2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-120
Like Viantika Jala Puspita ◽  
Norma Afiati ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo

Permasalahan sediaan air di kawasan pesisir sangat kompleks sesuai dengan ragam peruntukan seperti halnya di Desa Pesantren dan Desa Mojo. Penelusuran tentang kualitas air untuk ragam peruntukan sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji kelayakan sumber daya air untuk beberapa peruntukan dan menganalisis variabel penurun kualitas air di kawasan pesisir. Penelitian didasarkan kepada metode survei dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2017 di Desa Pesantren dan Desa Mojo, Ulujami, Pemalang. Pengambilan sampel mengacu pada metode purposive sampling di 3 lokasi sungai, 2 lokasi sumur, 1 lokasi sawah, serta 2 lokasi tambak. Variabel yang diukur adalah bau, warna, rasa, suhu, TDS, kekeruhan air, debit sungai, kesadahan, pH, amonia, nitrit, nitrat, Cd, dan Pb. Mutu air dievaluasi berdasarkan Indeks Pencemaran (IP) sesuai KEPMEN LH No.115 Tahun 2003 dan PP No.82 Tahun 2001. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tambak, sawah, dan sungai dinyatakan tidak memenuhi  kelayakan air, dengan status tambak 1 yang terletak cukup jauh dari laut telah tercemar berat (IP= 21,17), tambak 2 yang terletak dekat dengan laut memiliki status tercemar sedang (IP= 8,18), sawah yang terletak cukup jauh dari laut dinyatakan tercemar ringan (IP= 3,88), sungai 1 yang letaknya kearah kawasan hulu tergolong tercemar ringan (IP= 3,14), sungai 2  yang terletak di tengah dan dekat dengan cabang Sungai Comal telah tercemar sedang (IP= 5,12), sungai 3 yang letaknya dekat dengan laut yaitu tercemar ringan (IP= 4,99), sedangkan mutu air sumur 1 dan 2 yang terletak di kawasan pemukiman cukup jauh dari laut dinyatakan layak karena masih memenuhi baku mutu (IP= 0,91 dan 0,85). Warna, kekeruhan air, amonia, TDS, logam Pb dan Cd merupakan variabel penurun kualitas air di tambak, sawah, sungai dan sumur. Warna, kekeruhan air, amonia, dan TDS kemungkinan besar berasal dari sisa pakan ikan di tambak dan pupuk di sawah yang tidak terserap oleh padi, sedangkan logam Pb dan Cd dalam penelitian ini kemungkinan berasal dari limbah domestik di kawasan hulu yang terbawa oleh Sungai Comal. Water supply problems in the coastal areas are very complex in accordance with the variety of designation as well as in the Pesantren and Mojo Villages. The study of water quality for various purposes is very important in improving the social and economic quality of the community. The aim of this study is to assess the feasibility of water resources for several designations and to analyze the variables that cause water degradation in coastal areas. This study was based on survey method and was conducted in May 2017 at Pesantren and Mojo Villages, Ulujami, Pemalang. Sampling refers to purposive sampling method in 3 rivers location, 2 wells location, 1 rice field location, and 2 ponds location. The measured variables are odour, colour, taste, temperature, TDS, turbidity, river discharge, hardness, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, Cd, and Pb. Water quality was evaluated based on Pollution Index (PI) according to KEPMEN LH No.115 of 2003 and PP No.82 of 2001. The results showed that ponds, rice fields, and rivers were not found to meet water quality standard, with the status of pond 1 being heavily polluted (PI = 21,17), medium polluted ponds (PI = 8,18), lightly polluted rice fields (PI = 3,88), river 1 was lightly polluted (PI = 3,14), medium polluted river 2 (PI = 5.12), lightly polluted river 3 (PI = 4,99), while water quality for wells 1 and 2 was eligible because it still meets the quality standard (PI = 0,91 and 0,85). Ammonia, TDS, color, turbidity, Pb and Cd are water quality-lowering variables in ponds, fields, rivers and wells. Ammonia, TDS, color and water turbidity are most likely derived from the remain of fish feed in ponds and fertilizers in paddy fields that are not absorbed by rice; whereas Pb and Cd in this study might originate from domestic waste in the upstream areas carried by the Comal river. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 118-125
Fristiwi Silvi Melinda ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin

ABSTRAK Waduk Jatibarang terletak di Kelurahan Kandri, Kecamatan Gunung Pati, Kota Semarang resmi dioperasikan pada tahun 2014. Pemanfaatan Waduk Jatibarang sebagai penyedia air baku, tempat pariwisata dan kegiatan perikanan. Pemanfaatan waduk dapat menurunkan kualitas air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui status pencemaran perairan Waduk Jatibarang berdasarkan berbagai kegiatan peruntukan (kegiatan pariwisata, perikanan dan penyediaan air baku). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari - Pebruari 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Pengambilan contoh air menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dilakukan 2 (dua) kali pengambilan dengan rentang waktu 1 bulan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur variabel kualitas air yang terdapat pada PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air, antara lain Temperatur, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, Amonia dan Total Coliform. Selanjutnya di analisis dengan metode Indeks Pencemaran sesuai KepMen LH Nomor 115 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Penentuan Status Mutu Air. Perairan Waduk Jatibarang memiliki temperatur berkisar antara 30 - 31◦C, TSS 20 - 80 mg/l, pH netral, DO 6,8 - 8,6 mg/l, BOD 1,46 - 3,95 mg/l, COD 9,7 - 15,69 mg/l, Amonia 0,110 - 0,566 mg/l dan Total Coliform 15 – 4.600 sel/100 ml. Status pencemaran pada dermaga Waduk Jatibarang (kegiatan pariwisata) tercemar ringan – sedang (IP = 3,62 - 5,49). Inlet Waduk Jatibarang (Kegiatan Perikanan) tercemar ringan – sedang (IP = 2,88 – 5,93). Outlet Waduk Jatibarang (penyediaan air baku) tercemar ringan (IP = 1,43 – 1,84). ABSTRACT Jatibarang Reservoir is located in the Village Kandri, District Gunung Pati, Semarang officially operated in 2014. Utilization of Jatibarang Reservoir as a provider of raw water, tourism sites and fisheries activities. Utilization of reservoirs can reduce water quality. The purpose of research to determine the water pollution status of Jatibarang Reservoir in based on the various activities allocation (tourism, fisheries and raw water supply). Research was conducted on January - February 2019. The method used is a survey method. Water sampling using purposive sampling with two replicate and sampling interval 1 month. The research was conducted by measuring the water quality variables by activities allocation according with Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 about Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control, among others temperature, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, ammonia and Total Coliform. Furthermore, analized with Pollution Index according to the decree of the minister of environment of the republic of indonesia number 115 year 2003 regarding Guidelines for Determination of Water Quality Status. Jatibarang Reservoir waters have temperature ranging between 30 - 31◦C, TSS 20 - 80 mg/l, pH neutral, DO 6,8 – 8,6 mg/l, BOD 1,46 – 3,95 mg/l, COD 9,7 - 15,69 mg/l, Ammonia 0,110 – 0,566 mg/l and Total Coliform 15 – 4.600 cells/100 ml. Pollution status of the dock Jatibarang Reservoir (tourism activity) lightly - moderatly polluted (IP = 3,62 – 5,49). Inlet of Reservoir Jatibarang (fisheries activity) lightly - moderately polluted (IP = 2,88 - 5,93). Outlet of Reservoir Jatibarang lightly polluted (IP = 1,43 – 1,84).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ranty Christiana ◽  
Ika Muthya Anggraini ◽  
Hezliana Syahwanti

