scholarly journals Application of Information Literacy Based on English Ability: Case Study of The Information and Library Science S-1 Study Program Students, Academic Year 2013

Anuva ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Jumino Jumino

The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of information literacy based on the students’ English ability of S1 Library Science Study Program Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University of Semarang, year 2013. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with case study type. The subject of this research is the students of S1 Library Science Study Program, year 2013, and the object of English proficiency and its application for information literacy. Data collection was done by interview and document study. The informants were chosen by purposive sampling, that is, the students of S1 Library Science Study Program Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University of Semarang, year 2013 who have got information literacy subject amount of 15 students. The result of the research shows that the students of year 2013 have used English to be literate. They understand their needs, then seek information either from international journals, via internet, or from the library. The use of their information is clear, that is, to support in writing thesis. They can overcome their lack of English language skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-70
Ilinawati Ilinawati ◽  
Yokie Prasetya Dharma

The study was about improving students’ vocabulary through English song. The subject of the study were first semester students of English language study program, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang,Academic Year 2018/2019 which consisted of 22 students. This study aimed to increase students’ vocabulary through songs.The method of this research was qualitative research and the object was teaching vocabulary through English song.This was classroom action research which consisted of one cycle.In collecting the data, the researchers used observation sheet, Fieldnotes and test. The result of this research showed that the use of song succeeded improving students’ vocabulary. The result of the test shown that  mean score was 80,25, it was good cathegory.The improvement of the teaching learning process was based on the improvement of teaching learning behaviour in the classroom. The change of behaviour was notified from the classroom observation, fieldnotes which were discussed with the collaborator in the reflection stage. Song was found out helpful to improve students’ vocabulary mastery for first semester students of English language study program, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Academic year 2018/2019.Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, English Songs

Illah Winiati Triyana ◽  
Junaidah Wildani

This study aims to integrate formative assessment into microteaching course and to know students’ response toward the integration of formative assessment into microteaching course. To achieve these goals, the researcher applied pra-experimental research design in the type of one-shot case study with the subject of this study is students from mathematics education study program in semester six 2019-2020 academic year. The instrument used to collect the data for is student questioner which has been validated by two experts.  The result of data analysis shows that formative assessment has been very well integrated to microteaching learning and 100% students agreed and very agreed that formative assessment helps them in knowing what to do to achieve their knowledge and skill target. 95,85% students agreed and very agreed that formative assessment helps them in knowing their knowledge and skill target. 93,75% students agreed and very agreed that through the integration of formative assessment, they are motivated to improve their knowledge and skill. 93,7% students agreed and very agreed that formative assessment helps them knowing what they know and what they skilled. 91,68% students agreed and very agreed that through integration of formative assessment they become independent learners.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 21 ◽  
Nihta V. F. Liando ◽  
Raesita Lumettu

This research aims at finding out students’ personal initiative towards their achievement in speaking English. This research was conducted in an English department at a university in North Sulawesi Indonesia. The data were obtained from the sixth semester students in English Language and Literature study program of academic year 2015/2016 consisting of 21 students. In obtaining the data about students’ personal initiative, a questionnaire was distributed, and for the speaking performance, the data were obtained from students’ scores in Public Speaking subject. To find out the relation between these two variables, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient formula was used. The result of this research shows that there is a correlation between students’ personal initiative towards their speaking performance with the value of  = (0.52) categorized as a moderate correlation. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that personal initiative of students was important to be considered as one of several determination factors for students’ achievement in English speaking skill. It is suggested that students encourage themselves for taking initiative to speak, and for the teacher to give the students correction and suggestion to help them develop themselves.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Rio Kurniawan ◽  
Didi Yulistyo

The purpose of this study is to trace the extent of the use of Bengkulen folklore in the process of teaching and learning rhetorical subject. The study is a descriptive research which tries to portray the exercise of teaching rhetorical subject in which Bengkulen folklore is included. This study applies qualitative approach. The research subject deals with the fifth semester students of class A from the study program of Indonesian Language Teaching (FKIP) of Bengkulu University in the academic year of 2016-2017. The study results in that student activities change into positive direction in learning by folklore. The application of folklore to the students can improve their skill in rhetoric or public communication. It can be seen from the grades they achieve and the extent of their finishing the subject. Based on the data analyzed, the result shows that there 21 students who receive grade up 70 and their fulfillment in learning reaches 90, 84%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Fauzul Etfita ◽  
Sri Wahyuni

