The Conceptual (Two-Parameter) Normal Distribution and the Associated Conceptual Sampling Distributions for Pearson’s Central X2 (Chi Square), Snedecor’s Central F, and Student’s Central t Test Statistics

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-197
Bakti Toni Endaryono ◽  
Nurti Nurhayati ◽  
Yanti Hasbian Setiawati

ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze and find out about the influence of Islamic economics on the implementation of the financial system at PT. Pesat Jaya Persada. The method used in this study using quantitative methods is one type of research whose specifications are systematic, planned, and clearly structured from the beginning to the design of the research. with the results of the study Calculation of the total score of variables X and Y using the correlation formula obtained R of 0.846, while the coefficient is determined r that is 71.54 or equivalent to 71.54%. Significant whether or not the correlation of variable X and variable Y was consulted with table r with a confidence level of 0.05 N = 10 obtained R table 0.632 or 0.632 <0.846. and t test results obtained T count greater than t table (6.09> 2.23). It was concluded that there was a significant relationship between variable X and Y. Based on the number of respondents as many as 10 people, with a total score of 819, the highest score of 119, the lowest score of 48, Range: 71, Length of Class 12, Average 85.75, mode: 75, Median: 76, Deviation Deviation: 22.64. Calculations obtained Y of 6.38 were consulted with the chi square price table (X) at a significant level of 0.05 and db = k-1 = 19-1 = 18 obtained by chi table 15.50 Thus the Y count is smaller than the Y table (6.38 <15.50) so concluded normal distribution. Concern between the Islamic economy and the implementation of the financial system is about 71.54% in this study, which emphasizes the research on the company PT Pesat Jaya Persada. Keywords: Sharia Economy, Implementation and Financial System  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 100
Peter Hingley

Lognormally distributed variables are found in biological, economic and other systems. Here the sampling distributions of maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) for parameters are developed when data are lognormally distributed and estimation is carried out either by the correct lognormal model or by the mis-specified normal distribution. This is designed as an aid to experimental design when drawing a small sample under an assumption that the population follows a normal distribution while in fact it follows a lognormal distribution. Distributions are derived analytically as far as possible by using a technique for estimator densities and are confirmed by simulations. For an independently and identically distributed lognormal sample, when a normal distribution is used for estimation then the distribution of the MLE of the mean is different to that for the MLE of the lognormal mean. The distribution is not known but can be well enough approximated by another lognormal. An analytic method for the distribution of the mis-specified normal variance uses computational convolution for a sample of size 2. The expected value of the mis-specified normal variance is also found as a way to give information about the effect of the model misspecification on inferences for the mean. The results are demonstrated on an example for a population distribution that is abstracted from a survey.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

Radiographic Mandibular Indices serve as easy and relatively cheap tools for evaluating bone mineralization. Objectives: To examine the effect of age and gender on three mandibular indices: the panoramic mandibular index (PMI), the mandibular ratio (MR) and the mandibular cortical index (MCI), among Libyan population. Methods: The three indices were measured on 317 digital (OPGs) of adult humans (155 males, 162 females). The sample was divided into six age groups (from 18-25 years through 56-65 years). The measurements were analyzed for interactions with age and sex, using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies) software version no. 22. The tests employed were two way ANOVA, the unpaired T-test and chi-square test. Results: The mean PMI fluctuated between 0.37 s.d. 0.012 and 0.38 s.d. 0.012. among the sixth age groups. One-way ANOVA statistical test revealed no significant of age on PMI. On the other hand gender variation has effect on PMI, since independent sample t-test disclosed that the difference between the male and female PMI means statistically significant. ANOVA test showed that the means of MR among age groups showed a negative correlation i.e. MR mean declined from 3.01 in 18-25 age groups to 2.7 in 55-65 age groups. In contrary, the gender showed no effect on MR according two sample t-test at p> 0.05. In regards with MCI, statistical analysis showed that it affected by age that is C1 was decreasing by age while C2 and C3 were increased by age. Using chi square test the result indicated that there is a significant difference among the different age group and the two genders in MCI readings. Conclusion: PMI was influenced significantly by age but minimally by the gender. MR is not affected by gender but has a negative correlation with age. MCI is affected by both age and gender

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-44
Ermawati Ermawati ◽  
Hafni Bachtiar

