather. Easterly winds occur more frequently and are stronger at stations such as Portland International Airport (KPDX) that are close to the western terminus of the gorge than at other lowland stations west of the Cascades. In the cool season, there is a strong correlation between east winds at KPDX and cooler temperatures in the Columbia Basin, within the gorge, and over the northern Willamette River valley. At least 56% of the annual snowfall, 70% of days with snowfall, and 90% of days with freezing rain at KPDX coincide with easterly gorge flow. Synoptic composites were created to identify the large-scale patterns leading to strong winds, snowfall, and freezing rain in the gorge. These composites showed that all gorge gap flow events are associated with a high-amplitude 500-mb ridge upstream of the Pacific Northwest, colder than normal 850-mb temperatures over the study region, and a substantial offshore sea level pressure gradient force between the interior and the northwest coast. However, the synoptic evolution varies for different kinds of gorge weather events. For example, the composite of the 500-mb field for freezing rain events features a split developing in the upstream ridge with zonal flow at midlatitudes, while for easterly gap winds accompanied by snowfall, there is an amplification of the ridge.

2018 ◽  
Vol 146 (6) ◽  
pp. 1667-1683 ◽  
Guangxing Zhang ◽  
Da-Lin Zhang ◽  
Shufang Sun

A high-latitude low-level easterly jet (LLEJ) and downslope winds, causing severe dust storms over the Tacheng basin of northwestern China in March 2006 when the dust source regions were previously covered by snow with frozen soil, are studied in order to understand the associated meteorological conditions and the impact of complex topography on the generation of the LLEJ. Observational analyses show the development of a large-scale, geostrophically balanced, easterly flow associated with a northeastern high pressure and a southeastern low pressure system, accompanied by a westward-moving cold front with an intense inversion layer near the altitudes of mountain ridges. A high-resolution model simulation shows the generation of an LLEJ of near-typhoon strength, which peaked at about 500 m above the ground, as well as downslope windstorms with marked wave breakings and subsidence warming in the leeside surface layer, as the large-scale cold easterly flow moves through a constricting saddle pass and across a higher mountain ridge followed by a lower parallel ridge, respectively. The two different airstreams are merged to form an intense LLEJ of cold air, driven mostly by zonal pressure gradient force, and then the LLEJ moves along a zonally oriented mountain range to the north. Results indicate the importance of the lower ridge in enhancing the downslope winds associated with the higher ridge and the importance of the saddle pass in generating the LLEJ. We conclude that the intense downslope winds account for melting snow, warming and drying soils, and raising dust into the air that is then transported by the LLEJ, generated mostly through the saddle pass, into the far west of the basin.

2019 ◽  
Vol 147 (11) ◽  
pp. 3935-3954 ◽  
Daniel T. Dawson II ◽  
Brett Roberts ◽  
Ming Xue

Abstract In idealized, horizontally homogeneous, cloud model simulations of convective storms, the action of surface friction can substantially modify the near-ground environmental wind profile over time owing to the lack of a large-scale pressure gradient force to balance the frictional force together with the Coriolis force. This situation is undesirable for many applications where the impact of an unchanging environmental low-level wind shear on the simulated storm behavior is the focus of investigation, as it introduces additional variability in the experiment and accordingly complicates interpretation of the results. Partly for this reason, many researchers have opted to perform simulations with free-slip lower boundary conditions, which with appropriate boundary conditions allows for more precise control of the large-scale environmental wind profile. Yet, some recent studies have advocated important roles of surface friction in storm dynamics. Here, a simple method is introduced to effectively maintain any chosen environmental wind profile in idealized storm simulations in the presence of surface friction and both resolved and subgrid-scale turbulent mixing. The method is demonstrated through comparisons of simulations of a tornadic supercell with and without surface friction and with or without invoking the new method. The method is compared with similar techniques in the literature and potential extensions and other applications are discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (7) ◽  
pp. 1433-1450 ◽  
Enhui Liao ◽  
Lie Yauw Oey ◽  
Xiao-Hai Yan ◽  
Li Li ◽  
Yuwu Jiang

