Semiotic Essence of Linguistic Ambiguity in the German Poetic Discourse of the XXI Century

D. Dacko

The article deals with the problem of the phenomenon of linguistic ambiguity and methods of its resolution in the context of modern German poetic texts, as well as possible communication failures associated with differences in the sociocultural characteristics of the author and recipient. In particular, there are illustrations of ambiguity of the entire poem, when the analyzed concept has a dualistic origin and certain linguo-stylistic means; lexical ambiguity, which main mechanisms are a language game, polysemantic words, chains of key lexical items, allusions; syntactic ambiguity, that is realized through special punctuation and two-way communication, that allowed two different interpretations of the sentence. In addition, the German poetic text is characterized by temporary and permanent types of ambiguity. As part of the study, it was found that the phenomenon of ambiguity can be resolved due to contextual peculiarities, and situations of communicative failure can be avoided by an increase of the level of linguistic and intercultural competence.

Faisal Bin Salih Al Zahrani

ملخص البحث:   يعد الأدب العربي في إقليم الحجاز جزءاً من أدب الأمة العربية الجميل؛ لكن الدراسات الأدبية لا تزال غير كافية على الرغم من بذل بعض الباحثين جهوداً لجمع مادته الأدبية التي لا يزال كثير منها مخطوطاً أو مفقوداً أو مخفياً لأسباب متعددة. يبحث المنهج السيميائي عن المعنى من خلال البحث عن الاختلاف الداخلي للمعاني عبر المنهج السيميائي لتحليل الخطاب الشعري؛ وذلك من منطلق المنهج السيميائي في دراسة النصوص الشعرية والتي تؤكد أنها تتكون من نظام لغوي يعطي مجموعة من المعطيات الخاصة، وهذه الرؤية أسقطها المنهج السيميائي على أغلب النصوص الإبداعية، مع تميز النص الشعري بقدرته على اختزال المعنى، وتسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تتبع الشعر السياسي في الحجاز والوقوف على الدلالات التي يبرزها التحليل السيميائي من خلال المعنى الشعري، وذلك باتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي؛ حيث تبدأ بمقدمة تعرف ببعض المصطلحات الهامة مثل: إقليم الحجاز، السيميائية، الشعر السياسي، وستقوم عناصر التحليل لعدة مستوايات: تبدأ الخطاب العام، والمستوى المعجمي، والمستوى التركيبي، ثم المستوى التركيبي. الكلمات المفتاحية: الشعر السياسي - السيميائية - الخطاب العام - المستوى المعجمي- المستوى التركيبي. Abstract Arabic literature in Hijaz area is a part of magnificent Arabic literature. Much of literary works are still missing for many reasons despite the effort of some researchers in collecting and recording them. The semiotic approach looks into meaning by examining its internal differences through semiotic method to analyze poetic discourse. The semiotic approach helps in studying the poetic texts that reveal that it contains a language system that implies certain inputs. This very method helps to reveal such a perception on most of creative texts, with the distinction of the poetic text as having the ability to compress meaning. This paper aims at tracking the political poems in Hijaz and dwell on the meaning revealed by the semiotic analysis through the poetic meaning. The study makes use of the descriptive analysis method. It begins with the definition of some significant terms such as: Hijaz, semiotics, political poems; the analysis is based on certain levels: it begins with the general discourse, lexical and phrasal levels.   Keywords: Political poems, semiotics, general discourse, lexical level, phrasal level.     Abstrak Satera Arab di Hijaz adalah sebahagian daripada kesusasteraan yang gemilang. Namun masih banyak karya-karya yang masih hilang disebabkan banyak faktor walaupun usaha-usaha para pengkaji dalam mengumpul dan merekodkannya. Pendekatan semiotik ini melihat aspek makna dengan melihat perbezaan dalaman melalui metod semiotik untuk menganalisa wacana syair. Pendekatan ini juga menolong menyingkap sistem bahasa tertentu yang menandakan input tertentu. Ia juga menolong menyingkap untuk menyerlahkan persepsi tertentu tentang kebanyakan teks kreatif, terutamanya kelebihan teks puitis untuk memampatkan makna. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesan syair-syair politik di Hijaz dan mengkaji makna yang diserlahkan melalui analisa maksud puitis. Kajian ini menggunakan metod analisa deskriptif. Ia dimulakan dengan definisi beberapa terma penting seperti: Hijaz, semiotic, syair politik; analisa yang dibuat adalah berdasarkan kepada beberapa tahap: ia bermula dengan wacana umum seterusnya tahap-tahap leksikal dan phrasa.    Kata kunci: Syair politik, semiotic, wacana umum, tahap leksikal, tahap frasa

