scholarly journals The Conflict Between the Meaning of a Word and Its Form: The Unity of Disunity

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (26) ◽  
pp. 86-97
Martyna Król

This article discusses the identity of a word as a synthetic lexical unit, i.e., a language sign. It also makes an attempt to interpret Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory as presented in his book De l’essence double du langage. According to this theory, a sign of linguistic activity consists of a language sign and a speech sign. The language sign includes an invariant (constant) meaning and an invariant form, while the speech sign is made up of the current meaning (or meanings) as well as the current form. All these elements are interrelated in a way which enables humans to use them in linguistic activity. They constitute a homogeneous, yet non-isomorphic entirety, as they belong to “different worlds.” Despite the complexity of its inner structure, a sign of linguistic activity acquires its identity only due to the coexistence of all its elements (hence the “unity of disunity” of the title). The given theory differs significantly from the bilateral concept of a language sign attributed to Saussure after the publication of A Course in General Linguistics by Albert Sechehaye and Charles Bally. The concept of language sign has developed into the concept of language activity, which includes both invariant elements (of the language system) and current elements (of speech). However, such a concept was first expressed in the unfinished and unedited book De l’essence double du langage by de Saussure. The theory described in de Saussure’s book has been thoroughly analysed by the author of this article. The most important conclusion drawn from this analysis is that a sign of linguistic activity is a complex item, within which the conflict does not result from the connection of mental and physical beings, but rather from the fact that a sign is built of elements belonging to different systems, governed by different laws; the conflict here is neutralized and has a creative rather than a destructive role. The review of the better and less well-known concepts of the language sign proves that this issue has been intriguing philosophers and linguists ever since. In all the theories there are two elements to be noticed: the opposition or conflict, and the attempt to neutralize it, together with the observation that language is an unusual, amazing phenomenon. Surprisingly, it is conflict (no matter what its nature is) that turns out to be the factor that strengthens, if not actively drives, the very existence of a language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 163-183
Barbara Szczerbińska

The aim of the article is to analyze the development of the description of experiences and the conceptualisation of feelings in the school essays. The author analyzes the proper part of the description of experiences prepared by primary school students; the interpretation consists of both treating the text as a product – the effect of using technology in the process of linguistic activity – as well as introducing the students’ textual abilities and skills. The analyzed texts include the authors’ own interpretations of their experiences, starting from the presentation of stimuli that triggered the given feelings, through describing the accompanying and emotional reactions, and ending with the description of the results derived from the experienced emotions. The essence of the description of experiences is the conceptualization of feelings, for the development of which students use three different schemas: simple time sequences, the contrast technique and the “kaleidoscope technique”.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01028
Darya A. Aripova ◽  
Irina S. Bashmakova

The given research deals with the problem of phraseologism formation and further terminologization of such word-combinations as: Dutch slice-hip roof, Dymaxion House, Inhoff tank, dragon summer, cyclopean concrete, dragon tie, horse shoe curve, double Roman tile, etc. It is noted that object categorization takes place in man’s consciousness. Once being used as a fixed word-combination in professional text, the lexical unit may preserve the formed holistic meaning and can be transferred to the category “phraseologism”. The three obligatory identification requirements for word-combination to be transferred to the category “phraseologism” have been defined. The phraseologism functions in the scientific and technical text have been determined.

Hromko T.V.

