scholarly journals POLA SEBARAN UNDUR-UNDUR LAUT (Hippidae) BERDASARKAN SALINITAS SUBSTRAT DI PANTAI PAGAK, KEC. NGOMBOL, PURWOREJO, JAWA TENGAH (Distribution Pattern of Mole Crab (Hippidae) Based on The Substrat’s Salinity in Pagak Beach, Ngombol District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java)

Setiaji Nugroho ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti

 Pesisir selatan Jawa, khususnya pantai Pagak, Kabupaten Purworejo merupakan daerah potensial dengan beragam jenis biota yang seringkali dimanfaatkan masyarakat setempat sebagai bahan makanan. Biota tersebut diantaranya adalah yutuk (undur-undur laut) yang bermanfaat secara ekologis maupun ekonomis, namun pemanfaatan belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan pola sebaran undur-undur laut sebagai dasar pemilihan daerah penangkapan undur-undur laut dan hubungan salinitas substrat dengan kelimpahan undur-undur laut yang ada di pantai Pagak, Kabupaten Purworejo. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2018. Pengambilan sampel biota dan substrat dilakukan pada tiga stasiun dimana setiap stasiun dilakukan tiga kali pengulangan pada hari yang berbeda. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan undur-undur laut (hippidae) di pantai Pagak berkisar 2-4 individu/m2 dengan pola sebaran yang mengelompok. Kelimpahan tersebut cenderung lebih tinggi pada salinitas substrat kisaran 33-35 ppt. Salinitas substrat berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan undur-undur laut (hippidae) di pantai Pagak dan keduanya mempunyai hubungan yang lemah (r = 0,371). Southern coast of Java, especially Pagak beach, Purworejo Regency is a potential area with various types of biota that are often used by local people as food. One of the biota is mole crab that is useful ecologically and economically, while the existing utilization is not yet optimal and sustainable. The purpose of this research is to know the abundance and distribution pattern of mole crab as the basis for the selection of good and sustainable fishing areas of mole crab, and the relationship between substrate salinity and the abundance of mole crab at Pagak beach, Purworejo Regency. The study was conducted in January 2018. Samples collection of biota and substrate were conducted at three stations where each station was carried out with three replication on different days. Purposive sampling technique was used to take the sample. The results showed the abundance of mole crab (hippidae) at Pagak beach ranged from 2 to 4 individuals / m2 with a group pattern of distribution. The abundance tends to be higher in the substrate salinity of 33-35 ppt range. Substrate salinity and abundance of mole crab have weak relationships

Dian Oktianti ◽  
Nova Hasani Furdiyanti ◽  
Windha Novia Fajriani ◽  
Utami Ambarsari