Prolap organ panggul merupakan kondisi yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup wanita. Prolaps organ panggul ini dapat disebabkan oleh perlukaan sewaktu proses persalinan, proses penuaan, komposisi jaringan pada seorang wanita, batuk- batuk kronis, atau sering melakukan pekerjaan berat. Pengenalan dini prolaps terkait dengan prognosis pemulihan anatomik dan fungsional organ panggul. Hingga kini, penerapannya dalam dunia klinis belum banyak sehingga pelatihan dan pembelajaran lebih lanjut tentang pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POPQ) jelas diperlukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode case control study di polikilinik Obgin RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Padang mulai bulan September 2013 sampai jumlah sampel terpenuhi sebanyak 98 orang. Dengan 49 orang kelompok kontrol dan 49 orang kelompok kasus .Analisis dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan usia, paritas, pekerjaan dan indek massa tubuh dengan kejadian prolap organ panggul berdasarkan skor POPQ. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Data diuji dengan t test dan chi square test. Jika p<0,05 menunjukan hasil yang bermakna. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia dengan kejadian prolap organ panggul dengan (p<0,05) dan OR 27,871.terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara paritas dengan kejadian prolap organ panggul dengan (p<0,05) dan OR 52,970.Dari analisa statistik pekerjaan tidak bisa di uji secara statistik.indek massa tubuh tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna terhadap kejadian prolap organ panggul.(p>0,05)

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (12) ◽  
pp. 16-23
M. Chitra ◽  
Dr. C. Madhesh

Siddha is considered to be one of the oldest medicines with its own benefits. In this modern era, people are more aware towards their health. At many circumstances of illness, people use Siddha medicines to cure their disease. Siddha is preferred for its own specialties. This paper has attempted to reveal the awareness towards Siddha medicines taking 52 respondents from Dharmapuri City. The results were analysed by using various statistical techniques like percentage analysis, chi-square and t test. Siddha focuses on the eight supernatural powers called as ‘Ashtaamahasiddhi’ and those who achieved these powers were known as siddhars. Hence it is called as siddha medicine. The siddhars knowledge was found in palm leaf manuscripts and their fragments were found in some parts of south India.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-88
Govinda Prasad Dhungana ◽  
Laxmi Prasad Sapkota

 Hemoglobin level is a continuous variable. So, it follows some theoretical probability distribution Normal, Log-normal, Gamma and Weibull distribution having two parameters. There is low variation in observed and expected frequency of Normal distribution in bar diagram. Similarly, calculated value of chi-square test (goodness of fit) is observed which is lower in Normal distribution. Furthermore, plot of PDFof Normal distribution covers larger area of histogram than all of other distribution. Hence Normal distribution is the best fit to predict the hemoglobin level in future.

2019 ◽  
Leila Ahmadian ◽  
Reza Khajouei ◽  
Sudabeh Kamali ◽  
Moghaddameh Mirzaee ◽  
Arefeh Ameri

BACKGROUND Today, the Internet may be a promising tool for interventions for pregnant women. However, these kinds of tools are only helpful if users are ready to use them. OBJECTIVE The present study was conducted with the aim of readiness assessment of pregnant women to use the Internet to access health information about pregnancy and childbirth. METHODS This study was carried out on a sample of 384 pregnant women. Data were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire. The first section of this questionnaire collected demographic characteristics of the participants. The second part of the questionnaire contains 27 questions covering the following components: infrastructure readiness (6 questions); affordability readiness (3 questions); and skill readiness (12 questions). Data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and T-test. RESULTS This study was carried out on a sample of 384 pregnant women. Data were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire. The first section of this questionnaire collected demographic characteristics of the participants. The second part of the questionnaire contains 27 questions covering the following components: infrastructure readiness (6 questions); affordability readiness (3 questions); and skill readiness (12 questions). Data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and T-test. CONCLUSIONS The use of the Internet by pregnant women depends on factors such as infrastructure, affordability, and skills readiness. This study showed that speed and the quality of the Internet, hardware and software availability, affordability of the Internet, and access to the Internet training were factors in measuring E-health readiness assessment. CLINICALTRIAL Not applicable

1988 ◽  
Vol 37 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 95-100 ◽  
M. Ahsanullah ◽  
G. G. Hamedani

In this note various characterizations of the univariate normal distribution based on the chi-square and Cauchy distributions are given.