Purpose. The article considers methodological problems of mono-verbal ideographic dictionary as a separate lexicographic set of dialectal usus, built on the onomasiological principle, on the semantic relations of words from the concept to its lexical counterparts. By typology, ideographic and explanatory dictionaries are complementary, which determines the equipolent connection of the ideographic dictionary with the thesaurus of a separate language system. Methods. The monophonic ideographic dictionary proposed by the author offers a methodology for developing an ideographic dictionary of speech on a purely linguistic basis, in the direction “from the core to the periphery”, because the lexical structure of the idiom, in contrast to the common language, is narrowly accessible for speakers of the literary idiom and widely available for scientific interpretation of the lexicon of speech, and given the completeness of the presentation allows the use of quantitative methods. They ensure the objectivity of the obtained results and significantly reduce the time for their receipt and processing, which in the long run will provide objective results for further qualitative (qualitative) analysis – a monographic description of the language system of speech. Results. Monographic ideographic dictionary is a new type of dictionary – linguistic dialectological ideographic dictionary of scientific and linguodidactical purpose. Methodologically, its conclusion involves the stratification of vocabulary by functional, syntagmatic, paradigmatic and epidigmatic system parameters. Conclusions. Improving the method of parametric analysis for a one-word ideographic dictionary involves in the process of compiling the author of the “Ideographic Dictionary of the dialect of Pishchany Brid village of Dobrovelychkivsky district of Kirovohrad region” conducting various typological studies: continuing to collect natural dialect material, representation of the place of this lexical unit in its structure, etc., as well as ideographic lexicographic parameterization for component analysis of dialectal vocabulary, which will extrapolate the spoken material, and in the future will serve to solve a number of theoretical and practical problems of linguistics, and research will enter the linguistic picture of the world and give objective scientific results.Key words: dialectology, lexicography, monoidiom research, ideographic method, quantitative methods, qualitative analysis of vocabulary. Анотація.Мета. У статті розглядаються методологічні проблеми моноговіркового ідеографічного словника як окремого лексикографічного зводу діалектного узусу, побудованого за ономасіологічним принципом, за смисловими відношеннями слів від поняття до його лексичних відповідників. За типологією ідеографічні й тлумачні словники є взаємодоповню-вальними, що й визначає еквіполентний зв’язок ідеографічного словника з тезаурусом окремої мовної системи. Методи.Пропонований автором моноговірковий ідеографічний словник пропонує методологію розробки ідеографічного словника говірки за суто лінгвістичною основою, у напрямі «від ядра до периферії», оскільки лексичний склад ідіому, на відміну від загальномовного, є вузькодоступним для носіїв літературного ідіому і широкодоступним для наукової інтерпретації лексикону говірки, а з огляду на повноту представлення дозволяє використовувати квантитативні методи. Вони забезпечують об’єктивність отриманих результатів і значно скорочують час на їх отримання і обробку, що у перспективі дасть об’єктивні результати для подальшого квалітативного (якісного) аналізу – монографічного опису мовної системи говірки. Результати. Моноговірковий ідеографічний словник є новим типом словника – лінгвістичним діалектологічним ідеографічним словником наукового та лінгводидактичного призначення. Методологічно його укладання передбачає стратифікацію лексики за функціональним, синтагматичним, парадигматичним й епідигматичним системними параметрами. Висновки. Удосконалення методу параметричного аналізу для моноговіркового ідеографічного словника передбачає у процесі укладан-ня автором «Ідеографічного словника говірки села Піщаний Брід Добровеличківського району Кіровоградської області» проведення різного роду типологічних досліджень: продовження збирання польового діалектного матеріалу, проведення квалітативного аналізу лексики на предмет ядра й периферії мовної системи, наочного представлення того, яке місце посідає така лексична одиниця в його структурі тощо, а також ідеографічної лексикографічної параметризації для проведення компонентного аналізу діалектної лексики, що екстраполюватиме говірковий матеріал, а в перспективі прислужиться для вирішення низки теоретичних і практичних завдань лінгвістики, і проведені за ним дослідження увіллються в мовну картину світу та дадуть об’єктивні наукові результати.Ключові слова: діалектологія, лексикографія, моноговіркові дослідження, ідеографічний метод, квантитативний метод, квалітативний аналіз лексики.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 105-124
Renata Żochowska ◽  
Adrian Barchański

The efficiency of the entire transportation system depends on the capacity of the individual elements that make up the given network. Point-type elements of the road and street network include intersections of different types. Critical gaps and follow-up times related to individual movements are important determinants of the capacity of such objects. There are many ways to estimate such times. The article discusses the assumptions and scheme one of them - the Siegloch method. The objective of the article is to analyze the process of determining critical gaps and follow-up times at the median uncontrolled T-intersections that are rare in the road and street network and have been studied to a limited extent. The commonly used HCM, HBS, and Polish (MOP SBS) methods in their current form do not consider the speci-ficity of such intersections and thus may not give reliable results. Due to their characteristics in terms of geometry conditions, there is a need for an individual approach to estimate both critical gaps and follow-up times. The article contains the results of empirical research conducted on a selected real object in the Upper Silesian agglomeration in Poland. The intersection under study is located in one of the central districts of Katowice city, in the built-up area serving commercial and service functions. The analysis of the behavior of individual drivers waiting for the possibility to continue driving was conducted separately for each minor traffic movement. The values of critical gaps and follow-up times were determined for all four subordinate movements. The values obtained are different from those contained in the Polish manual, which is recommended for use. The research should be considered as pilot studies that justify the need to develop a separate approach to the estimation of the critical gaps and follow-up times at median uncontrolled T-intersections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-77
Nilufar Shirinova ◽  
Nargiza Shirinova

Introduction. The issue of gradual relations in differentiation of the meanings of substance and attributiveness in the English and Uzbek languages in a gradual way is studied in the article. Graduonymy, as a type of linguistic phenomenon, serves as the main demarcation method for the manifestation of substantive and attributive meanings in different aspects of the systems of English and Uzbek languages. Research methods. Logical analizing and synthesizing, linguistic analyzing, graduonymy, comparative method, constructive method, synchronic classification method and others are used to make a linguistic research on the given issue. Graduonymic approach is chosen as the main way of the linguistic analysis of the substance and attributive meanings in the lexical and grammatical aspects of the language system in general. Results and discussion. Demarcation of substance and attributive meanings in the English and Uzbek languages occurs in a gradual way as a form of language consciousness. However, substance and attributiveness, being sincrete (diffuisive) in reality, semi-discrete (as concepts of substance and attributiveness) in human consciousness, and discrete (analytical) in language system, are realised in both English and Uzbek languages in the forms of gradual lines (rows).

