scholarly journals Tradisi Ziarah Makam Masyayikh Pondok Pesantren Al Hikmah 2 (Teori Sakralitas Agama Emile Durkheim)

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Riri Widyaningsih ◽  
Muhammad Abdul Hanif

Pondok Pesantren or Islamic Boarding School is central to education, especially religious education. Pondok pesantren assessed as the most successful educational institutions in printing generation with great knowledge and morals. This is because Pondok Pesantren has a different teaching system with other educational institutions. That other system is the existence of a strong spiritual relationship between teachers and students in the sense of teaching science as well as educate the soul. This soul education is rarely found in other institutions. At Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah 2 Brebes, can be found one of the evidence of a strong spiritual relationship between teacher and student, that is the tradition of praying and pilgrimage to the graves of the masyayikh & muassis. This tradition is not only  the evidence for the strong relationship between teacher and student, but also as an aplication of hadith that transmitted by Tirmidzi. It is mentioned at the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, that 'alims are prayed by God and all His creatures. This tradition is also considered as implementation of living hadith because applying the value of a hadith in everyday life. In this paper, the author wants to discuss the tradition of praying and pilgrimage based on the theory of the sacredness of Emile Durkheim. As for obtaining the data, the authors refer to the book and completed with an interview to one of the alumni of Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah 2 who ever practice this tradition.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Yunus Yunus

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara,  terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendidikan diniyah pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, tergolong dalam sub sistem pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, menjadikan manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menajdi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Sedangkan tantangan ada beberapa hambatan 1)Sistem kurikulum yang lebih modern, sehingga pesantren ketinggalan jauh dari sekolah umum, 2) Kurangnya anggaran dan sumber pendanaan disebabkan oleh kurang siswa. 3) adanya sebagian orang tua tidak tertarik menyekolahkan anak di sekolah Pesantren.Kata kunci:      Pengembangan, Pondok Pesantren As’addiyah.  AbstractThe pattern of the development of Islamic boarding schools in Malangke, the strategy of developing pesantren is the method or strategy used by the place or place for the process of planning changes that require the support of all parties, among others, the Head, staff, teachers and students are expected to develop and improving educational institutions, which require short, medium and long-term efforts to deal with changes that will occur in the future. Opportunities and hands for the development of Islamic boarding schools in North Luwu, there is Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, some of which emphasize the implementation of religious education, such as article 30 paragraph (1) and Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2007 concerning Education Religion and Religious Education in Article 1 paragraph (2) concerning Religious Education and Religious Education in which it is expressly stated that Islamic boarding schools conduct early childhood education at the elementary and secondary levels, belonging to the national education sub-system in Indonesia which aims to educate the nation, make humans who have faith and devotion to the Almighty God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen. While the challenges are several obstacles 1) A more modern curriculum system, so that pesantren lag far behind public schools, 2) The lack of budgets and funding sources is caused by lack of students. 3) there are some parents who are not interested in sending their children to school in Islamic boarding schools.Keywords:        Development, As'addiyah Islamic Boarding School.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-70
Nur Laily Fauziyah

Morality is a trait attached to a person and becomes his identity. Noble character is the main foundation in the formation of a perfect Muslim. In order to form a noble person, it is very important to do an early effort in building the values of noble morals, including through education. However, it is not easy to instill good morals through education. There are a number of problems encountered, namely the lack of teacher exemplary (educator); school atmosphere that is not conducive; schools are less than optimal in the actualization of morals; diverse student characters who come from diverse families; lack of communication between parents of students and schools (institutions); and the negative impact of the current modernization which is increasingly unstoppable. In this case Rasulullah SAW through some of the hadith gives a picture of morals that should be applied by educators and students in everyday life, such as; respect for educators and students, good manners in the majlis of science, being gentle and so on. The implementation of moral values can be done with the method of habituation, giving examples (daily practice), direct advice as well as criticism or satire subtly into all relevant subjects especially in religious education and citizenship, integrating moral education into activities that are programmed or planned, establishing communication or collaboration between educational institutions and parents of students, and optimizing the role models of educators.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
A Idhoh Anas