<p>Sungai Mahap is used by the people of Nanga Mahap Village, Nanga Mahap District, Sekadau Regency for daily needs such as cooking, transportation and even consumption as drinking water. Utilization is done by the community because this area has not been flooded with clean water facilities. The quality and status of the Mahap River water quality standard needs to be further examined to study the feasibility of water as an air source used by the community regarding the importance of increasing plantation activities upstream. This research uses descriptive method using quantitative. Air sampling was conducted using a sample survey method with proposed parameters namely BOD, COD, pH, DO, TSS and NH3. Water quality testing is based on Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 and determines the status of water quality using the STORET method and the pollution index based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment No.115 of 2003. In this study, the river pollution load was also calculated. The results show that the composition of BOD, COD, and Fe has exceeded the specified quality standards. The water quality status of the Mahap River is classified as moderate to severe based on the STORET method and Pollution Index. The highest river pollution load occurs at point II, in the dry season at 104.725 kg/day and in the rainy season at 171.873 kg/day</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Erikson Sahala Pardamean ◽  
Henni Syawal ◽  
Morina Riauwaty

Pathogenic bacteria is disease causing microorganisms that can attack fish and can cause mass death in cultured fish. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of pathogenic bacteria Cyprinus carpio that were reared in floating cages. This study used a survey method that is purposive sampling and the fish sample were obtained from, PLTA Koto Panjang. the fishes were identified in the Fish Parasite and Disease Laboratory, Fish and Marine Faculty, University of Riau. Fish samples used were 15-20 cm goldfish totaling 12 tails with 3 times taken from 4 different cages. The kidneys organ were examined and to find out the type the bacteria. Result shown identified of pathogenic bacteria consist of 3 types of bacteria namely Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Edwardsiella sp. Water quality during the study was Temperature: 27-300C, pH 6-7, DO 3.67-4.28 ppm, and ammonia 0.048-0.64 mg/L.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Novianti Novianti ◽  
Badrus Zaman ◽  
Anik Sarminingsih

Sungai Cidurian adalah salah satu sungai yang mengalir di Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kabupaten Serang yang melintasi 17 (tujuh belas) kecamatan dan 2 (dua) kabupaten dengan panjang 67,5 Km. Kajian dilakukan untuk menganalisis status kualitas air Sungai Cidurian pada segmen hilir agar dapat mengetahui kondisi dan tingkat status mutu airnya sehingga dapat mengambil kebijakan pengelolaan dan pengendalian pencemaran dengan tepat. Penelitian dilakukan pada saat musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Nilai status mutu air dianalisis dengan Metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP) yang perhitungannya mengacu pada KepMen LH No. 115 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Penentuan Status Mutu Air.  Hasilnya menunjukan pada 4 (empat) lokasi titik sampling memperlihatkan rata-rata nilai Indeks Pencemaran (IP) pada hilir sungai dalam kondisi baik dan cemar ringan berdasarkan Baku Mutu Kelas II PP 22/2021, untuk nilai Indeks Pencemaran (IP) terendah sebesar 0,66 dan tertinggi sebesar 1,56. ABSTRACTThe Cidurian River is one of the rivers that flows in Tangerang Regency and Serang Regency which crosses 17 (seventeen) sub-districts and 2 (two) districts with a length of 67.5 Km. The study was carried out to analyze the water quality status of the Cidurian River in the downstream segment in order to know the condition and level of the water quality status so that it could take appropriate pollution management and control policies. The research was conducted during the dry season and the rainy season. The value of water quality status was analyzed by using the Pollution Index Method (IP), the calculation refers to the Minister of Environment Decree No. 115 of 2003 concerning Guidelines for Determining Water Quality Status. The results show that at 4 (four) sampling point locations, the average Pollution Index (IP) value in the downstream river is in good condition and lightly polluted based on the Class II PP 22/2021 Quality Standard, for the lowest Pollution Index (IP) value of 0, 66 and the highest of 1.56.

