scholarly journals The Reformation Potential of the Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the Field of General Secondary Education (2000 – early 2005)

Nataliia Dichek ◽  

Grounded on the historiographic analysis of legislative, documentary, scientific, sociological sources, carried out on the basis of systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, the deployment of state policy in the field of secondary general education in Ukraine is presented in chronotopic integrity. The subject of the research is the activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (within the chronological boundaries of 2000 – early 2005) as a representative and generator of the state policy in the field of school education development. The issue of analysis were the concepts of «reforming of education» as the development of a strategy for changes in the school policy of the state and the concept of «modernization of education» as the production and implementation of conceptually new tactical tasks aimed at the implementation of strategic plans. It is substantiated that the activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the period under study had an active reformatory character and became the second period of reforming the school educating sphere in the history of independent Ukraine. In our opinion, the first is the period of 1991-1993. The work of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2000 – early 2005 years was aimed at implementing a new European integration strategy by means of radically modernized tactical steps (introducing and developing state standards of education, an individualized 12-point scale for assessing students' educational achievements, updating the content of the secondary education and ensuring its variability, the transition to a 12-year period of school education and gradual profile of the senior school, the producing of general educational concepts for the modernization of a secondary school, primarily in the aspect of its informatization and computerization, the purposeful formation of the civic qualities, an ecological worldview in children and youth), which corresponded to the realities of globalization processes. The European integration path of development of both the state itself and the education system was combined with the establishing the pedocentric paradigm in school education. At the same time, the reform activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine retained elements of rational continuity in developing of the previous modernization changes in the field of school education (increasing the number of schools with the Ukrainian language of learning, deepening the processes of individualization of education). The projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine during the period under the study also concerned the urgent educational and social aspects of school modernization – the beginning of the implementation of the «School Bus» program, the state «Teacher» program aimed at improving the social status of the teacher.

Valdis Krastins ◽  
Vairis Laudams

Within recent years significant changes have taken place in educational management as regards the development of democracy, decentralization of its management accentuating the importance of professional as well as effective management of schools. Aim of the Study. The aim of the research is to analyse several theories and the former practice of creation of educational curricula in general secondary education in Latvia. Materials and methods. The authors’ of the article analyse the legal and educational management aspects in developing a general education curriculum in accordance with the Normative Guidelines and Acts of the Ministry of Education and Science to accentuate educators’ as well as educational establishments’ autonomy to develop education curricula, licensing as well as their implementation in practice. The analysis of the structure of the curricula at general education establishments is based on the comparative approach; also, the interpretation of the obtained results is carried out. Results. Development of educational curricula requires a specific outlook of regularities which focuses on the development of pupils’ personality and community needs for a qualitative as well as appropriate knowledge. Scientists of educational management such as D.Pratt, J. Eglitis, G. Haydon in their research work deal with scientific grounds of the essence , development and innovation in the creative process of education curricula that are vitally important in the current circumstances in Latvia when schools balance each pupil, their parents’,municipalities and the State order for education promoting each youngsters’ career development in order to continue studies on a higher level of educating, foster their effective penetration into the labour market enhanced by availability of appropriate schools’ technical as well as financial resources. The authors explore school experience in developing general secondary education curricula as well as analyse their correlation with the sample education curricula. The research reveals that schools develop general secondary education curricula creatively, highly evaluating professionalism, the significance of further educational development, pupils’ requirements for a larger amount of lessons in certain subjects as well as the demands of the State Education Standard. Educational establishments carry out independently a vitally important job of planning; moreover, they add/supplement the offered samples of educational curricula by Ministry of Education and Science with new study subjects as well as suggest certain changes in the number of lessons in several study subjects. Key words: educational management, general education, educational curriculum, school autonomy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 9
O. D. Safonova