Hipertensi menempati proporsi terbesar kelompok penyakit tidak menular di Jawa Tengah sebesar 60,00% pada 2016 dan meningkat menjadi 64,83% pada 2017. Hipertensi adalah faktor resiko penyakit serebrovaskular, penyakit arteri koroner, dan gagal ginjal. Strategi terapi dalam pemilihan obat perlu dicermati agar diperoleh obat yang efektif dan tepat diberikan sehingga dapat menghasilkan efektifitas yang optimum dan tidak menimbulkan Drug Related Problems (DRPs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pemilihan dan dosis antihipertensi pada pasien hipertensi rawat inap di RS X di Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian non ekperimental. Pengumpulan data secara retrospektif dengan menganalisis data rekam medis pasien hipertensi rawat inap periode 2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 79 pasien. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan JNC VIII 2014, DIH 2018, dan DIF 2012.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketidaktepatan pemilihan obat sebesar 15,21% terjadi pada 11 pasien terdiri atas interaksi obat 12,67%, duplikasi 1,27%, dan terlalu banyak obat untuk 1 indikasi sebesar 1,27%, ketepatan pemilihan dosis sebesar 97,47%. Pemilihan terapi antihipertensi pada pasien hipertensi rawat inap di RS X menunjukkan sebanyak 86,08% ketepatan pemilihan dosis sebesar 97,47%memperoleh pemilihan yang sudah tepat.Kata Kunci: Antihipertensi, Pemilihan Obat, Dosis, DRPs.Hypertension had the largest proportion of non communicable diseases in Central Java, which was 60,00% in 2016 increased to 64,83% in 2017. Hypertension is a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and kidney failure. The therapeutic strategy in drug selection needs to be examined in order to obtain appropriate drugs that can produce optimal effectiveness and avoid Drug Related Problems (DRPs). This study aimed to evaluate the selection and evaluate the accuracy of dose of antihypertensive therapy at X Hospital. This study was non experimental research. Retrospective data collected by analyzing the medical record data from inpatient in 2018. The sampling technique was purposive sampling according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample used in this study were 79 patients. Data analysis was performed using JNC VIII 2014, DIH 2018, and DIF 2012.The results showed the inaccuracy of drug selection was 15,21% on 11 inpatients consisting of drug interactions 12,67%, duplication 1,27%, and too many drugs for 1 indication 1,27%. The dose selection accuracy is high at 97,47%  The selection of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive inpatients at X Hospital showed that 86,08% obtained the correct drug selection and The dose selection accuracy is high at 97,47%.Keywords: Antihypertension, Drug Selection, Dose, DRP.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Bagus Velly Filian ◽  
Sri Agus Bambang Santoso ◽  
Dian Wahyu Harjanti ◽  
Wahyu Dyah Prastiwi

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan paritas, lingkar dada dan umur kebuntingan dengan produksi susu. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan tanggal 28 Desember 2015-30 Maret 2016 di Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Baturraden, Banyumas Jawa Tengah. Materi yang digunakan adalah 34 ekor sapi Friesian Holstein dalam masa laktasi bunting. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode observasional dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi dan uji korelasi dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 16. Variabel independen terdiri dari paritas, lingkar dada dan umur kebuntingan serta variabel dependen terdiri dari produksi susu rata- rata harian dan satu masa laktasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran lingkar dada rata-rata dari paritas I sampai V berturut turut adalah 180 ± 7,8 cm, 199 ± 9,7 cm, 201 ± 9,4 cm, 207 ± 11,7 cm dan 200 ± 4,2 cm. Produksi susu rata - rata satu masa laktasi 4025,2 + 1395,6 kg (13,2 ± 4,6 kg/hari). Paritas, lingkar dada dan umur kebuntingan tidak memiliki hubungan yang nyata dengan produksi susu (p > 0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi susu tidak memiliki hubungan dengan paritas, lingkar dada dan umur kebuntingan. (The relationship between parity, chest circumference and gestational age with milk yield of Friesian Holstein in BBPTU-HPT Baturraden) ABSTRACT. This study investigated the relationship between milk yield and parity, chest circumference, gestation age in lactating pregnant dairy cow. Research was conducted in December 28, 2015-March 30, 2016 at the Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Baturraden, Banyumas, Central Java. Recording data from 34 pregnant dairy cows were used in this study. The observational method with purposive sampling technique was used. The data were analyzed using regression analysis and correlation with SPSS version 16. The independent variables were parity, chest circumference and gestation age, whereas the dependent variable was milk yield. The result showed that the chest circumference of the cow were 180 ± 7,8 cm, 199 ± 9,7 cm, 201 ± 9,4 cm, 207 ± 11,7 cm and 200 ± 4,2 cm for the 1st to 5th parity, respectively. Total milk yield for 305 days of lactation period was 4025,2 ± 1395,6 kg (13,2 ± 4,6 kg/d). There were no significant correlations between parity, chest circumference and gestational age with milk yield (p>0.05). It is suggested that milk yield is not strongly related to parity, chest circumference and gestational age.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Sabeen Khan ◽  
Ruhi Khalid