AbstractIn winter, an offshore flow of the coastal current can be inferred from satellite and in situ data over the western Taiwan Bank. The dynamics related to this offshore flow are examined here using observations as well as analytical and numerical models. The currents can be classified into three regimes. The downwind (i.e., southward) cold coastal current remains attached to the coast when the northeasterly wind stress is stronger than a critical value depending on the upwind (i.e., northward) large-scale pressure gradient force. By contrast, an upwind warm current appears over the Taiwan Bank when the wind stress is less than the critical pressure gradient force. The downwind coastal current and upwind current converge and the coastal current deflects offshore onto the bank during a moderate wind. Analysis of the vorticity balance shows that the offshore transport is a result of negative bottom stress curl that is triggered by the positive vorticity of the two opposite flows. The negative bottom stress curl is reinforced by the gentle slope over the bank, which enhances the offshore current. Composite analyses using satellite observations show cool waters with high chlorophyll in the offshore current under moderate wind. The results of composite analyses support the model findings and may explain the high productivity over the western bank in winter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 1399-1415 ◽  
Junlu Li ◽  
Jianping Gan

AbstractBased on a physics-oriented modeling study, we investigate the underlying forcing processes of the North Equatorial Undercurrent (NEUC). Made up of large-scale (~90%) and mesoscale (~10%) components, the NEUC weakens eastward with a longitude-independent seasonality. The large-scale component reflects the effect of the meridional baroclinic pressure gradient force (PGF_BC). The vertical velocity shear forms the eastward NEUC, when the PGF_BC exceeds the meridional barotropic pressure gradient force (PGF_BT). The mesoscale variability with alternating jets is linked to the wind stress curl in different regions of the tropical North Pacific. Spatially, the NEUC has a northern (NEUC_N) and a southern branch (NEUC_S), which are mainly attributed to the transports from Luzon Undercurrent (LUC) and Mindanao Undercurrent (MUC), respectively. The LUC of ~3 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) feeds the NEUC_N in summer, while the MUC of ~4 Sv fuels the NEUC_S in autumn and the two branches do not coexist. The total NEUC transport peaks in August/September, and there exist three distinct periods in a 1-yr cycle: the non-NEUC period in winter, the LUC-driven period in summer, and the MUC-driven period in autumn. Based on the layer-integrated vorticity equation, we diagnose quantitatively that the variation of the NEUC is dominated by the lateral planetary vorticity influx from the LUC and the MUC. These external influxes interact with the internal dynamics of pressure torques and stress curls in the NEUC layer, to jointly govern the NEUC and its variability. Meanwhile, the nonlinearity due to relative vorticity advection near the coast modulates the strength of the NEUC.

