2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-92
I Izarovskaia ◽  
L Smirnova ◽  
E Sumak ◽  
O Izarovskaia

Aim. The article deals with developing a set of fitness dance exercises to improve basic movement qualities and psychic status in preschool children. Materials and methods. We studied two equal groups of apparently healthy children aged 5-6. All children frequent preschool educational establishments and a BABY CLUB education center (2 times per week, 20 people).  We analysed the morphological and psychophysiological traits of pre-schoolers during their lessons. Results. This study demonstrates the results for the correction of individual psychological traits, interpersonal relationships, coordination abilities, endurance, and speed-strength qualities in preschool children by means of fitness dance. Additional lessons resulted in a significant increase of physical preparedness in children from the main group. We registered better results in children from the main group compared to the control group in the following tests: ball throwing, 3×10 shuttle run, hand grip test, 500 m and 30 m run. We established that a set of fitness dance exercises improved significantly the following parameters of children from the main group: body mass, body length, body mass/body weight index, behavioural deviations, self-esteem, anxiety index, general physical preparedness. Conclusion. This study proves that negative trends in children of a new generation tend to increase, in particular in preschool children. The existing programs and methods aimed at children’s health within educational establishments usually lack their comprehensiveness. Physical exercises in a dance form are usually better perceived and possess greater health-improving effect. The diagnostics of movement abilities and skills revealed that children possess limited movement arbitrariness, cramped muscles, limited emotional and inner freedom. These factors decrease health-improving effect and prevents the improvement  of psychological and physical health.

A.V. Shabaldin ◽  
A.V. Tsepokina ◽  
A.V. Ponasenko ◽  
E.V. Shabaldina

Врожденные пороки сердца (ВПС) являются ведущей патологией среди всех пороков и аномалий развития плода. Известно, что тератогенный эффект ксенобиотика будет максимально представлен при нарушенных иммунных взаимодействиях в системе мать-эмбрион . Неоднократно показано, что женский гомозиготный генотип HLA-G 3UTR 14-bp ins/ins ассоциирован с репродуктивными потерями. Цель исследования. Изучить распределение аллелей и генотипов генов биотрансформации ксенобиотиков у женщин, имеющих детей с ВПС, носительниц вариантных генотипов HLA-G 3UTR 14-bp ins/del. Материал и методы. Обследованы 103 женщины, у которых дети при рождении имели врожденный порок сердца без хромосомных заболеваний и родословной историей, а также 103 женщины (контрольная группа), родивших двух здоровых детей и более. Типирование полиморфных сайтов генов HLA-G 3UTR 14-bpins/del, GSTM1 (rs74837985), CYP1A1 (rs1048943) CYP1A2 (rs35694136, rs762551) GSTT1 (rs2266633, rs2266637, rs2234953) GSTP1 (rs6591256, rs1695, rs1871042, rs1793068), GATA 6 (rs10454095) проводили методом RT-PCR. Результаты. Показано, что у женщин основной группы, являющихся носительницами гомозиготного генотипа 14-bp ins/ins HLA-G 3UTR, статистически значимо чаще встречались гетерозиготные генотипы GSTP1 (rs6591256) A/G (р0,01 отношение шансов ОШ5,1, 2,5710,27), GSTP (rs1793068) G/T (р0,01 ОШ5,1, 2,5710,27), CYP1A2 (rs762551) A/C (р0,01 ОШ6,81, 3,3513,73) и гомозиготный минорный генотип GSTP1 (rs1871042) T/T (р0,001 ОШ7,32, 3,6214,76) по сравнению с группой контроля. В основной группе женщин G/G rs74837985 GSTM1 статистически значимо реже (р0,01 ОШ 0,20, 0,06-0,59) встречался у носительниц 14-bp ins/ins HLA-G 3UTR по сравнению с носительницами гетерозиготного генотипа 14-bp ins/del HLA-G 3UTR. Заключение. В ходе исследования установлено, что при одновременном носительстве мутантных аллелей HLA-G и генов системы транформации ксенобиотиков риски рождения детей с дефектом межжелудочковой перегородки выше, чем при носительстве изолированных мутаций.Congenital heart defects (CHD) are the leading pathologies among all congenital malformations and fetal development abnormalities. It is known that the teratogenic effect of xenobiotic will be maximally presented in the case of disturbed immune interactions in the mother-embryo system. It has been repeatedly shown that the female homozygous genotype HLA-G 3UTR 14-bp ins/ins is associated with reproductive losses. The purpose of this study was to study the distribution of alleles and genotypes of xenobiotic biotransformation genes in women with children with CHD, carriers of variant HLA-G 3UTR 14-bp ins/del genotypes. Material and method: It was examined 103 women whose children had a ventricular septal defect (VSD) without chromosomal diseases and a pedigree history at birth, and 103 women (control group) who gave birth to two or more healthy children. The typing of polymorphic sites of the genes HLA-G 3UTR 14-bp ins/del, GSTM1 (rs74837985), CYP1A1 (rs1048943) CYP1A2 (rs35694136, rs762551) GSTT1 (rs2266633, rs2266637, rs2234953) GSTP1 (rs6591256, rs1695, rs1871042, rs1793068), GATA 6 (rs10454095) was performed by the RT-PCR method. Mathematical processing was carried out using the application software STATISTICA 8.0 (StatSoftInc., USA) and SNPstats. Results: It was shown that the heterozygous genotypes GSTP1 (rs6591256) A / G (p0.01, OR5.1 (2.5710.27)), GSTP (rs1793068) G / T (p0.01, OR5.1 (2.5710.27)), CYP1A2 (rs762551) A/C (p0.01, OR6.81 (3.3513.73)) and the homozygous minor genotype GSTP1 (rs1871042) T/T (p0.001, OR7.32 (3.6214.76) ) were statistically significantly more frequent in the main group of women who are carriers of the homozygous genotype 14-bp ins/ins HLA-G 3UTR, in comparison with the control group. In the main group of women G/G rs74837985 GSTM1 statistically significantly less (p0.01, OR0.20 (0.060.59)) was found in carriers of 14-bp ins / ins HLA-G 3UTR, in comparison with carriers of the heterozygous genotype 14-bp ins/del HLA-G 3UTR. Conclusion: It was found that with the simultaneous carrier of the mutant alleles of HLA-G and the genes of the xenobiotics transformation system, the risk of having children with VSD is higher, compared with the carriage of isolated mutations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4(42)) ◽  
pp. 28-33
A. Borshuliak ◽  
O. Andriets ◽  
A. Andriets ◽  
A. Semeniak

