2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 483-491
Deo Demonta Panggabean ◽  
Motlan ◽  
Mukti Hamjah Harahap ◽  
Irfandi ◽  
Albert Pauli Sirait

This study aims to develop a strategy to speed improvements accreditation at the State University of Medan. This research is a development (Research and Development / R & D) with BMVIT policy development cycle. Data was collected using response sheets, questionnaires and questionnaires. The results obtained through this research are: 1) the target accreditation courses that will expire next year is ranked accreditation excellent, 2) the factors inhibiting the acceleration of accreditation in Study Program State University of Medan, among others: (a) a system that can be used to ease the study program to access the data; (B) The level of understanding of each course with the new accreditation system is still low; (C) The lack of assistance in preparing the study program accreditation instruments, while the supporting factors accelerating the increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a) Participation of the entire community of course is very good; (B) the infrastructure owned by their respective study program has been very adequate, 3) Strategy accelerated increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a). Perception related to the new accreditation system in stages; (B) Assistance study program in a sustainable and measurable; (C) Preparation of system data relating to the needs of accreditation instruments that can be accessed by programs with ease. while the supporting factors accelerating the increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a) Participation of the entire community of course is very good; (B) the infrastructure owned by their respective study program has been very adequate, 3) Strategy accelerated increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a). Perception related to the new accreditation system in stages; (B) Assistance study program in a sustainable and measurable; (C) Preparation of system data relating to the needs of accreditation instruments that can be accessed by programs with ease. while the supporting factors accelerating the increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a) Participation of the entire community of course is very good; (B) the infrastructure owned by their respective study program has been very adequate, 3) Strategy accelerated increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a). Perception related to the new accreditation system in stages; (B) Assistance study program in a sustainable and measurable; (C) Preparation of system data relating to the needs of accreditation instruments that can be accessed by programs with ease. 3) Strategies accelerated increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a). Perception related to the new accreditation system in stages; (B) Assistance study program in a sustainable and measurable; (C) Preparation of system data relating to the needs of accreditation instruments that can be accessed by programs with ease. 3) The accelerated Strategies to increase accreditation of all study Programs  in State University of Medan, among others: (a). Perception related to the new accreditation system in stages; (B) Assistance study program in a sustainable and measurable; (C) Preparation of system data relating to the needs of accreditation instruments that can be accessed by programs with ease.

At-Taqaddum ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Eva Khoirun Nisa

The quality of a study program is assessed from the results of accreditation. Accreditation is also one of the requirements in applying for a job in a public or private institution. The hope is that the results of university accreditation will be satisfactory when students graduate from the college. With the Friedman test statistic, it can be seen the effect of the study program accreditation in the Faculty of Science and Technology on the learning intensity and future expectations in this study. It turned out that descriptively, the A study program's accreditation motivated students to study diligently and students really hoped to get a job or reputable college for further studies. In contrast, the students from study programs are accredited B, and C have medium and low learning intensity. Their hopes of getting a good job or place of further study are almost ordinary or almost nonexistent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Indah Wahyuni ◽  
Akhyar Anshori

Some time ago, Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim launched a program called "Merdeka Learning" aimed at Universities / Colleges which is also known as the Independent Campus. The discourse conveyed by the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the Merdeka Campus has four policies in the scope of higher education, namely (1) Opening of new study programs, in which this program provides autonomy for State (PTN) and Private Universities (PTS) to open or establish new study programs, (2) Higher education accreditation system, (3) Freedom for PTN Public Service Agency (BLU) and Work Unit (Satker) to become PTN Legal Entity (PTN BH), (4) Right for students to take courses outside the study program and changing the definition of the Semester Credit System (SKS). The purpose of this study was to determine how the Medan State University Student Response to the Discourse of the Merdeka Campus. The data collection technique used in this study used several methods including literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. This data analysis technique uses a qualitative descriptive method which is used to describe a situation that is currently running at the time the research is carried out and examines the causes of a particular symptom, then analyzed by conducting a conceptual examination of a statement so that the clarity of the meaning contained in the statement can be obtained. the. Where all the speakers know the discourse on an independent campus that has been conveyed by the Minister of Education and Culture some time ago, but from the results of the interviews conducted in more depth, five people only approved and three people did not approve of the independent campus. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Kastam Syamsi ◽  
Teguh Setiawan