Abstract: Education is possibly to have people attain the perfection of life both in their relationship with God, fellow human beings and nature. A well relationship is only possible if people have a balance between their orientation in the world and in the hereafter. Therefore, in order to achieve the aforementioned objective, they should have adequate religious education and general equally through educational institutions. One of the Islamic educational institutions is a dormitory or boarding school where students (Islamic pupils) learn to improve the Islamic religion. Education on Islamic educational institutions also aims to establish a generation of believers-Muslim virtuous, health, broad-minded, and social, rise intelligent scholars who have equal devotions and thought, as well as establish nationalism of Indonesian citizen who have a faithful and pious to Allah Almighty. In general, Islamic educational institutions are classified into three categories: a) traditional pesantren (Salaf), which still retains the traditional teaching methods and teaching materials with classic books (yellow book), b) modern pesantren (khalaf), which seeks to fully integrate the classical and the current school and university system, and 3) semi salaf and khalaf Islamic schools who defend the teaching of classical Islamic books, as well as open public educational institutions (formal or non-formal education).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Nur Chasanah ◽  

Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) are non-formal Islamic educational institutions where students (santri) live together in a cottage (dormitory) to study Islamic religious scholarship under the guidance of the caretaker of the cottage who is often referred to as a kiai. The pesantren, which from its inception, prioritized religious knowledge and pesantren culture, was easily able to apply the slogan sam'an watha'atan (submission and obedience) to the kiai which later became the principle of santri in everyday life. However, along with the development of increasingly modern pesantren, this principle has been displaced by various experiences and knowledge. The disobedience of santri to the kiai as a leader in the pesantren is caused by various factors, one of which is the perception of the santri towards the leadership of the kiai.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-406
Sofia Zaini Kulbi

Advances in communication technology affect all aspects including aspects of education. An educator is required to create active, effective and fun teaching and learning activities. Related to this, the learning of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is generally still monotonous in using learning media so that students feel bored in learning PAI. PAI’s teacher at SMK Wahana Karya tries to make an innovation in Islamic Education learning, namely by using Android-based mobile learning. This is based on the background of students who on average already use Android in everyday life. So, this study describes android-based mobile learning as a learning medium for Islamic religious education at SMK Wahana Karya. This research uses qualitative methods, where the researcher makes direct observations and interviews. Sources of data used are from school archives, school websites, interviews with principals, Islamic education teachers, and students of SMK Wahana Karya. The results of this study are, although there are still some obstacles, namely in terms of signal and classroom atmosphere conditioning. However, apart from that the use of mobile learning is considered effective and attracts students in learning Islamic Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
A. Jauhar Fuad ◽  
Muhammad ‘Arifuddin

This article is limited to a literature study dealing with radicalization in educational institutions. More specifically, the authors want to add as much information as possible, so that this paper strengthens the study of literature and data that can strengthen further research. The preliminary results are as follows: radicalism enters through textbooks, by changing the religious understanding of teachers and students, the books used are official books published by the government and private institutions through worksheets. Based on the above problems, the author has indeed tried to look back at some of the teaching materials for Islamic religious education which are mixed with radical ideas as revised by the government and by the community to improve textbooks so that radical understanding can be lost. So it is necessary to reorientate the handling of radicalization which has been done and understood by great people. Efforts to stem radicalism, which have so far been more focused on terrorists or warfighters, have not been carried out much as an understood precaution and radical action.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Herda, Abdul Rauf Ibrahim

learning resources developed at pondok pesantren during this time oriented plurality. Good learning material PAI as well as religious tradition that held through extracurricular activities and kokurikuler are always paying attention to the teaching of the equation, the equation, the fraternity and compassion in Islam. Typology of religious learning resources that are rooted in Pesantren Putri DDI Lil Banat is an understanding of the religion institution of moderate, tolerant and inklusivisme. Pesantren as a religious educational institutions often compromised the spread understand religious radicalism. From this aspect, if the existence of boarding school instrumental more urgency in developing the views, attitudes towards the plurality of values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-234
Yazidul Busthomi ◽  
Syamsul A’dlom

