Über 40 Jahre Deutscholympiade in Polen: ein interdisziplinärer Wettbewerb

2021 ◽  
pp. 147-158
Paweł Moskała

OVER 40 YEARS OF THE POLISH CONTEST DEDICATED TO THE GERMAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: THE INTERDISCIPLINARY COMPETITION The aim of the presented article is to analyse the structure of the contest dedicated to the German language and culture, taking into special account language competences and knowledge of the subject, which are required from students on each stage of the competition. The characteristics of individual tasks concerning the language competences studied within them can contribute to more effective work of teachers with students, and simultaneously increase their chances in the contest.

N. V. Kozlova

An associative experiment, widely used in recent years in psycholinguistic studies, allows for an in-depth study of the semantics of a word by considering logical relationships in associative fields. In addition, the results of such an experiment provide “access” to the speakers’ language consciousness and enable the researcher to describe its structure. At the same time, the “construction” of associative-verbal models makes it possible to understand and study the systematic character of the individual speaker’s world view and language consciousness of the speakers of a certain language and culture. All this determines the relevance of the associative-verbal models and specific lexemes analysis. The study of the speaking personality – Homo Loquens – is connected with the analysis of an individual world view explicated in language consciousness and actually existing in the form of verbal images – word associations. This article discusses the results of a free associative experiment with participation of the native German speakers (as a result of this experiment, 137 different associative reactions were received with the total number of associative reactions 305; the analysis focused on both types of responses – primary and secondary word associations). The subject matter of the study is the verb haben, forming the centre in the sphere “possession” and its synonyms (gehören, verfügen, besitzen, gebieten). The synonyms were identified through a lexicographical analysis with the help of five dictionaries of synonyms and the Contemporary German language corpora dwds.de. The analysis is based on a systematic approach that allows us to reveal the structure of senses and meanings in the mental lexicon and the interconnectedness of associative fields of synonymous stimulus words. The lexicographical, corpus and associative types of analysis reveal the following: 1) a negligible number of respondents' refusals to respond; 2) associating with a “paradigmatic” type in regard to the semantic structure of the stimulus word and associative response; 3) a high degree of uniqueness of “syntagmatic” associations; 4) “possession” is associated with such reactions as Geld, Gut, Güter, Macht, Testament, Freunde, nichts.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 9-20
Daniil Andreevich Bakhmatov

The goal of this research consists in identification and complex description of the stages of existence of a phrase. The subject of this research is changes in the use that afflict phrases in diachrony. The author determines the types of such changes, which characterize the stages of existence of a phrase since its emergence, as well as possible ways of development of a phrase (in terms of unchangeability of its composition and level of idiomaticity).Based on the material of verbal-nominal phrases in German language, both free and phraseologisms, and attraction of corpus-based data, the changes in use are perceived as elements of a single process. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to describe the models of diachronic changes as cyclic processes; reveal common trends in development of phrases and in applicability of the definition of “life cycle” to the indicted processes. The concept of “life cycle”, used in various sciences for designating the natural, repeating processes, found its reflection in linguistics. However, cyclic processes in phraseology yet remain unstudied, despite the existing description of such phenomena as usualization, phraseologization, and dephraseologization. In conclusion, the author presents a dynamic model of life cycle of a phrase; the changes in use are viewed as its part; as well as offers the terms “deusualization” and “reusualization”. The obtained life cycle model can find application in further research in the area of diachronic phraseology and phrase formation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-257
Natalia Valerievna Chikina

The paper analyzes the works of a well-known poet and rock musician S. Karhu, who writes in the Karelian language. The aim of the study is to highlight the author’s artistic system of images. The following tasks were set for the study: to formulate the poet’s original concept, to scrutinize and comment on the images in Karhu’s lyrics. The object is verses from the first and so far only volume. The subject of the study is the specific ethnic traits of Karhu’s poetry, as seen in the system of images. Literary-historical and comparative methods were used in the analysis. The scientific novelty is in the absence of similar studies on the poet’s works. Systemic analysis of the ethnic sources, the evolution and genre choices of the Karelian language literature associated with the changing artistic consciousness are coming to the foreground in this time of global change, when preserving the people’s cultural heritage is especially important. The poet’s personal background has brought him into the sphere of artistic creativity, enabled him to verbalize the world of ethnic life that had been opened up to him. The article points out some specific features of the world of images, language and culture of the Karelian people. Karelian literature shows a tendency to use folklore heritage. The transformation of folk poetic symbolic images is arguably the most characteristic trait of folklorism in contemporary Karelian-language poetry, where folk poetry symbols tend to be equaled with the image of the native land. Karhu’s philosophical verses increasingly pose and confidently resolve the questions of good and evil, happiness and pain, life and death. It is essential for him that the character retains the folklore origins, for he deems it to be the spiritual source of modernity.