2006 ◽  
Vol 63 (11) ◽  
pp. 2898-2914 ◽  
Da-Lin Zhang ◽  
Chanh Q. Kieu

Abstract Although the forced secondary circulations (FSCs) associated with hurricane-like vortices have been previously examined, understanding is still limited to idealized, axisymmetric flows and forcing functions. In this study, the individual contributions of latent heating, frictional, and dry dynamical processes to the FSCs of a hurricane vortex are separated in order to examine how a hurricane can intensify against the destructive action of vertical shear and how a warm-cored eye forms. This is achieved by applying a potential vorticity (PV) inversion and quasi-balanced omega equations system to a cloud-resolving simulation of Hurricane Andrew (1992) during its mature stage with the finest grid size of 6 km. It is shown that the latent heating FSC, tilting outward with height, acts to oppose the shear-forced vertical tilt of the storm, and part of the upward mass fluxes near the top of the eyewall is detrained inward, causing the convergence aloft and subsidence warming in the hurricane eye. The friction FSC is similar to that of the Ekman pumping with its peak upward motion occurring near the top of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) in the eye. About 40% of the PBL convergence is related to surface friction and the rest to latent heating in the eyewall. In contrast, the dry dynamical forcing is determined by vertical shear and system-relative flow. When an axisymmetric balanced vortex is subjected to westerly shear, a deep countershear FSC appears across the inner-core region with the rising (sinking) motion downshear (upshear) and easterly sheared horizontal flows in the vertical. The shear FSC is shown to reduce the destructive roles of the large-scale shear imposed, as much as 40%, including its forced vertical tilt. Moreover, the shear FSC intensity is near-linearly proportional to the shear magnitude, and the wavenumber-1 vertical motion asymmetry can be considered as the integrated effects of the shear FSCs from all the tropospheric layers. The shear FSC can be attributed to the Laplacian of thermal advection and the temporal and spatial variations of centrifugal force in the quasi-balanced omega equation, and confirms the previous finding of the development of wavenumber-1 cloud asymmetries in hurricanes. Hurricane eye dynamics are presented by synthesizing the latent heating FSC with previous studies. The authors propose to separate the eye formation from maintenance processes. The upper-level inward mass detrainment forces the subsidence warming (and the formation of an eye), the surface pressure fall, and increased rotation in the eyewall. This increased rotation will induce an additional vertical pressure gradient force to balance the net buoyancy generated by the subsidence warming for the maintenance of the hurricane eye. In this sense, the negative vertical shear in tangential wind in the eyewall should be considered as being forced by the subsidence warming, and maintained by the rotation in the eyewall.

2015 ◽  
Vol 72 (8) ◽  
pp. 3178-3198 ◽  
Adam H. Monahan ◽  
Tim Rees ◽  
Yanping He ◽  
Norman McFarlane

Abstract A long time series of temporally high-resolution wind and potential temperature data from the 213-m tower at Cabauw in the Netherlands demonstrates the existence of two distinct regimes of the stably stratified nocturnal boundary layer at this location. Hidden Markov model (HMM) analysis is used to objectively characterize these regimes and classify individual observed states. The first regime is characterized by strongly stable stratification, large wind speed differences between 10 and 200 m, and relatively weak turbulence. The second is associated with near-neutral stratification, weaker wind speed differences between 10 and 200 m, and relatively strong turbulence. In this second regime, the state of the boundary layer is similar to that during the day. The occupation statistics of these regimes are shown to covary with the large-scale pressure gradient force and cloud cover such that the first regime predominates under clear skies with weak geostrophic wind speed and the second regime predominates under conditions of extensive cloud cover or large geostrophic wind speed. These regimes are not distinguished by standard measures of stability, such as the Obukhov length or the bulk Richardson number. Evidence is presented that the mechanism generating these distinct regimes is associated with a previously documented feedback resulting from the existence of an upper limit on the maximum downward heat flux that can be sustained for a given near-surface wind speed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 73 (11) ◽  
pp. 4531-4551 ◽  
John M. Peters

Abstract This research develops simple diagnostic expressions for vertical acceleration dw/dt and vertical velocity w within updrafts that account for effective buoyancy and the dynamic pressure gradient force. Effective buoyancy is the statically forced component of the vertical gradient in the nonhydrostatic pressure field. The diagnostic expressions derived herein show that the effective buoyancy of an updraft is dependent on the magnitude of the temperature perturbation within an updraft relative to the air along the updraft’s immediate periphery (rather than relative to an arbitrary base state as in ), the updraft’s height-to-width aspect ratio, and the updraft’s slant relative to the vertical. The diagnostic expressions are significantly improved over parcel theory (where pressure forces are ignored) in their portrayal of the vertical profile of w through updrafts from a cloud model simulation and accurately diagnosed the maximum vertical velocity wmax within updrafts. The largest improvements to the diagnostic expressions over parcel theory resulted from their dependence on rather than . Whereas the actual wmax within simulated updrafts was located approximately two-thirds to three-fourths of the distance between the updraft base and the updraft top, wmax within profiles diagnosed by expressions was portrayed at the updraft top when the dynamic pressure force was ignored. A rudimentary theoretical representation of the dynamic pressure force in the diagnostic expressions improved their portrayal of the simulated w profile. These results augment the conceptual understanding of convective updrafts and provide avenues for improving the representation of vertical mass flux in cumulus parameterizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Peter C. Chu