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship among Narcissism, personality traits and conspicuous consumption of brands in youth. This used quantitative research design with a sample consisting of 50 Men and 50 Women. The age ranged between 18 – 22 years. A purposive sampling technique was used to select participants. The findings revealed that there was a relationship among conspicuous consumption and traits of personality. It was also uncovered that there are gender differences in conspicuous consumption of brands, narcissism and personality traits. Further it was concluded that narcissism is positively associated with conspicuous consumption of brands. Narcissism was likely to be a positive predictor of conspicuous consumption of brands and personality traits are likely to be a predictor of conspicuous consumption of brands.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dwi Nur Rachmah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan self efficacy, coping stress dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa semester awal Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 60 orang. Tekhnik pengambilan data dengan cara purposive sampling. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah skala self efficacy dan skala coping stress. Untuk prestasi akademik data dikumpulkan dengan melihat indeks prestasi akademik (IPK) semester pertama. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) tidak ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara variabel self efficacy, coping stress dan prestasi akademik , (2) sumbangan prediktor (R2) self efficacy dan coping stress sebesar  2%, (3) rata-rata mahasiswa Program Studi Psikologi angkatan 2012 memiliki self efficacy yang tergolong tinggi, coping stress yang tergolong sedang dan prestasi akademik yang tergolong sedang.Kata kunci : self efficacy, coping stress, dan prestasi akademik  Aim to determine relationship between self efficacy, coping stress and achievement academic in first semester college student of Psychology Study Program of Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University. Method respondents as many as 60 first semester college students. Sampling technique by using purposive sampling. Data collection by using self efficacy scale, coping of stress scale and achievement academic indeks of first semester. Data analyzed by multiple regression. Results the relationship between self efficacy, coping of stress and achievement academic is not significant.. Self efficacy and coping of stress contribute 2% to achievement academic. Conclusion Odd semester college student in 2012 has high performance in self efficacy, middle in coping of stress and middle in achievement academic. Keywords: self efficacy, coping of stress, achievement academic  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-143
Tomi Satria Maggara ◽  
Aldri Frinaldi

This study describes the impact of work culture in implementing the e-planning application to realize good governanc e studies in the Planning ,Research and Development Agency of 50 Kota. There search method used is descriptive qualitative, because the problems are complex so that it requires interviews and observations to get valid data. The selection of informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the impact of work culture in implementing E-Planning applications to achieve Good Governance at Bapelitbang Kabupaten 50 Kota it has had a good impact but there are still some problems that the authors haveen countered, among others: there are still delays in the preparation and inp t of planning documents, there are no awards given to employees, accommodation of RPJPD programs in application E-Planning and there are still employees who don't understand how to use the E-Planning application.

LingTera ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Rosihan Anwar ◽  
Maman Suryaman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kriteria-kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan cerita anak yang layak sebagai bahan ajar membaca di MTs. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis cerita anak yang layak sebagai bahan ajar membaca di MTs berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria itu.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah cerita anak yang ada di Buku Sekolah Elektronik, buku bacaan, dan internet. Objek penelitiannya adalah isi cerita. Ada dua puluh cerita anak yang yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca dan mencatat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi, penyajian, dan penyimpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada tiga kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan cerita anak yang layak sebagai bahan ajar membaca di MTs. Kriteria-kriteria itu adalah kriteria nilai/moral, motivasi, dan kesesuaian jenis sekolah. (2) Dari dua puluh cerita yang dianalisis, sebelas cerita dinyatakan layak dan sembilan cerita dinyatakan tidak layak dijadikan bahan ajar membaca di MTs. Kata kunci: cerita anak, bahan ajar, membaca   THE SELECTION OF CHILDREN STORIES AS READING TEACHING MATERIAL IN MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH (MTS) Abstract The study aims to describe criteria used in the selection proper children stories as reading teaching material in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). In addition, the study also aims to describe proper children stories as reading teaching material in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) based on the criteria.The study is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of the study are children stories in Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE), reading book, and internet. The object of the study is the contents of the stories. There are twenty children stories that the research sample. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. The collection of data is done by reading and writing. Data is analyzed by reduction, presentation, and inference.The results of study showed that (1) there are three criteria used in the selection of children stories as reading teaching material in MTs. The criteria are Value/moral, motivation, and relevant of the type of school. (2) Of the twenty stories analyzed, there are eleven proper stories and nine stories are not proper as reading materials in the MTs. Keywords: children stories, teaching material, reading