Abstract: Islamic boarding schools in the village of Malang Ganjara n Gondanglegi are Islamic educational institutions with a Salaf Islamic curriculum so far believed to be a place of religious education, proven to be one of the places where preaching education still exists. However, curriculum development and evaluation i n this Islamic boarding school, there is still no data that can be ascertained, so it is interesting to study. So the researcher raised a title "development and evaluation of educational curricula in Malang Ganjaran Gondanglegi boarding school". Based on t he background of the problem stated above, the problem formulation can be taken, namely: 1) How is the development of the Islamic religious education curriculum in the Islamic boarding school of Ganjaran Gondanglegi village in Malang ?. 2) What is the eval uation of the Islamic religious education curriculum in the Islamic boarding school of Ganjaran Gondanglegi village in Malang ?. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, participant observation and documentation. From the results of this study it was found that the development of the Islamic religious education curriculum in the Ganjaran village Islamic boarding school is by developing a curriculum plan with clear objectives, developing curriculum plans according to the characteristics of the santri, preparing the lesson schedule, determining the teaching materials to be taught, determining the material that must be read by santri, provide a source of teaching and learning processes, prepare prospective Islamic religious education teachers, and in the application of educational curriculum is strongly influenced by the ability of the teacher. The evaluation of the Islamic religious curriculum in the Ganjaran village boarding school was carried out twice in the development of its curriculum, using measurement instruments in the form of standard tests, teacher - made tests, oral tests, and questionnaires.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-73
Faizin Faizin

Madrasah is Islamic educational institutions that are present in order to respond to the demands of the times. Since its establishment until now it has undergone a transformation, both in content and form. The development of positive characteristics, traditions and local wisdom (local power) continues through amputation, minimization and assimilation. This is inseparable from the principle that continues to be grasped, which is maintaining good old wisdom and taking or even creating new innovations that are relevant for progress. There is a polarization of education in Indonesia, between pesantren and public schools. Pesantren is the oldest Islamic education in Indonesia which until the 60s only focused on organizing religious education, in this case, mastery of the yellow book. Islamic boarding school is a model of traditional education that is firmly rooted in community traditions. At that time, pesantren were often considered unable to respond to the progress and demands of the times. On the other hand, there is general education (read: school) which focuses on non-religious subjects, religious studies are only around 2 hours a week. This fact gives the impression that public education (school) is a secular Dutch Indies heritage. In fact, many of the Muslim children who take general education. This has resulted in schools seen as unable to provide a balanced portion of faith and piety as well as science and technology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Sumarto Sumarto

Historically, Islamic boarding schools were Islamic educational institutions developed by Indonesian people. Because actually pesantren is a cultural product of Indonesian people who are fully aware of the importance of education for indigenous people who grow naturally. Regardless of where the tradition and system is adopted, it will not affect unique patterns and have taken root and lived in the community. The pattern of life in pesantren is formed naturally through the process of planting values and developing the process of influencing influence with society. Islamic boarding schools always experience dynamics that never stop, in line with the social changes that occur.In the pesantren management system, the existence of a vision and mission occupies an important position. The vision must be formulated earlier and then set forth in the mission, namely programs and activities to realize the vision, and furthermore is to compile an action program in a mature and flexible plan to be implemented in a certain period of time in stages. The vision and mission of Islamic education which is the hope, ideals, and goals of Islamic education, are basically built from Islamic values and the results of analysis of the existence of Islamic education.Islamic boarding schools should be the center of Islamic education development, because; Islamic Boarding School is a center of religious education, which combines general and religious education, becomes a fortress for scientific balancers which are increasingly rapid by the influence of globalization, the development of science and knowledge is unstoppable, so Islamic boarding schools present as a fortress to provide boundaries that are in accordance with Islamization. This paper explains how Islamic boarding schools should be in developing Islamic education, preserving and preserving Islamic scholarship as a practice and practice.

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