Ilya Sergodeev ◽  
Natalya Olizko ◽  

The article studies the dynamics of the semantic complex of poetic texts’ dominant units. A dominant unit is a lexical item or a group of lexical items, which have dictionary and non-dictionary meanings in a given context due to their intertextual links to units of texts referred or alluded to by the poet (address texts). Since a dominant unit is an intertextual unit, the article provides a typology of intertextual relations which includes types of autho- (self-quotations, self-allusions), in- (quotations, allusions), para- (structural and compositional units of a text such as a title, an epigraph, etc.) and arch-textual relations (imitation of genre; referring to well-known word pictures or cultural phenomena). The author goes on to define intercontextuality as a concept functionally opposite to the intertextual type of textual relations, and proposes a model for analysis and synthesis of contextual meanings of poetic texts’ dominant units. The process consists of five basic steps: splitting a given poetic text into fragments; conducting contextual analysis of each lexical item in the specified fragment; looking for and defining intertextual relations between the dominant unit under analysis and units of address texts; conducting contextual analysis of address texts; and, finally, synthesizing, bringing together all obtained contextual meanings. The practical part of the research includes analyzing the poem Parting by an American poet Emily Dickinson with the focus on the poetical image life closed twice before its close and nouns Immortality, Heaven, and Hell. Intertextual relations of Parting link it with other poems by E. Dickinson as well as texts of letters written by the poet.

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-25
Nina S. Bolotnova

This article is aimed at presenting a methodology for the conceptual analysis of poetic texts based on their lexical structure using the theory of communicative stylistics. The lexical structure of the literary text is considered to be a means of aсquainting the reader with the values manifested therein. The study of values intertwined within written works is particularly significant for the development of an axiological approach to teaching the Russian language. This article proposes a method for a sequential analysis of the lexical structure of a poetic text, which can be used at Russian language lessons.

Galina V. Kuchumova ◽  

The paper provides review of the monograph by Ekaterina Evgrashkina The Semiotic Nature of Semantic Uncertainty in Modern Poetic Discourse (based on German and Russian poetry), published in the Russian language as part of the series NEUERE LYRIK. Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Studien. Herausgegeben von Henrieke Stahl, Dmitrij Bak, Hermann Korte, Hiroko Masumoto und Stephanie Sandler. BAND 5. Berlin: Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2019. 173 s. ISBN 978- 3-631-78193-7. The monograph deals with the main trends of German and Russian poetry of the last decades. The focus is on the phenomenon of hermetic poetry. Modern authors consciously choose writing strategies such as literary improvisation, language play, and various intermedial inclusions. The first chapter ‘The problem of poetic meaning’ provides a theoretical framework for the field of research. It introduces the definitions of discourse, the concepts ‘language games’ (developed by L. Wittgenstein), ‘text / discourse’, ‘text / work’, dialogical dimensions of poetic text. The second chapter ‘Semiotics of modern poetry’ covers the concept ‘mobile semiosis’ (J. Baudrillard) and some others. In hermetic poetic discourse, generation of meaning is based on mobile semiosis, in which the relationship of stability between the signifier and the signified is called into question. In The Role of the Reader, Umberto Eco describes two models of the reader, different strategies for interpreting text. Susan Sontag denies the possibility of final interpretation of a text, she suggests eroticism of art instead of hermeneutics. The third chapter ‘Linguistic installations’ considers various manifestations of poetic Hermeticism in modern poetry, the experience of concrete and visual poetry in German: Timm Ulrichs (1940), Klaus Peter Dencker (1941), Barbara Köhler (1959), Werner Herbst (1943–2008), Anatol Knotek (1977), Herta Müller (1953). The final chapter ‘The self-reflexive discourse’ deals with the trend of modern poetry towards free verse and construction of new complex poetic forms. The process of occasional word formation is shown in the lyrical texts by German poets Thomas Kling (1957–2005), Lutz Seiler (1963), Konstantin Ames (1979), Lioba Happel (1957), Thomas Böhme (1955), and by Russian authors Polina Andrukovich (1969), Alexander Ulanov (1963), Dmitry Vorobyov (1979). In poetic discourse, the constitution of the poetic subject correlates with the introduction of new elements of culture into the poetic text. Such innovations do not lead to a mechanical increment of the elementary meaning, but to a structural transformation of the whole picture. The reviewed monograph is significant in that it provides theoretical understanding of individual poetic practices and the analysis of specific empirical material – the latest German and Russian poetry.

