scholarly journals Pluralistic Da'wah Model in Maintaining Religious Tolerance in Bekasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-210
Deden Sumpena ◽  
Adon Nasurullah Jamaludin

This article aims to explore perceptions of religious pluralism, identify the models of da'wah being carried out, and describe the community's efforts in building harmony in Kampung Sawah Bekasi. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. From the study results, it can be explained that the community interprets pluralism as an awareness of mutual respect. There are three da'wah models, namely, preaching that is wise, transformative, and inclusive preaching. Meanwhile, the community's efforts to maintain harmony include avoiding conflict, dialogue, cooperation, and holding the Ngariung Bareng Forum. The practical implications of this research impact efforts to build harmony and harmony between religious communities in Bekasi. Besides, research is expected to become a model for the development of da'wah in a pluralistic society.Artikel ini bertujuan menggali persepsi pluralisme agama, mengidentifikasi model dakwah yang dilakukan, dan mendeskripsikan upaya masyarakat dalam membangun kerukunan di Kampung Sawah Bekasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif Dari hasil penelitian dapat dijelaskan, bahwa masyarakat memaknai pluralisme sebagai kesadaran saling menghargai. Terdapat tiga model dakwah yaitu; dakwah yang arif, dakwah transformatif dan dakwah inklusif. Sedangkan upaya masyarakat dalam menjaga kerukunan, yaitu dengan menghindari konflik, Dialog, Gotong Royong, dan menyelenggarakan Forum Ngariung Bareng. Implikasi praktis penelitian berdampak pada upaya membangun keharmonisan dan kerukunan antar umat beragama di Bekasi. Selain itu, penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi model pengembangan dakwah pada masyarakat pluralistik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Taslim HM Yasin

Islam is a universal religion that regulates all aspects of life, including teachings about religious harmony. Normatively, the Koran has included verses related to religious pluralism, multiculturalism and tolerance of religious life. Historically the Medina pajamas are historical witnesses that the Prophet laid the foundation and became an example in living a life of different religions and cultures. For Muslims in Indonesia the elimination of seven words in the Jakarta pajamas is a tangible form of inter-religious harmony shown by Muslims. Likewise with the Confucian religion, there are teachings that can lead its adherents to live in harmony with other religions, among the teachings or five noble characteristics of Wu Chang, which are seen as the concept of teachings that can create a harmonious life. The two religions generally maintain harmony with each other, but in particular there are often misunderstandings such as reality shows that there are not a few actions that deviate from the values of tolerance. The method in this discussion uses a library research (library research), with a qualitative approach. The results of this discussion illustrate that Islam and Confucianism positively support the existence of tolerance between religious communities and the government. Furthermore, religious tolerance has limits that must be maintained and respected, for example in the form of the social interests of the two teachings, while regarding the creed, both are not allowed to tolerate. The similarity of tolerance according to both is the harmony of life between religious communities, which is something that is mentioned in the Al-Quran and the book of Lun Yu. Like mutual respect, please help and be fair to every people. Meanwhile, what distinguishes religious tolerance is that Islam does not allow marriage to a non-Muslim, while Confucianism allows marriage to people of different religions

Wahyu Fatimah Chaniago

This study aims to determine the work culture of the sub-district government in providing administrative services to the community in the Covid-19 era. The research method is a direct qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The study results show a fundamental service change in 2020, namely the pattern of routine and usual ways of working that are very different felt by the people who will provide services at the Teluk Ambon District Office. Changes in bureaucratic work procedures are caused by the public's complying with the health protocol and maintaining a sitting position, which is one meter while providing services at the Teluk Ambon sub-district office.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Imron Maulana