Wagini; TheRelationshipof Educationand Training Toward EmployeePerformance in Religion Ministry in Seluma District. Purpose of this study is todetermine the relationship ofeducationandtrainingon employee performancein religion ministry in Seluma Regency. The populationin this study is all existing employeewithin the office of Religion Ministry inSeluma District. The sampling technique used in this study isa purposive sampling method. Based on the criteria set of samples so the sample is taken from 50 people. The result shows a good indicator of education and training as well as the performance obtained good grades,means by getting employees follow the training will be followed by increasing in performance, because in general training followed by civil servantsat the Religion Ministry in Seluma Districtisa training to in crease knowled geandinsight about jobs and regulations relating to the dutiesand functions of each principal.Kata kunci: Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Kinerja Pegawai

e-NERS ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hanny Ronald Mokorimban ◽  
Amatus Yudi Ismanto ◽  
Rivelino Hamel

Abstract: Toilet training is an attempt to train children in urination and defecation. Ability to toilet training toddler age children need treatment as possible. Impacts affecting toilet training in children as the importance of the child,s nadines before initiating toilet training. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mothers knowledge with the ability to toilet training toddler age children (1-3 years). This research was conducted by cross sectional method, the selection of samples with purposive sampling. Sample of 40 mothers withchildren aged 1-3 years. The research was carried out in December 2012 to Januari 2013. Data collection was done by filling koesioner made by researcher and completed by respondents. The results showed that there is a relationship between mothers knowledge with the ability to toilet training toddler age children. Conclusion there is a relationship with the mothers knowledge with the ability toilet training the toddler-age children in the inpatient department of E BLU Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. Advice for parents who have toddler 1-3 yearsin order to better prepare the children in the implementation of toilet training. Where is the knowledge, support and patience and agood example to help children in making toilet training independently. Keywords: Toilet Training, and mothers knowledge. Abstrak: Toilet Training adalah usaha untuk melatih anak dalam buang air kecil dan air besar. Kemampuan dalam pelaksanaan toilet training pada anak usia toddler perlu penanganan sedini mungkin. Dampak yang mempengaruhi toilet training pada anak adalah pengetahuan ibu dan pentingnya kesiapan anak sebelum memulai toilet training.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan kemampuan toilet training pada anak usia toddler (1-3 tahun). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode cross sectional , pemilihan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Sampel 40 Ibu yang memiliki anak usia 1-3 tahun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan desember 2012 sampai januari 2013.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian koesioner yang dibuat oleh peneliti dan diisi oleh responden.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu dengan kemampuan toilet training pada anak usia toddler. Kesimpulan Ada hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan kemampuann toilet training pada anak usia toddler di ruang rawat inap E BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. Saran bagi para orang tua yang mempunyai anak usia 1-3 tahun agar sedini mungkin mempersiapkan anak dalam pelaksanaan toilet training. Dimana pengetahuan, dukungan dan kesabaran serta contoh yang baik dapat membantu anak dalam melakukan toilet training secara mandiri. Kata Kunci: Toilet Training, dan pengetahuan ibu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Evina Krisnawati ◽  
Christiana Hari Soetjiningsih