Алена Владимировна Шутова

Введение. Изучение особенностей восприятия поэтических текстов читателями является одной из актуальных проблем современной стилистики. Теория регулятивности как одно из направлений коммуникативной стилистики текста позволяет выявлять средства и способы воздействия текста на адресата. На основе анализа регулятивных средств и структур разных типов в лирике О. Э. Мандельштама можно исследовать характер возникающих в сознании читателя ярких образов в поэтическом тексте как форме коммуникации. Материал и методы. Гипотеза о том, что об особенностях регулятивных возможностей текста можно судить по реакции информантов, воспринимающих текст и его элементы, проверяется на основе проведенного рецептивного эксперимента, основанного на показаниях языкового сознания участников. Материалом исследования послужили поэтические тексты О. Э. Мандельштама разных лет: «На темном небе, как узор» (1909), «Из омута злого и вязкого» (1910), «Как люб мне натугой живущий...» (1930), «Мы живем, под собою не чуя страны» (1933). Выбор данных поэтических текстов обусловлен их идейной значимостью и временем создания (два первых стихотворения относятся к ранней лирике автора, два других – к позднему творчеству). Перечисленные факторы позволяют проследить характер их восприятия информантами с учетом отражения эволюции поэтической картины мира О. Э. Мандельштама. Результаты и обсуждение. Согласно условно взятой пятибалльной шкале воздействия, максимальным баллом респондентами были оценены стихотворения, относящиеся к гражданской лирике автора. Это связано с тематикой данных поэтических текстов (для большинства информантов она показалась знакомой и злободневной), их идейным своеобразием и большим количеством использованных в текстах регулятивных средств и структур, а также их спецификой (в стихотворении «Мы живем, под собою не чуя страны…» – яркие метафоры и эпитеты; в стихотворении «Как люб мне натугой живущий…» – ряд эпитетов). Заключение. Получены данные о факторах, определяющих регулятивный потенциал текста и характер интерпретационной деятельности адресата. Среди них можно отметить тематическое и идейное своеобразие поэтических текстов О. Э. Мандельштама, количество и разнообразие использованных автором лексических регулятивных средств и структур. Introduction. The studying of the peculiarities of readers’ perception of poetic texts is one of the relevant problems of modern stylistic. The theory of regulativity as one of the text`s stylistic communicative directions, allows identifying of means and methods of text influence on the addressee. Based on analysis of regulatory tools and various types of structures, in O. E. Mandelstam`s lyrics the nature of vivid images that appear in reader`s mind in a poetic text can be explored as a form of communication. Material and methods. The hypothesis that the features of the regulatory capabilities can be judged by the reaction of informants who perceive the text and its parts, is tested on the basis on the receptive experiment based on the indications of the participants’ language consciousness. O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts of different years were the study materials: «In the dark sky, like a pattern» (1909); «Up out of an evil clinging pool» (1910); «How do I love the strain of living» (1930); «We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay» (1933). The choice of these poetic texts is caused by its ideological significance and time of creation (the first and the second poem belongs to author`s early lyrics, the last two – his latest works). All these factors allow us to follow the nature of their perception by informants, taking into account the reflection of the evolution O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic picture of the world. Results and discussion. According to conventional five-point scale of impact, respondents gave the maximum score to poems related to the author’s civil lyrics. It is connected with the theme of these poetic texts (for most informants it seemed urgent and familiar), its ideological originality and its large number of regulatory methods that was used in text, srtuctures and its specific (in the poem «We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay...» – vivid metaphors and epithets; in the poem «How I love the strain of living...» – a number of epithets). Conclusion. As a result of this research, data about factors that determine regulatory potential of the text and the nature of the interpretative activity of addressee were obtained. Among them, we can note thematic and ideological originality of O. E. Mandelstam`s poetic texts, the number and variety of lexical regulatory tools and structures used by author.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4 (202)) ◽  
pp. 256-272
Olga A. Selemeneva ◽  

In this article, existential sentences are examined as a syntactic dominant of I. A. Bunin’s lyrical poetry. The interest in the originality of the syntax of Nobel laureate’s literary texts is due to the lack of research on this issue, linguists’ focus on the aesthetic salience of the vocabulary, its expressive properties and combination potential, as well as stylistic figures and tropes. Meanwhile, it is the writer’s selection of specific syntactic structures for the implementation of the idea, the representation of key ideas and concepts that reflect his personality and the peculiarities of his perception of the surrounding world. The author refers to Bunin’s poems from 1886–1917 and 1918–1953 published in Bunin’s collected works in 9 volumes. In the writer’s poetic oeuvre, existential sentences are regularly used. Despite the traditional structure that underlies them and is represented by three meanings (‘the object of being’, ‘being’, and ‘area of being’), the richness of the lexical content of each of the main components stands out. As a result, existential sentences become a universal form used to represent completely different situations in the author’s individual worldview: the existence of natural objects in space, meteorological phenomena, events, time periods, artifacts, etc.; physical states of the surrounding world; psychological states of the subject. Acting as a semantic core of a poetic text, existential sentences do not have a fixed place in it, and are used as a lyrical beginning, an interposed element, or an ending in its structure. In each position, their use is conceptually significant. It is established that the peculiarity of existential sentences in Bunin’s lyrical poetry is their syntactic unconditionality (attachment to three registers of speech, i.e. reproductive, informative, and generative) and polyfunctionality (performing the pictorial, characterising and concluding, and generalising functions).