AbstractTwo different treatments in ocean dynamics are found between the gravity and pressure gradient force. Vertical component is 5–6 orders of magnitude larger than horizontal components for the pressure gradient force in large-scale motion, and for the gravity in any scale motion. The horizontal pressure gradient force is considered as a dominant force in oceanic motion from planetary to small scales. However, the horizontal gravity is omitted in oceanography completely. A non-dimensional C number (ratio between the horizontal gravity and the Coriolis force) is used to identify the importance of horizontal gravity in the ocean dynamics. Unexpectedly large C number with the global mean around 24 is obtained using the community datasets of the marine geoid height and ocean surface currents. New large-scale ocean dynamic equations with the real gravity are presented such as hydrostatic balance, geostrophic equilibrium, thermal wind, equipotential coordinate system, and vorticity equation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 1232-1249 ◽  
Danhong Fu ◽  
Xueliang Guo

Abstract The cloud-resolving fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) was used to study the cloud interactions and merging processes in the real case that generated a mesoscale convective system (MCS) on 23 August 2001 in the Beijing region. The merging processes can be grouped into three classes for the studied case: isolated nonprecipitating and precipitating cell merging, cloud cluster merging, and echo core or updraft core merging within cloud systems. The mechanisms responsible for the multiscale merging processes were investigated. The merging process between nonprecipitating cells and precipitating cells and that between clusters is initiated by forming an upper-level cloud bridge between two adjacent clouds due to upper-level radial outflows in one vigorous cloud. The cloud bridge is further enhanced by a favorable middle- and upper-level pressure gradient force directed from one cloud to its adjacent cloud by accelerating cloud particles being horizontally transported from the cloud to its adjacent cloud and induce the redistribution of condensational heating, which destabilizes the air at and below the cloud bridge and forms a favorable low-level pressure structure for low-level water vapor convergence and merging process. The merging of echo cores within the mesoscale cloud happens because of the interactions between low-level cold outflows associated with the downdrafts formed by these cores. Further sensitivity studies on the effects of topography and large-scale environmental winds suggest that the favorable pressure gradient force from one cloud to its adjacent cloud and stronger low-level water vapor convergence produced by the topographic lifting of large-scale low-level airflow determine further cloud merging processes over the mountain region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-284 ◽  
Jennifer Gahtan ◽  
Paul Roundy

Abstract The onset of Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) deep convection often occurs over the western Indian Ocean and has upper-tropospheric circulation precursors that consist of eastward-circumnavigating tropical easterlies and subtropical cyclonic Rossby gyres near eastern Africa. Moreover, the evolution of the large-scale circulation and its ability to reduce subsidence may be necessary for the initial development of organized deep convection. To better understand the evolution of the circulation precursors and their interaction with convective onset, this paper analyzes the upper-tropospheric zonal momentum budget using a regional index based on the temporal progression of the meridional structure of intraseasonal outgoing longwave radiation anomalies over eastern Africa and the western Indian Ocean. The circumnavigating intraseasonal easterly acceleration produces upper-level divergence when it reaches the western extent of a region of intraseasonal westerlies and may provide a forcing for the in-phase midtropospheric upward vertical motion. For about three-quarters of the identified cases, the easterly acceleration over the western Indian Ocean is a response to the zonal pressure gradient over the region. In the composite, the negative pressure gradient force may be initially induced by the injection of negative geopotential height anomalies from the extratropics of both hemispheres to the tropics over eastern Africa, though tropically circumnavigating and local signals may also contribute to the easterly acceleration, especially in the days following convective onset.

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