Іntroduction. Today, a quarter of the population of economically developed countries has a body weight that is 15% larger than the norm. According to various authors, the timely onset of menarche in women with various forms of obesity and reproductive dysfunction is observed in 31% of cases only. Obesity results in insulin resistance, which in its turn results in hyperinsulinemia. The main reason of the connection of insulin resistance with reproductive function disorders consists in the specific influence of insulin on ovaries. Insulin suppresses apoptosis, binding to receptors of various growth factors that promotes long existence of atresizing follicles. In the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome, along with the development of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, a significant role belongs to the imbalance of adipocytokines, one of which is adiponectin. The aim is to analyze metabolic processes in the formation of menstrual dysfunction in adolescent girls with obesity to improve diagnostic methods of menstrual disorders. Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory examination of adolescent girls aged 12-18 years was held, among which 79 had obesity and complaints about menstrual dysfunction (the main group); 31 with normal body weight and regular menstrual cycle (the control group). Research methods: general clinical, biochemical (indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were determined), instrumental (ultrasound), statistical. Results. It was found that 53.3% of the girls from the main group had the beginning of the first menstruation after 14 years, delayed menstruation from 42 days to 6 days, duration 2.1 ± 0.05 days, which was significantly shorter, the volume of 10.2 ± 0.05; 0.4 points (average 1-2 pads per day) was significantly lower (p <0.05). Ultrasound showed uterine hypoplasia in almost every second girl in the main group - 36 (45.46%). Hyperleptinemia and leptin resistance was found in obesity of the first degree 34.8 ± 1.75, in obesity of the second degree 37.15 ± 2.12, in obesity of the third degree 40.64 ± 2.0. It was 14.35 ng / ml in the control group, p<0,01. Hyperleptinemia in the main group was accompanied by hyperinsulinemia in 26% of cases and insulin resistance. The relationship between low values of adiponectin and elevated body mass index in patients of the main group was established, which was confirmed by the results of correlation analysis (adiponectin & body mass index: ρ = -0.74). Analysis of the results revealed a decrease of A/L level in the main group by 4.3 times. Based on our own results, the A/L and HOMA-AD models can be considered more accurate for determining insulin resistance. Conclusions. 1. Changes of the menstrual cycle in overweight girls were found. The association of adipokines secretion disorders is characterized by hyperleptinemia, leptin resistance, decreased Adiponectin / Leptin index and hypoadiponectinemia, which, in combination with insulin resistance, indicates the participation of adipokines in the genesis of oligomenorrhea. The algorithm of adolescents’ treatment with menstrual dysfunction on the background of obesity must include the calculation of Adiponectin/Leptin and HOMA-AD, which will make it possible to avoid overdiagnosis of insulin resistance.