Birgit Christensen

It is a rule of thumb that the army’s command language was German until 1773 andafter that Danish. But along with the language of the army, the army’s administrationalso had a written language, and that is the subject of this brief empirical study. Thestudy will discuss the written language skills and the choice of written language by twocommandants of the same age at Kronborg, who were otherwise very different people,each holding the position of commandant at the fortress for a number of years in thesecond half of 17th century, in a selection of letters from them to the king and thecentral administration. The letters are often about the construction work, which tookplace at Kronborg at the time. The following questions are asked: Which language wasused when writing to whom? And what language did they allow to be written to whom,when they used professional writers? In what situations did they use professional writers?Was the choice of language determined by the recipient? The first is the Danishnobleman Eiller Holck (1627–1696). The letters examined are from 1660–1664. EillerHolck, who was quite well-educated, was skilled at writing in both Danish and German,but mostly used a writer, and when writing himself, he seldomly wrote more than ashort text near his signature. When he himself wrote to the king, he wrote Danish,but when writing to the king using a writer, the writer used German. This was also thecase when writing to the Danish/Norwegian nobleman Jørgen Bielke. This is perhapslinked with the language skills of the writer that was available. Holck took into accountthe fact that his superior, Danish Field Marshall Hans Schack, preferred German. BothHans Schack and Eiller Holck used translations in communications with their troops.The second is Jacob Geueke, son of a commoner from Burg on the German island ofFemern (1617–1699). The letters examined are from 1688–1692. He used German language writers, only wrote amendments on the letters himself and only in Germanand was not satisfied with his own standard of writing. Perhaps he understood Danish.It is of vital importance that many of the recipients of the letters in the central administrationwere from Holsten. Perhaps the delivered correspondence would have beenin Danish to a greater extent had Jørgen Bielke been more involved in the administration?

2021 ◽  
pp. 233-253
Igor I. Barinov

The article examines the biography of Valentin Dittmann, a lawyer and politician of Baltic-German origin, who became a counselor of the Diplomatic Mission of the Belarusian People’s Republic (BNR) in Berlin. The German-language brochure “Weissruthenien” was published with Dittmann’s active involvement and was considered as the main source of information about this region in Germany for a long time. In a broader context, through the prism of Dittmann’s life and activities, the transformation of the system of ideas and motivations of former Imperial elites after the 1917 revolution became the subject of research. The desire to preserve and improve their social status during the political instability has significantly expanded the boundaries of imaginary. In particular, the elite representatives previously loyal to the throne could drastically change their views on the very idea of a “strong state”. From now on their position ranged from federalism to cooperation with those who were previously considered as “separatists”. On the example of Dittmann, we can follow the peculiar experience of the “homo impericus”, who strove to combine the elitist consciousness inherited from his ancestors with national democratic political views and local (Belo) russian patriotism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 88-95
O. A. Maslovets

The article represents an effort to specify the essential characteristics of the relationship between the intentionality of consciousness, language and culture, and on this basis to reveal the features of the process of foreign language teaching.The author considers intentionality as a phenomenon that defines and provides the content of consciousness, allowing one to commit an act of self-determination and gaining subjectivity. In the activity of consciousness, the author distinguishes intentional flows of both relatively objects and subjects, which is a prerequisite for comprehending another I, a different cultural entity, and at the same time a condition for self-knowledge and deeper penetration into one’s own culture.Culture is a complex semiotic text, it is a context in which the language being studied as a secondary modeling system acts as a means where various phenomena can be sequentially described and interpreted by students.The openness of the subject to the world, nurtured in the course of intentional teaching of language and culture, allows its utter uniqueness, and at the same time utmost universality, to manifest itself. Such an attitude actualizes the internal regularity of human actions, the possibility of self-development and the formation of a system of deferred actions, which allows a person to realize, take place, actualizes the intentional field of his capabilities.The author comes to the conclusion that the process of foreign language teaching should be interpretative, significative, semiotic in nature. Taking into account during teaching а foreign language the intentional conditioning of any action, including speech, will ensure the achievement of a coordinated consciousness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (28) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Khrystyna Volodymyrivna Solntseva ◽  
Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Kurakin ◽  
Alina Rashydivna Chanysheva ◽  
Andrii Oleksiovych Sobakar