Recognizing the existence of a crisis of civil identity, Russian state proclaims patriotic values an integral part of Russian state policy in documents of strategic importance. The need to educate citizenship and patriotism has ceased to be only a theoretical problem, and has found its embodiment in a large number of federal and regional programs. In comparison with the previous decades, the role and importance of civic identity and civic competence in modern Russia are becoming much more important. The civil competence of the student is formed by education-pedagogically organized purposeful process of development of the student as a person, a citizen, the development and adoption of values, moral attitudes and moral norms of societies. National security strategy of the Russian Federation (2015) relates to Russia's traditional spiritual and moral values: the priority of the spiritual over the material, protecting human life, rights and freedoms of the individual, family, creative work, service to the Fatherland, the norms of morality, humanity, mercy, justice, mutual aid, collectivism, historical unity of the peoples of Russia, the continuity of the history of our country. The formation of the civil identity of the young Russian personality forms with the help of Federal state educational standards of primary General, basic General and secondary General education, so the state policy in overcoming the crisis of civil identity devotes a large number of documents and programs to the field of education. The article attempts to trace how through normative and legal acts the state consistently tries to overcome the crisis of civil identity, identified by the scientific and expert community. Following the authors of state programs and the expert community studying the problems of identity crisis, it is noted in the article that the formation of civil identity is one of the most important conditions for the successful development of the country.

2021 ◽  
Maistro S. ◽  
Kropyvnytskyi V. ◽  
Krykhtina Yu. ◽  
Treskov A.

The article describes the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of state policy for the development of various branches and spheres in the context of European integration of Ukraine. The degree of effectiveness of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union in various branches and spheres has been determined. The problematic aspects and contradictions of the state policy of development of various branches and spheres in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement are highlighted. The ways of transformation of the state policy of development of various branches and spheres in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine are determined.

2019 ◽  
pp. 90-96
Valerii Rieznikov

The purpose of the article is to identify the problems and contradictions of the state policy in the sphere of European integration of Ukraine and to justify the ways of overcoming them in the current conditions. The main internal problem that hinders the European integration course of Ukraine, experts consider, first of all, inefficiency of the public administration system – insufficient level of competence of civil servants, excessive bureaucracy, unreformed and corrupt public administration system. The top five major internal problems also include: the situation in the Donbas (including both armed conflict and public sentiment), high levels of corruption in Ukrainian society, ineffective policy of informing the population about European integration, lack of consensus in the political and social issues. The opinion that aggression, pressure and all-out hindrance from Russia will be a major external challenge for Ukraine’s European course, is shared by all experts interviewed. Among the major external obstacles, experts also cite internal problems of the EU itself, opposition or waiting position on the part of some EU members who do not want to break their ties with Russia, as well as the lack of a unified position in the European Union regarding the European perspective of Ukraine and the EU enlargement in general. Experts consider that the most effective factor contributing to the increase of the support of European integration in Ukrainian society is the successful implementation of internal reforms and the positive effect of ordinary citizens on them. In today’s context, Ukraine’s accession to the EU remains a goal for which it is active in political, legal, economic and other spheres. Conclusions from this research and perspectives of future development in current area. At the present stage of social development the process of forming and implementing effective and effective state policy in the field of European integration is of particular importance. Ukraine’s accession to the EU is a long-term issue, which depends on both the effectiveness of internal reforms and the transformation processes in the EU. However, Ukraine already needs to insist on giving it a formal EU membership perspective.

Osvitolohiya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Nataliia Dichek

This paper will substantiate the author’s version of the historical and genetic analysis of the governmental policy that independent Ukraine has applied in the field of general secondary education. The main methodology tool, employed by the author, was the historiographical analysis of selected documentary, archival, scientific, and sociological sources, traced on the basis of historical-genetic approach in combination with such methods as systemic analysis, which enabled the authors to provide a holistic study of the educational policy, and comparative approach, which is the basis for interpreting changes in educational policy. The article critically reviews the development of the state educational policy on reforming school education through the activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the timeframe of the initial fifteen years of Ukraine’s independence. The objectives of the study are to substantiate the most prominent strategies and tactical steps, as well as programmers for their implementation in high school practice based on a discursive analysis of an array of documentary and scientific sources. Th author proposes and substantiates the notion of «a tendency in the State’s educational policy», explains the demarcation between the offered term and the concepts of «a direction of educational policy»; at the same time, the concept of «educational policy of the state» is specified. The author proves that changes in strategic goals in education are a consequence of changes in the political course of the country. Therefore, on gaining sovereignty, the first key strategy of Ukrainian education was aimed at building national statehood; consequently, the development of school education, as well as the educational sector in general, was directed towards nation-building priority. Finally, the study discusses the process of building and adopting the following strategy for the development of Ukrainian education, including school education, at the turn of the century, that is, the European integration policy direction of the country’s development on the whole and its education sector in particular