Teaching materials are a set of tools or facilities that contain materials, methods and evaluations used by teachers or lecturers in learning. So far, the teaching materials released by several developers have rarely been in accordance with the needs of Mechanical Engineering students, where some of the teaching materials available still use general English. In this study, in order to compile an appropriate teaching material, researchers have conducted a needs analysis. Needs analysis is a fundamental aspect for English language lecturers for specific purposes (ESP) in identifying information or the main needs of students and investigating areas of student shortages. In line with this statement, this research is a case study design that aims to determine the needs of mechanical engineering students in learning English through Padlet at the Faculty of Engineering in the 2019-2020 academic year. The data in this study were collected from researcher observations, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 40 students and two English language lecturers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The results revealed that speaking and writing are the main focus of English skills in the Mechanical Engineering department and listening along with reading are the next English skills needed than others.

Trimo Septiono

The study aims to describe and identify aspects during the thesis writing process. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research on alumni of the Library and Information Science Study Program Universitas Brawijaya. Then the selection of alumni as informants considers the impact after writing the thesis is completed. The results showed that the reflection of alumni there is a learning process in each stage of thesis writing. The learning process that occurs is quite complex because it is not only done independently but also involves other parties. Independent learning focuses on the process of applying information literacy skills possessed by alumni. Where there is an information management process which is the most important part, because the process affects the decision making for each action. Meanwhile, the involvement of other parties is another role of the thesis as a forum for collaborative learning. Not only that, the whole process forms a new understanding that can be useful across generations.Keywords: Thesis, Reflection, Information Literacy, Knowledge Sharing Practice, Collaborative LearningABSTRAKRefleksi pengalaman alumni merupakan kajian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek selama proses penulisan skripsi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus pada alumni Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Universitas Brawijaya. Kemudian pemilihan alumni sebagai informan mempertimbangkan dampak yang ditimbulkan pasca penulisan skripsi selesai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa refleksi alumni terdapat proses pembelajaran dalam setiap tahapan penulisan skripsi. Proses pembelajaran yang terjadi tergolong kompleks karena tidak hanya dilakukan mandiri tetapi juga melibatkan pihak lain. Pembelajaran secara mandiri menitikberatkan pada proses penerapan kemampuan literasi informasi yang dimiliki oleh alumni. Dimana terdapat proses pengelolaan informasi yang merupakan bagian terpenting, karena proses tersebut berpengaruh pada penentuan keputusan untuk setiap tindakan. Sedangkan untuk pelibatan pihak lain merupakan peran lain dari skripsi sebagai wadah kolaborasi pembelajaran. Tidak hanya itu, secara menyeluruh proses tersebut membentuk pemahaman baru yang dapat bermanfaat lintas generasi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  

This study describe the implementation of Management developmenteducators at SMA Primaganda, Bulurejo Diwek, Jombang. The approach in thisstudy is a qualitative case study type. used data collection methods as well as therole of observation, interview and documentation. This study used a qualitativedescriptive approach. To check the validity of the data used extension study,perseverance observation, and triangulation. The analysis comes up with theconclusion that: (1). Development Planning educators: announcement held at thebeginning of the new academic year, the drafting team was formed educatorsdevelopment commission held hearings, the commission meeting is a forum forreviewing, memproduct and developed the concept of the development of educatorswho have been prepared. (2). The development of educators with activities ofinteraction with educators through formal and informal activities. Formalactivities in the development of educators, for example through mentoringactivities (tutorials), informally can be done through informal conversations in theroom as educators, yard madrassas and other places that are not resmi. (3).Problems encountered and solutions in the implementation of management effortspengembanagan educators (teachers) at SMA Primaganda include issues of timeand also there are many teachers who have not been able to use electronic means ofcomputer, the solution given is the clock supplied to the teacher to be able to learnwho helped by tutors.AbstrakPenelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang pelaksanaan manajemenpengembangan pendidik (educators) di SMA Primagama, Bulurejo Diwek,Jombang. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan tipepenelitian studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk mengecek validitasdata, peneliti menggunakan studi ekstensi, observasi ketekunan, dantriangulasi. Berdasarkan analisis data, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa:(1). Perencanaan pengembangan pendidik: pengumuman diadakan padaawal tahun ajaran baru, tim perumus membentuk komisi pengembanganpendidik untuk melakukan rapat komisi, sidang komisi adalah forumuntuk mengkaji, menghasilkan dan mengembangkan konseppengembangan pendidik yang telah disiapkan. (2). Pengembanganpendidik dilakukan dengan kegiatan interaksi melalui kegiatan formal daninformal. kegiatan formal dalam pengembangan pendidik, misalnyamelalui kegiatan mentoring (tutorial), untuk kegiatan informal dilakukanmelalui percakapan informal di ruang guru, halaman madrasah dantempat-tempat lain yang tidak resmi. (3). Problematika dalam pelaksanaanmanajemen pengembanagan pendidik (guru) di SMA Primagandamencakup masalah waktu dan juga banyaknya guru yang belum mampumenggunakan media komputer dalam pembelajaran. Solusi dariproblematika tersebut adalah memberikan waktu kepada guru untukmempelajari media komputer yang dibantu oleh tutor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Silmi Afkarina Hanum ◽  
Anis Masruri