Salah satu indikator keberhasilan pengajaran adalah mampu membawa siswa dapat berpikir kritis. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk dapat menumbuhkan pola berpikir kritis adalah pemberian pertanyaan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) tipe pertanyaan dosen dan mahasiswa, (2) dimensi kognisi yang terkandung dalam pertanyaan yang dibuat oleh dosen dan mahasiswa, dan (3) dimensi pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam pertanyaan dosen dan mahasiswa jenjang S-1 dan S-2 pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Data yang berupa pertanyaan-pertanyaan dikumpulkan dengan cara direkam dan dicatat. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah human instrumen dan indikator tuturan yang mengandung pertanyaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat ditarik tiga simpulan. Pertama, jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen pada jenjang S-1 dan S-2 ada dua, yaitu pentanyaan konvergen dan pertanyaan divergen. Kedua, dimensi kognitif pertanyaan mahasiswa S-1 masih berada pada tingkat C2 dan C3, dengan tingkatan C2 lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan C3; sebaliknya pertanyaan dosen S-1 sudah banyak ke arah C3 dan sudah mulai ke C4. Yang berarti pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-2 sudah mengarah ke kongnisi tingkat tinggi. Ketiga, dimensi pengetahuan pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-1 mencakup pengetahuan konseptual dan prosedural, sedangkan dimensi pengetahuan pada pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-2 mencakup dimensi konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif, sebagian besar berada dalam dimensi pengetahuan prosedural yang berarti mahasiswa bergerak pada pola pikir yang lebih abstrak dan rumit.Kata Kunci: dimensi pertanyaan, dimensi pengetahuan, pembelajaran kelasDIMENSIONS OF LECTURER AND STUDENT QUESTIONS ON LEARNING IN CLASSAbstract One indicator of teaching success is being able to bring students to think critically. One way that can be done to be able to grow critical thinking patterns is giving good questions. This study aims to describe (1) the types of lecturer and student questions, (2) the dimensions of cognition contained in the questions made by lecturers and students, and (3) the dimensions of knowledge contained in the questions made by lecturers and students in the undergraduate and graduate in the Indonesian Language and Literacy Education Study Program of Yogyakarta State University. The data source of this research is the questions posed by lecturers and students in Indonesian language and literature study programs at the time of the class chase, both for bachelor and master degree programs. Data in the form of questions are collected by means of recorded and recorded. The instruments used in this study are human instruments and speech indicators that contain questions. Based on the results of data analysis three conclusions can be drawn. First, the types of questions posed by students and lecturers at the bachelor and master level are two, namely convergent questions and divergent questions. Second, the cognitive dimensions of S-1 student questions are still at levels C2 and C3, with higher C2 levels. compared to C3. On the other hand, there are many questions from the S-1 lecturer towards C3 and have started to C4. the question of students and S-2 lecturers who have led to a high-level technician. Third, knowledge on the questions of students and lecturers of S-1 covers conceptual and procedural knowledge, the knowledge on the questions of the S-2 students and lecturers included the conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive changes. Most are in the dimensions of procedural knowledge. That is, students move on a more abstract and complex mindset.Keywords: question dimension, knowledge dimension, classroom learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1433-1442
Lydia Octaviani ◽  
Kazia Laturette

This research aims to analyze the differences in understanding of financial literacy in Accounting and Manajemen students in the 2015-2016 class, knowing the level of literacy held by students of the Accounting Study Program and students of the Management Study Program, and to analyze differences in the understanding of financial literacy to Accounting students and Manajemen students. This study uses a quantitative approach and is carried out on students of the Accounting and Manajemen Study Programs at Ciputra Surabaya University. Data were collected using a questionnaire to students of Accounting and Management in the 2015-2016 class, with a total population of 739 people. The sampling technique used was disproportionate stratified random sampling, with a total sample of 307 students. The scale used in this study is the Likert scale and nominal. Independent data analysis methods tests were carried out with the help of IBM SPSS 24. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the financial literacy level of Accounting and Manajemen students. The level of understanding of financial literacy of IBM and accounting students at a moderate level with different score scores This difference includes every individual who has different competencies, financial management and financial management, and also seminars or training given to students from lecture activities. There is a difference in understanding of financial literacy between Manajemen and Accounting students.