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-83
Anatoliy V. Kharkhurin

AbstractThis article presents a theoretical framework for the author’s experimental work in contemporary poetry, which has received the term cognitive poetry. In contrast to cognitive poetics, which applies the principles of cognitive psychology to interpret poetic texts, cognitive poetry applies these principles to produce poetic texts. The theoretical considerations of cognitive poetry are based on the assumption that one of the major purposes of creative work is to elicit an aesthetical reaction in the beholder. The aesthetical reaction to poetic texts could be achieved via their satiation with multiple meanings presented through multiple sensory modalities. Cognitive poetry employs techniques developed in cognitive psychology to explicitly address cognitive processes underlying the construction of multiple conceptual planes. The following techniques are discussed: priming, the Stroop effect, multimodal and multilingual presentations. The applications of these techniques are illustrated with examples of poetic texts produced by the author.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-62
Мariya Elivanova

The article is concerned with investigating the problem of synesthesia that manifests itself in the fact that stimulation in one sensory-based system or cognitive system that leads to automatic reaction in another one. This article is the continuation of the research published in the previous one (Еливанова, Семушина, 2017) in which we described statistically significant sound / alphabet letters-color and words-color correlations typical for synesthets. Тhe aim of the next stage was to research synesthets’ capability of sound-color and phono-semantic analysis of a poetic text. Phonosemantics is a Russian branch of linguistic, its subject matter is sounds that create images. 12 synesthets took part in the research at the first stage. We offered them to analyze a piece of poetry “Grasshopper” by V. Hlebnikov (В. Хлебников). We revealed that synesthets have different capabilities of sound-color analysis of a literary poetic text that manifest individual and typological specifics of sound-color capability. 2 (16.7%) of examined respondents who have artistic type of higher nervous function with its high potential color-sound language system are good at intuitive phono-semantic analysis of a poetic text. Then we offered 3 curated synesthets extracts of poetry by А. Блок, А. Белый and Edgar Allan Poe (in original and in the translation by 3 different Russian poets). Analysis showed that individual method of synesthets partly coincides with the method of automatical analysis that is based on letter occurrence frequency in a text. Synesthets do not necessarily feel colors of frequent letters / sounds that have not equal meaning for the color perception of words and the text as a whole.  Synesthesia specifics combined with emotional image reflection of color-sound of analyzed texts let synesthets intuitively decode motivation coded with the help of phonetic means of language in the text by the authors of poems. In spite of individual variability of synesthetic perception of a text there is phono-semantic general invariability that is caused by imaginative comprehension of sound-color of poetic texts.

2018 ◽  

The article presents a concept of poetic text analysis from the perspective of speech act theory which distinguishes not two (as recognized in communicative pragmatic studies), but three levels of communication in lyrical and poetic discourse. These types are: 1) aesthetic communication; 2) external/vertical communication “author – reader” which appears as is or as "author – protagonist" or "protagonist – reader"; 3) internal/horizontal communication "character 1 – character 2". Being primary in poetic text, aesthetic communication is based on self-reference and the author’s aesthetic intention, whereas vertical and horizontal communications rely on reference per se and the author's referential intention. Thus, poetic text simultaneously realizes two speech acts – a poetic one (self-referential) and a general one (referential). Referential intention determines the speaker’s attitude towards the given content, and the aesthetic one – towards the word form used to convey this content. Poetic speech act is a subtype of expressive illocutionary act and introduces realization of the aesthetic intention which is seen in the author's illocutionary goal – to express true positive emotional evaluative attitude towards the word form being created, as well as the perlocutionary goal of affecting the reader's aesthetic feelings regarding the word form. Being interdependent and -related, the author’s referential and aesthetic intentions are reflected both at the level of utterance and text. The suggested concept is developed on examples of linguistic pragmatic interpretation of "New objectivity" poetry texts by M. Kaléko, E. Kästner and J. Ringelnatz.

Tatiana Savchenko

The article deals with the theoretical foundations of foreign language acquisition which are related to the integration of poetic texts into foreign language teaching. The article defines poetic text and its role in foreign language teaching and focuses on the selected foreign language acquisition theories and their interconnectedness with using poetic texts in the teaching of foreign languages.

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