This study aims to examine the relationship between loneliness and selfie-liking. The hypothesis of this research is that there is a positive relationship between loneliness and selfie-liking among college students. This research used correlational quantitative methods. Participants in this research was 64 students, which was taken by purposive sampling technique, with inclusive criteria: like to do selfie and in the last month post the selfie photos to social media as much as 4-6 times. Data were collected using the Loneliness Scale from UCLA Version 3 and selfie-liking measured by Selfie-Liking Scale.  The correlation was analyzed using the Spearman Correlation Test with SPSS 23 for Windows. The results showed there was a positive and significant relationship between loneliness and self-liking (r=.297; p=.009) which means the higher loneliness, the higher selfie-liking.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 222-229
Denita Irma Santi ◽  
Norma Afiati ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo

ABSTRAK Muara Sungai Cipasauran merupakan ekosistem yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat untuk kegiatan rumah tangga. seperti mandi, mencuci pakaian dan kegiatan nelayan. Aktivitas kegiatan tersebut menyebabkan masuknya air limbah ke saluran air sungai lainnya. Hilir Cipasauran Muara, berakhir di Pantai Anyer. Kegiatan penangkapan ikan di sekitar Pantai Anyer menunjukkan kualitas air yang relatif baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan sebaran bakteri heterotrofik, bahan organik total, nitrat dan klorofil-a, serta untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah air sampel dari 4 lokasi di muara Cipasauran ke Pantai Anyer. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan interval dua minggu, masing-masing dengan dua kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah bakteri heterotrofik  di empat stasiun berkisar antara 250-2500 cfu/ml, kandungan bahan organik jumlah berkisar 27,83-100,64 mg/l, konsentrasi nitrat berkisar antara 4,12-11,8 mg/l, dan klorofil-a pada empat stasiun berkisar 0,01- 6,31 mg/m3. Muara Sungai Cipasauran termasuk dalam kategori perairan yang subur (Eutrofik). Analisis regresi berganda memperlihatkan bakteri heterotrof signifikan pada bahan organik total (0,02< p<0,05). Adapun, ekstrak klorofil-a yang dihasilkan dari fitoplankton lebih tergantung kepada kadar nitrat (0,03<p< 0,05) dibandingkan terhadap kadar bahan organik total (0,11>p>0,05), sehingga unsur hara yang lebih banyak dibutuhkan adalah nitrat. Namun tingginya nitrat dapat memicu terjadinya eutrofikasi.  Kata Kunci : Bakteri Heterotrof; Bahan Organik Total; Nitrat; Klorofil-A; Muara Sungai Cipasauran ABSTRACT Cipasauran estuarine ecosystems utilized by local communities for household activities, such as bathing, washing clothes and fishing activities. These activities led to an influx of wastewater into waterways of the river. Downstream Cipasauran Estuary, ends at Anyer Beach. Fishing activities around Anyer Beach indicates the relatively good water quality. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of heterotrophic bacteria, total organic material, nitrate and chlorophyll-a, as well as to study the relationship between those variables. The material used in this study is water sampled from 4 location, at the estuary of Cipasauran down to Anyer Beach. The study used purposive sampling technique. Sampling was conducted at intervals of two weeks, each with two replication. The results showed that number heterotrophic bacteria in four stations ranged between 250-2500 cfu/ml, where as total organic materials ranged from 27.83 to 100,64 mg/l, nitrates ranged from 4.12 to 11.8 mg/l, and  chlorophyll-a at four stations ranged from 0.01 to 6.31 mg/m3. Cipasauran estuarine included in the fertile waters (Eutrofik). Regression analysis showed a significant increase in heterotrophic bacterial organic matter total (0.02<p<0.05). So, extract the chlorophyll-a resulting from more phytoplankton depend on nitrate levels (0.03<p<0.05) compared against the total organic material levels (0.11>p>0.05), so the more nutrient elements needed is nitrate. But high nitrate can trigger the onset of eutrophication.                Keywords: Heterotrophic Bacteria, Total Organic Material, Nitrate, Chlorophyll-a Cipasauran Estuary 

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