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1-2 (6)) ◽  
pp. 140-147
Zara Kostanyan

The analysis of supraphrasal indirect speech reveals that the paradigm of the given syntactic unit in the language system is formed in accordance with its structural-semantic characteristics which make it possible to distinguish it in the flow of speech. The lexical, grammatical, tense and stylistic factors prove to be important in the distinction of the supraphrasal indirect speech.

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (03) ◽  
pp. 214-227 ◽  
S. Sutulo ◽  
C. Guedes Soares

Properties of an adjusted version of Mitchell's algorithm for synthesis of D-optimized experimental designs for response estimation were studied numerically for a third-order polynomial linear regression model widely used in ship maneuvering. Numerical experiments for 2, 3, and 4-factor cases were conducted for different numbers of levels in the classic full-factorial plan used as a set of candidate points. Selection of the runs to be included in the design under construction was made after an exhaustive search. Initial designs were obtained with the pseudo-random or quasi-random generation. A method of assembling an optimized design with the given degree of redundancy is proposed. An important conclusion is that relatively coarse grids can be used for discretizing the factor space that can facilitate substantially the synthesis of the designs without any significant loss of quality.


In the given paper the definite analysis of the lexical unit “student” is made. The data, taken from the analysis, allowed to define the basic characteristics of the image “student” in the conscious of the English language speakers. Further these characteristics will be put in the further construction of the image “student” in the different types of the English language discourse.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 1075-1078
Delyana Chuhovska

One of the most important achievements of child development is the learning of a language and its activation through speech. Ferdinand de Saussure believes that “people use the rules of language to produce speech” [1]. In his essay “Course in general linguistics” he distinguishes between language, speech and speech activity. In his view, language is an element of speech activity, but it itself is an integrality. He describes speech activity as heterogeneous and belonging to both the individual and the social sphere. Saussure defines speech as an individual expression of language. Language is a system; speech - its realization.As means of communication, language can be considered as a social, biological or socio-psychological phenomenon. Itsdevelopment begins with birth and continues throughout life. The most intensive processes are those of its adoption in pre-school age. Through spoken communication, children meet their natural need for self-expression, self-assertion and self-actualization. Through the adopted language knowledge they exchange information and express their needs, thoughts, desires and feelings. This dynamic exchange of personally meaningful information through verbal channels can be defined as a dialogic associated speech.In the second half of the last century ontogenetic psycholinguistics greatly expanded its knowledge of how children master the language system, focusing on the linkage of linguistic ontogenesis with the perceptual and cognitive development of children.Linguistics describes the language system as a complex set of three main components with five distinct areas of linguistic functioning, which are differentiated in accordance to the content. Bloom and Lahey (1978) define the basic components of the language system: “a form, content and use” [2].If we accept Bloom and Lahey’s theory of the basic components of language and Chomsky’s theory (speech is an individual expression of language) when looking for criteria to study the dialogue in children, we can assume that dialogue is a process of dynamic exchange of structured language units of speech united by a mutually recognizable form which is structured in accordance to content.The main problem in exploring dialogic speech is the selection of the indicators with the help of which it will be measured. The factually measurable structures - productivity, autonomy, lexical-grammatical shaping of dialogue and integrity (according to Daskalova) are selected for the purposes of the study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Mariia A. Abysova ◽  
Olha P. Antipova ◽  
Bohdan V. Kalynovskyi ◽  
Myroslav Yu. Durdynets ◽  
Yurii P. Prykhodko

The article examines the problem of the dialectic nature of the language system. The analysis of a number of works on the philosophy of language has shaped research logic of authors, which guided the definition of the concepts of “natural language” and “artificial language”. It is shown that the “natural – artificial” dichotomy in a language system is revealed through the prism of a number of paired constructs: “natural – social”, “oral – written”; “folk – literary”; “informal – etiquette-formal”; “objective – subjective”; “autochthonous – borrowed”; “traditional – innovative”. The different genesis of the natural and artificial languages proves that the artificial languages are aimed at the intended result, while the natural can be considered as a side effect of communicative-linguistic activity, which is not provided by its purposes.

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