E. Iu. Iupatov ◽  
L. I. Maltseva ◽  
T. P. Zefirova ◽  
R. S. Zamaleeva ◽  
I. M. Ignatiev ◽  

Aim: to study the activity of the hypoxia marker HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) in pregnant women with phlebopathy.Materials and Methods. We examined 70 women with phlebopathy in the dynamics of pregnancy. The main group consisted of 30 patients whose newborns had signs of hypoxia; the control group consisted of 40 women with healthy children. All women underwent ultrasound examinations of the veins of the lower extremities and pelvis with an assessment of vascular patency, the condition of the venous valves, and the phenomenon of platelet sludge. The expression of the HIF-1α transcription factor at 18–20 and 36 weeks was performed by real-time PCR.Results. Disorder of veins functional state was found in all pregnant women of the main group, which was accompanied by the formation of platelet sludge of varying degrees in the area of the venous valves in the majority, signs of endothelial dysfunction and venous hypoxia – an increase in the expression of the hypoxia gene HIF1-α by 2.18 times. In the women of the control group the indicators were not violated.Conclusion. The transcription factor HIF1-α can be considered a marker of unfavorable perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with signs of phlebopathy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 97 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
O I Pikuza ◽  
H M Vahitov ◽  
E V Generalova

Aim. To study the homeostatic reserves indicators in children with bronchitis by assessment of colonization resistance indicators and oxidative stress processes in the oral cavity.Methods. Clinical and instrumental examination of 115 children aged 5 to 14 years admitted to hospital with different variants of bronchitis was performed. The patients (main group) were divided into two subgroups according to the diagnosis: the first subgroup included 70 children with recurrent bronchitis, the second subgroup consisted of 45 children with acute bronchitis. The control group included 33 apparently healthy children of the same age. The examination complex included, in addition to conventional clinical and laboratory methods, special methods of examination - the oral cavity colonization resistance indicators identification (buccal epithelial cells colonization index and saliva anti-adhesive activity). In addition, oxidative stress indicators on oral neutrophils model - spontaneous and induced luminol-dependent chemiluminescence, were measured.Results. It was found that colonization index and saliva anti-adhesive activity was significantly lower in children of the main group than in control group. The lowest rates were characterstic for the first subgroup of patients. In children with acute bronchitis higher values of the induced and the spontaneous luminol-dependent chemiluminescence were registered as compared to control, whereas in recurrent bronchitis, by contrast, they were lower than in control (pConclusion. Patients with recurrent bronchitis extremely «vulnerable» in relation to recurrent bacterial infections (diseases) in connection with the mucosal protection system severe defects; they need to undergo aimed preventive and rehabilitation measures, the effectiveness control of which can be performed using the proposed non-invasive methods.