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 04009 ◽  
Ihya Sulthonuddin ◽  
Djoko Mulyo Hartono ◽  
Suyud Warno Utomo

Cimanuk river is one of the seven rivers in West Java. Cimanuk river pollution is indicated to have suffered as a result of the activity of domestic waste, industrial and agricultural uncontrolled in the riparian area of Cimanuk river. This research aims to analize water quality of Cimanuk river based on water quality standard on Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia (IDN), Regulation of the Governor of West Java (WJ), World Health Organization (WHO), Enviromental Standard of United Kingdom (UK), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Enviromental Quality Standard (EQS), and Department of Environment (DOE). This research used pollution index method. The result is water quality of Cimanuk river not meet water quality standard where the TSS (94.85±84,60 mg/L), BOD (9.61±3.16 mg/L), COD (37.69±14.01 mg/L), DO (5.12±1.22 mg/L), NH3N (0.25±0.24 mg/L). Degradation of water quality of Cimanuk river from upstream to downstream marked by increased pollution index value annually. Pollution index of Cimanuk river ranging from 1.25 to 20.31. Water quality status of Cimanuk river has been from lightly polluted to heavilypolluted.

Pham Huu Tam

The monitoring results on environmental quality at corals in coastal areas of Khanh Hoa during 2010 - 2018 indicated that there was no difference of water quality between monitoring areas. The status of environmental quality at corals in coastal waters of Khanh Hoa during 2010 - 2018 is relatively good in terms of ecology, with relatively high dissolved oxygen concentration (>5mg/l). Most of the value of environmental parameters in water are always in the allowed limitation of water quality standard for coastal waters current. There is pollution in some areas, but not significant. The analysis of environmental data during 2010-2018 at corals in coastal waters of Khanh Hoa province showed water quality has changed, however, is negligible and still being maintained in good condition.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Ariane Pratiwi ◽  
Melati Ferianita Fachrul ◽  
Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan ◽  

Abstract. Baru Barat River is a man made river for flood and irrigation control. This study aims to determine the effect of activities on the bank on Baru Barat River on the water quality. Identification of activities is carried out along the bank of river. Water quality parameters are compared with the Governor of Jakarta no. 582 year 2005. The status of water quality is determined using the Pollution Inde (PI). The activities around the Baru Barat River are settlements, officem workshop, schools, deales, food stall, laundry, shops, beauty salons, guesthouses and gas station. BOD concentration range from 8.4-43.7 mg/L with a quality standard of 10 mg/L and COD range from 16-99.2 mg/L with a quality standard of 20 mg/L. Concentration of BOD and COD that exceed of quality standard at almost all sampling ponts. The level of pollutionj in the Baru Barat River is moderate polluted. The main problem at Baru Barat River are the presence of several illegal waste point left from activities that eventually enter the river and the absence of waste water treatment. The concept of community based must be implemented to waste management and communal wastewater treatment that are easy, inexpensive and integrated with the landscape. Keywords: Baru Barat River, river bank, water pollution index, river quality, domestic waste water

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Siti Umi Kalsum ◽  
Lailal Gusri ◽  
Junardi Junardi