Ivan Buntara ◽  
Yohanes Firmansyah ◽  
Hendsun Hendsun ◽  
Ernawati Su

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a form of gastrointestinal motility disorder, where stomach contents reenter the esophagus and oral cavity, causing symptoms and complications. GERD is a condition that is quite often experienced, where the prevalence estimated at 8 - 33% worldwide. One of the suspected cause of  GERD is Ramadan fasting, which has been routinely carried out by Muslim groups. This study aims to prove whether Ramadan fasting triggers GERD. A cross-sectional study (survey) conducted online via Google form on the last three days of the fasting month (21 May 2020 - 23 May 2020). The variables in this study were respondents who fasted Ramadan and those who did not fast, also the total value of the GERD-Q questionnaire along with the final conclusions. Statistical analysis using Chi square with Yates Correction and Independent T-test with Mann Whitney Alternative Test. 311 respondents met the inclusion criteria. The results of Mann Whitney statistical test found that there was no difference in the mean value of the total GERD-Q questionnaire between the fasting and non-fasting groups (p-value: 0.313). Pearson Chi Square with Yates Correction results found no significant relationship between fasting and incidence of GERD (p-value: 0.552), although clinically there was a possibility of fasting had a risk of 1,228 (95% CI: 0.772 -2,088) times to trigger GERD Conclusion, Ramadan fasting has not been shown to improve GERD symptoms. Further research needs to be done through longitudinal studies. Keywords: GERD; digestion; Ramadan fastingABSTRAKGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) merupakan suatu bentuk gangguan motilitas saluran cerna, dimana isi lambung masuk kembali ke dalam esofagus dan rongga mulut, sehingga menyebabkan gejala dan komplikasi. GERD merupakan kondisi yang cukup sering dialami, dimana prevalensinya diperkirakan mencapai 8 – 33% di seluruh dunia. Salah satu faktor yang diperkirakan sebagai penyebab GERD adalah puasa Ramadhan yang selama ini rutin dijalankan oleh kelompok Muslim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah puasa Ramadhan mencetuskan kejadian GERD. Penelitian potong lintang (survei) yang dilaksanakan secara online melalui google form pada tiga hari terakhir bulan puasa Ramadhan 2020 (21 Mei 2020 – 23 Mei 2020). Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah responden yang berpuasa Ramadhan maupun yang tidak berpuasa Ramadhan dan nilai total kuesioner GERD-Q beserta kesimpulan akhir dari kuesioner GERD-Q. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji statistik Chi square with Yates Correction dan Independent T-test dengan Uji Alternatif Mann Whitney. 311 responden memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil uji statistik Mann Whitney tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata nilai total kuesioner GERD-Q antara kelompok yang berpuasa dan tidak berpuasa (p-value : 0,313). Hasil uji statistik Pearson Chi Square with Yates Correction didapatkan hubungan yang tidak bermakna antara berpuasa dengan kejadian GERD (p-value : 0,552), walaupun secara klinis ditemukan adanya kemungkinan yang berpuasa lebih berisiko 1,228 (CI 95% : 0,772 -2,088) kali untuk mencetuskan kejadian GERD. Sebagai kesimpulan, Puasa Ramadhan tidak terbukti meningkatkan gejala-gejala GERD. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut melalui studi longitudinal untuk tindak lanjut hasil penelitian ini.

Patel Shivangi ◽  
Pateliya Jahnvi ◽  
Makwana Pinal ◽  
Chavda Surbhi ◽  
Mahida Rajan ◽  

Introduction: Vaccination is intended to prevent diseases. Vaccines saves 2-3 million lives every year. A COVID-19 vaccine is one of the best way to provide acquired immunity against COVID -19. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program in terms of knowledge and attitude [1]. Objective: To assess the impact of planned teaching program on COVID- 19 vaccination in terms of knowledge and attitude among the rural people. Method: A quantitative study with one group pre test post test design was conducted at various rural places of Nadiad Taluka. A total 60 people were enrolled in to the study. A structured knowledge questionnaire and likert attitude scale was built that contained information regarding COVID 19 vaccination. The effect of teaching program was analyzed by statically Results: T-test and chi square test was used to find the association with selected demographic variables. In the knowledge regarding COVID-19 vaccination range was 8, mean was 0.849 standard deviation was 0.357, standard error mean was 0.0595. In the attitude range was 33, mean was 4.345, standard deviation was 0.797, standard error mean was 0.132. A knowledge paired t-test value was 5.30 and the attitude paired t-test value was 6.57 was. Conclusion: The planned teaching program was effective in increasing knowledge and attitude regarding COVID-19 vaccination among the rural people of Nadiad Taluka.

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