2022 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-91
Eda Özata ◽  
Zülfikar Akelma ◽  
Sacit Günbey

Background: There is insufficient clarity regarding whether or not drugs used in asthma cause behavioral problems in children.Methods: A total of 155 individuals, categorized into an asthma group (n = 95) and a control group (n = 60), were enrolled in the current prospective controlled study. The asthma group consisted of patients receiving treatment (inhaled corticosteroids [ICS] or montelukast) for at least 1 month. Check Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for ages 1.5–5 scores for the asthma and controls were compared. The asthma group was divided into two subgroups based on prophylactic therapy received, ICS and montelukast, and these groups’ CBCL scores were also compared. Results: The asthma group consisted of 95 children (ICS subgroup 45, montelukast subgroup 50) and the healthy control group of 60 cases. The mean total CBCL score was higher in the asthma group than in the control group (42 vs 32, respectively, P = 0.001). Internalization and externalization scores were also higher in the asthma group compared to the control group (P = 0.004 and P = 0.005, respectively). No significant difference was determined in terms of CBCL scores between the ICS and montelukast groups (P = 0.3). Montelukast was discontinued in one asthmatic child due to hallucination.Conclusion: This study determined a higher rate of behavioral problems in preschool children with asthma compared to healthy children. In contrast to other studies in the literature, we determined no difference in terms of total CBCL, and internalization and externalization scores of children with asthma who received ICS and montelukast. Nevertheless, it should be kept in mind that montelukast may cause serious neuropsychiatric events such as hallucination.

2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-15
Agata Świst ◽  
Krzysztof Graff ◽  
Dorota Chałubińska ◽  
Aleksandra Zielińska ◽  
Anna Łukaszewska

Abstract Introduction:According to the latest UNICEF report, Polish children put on weight at the highest pacein Europe. The number of overweight children has doubled in the last decade. The aim of the work was to assess the effects of kinesiotherapy implemented during a 3-week rehabilitationcamp on changes in motor skills parameters measured on the Leonardo dynamometric platform (Novotec Medical) and on body mass in patients with simple obesity. Materialand methods:The study group included 32 children and youth aged 7-16 with simple obesity who underwent an exercise programme during a 3-week rehabilitation camp. The subjects were examined twice, i.e. at the beginning and at the end of the camp. The control group consisted of 70 healthy children within the same age range who were examined once. Body mass and body height were measured and the BMI was calculated (taking into account centile charts) for all the study participants. Motor skills were assessed on the basis of avertical jump performed on the Leonardo GRFP (GroundReaction Force Platform). The following data were registered: jump velocity, maximum jump height, strength, power, power with reference to body mass and the Esslinger Fitness Index (EFI). Daily kinesiotherapy included exercises in the form of circuit training and water exercises. All the patients participated in meetings with a dietician and a clinical psychologist. Results:Statistically significant reduction in body mass after a 3-week rehabilitation camp was noted in 27 patients with simple obesity (84.1%) (p<0.05). Motor parameters did not improve significantly. Conclusions:Regular physical activity resulted in weight loss only. However, physical activity did not bring about positive changes in motor parameters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Saranchina Y. Vladimirovna ◽  
Rossova N. Aleksandrovna ◽  
Khanarin N. Vladimirovich ◽  
Kilina O. Yur'evna ◽  
Dutova S. Vyacheslavovna ◽  