The purpose of the article is to explore the types of personnel procedures in the National Police of Ukraine on the basis of scientific developments of scholars and to carry out their classification. To achieve this goal, such methods as formal-logical, comparative analysis, system-structural and comparative-legal was used. The successful functioning the National Police of Ukraine is not possible without the proper selection of highly qualified employees, which can be ensured through the introduction of truly effective and efficient personnel procedures. The theoretical and legal approaches to the division of personnel procedures into appropriate types by different classification criteria are analyzed and summarized, in particular, depending on: a) the subject of the initiative; b) the nature of the consequences; c) the type (direction) of the activity of the authority. The personnel procedures, which are divided into ordinary and simplified, are also illustrated. The tasks of the National Police Personnel Department are given. It is stated that the achievement of effective work of the National Police bodies is not possible without further improvement of the mechanism of personnel procedures, since insufficient work with staff has a negative impact on the reform of this law enforcement agency. As a result of the study the author's classification of personnel procedures in the National Police of Ukraine was proposed, namely, according to the following criteria: 1) by the subject of the initiative of the personnel procedure; 2) by the nature of the consequences for the subject of the personnel relations; 3) by the stage of staffing; 4) by the direction of activity of the subject of personnel relations in the police force; 5) by the degree of regulation; 6) by functional purpose; 7) by tasks of staffing.

Naharaim ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Dana Rubinstein ◽  
Ynon Wygoda

Abstract Among the hidden treasures squirreled away in the archives of Israel’s National Library lies a fragmented correspondence that sheds new light on the afterlife of a project that was long deemed the farewell gift to the German language and culture from the remnants of its Jewry. It is an exchange of letters between two scholars, whose interest in the German rendition of the Bible occupied them for many years, first in Germany, and later in the land where Hebrew was vernacular and where one might think there would no longer be a need for translations of the Bible; particularly not into a language that aroused considerable aversion in the aftermath of the war. And yet, the 1963–64 exchange between the two Jerusalemites, the Vienna-born and Frankfurt-crowned philosopher, theologian, and translator Martin Buber and the Riga-born, Berlin- and Marburg-educated biblical scholar Nechama Leibowitz tells a different story. It shows they both believed the project that began under the title Die Schrift, zu verdeutschen unternommen should be revised once again, after its completion so as to underline its ongoing relevance for present and future readings of the Bible tout court, in German and Hebrew speaking lands alike.

Tekstualia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (53) ◽  
pp. 99-114
Wojciech Paszkowicz

The threads binding the poetry of Vladimir Vysotsky with Russian and foreign literature have a diverse character – some convergences, similarities of his works to those of other authors can be identifi ed in the content, the subject, and the metre of the poems. Some of the literary associations are easily detectable for any recipient, others are more diffi cult to fi nd. The article focuses on the identifi ed links between the works of Vysotsky and those of foreign authors such as Pierre-Jean de Béranger, Robert Burns, and Bertolt Brecht. The convergences observed between Vysotsky’s and de Béranger’s poems, in the subject, form, and metre, indicate the affi nity of the way of thinking and ideals, as well as both poets’ love of freedom, despite the 150 year gap between their birth dates. The presented links with literature of the 18th, 19th, and 20th century widen the opportunities for interpreting the works of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Anastasiia Aleksandrovna Zuieva

The subject of this article is the financial activity of Moscow City Duma during the 1860s. The goal is to reveal administrative decisions of the Duma and its leader A. A. Shcherbatov aimed at improvement of financial policy, repletion and balance the municipal budget. Research methodology is comprised of the following methods: historical and typological that helped to reconstruct the conditions that promoted effective work of the Duma; historical and comparative that allowed assessing the result o reforms  conducted by the Duma based on the situation of municipal economy prior and after their implementation; quantitative for analyzing statistical data of work of the Duma, etc. The conditions are indicated  that enabled successful and effective work of the Moscow City Duma during the 1863-1869. The author systematizes the financial management measures; analyzes the efficiency of financial projects of the Duma; determines the role of city’s mayor A. A. Shcherbatov in elaboration of drafts of financial reform and their implementation.

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