Batang Asam River as a source of raw water for Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM) and daily needs. On May 19, 2015 there was pollution in the Batang Asam River due to the spillage of palm oil wastewater from one of the palm oil companies around the Batang Asam River. The water river becomes smelly and black and many fish die. The initial testing  showed that BOD parameter = 10 mg / l), COD = 50 mg / l, TSS = 16 mg / l, N-Total = 3.86 mg / l, pH = 6.02, Oil and fat = 2.8 mg / l, where almost all parameters above the quality standard. The purpose of this study was to analyze status of water and water quality of Batang Asam River Using Pollution Index Method as a result of spilling palm oil wastewater.  Water sampling of the Batang Asam River was carried out in 4 (four) locations, namely the upstream area of Lubuk Bernai Village, the Central area of Lubuk Lawas Village and Tanjung Bojo Village and the downstream of Kampung Baru Village (Pengabuan River Estuary). Parameters tested were pH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, DO, Fe, Oil and fat based on Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning Water Pollution Control and Water Quality Management For Class II. Analysis of water quality status using the Pollution Index method based on the Minister of Environment Regulation Number 115 of 2003 concerning Guidelines for Determining the Status of Water Quality.  The results showed that the analysis of the average waterquality of Batang Asam River from four locations tested were parameters pH 6,8, TDS parameters 79,5 mg / l, TSS parameters 15,25 mg / l, DO parameters 3,025 mg / l, BOD parameters 2,935 mg/l, COD parameters 14,5 mg / l, Fe 0,645 mg / l and parameters of oil and fat 1 mg /l satisfy the class II water quality standard (PP No. 82 of 2001). The status of Batang Asam River shows that the status of water quality is mildly polluted with a pollution index value of 1,0 ≤ IP ≤ 5,0 which is 1,96.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Edwarsyah Edwarsyah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kuantitas kandungan logam berat jenis timbal (Pb), kadmium (Cd), besi (Fe), merkuri (Hg), dan minyak solar di estuaria Krueng Cangkoi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Krueng Cangkoi, Desa Padang Seurahet, Kecamatan Meureubo, Meulaboh, Aceh Barat. Analisa data dan proses penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Badan Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Daerah (BARISTAND) Kota Banda Aceh pada bulan Desember 2014 sampai dengan Januari 2015. Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan data diperoleh berdasarkan uji Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom terhadap kandungan logam berat jenis Pb, Cd, Fe, Hg, dan minyak solar di 5 (lima) titik sampel. Di dapatkan hasil tingkat kandungan logam berat Cd (0,14 mg/L) dan Fe (0,56 mg/L) di Krueng Cangkoi telah melampaui ambang batas baku mutu berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No: 82/2001 yaitu 0,01 mg/L pada Cd dan 0,3 mg/L pada Fe. Hasil indeks pencemaran di Krueng Cangkoi didapatkan nilai indeks pencemaran Fe yaitu 1,76 mg/L tergolong cemar ringan dan nilai indeks pencemaran Cd yaitu 3,91 mg/L tergolong cemar sedang berdasarkan baku mutu KeMenLH No: 115/2003.The objective of research to analyzed quantity of heavy metals types of: lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg) and diesel fuel in estuaries of Krueng Cangkoi. Sampling was conducted on December 2014 until January 2015 in estuaries Krueng Cangkoi, Meulaboh, West Aceh. The data analyzed and research process at the Laboratory Research and Standardization Industry (BARISTAND) Banda Aceh. The research used purposive sampling method and the data was obtained by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry method test for heavy metal content types of: Pb, Cd, Fe, Hg and diesel fuel at 5 (five) sites sampling. The results of level of heavy metals Cd (0,14 mg/L) and Fe (0,56 mg/L) in Krueng Cangkoi has exceeded the quality standard threshold base on Government Regulation No: 82/2001 was 0,01 mg/L in Cd and 0,3 mg/L in Fe. The results of pollution index in Krueng Cangkoi obtained pollution index values of Fe was 1,76 mg/L classified of lightly-polluted and pollution index values of Cd was 3,91 mg/L classified of moderately-polluted based on quality standard of KemenLH No: 115/2003.

Risda Afifi Nasution ◽  
Nofrita Nofrita ◽  
Eggy Triana Putri ◽  
Izmiarti Izmiarti

This study aims to determine the composition and structure of the macrozoobenthos community in Batang Air Dingin and water quality based on BMWP ASPT. This study used a survey method in determining the station by purposive sampling, based on typhical environmental condition along the river. Macrozoobenthos samples was collected by using surber net 30x30 cm2. The result showed the community in the form of Gastropods 6 genera, Insecta 26 genera, Oligochaeta 1 genus, and Hirudinea 1 genus. Total density of macrozoobenthos in the Batang Air Dingin river was 1182,22ind/m2 ranging from 180,00 ind/m2 to 402,22 ind/m2 with the highest density was found in the first station and the lowest at station four. The predominant type found at each station is different, station I is Elophyla, Neopherla, Hydropsyche; station II Eukifferiella, Polypedilum, Elophyla, Hydropsyche; station III Clithon, Eukifferiella, Polypedilum, Orthocladius; station IV Clithonand Thiara. The diversity of macrozoobenthos in Batang Air Dingin river range between 1,95-2,51 is classified as moderate with even distribution (E=0,84) range between 0,81-0,89. Batang Air Dingin water quality using BMWP ASPT from upstream to downstream range between 6,12 – 3,5. Classified unpolluted to heavily polluted.

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