Ruri Nurul Aeni Wulandari ◽  
Lifa Farida Panduwinata

<p class="abstrak"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using Google Classroom in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The research sample was students of the Office Administration Education Study Program at the State University of Surabaya, batch 2017, 2018, and 2019, which means 95 people. The data was collected using a questionnaire, while the data analysis technique used a percentage. The results showed that Google Classroom was effectively applied in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Dewi Kartika Ardiyani ◽  
Deddy Kurniawan

This study aims to describe the curriculum readiness of the German Language Education at the State University of Malang in welcoming the Industrial Revolution 4.0. As one of the colleges with German graduates in Indonesia, the German Language Education at the State University of Malang has an important role in the development of learning in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. It requires a strong and appropriate guideline to achieve this goal, namely the curriculum of study program of German Language Education with the demands of the Revolution 4.0. It needs the research of the graduates’ needs, interview of graduate users and experts in learning German to develop the curriculum. This study was conducted through a focus group discussion with the German Language lecturers of Center of Development and Empowerment of Language Teachers and Educational Personal in Jakarta (P4TK Bahasa Jakarta). The results of the study indicate that the the German Language Education at the State University of Malang curriculum for lingustic has referred to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Some notes that must be done by the study program to implement the development of curriculum and learning in study program in accordance with the demands of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era are as follows: (1) development of a pedagogic curriculum that not only emphasizes theory/concepts but also implementation in schools, (2) curriculum development based on current issues, (3) study program should multiply research as a basis for analyzing market needs and students, (4) the development of ICT skills of lecturers needed for ICT-based learning preparation, and (4) study program has benchmarking to improve the quality of learning and the quality of graduates.   Keywords: curriculum, study program, German language

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Delima Tusya'diah ◽  
Elva Rahmah

AbstractShearch for information on graduates of Indonesian Language Study Programs a the Faculty of Language and Art. Paper. Library and Archives Information Study Program, Indonesia dan Regional Language and Literature Departement, Language and Art Faculty, Padang State University. In this paper we discuss the search for graduates of the UNP Language and Arts Faculty of Indonesia Language Study Program. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of Indonesia Education Study Program graduates and to know the competency and employment of these graduation. The research method approach used is a qualitatif method. Data was collected using questionnaires. The location of this study was carried out on the application or distributing questionnaires through social media. The object of the search was the Inodesian Language Education alumni who responded to 47 alumni. The data collection technique was by sharing questionnaires through WhatsApp media. Analyze the data used by using the google form application. First based on the results of the study, concluded the following matters. Graduates of the Indonesian Language Study program every year do not settle or go up and down, many respondents are among women with the dominant year of entry in 2014, the lenght of the waiting period for employment before graduation 1-3 months while their first job is < 3 months. The two Indonesian Language Education alumni are mostly looking for work through the internet, the level, and they work in the education sector, both private and obtain the first salary of RP. 1.000.000 and the first salary of Rp. 1.000.000- IDR 2.000.000.Keyword: search; education; alumni 

Abdurrahman Adisaputera ◽  
Isda Pramuniati ◽  
Syamsul Arif

Quality assurance efforts at higher education institutions today are largely determined by the value of accreditation obtained, both in the study program and higher education institutions. Of course various obstacles are faced for the implementation of accreditation. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the level of difficulty of the study program at Unimed in carrying out the development of an accreditation-based quality assurance program. The method used to achieve the objectives of the research is through a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the level of difficulty of the study program in Unimed in meeting the accreditation standards can be seen from the low acquisition scores in standards 4, 5 and 7 in the study program accreditation forms. The low value obtained from the standard-accreditation standards is influenced by the development of lecturers' resources in each study program to improve scientific publications in accredited national journals and / or reputable international journals, and the participation of the lecturers is a speaker at scientific forums such as national seminars and seminars international.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Komang Krishna Yogantara

This study aims to examine the effect of lectures while working, learning behavior and emotional intelligence on the level of understanding of regular afternoon accounting students of accounting study programs at Triatma Mulya University. The dependent variable in this research is accounting understanding (Y). While the independent variables in this study are lectures while working (X1), learning behavior (X2) and emotional intelligence (X3). The population in this study were all regular evening students of the 2016-2019 accounting study program who are still active at Triatma Mulya University. The sample in this study was selected by purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of 96 students. The research method used is quantitative research and for data analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study stated that lecture while working had a positive effect on accounting understanding, seen from the X1 significance value of 0,000. The positive influence between lectures while working with the level of understanding of accounting identifies that students who are active in carrying out two activities at once, namely lecturing and working together and supporting each other. Furthermore, learning behavior has a positive effect on accounting understanding, seen from the X2 significance value of 0,000. This indicates that the better the student's learning behavior, the better the level of understanding of the student's accounting. While emotional intelligence also has a positive effect on accounting understanding, it can be seen from the X3 significance value of 0.002. This emotional intelligence shows that someone who is able to control his emotional intelligence well, then understanding accounting will also increase.

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