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 120-128
Milovanov Konstantin Yu. ◽  

The article examines the issues of schools’ politicization in the domestic pedagogical thought of the pre-war period. The theoretical and methodological relevance of the study lies in the need to study the theory and practice of school education, modernization models and educational strategies of the Soviet period. No less important is the relevance of the historical dimension of the problem of the development of school education in the USSR in the context of the scientific reconstruction of the main stages of its evolution. The author has used historical-structural, historical-typological, historiographic and source study methods in his work. The purpose and practical significance of scientific work are associated with the tasks of interpreting and revising the activities of historically established educational systems, and with the possibility of their retrospective use for examining the state of the modern Russian school and building innovative concepts that generate new pedagogical knowledge. The study postulates the assertion that the upbringing system in the Soviet period was part of the ideological work of the ruling party, which had a huge impact on society. The views of prominent figures in pedagogical science and education system on the problem of raising the younger generation are characterized. The leading tendencies of etatization and politicization of school educational practice in the historical period under consideration are revealed. The main parameters of the modernization of the system of cultural, educational and educational activities of the united labour socialist school have been determined. It has been established that during the Soviet period, a worldwide recognized system of general education appeared. At the same time, the era under consideration was marked by the politicization of education, formation and subsequent development of the state-party management of the public education system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 102-111
V.P. Kashitsin ◽  
A.S. Soloveychik ◽  
N.A. Soloveychik ◽  
М.D. Buzoeva ◽  

the article is aimed at the state and forecast of the development of digitalization of school education in Russia within the framework of interdisciplinary research in the RFBR project «Fundamental scientific support of digitalization of general education» and a description of possible general assessment indicators and factors that allow us to determine the level of digitalization of educational institutions in the Russian Federation and its impact on the educational process in schools.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 50-60 ◽  
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G. Golub ◽  
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E. Kogan ◽  
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The article presents analysis of the requirements of the FSES on the levels of General education to personal and metasubject educational outcomes. The basis for the analysis of requirements of the FSES is the controllability of the process of formation of metasubject and personal educational outcomes at the level of educational institutions, and educational systems. It is obvious that the management of the process of educational outcomes formation implies the possibility to defi ne specifi c educational outcomes of the stage, year of study, topic / section, lesson / extracurricular activities and implement formative and summative assessment of the results. This demands the operationalization of the FSES requirements for the purpose of building up and evaluation. The attempt of such operationalization is proposed in the paper and supplied with examples. The article contains correlation requirements of the new standard to personal and metasubject educational results with education results traditionally accepted in didactics. It is revealed that a signifi cant portion of metasubject educational outcomes represent the key (general) competencies of students, i.e., assigned universal ways of activity in the fi eld of information, communication, problem-solving (self-management). The results have been obtained in the framework of the state task of Russian Ministry of Education for the Federal Institute for Education Development on the theme �Organizational-methodical maintenance of process of formation of metasubject and personal outcomes of students in accordance with FSES of elementary, primary and secondary schools�.

Social Law ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 57-63
O. Lyubimov

The article deals with the main types of European standards of administrative and legal support for the work of civil servants, the key of which the author emphasizes the recognition of the priority of the state policy in the area of observance of labor legislation with regard to civil servants. Equally important scholars are called the standards of proper staffing, material and technical support of civil servants, creation of conditions for proper and timely performance of their official duties, improvement of their qualification, training and retraining, creation of harmless and safe working conditions, professionalization of state services, etc. It is emphasized that Ukraine is on the path of European integration, in its activity it tries to implement in its internal law European standards of administrative and legal support of civil servants, but a significant number of them still remains at the declarative level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (44) ◽  
L. Kostenko

The article stresses upon the fact that reference to the history of non- school establishments, their management, financing and staffing gives an opportunity to take into account achievements, drawbacks and prospects of this important social – pedagogical processes in the historical retrospection. The author defines seven periods in the development of out – of – school education state management within the period of the XX- the beginning of the XXI century. They characterize the activity of state bodies concerning promoting  the development of out- of – school education as a social institution of up- bringing children and youth. Besides the author single out their proper features and the main directions of the state policy regarding out- of – school education.Key words: out – of –school education, management of  out – of school education, state management of out –of –school education, period, state bodies

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