This study aims to determine the behavioral stages of students in responding to hoaxes, which are increasingly rampant due to the easy access to information that is widely available on social media so that there is no information filtering system when information is disseminated on social media. Social media is a virtual social place between individuals, to share information with each other. The subjects of this study were students major of library science, faculty of civil and cultural science State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The Major of Library Science has contributed to the development of information literacy in Indonesia. Information literacy consists of searching, analyzing and finding the information needed. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Techniques for determining informants using purposive sampling or non-random techniques. There are 16 students of the Library Science study program who are included in the category of research informants. The research method was carried out by interview and documentation. Researchers gave several questions to informants regarding information and hoaxes circulating on social media. Then the informants analyzed the information on social media, and distinguished valid and hoax information. The results showed that the behavioral stages of Library Science students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta in responding to hoax information on social media were 1. Students searched for news on social media, 2. Students looked at posted news accounts / sources, 3. Students paid attention to synchronization of titles and contents. news, 4. Students check the validity of the news by means of; a. see the comments column, b. double check, and c. crosscheck.

2021 ◽  
pp. 544-555
Hitesh D Raviya ◽  
Deepali Dinesh Shahdadpuri

In the earlier days, syllabi were designed by some experienced teachers or experts who got specialization in particular areas in all the education institutions. The students were graded on the marks scored in the assessment in which some students might score high and some might not be. This type of previous curriculum did not ensure what students need to learn or what they are learning in their classrooms. University Grant Commission (UGC) under MHRD, Government of India, has already submitted the final draft under “Quality Improvement Programme, 2018” aim at the development of “Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)” at UG and PG Levels. The learning outcomes are designed to help students understand the objectives of the course provided to them. It is a framework based on the expected learning outcomes (such as disciplinary knowledge, communication skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical reasoning, research-related skills, etc.) that are expected to be attained by the students at the completion of their graduation. In this research paper, the researcher attempts to elaborate about Curriculum designing based on the approaches provided by J.C. Richards and Learning-Outcomes based Curriculum Framework. This research paper also has taken into consideration the analysis of curriculum development for the subject offered by Department of English in Faculty of Commerce at first year undergraduate courses (UG Level) from the academic year 1979-80 till 2019-20.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Suparlan Suparlan

The writer is interested in investigating the error analysis in using past tense in writing recount text a case study at the second year students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Ishlah Ireng Lauq at the academic year 2013/2014. The problem of the present study is limited in on the use of past tense in writing recount text. On the other hand, the general objective of the writing is to analyze the use of past tense in writing recount text. The specific objective is to know the students ability in using the past tense especially in writing recount text.The population of the study includes all students who have been studying at the second year of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Ishlah Ireng Lauq at the academic year 2013/2014.The instrument of data collection is only one test. The test type/ part namely slot test. The test is confined to use the simple past tense. The data is analyzed by descriptive quantitative method. From the result of this analyze, the writer concludes the second year of the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Ishlah Ireng Lauq at the academic year 2013/ 2014 has difficulty in identifying the past tense. This analyze shown that they make errors in using auxiliary did, errors in using verbs and other errors. Finally not only auxiliary did or verb as the specific study had most errors but also another errors appear without they realize, it happened because the lack of mastery in structure of past tense one of the tense in English.

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