Objective: The purpose of the study was to analyze the association of allelic polymorphism of IL1В gene C>T loci -31 and +3953 with atherosclerotic changes of artries in patients with Metabolic Syndrome (MS). Materials and Methods: The main group of the study included 30 consecutive patients (24 women and 6 men, mean age - 51.7±2.2 years), for examination and treatment in the therapeutic Department of the Republican clinical hospital named "G. YA. Remishevskaya" (Abakan) about arterial hypertension or suspicion of type 2 diabetes. The criteria for inclusion in the core group included: compliance with the MS criteria according to the IDF criteria (2006); and the presence of ultrasound markers of Atherosclerosis (AS) according to the study of brachiocephalic arteries (presence of Atherosclerotic Plaques (ASP) and stenosis ≥30%). The control group included persons who underwent a planned medical examination in the Republican clinical hospital name "G. YA. Remishevskaya" (Abakan). A total of 35 patients (26 women and 9 men, mean age 44.7±1.5 years) were selected. The study involved the Russian population (Caucasians) living in the territory of the Republic of Khakassia. All the necessary examination and data collection were conducted including anamnestic data, anthropometric examination (measurements of length and body mass, waist circumference) body mass index, laboratory examination of blood biochemical parameters (glucose and lipid) and instrumental examination (blood pressure measurement, conducting ECG and ultrasound the brachiocephalic arteries). Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the promoter region of the IL1B gene at position-31C/T (rs1143627) and polymorphism in the coding part of the gene in exon 5 +3953C/T (rs 1143634) were studied by restriction analysis of amplification products (RFLP analysis). Results: The risk of development of AS in patients with MS may be higher in carriers of genotype TT (OR = 1,76; 95% CI: (0,96-3,24)) or T allele (OR = 1,44; 95% CI: (0,82- 2,53)) IL1В gene in the polymorphic locus of the T-31С and genotype CT (OR = 1,85; 95% CI: (0,92-3,37)) or T allele (OR = 1,35; 95% CI: (0,63-2,89)) IL1В gene in the polymorphic locus of C + 3953T. The most common combination of gene polymorphisms IL1В was haplotype (-31) ТC/(+3953)СС in both the groups surveyed (40.6% to 36.8%, respectively). Variant (-31)TT/(+3953)CT in the main group was found significantly more often (15.8%, at χ2= 4.92, at p=0.03) than in the control group (3.1 %). The value of the odds ratio in this case was 3.99 (95% CI: (1.08-14.79), which indicates the risk of AS development against the background of MS in carriers of combined genotype inheritance (-31)TT/(+3953) CT. Conclusion: The risk of development of AS in the background of MS is increased in carriers of combinations of SNPs (-31)TT/(+3953)CT IL1В gene responsible for hyperproduction of this cytokine. In this connection, further studies of the association of genes with MS and AS components should focus on intergenic interactions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-69
Veronika S. Pshennova ◽  
O. V Aleksandrov

The article presents the results of study demonstrating that though evident symptoms of pulmonary hypertension were absent (maximal systolic tension was within standards both in males and females of main group) reliable increasing of blood pressure in pulmonary artery in comparison with control group under increasing of body mass index, waist volume and index waist/hips. At that, in males of main group under obesity degree I and II average blood pressure exceeded limits of standards.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 331-338 ◽  
Najlaa M Alamoudi ◽  
Eman S Almabadi ◽  
Eman A El Ashiry ◽  
Douaa A El Derwi

Objectives: To evaluate the effect of probiotic Lactobacilli reuteri lozenges on caries-associated salivary bacterial counts (Mutans streptococci and Lactobacillus), dental plaque accumulation, and salivary buffer capacity in a group of preschool children. Study Design: The study group consisted of 178 healthy children (aged 3–6 years). Children were randomly grouped: the experimental group (n = 90) received L. reuteri probiotic lozenges and the control group (n = 88) received placebo lozenges, twice daily, for 28 days. Salivary Mutans streptococci and Lactobacillus counts, and buffer capacity were assessed using chair-side caries-risk test (CRT®) kits. The Simplified Oral Hygiene index (OHI-S) was used to assess dental plaque accumulation at baseline and after 28 days. Results: After 28 days, the experimental group had a statistically significant reduction in Mutans streptococci and lactobacilli (p = 0.000 and p = 0.020, respectively) and both groups had less plaque accumulation than at baseline. While the buffer capacity in the experimental group increased more than in the control group, it was not statistically significant (p = 0.577). Compliance was 90%, with no adverse events. Conclusions: Consumption of probiotic lozenges containing L. reuteri reduces caries-associated bacterial counts significantly. Probiotics consumption may have a beneficial caries-preventive effect.

2013 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Agneta Simeonsdotter Svensson

The overall objective of the study is to investigate whether the understanding of animals and their living conditions is a way for child’s emphatic ability. One interesting question is in what way children show that they are developing empathy. Do children show some change in the way they talk about animals and their living conditions? How is this change revealed? The theoretical basis of this study is based on Martin Hoffman's research (2000) which emphasizes the importance of learning and of encouraging empathy in children. The study design is qualitative and was conducted using conversations with child participants, notes, photographs and video recordings of the children working with the teaching material "cat picture" and dog picture". The participants comprised of 52 children aged between 3-5 years, divided into a main group and a control group with 26 children, 12 girls and 14 boys in each group. The results show that there is a difference in the two testing occasions between the main group and the control group. As the main group were given opportunities to think and reflect and work with the material, ideas about thoughts on ethical issues could emerge and developed further. Sustainable development must begin with the children. This is the best investment that any society can make. Key words: animals, empathy, ethics, preschool children.

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