The effect of negative conversation occurs intensively in children aged 3-4 years because it is a period of imitation. This period is one of the stages of socialization that a child gets within his family's scope. This study aims to comprehensively examine the negative conversations that affect language acquisition, especially phonological acquisition, mainly acquiring vowels that occur in SM and NS. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The study results revealed that negative conversation significantly affected children's language acquisition and its characteristics. The concrete reality at this stage, especially when the family says anything, then gradually the child brain area will process it. The child will repeat it. This phenomenon occurs repeatedly, and then it is not imagined that he will speak these words spontaneously. A child tends to say it without understanding the meaning. Still, it will affect his character if the negative sentences internalized to his thought. Adopting this negative conversation tends to have unideal characteristics because a child does not imitate his negative words. Still, he tries to understand the meaning uttered by the person closest to him. In this case, the study results reveal that negative conversations significantly affect children's language acquisition and affect their characteristics. The conclusion is that language acquisition through an unfavourable exchange is obtained by internal (family) factors and external factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Lutfin Haryanto ◽  
Abas Oya ◽  
Jessy Parmawati Atmaja

Pluralism is a view of life in understanding, acknowledging and accepting the existence of pluralism and diversity in a community group. The people of Donggo, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara have different religious beliefs, in which there are different cultures and customs. There are three religions that developed in Palama Village 2, Nggerukopa hamlet, Donggo District, namely Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. With a variety of religious beliefs, of course, each individual community has different desires, and this can lead to conflict between individuals in the community, for this reason it is necessary to understand pluralism which refers to the meaning of tolerance in order to live in harmony, to unite the diversity of a nation. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is how is the form of religious harmony in the Donggo custom community? The formulation of the problem raised. The purpose of this study is to find out the pluralism of the Donggo custom people in maintaining religious harmony. Researchers obtain data in this study is from observation, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the study it was found that the forms of harmony of the Donggo custom people in maintaining religious harmony were cua kaco'i angi (mutual respect), doho kaboro weki (sitting together), inga dasa uma (helping to build a house), batu rawi rasa (participating in events) and tio kasama weki rasa ra dana (guarding with the village). Thus, the researcher concludes that the Donggo custom people in Nggerukopa really care for their religious harmony in any form to continue to live in harmony with each other.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-187
Muhammad Yunus

This research is aimed to investigate in this research to know how the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 1 Amparita, The support and inhibiting factors and how the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in learning PAI at the school. This research is a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection in this research is the observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and triangular. While analyzing data is obtained by the researcher using reduction data, presentation data and verification data. The result of the research shows that the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 1 Amparita is done by 1) Giving an opportunity to all students to follow the teaching of religion based on their religion, 2) Creating a tolerant climate in each lesson ( learn the different, creating an mutual trust, maintaining an mutual understanding, Revering an mutual love). 3) Make deeper related the material ( values of tolerance). The supporting factors including The government policy that has given the rules about embed the values of tolerance among religions, There is adequate facilities, the establishment of cooperation between the school community in religious activities. As for the inhibiting factors including the level of ability, The students have a different an emotional maturity, the school lacks educators Hinduism, the school lacks facilities (instructional media), limited time in learning. The success of the implementation of the values of religious tolerance in PAI learning is all the students who Moslem able to work together without discriminating against religion. The students have a high faith (religious), the students and teachers can be tolerance for each other, the students and teachers have a democratic character, The creation of harmony and good solidarity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Eka Safitri

<em>This study aims to describe how to instill the value of religious pluralism at An Najah Student Boarding School Purwokerto and analyze how the student efforts in tackling religious conflict. The methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive methods. In this study, several conclusions were drawn that the Kiyai at An Najah Islamic Boarding School instill the value of religious pluralism for santri through various activities either written  in the Islamic boarding school curriculum or not. Efforts made by santri to overcome conflicts between religious communities are by following organizations based on harmony and being tolerant towards all religious communities. A good understanding of a student towards religious pluralism makes them always able to select which behavior should be carried out and not cause religious conflict.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
M. Thoriqul Huda ◽  
Uly Dina

Al-Qur'an is a Muslim holy book which regulates all human life. Not only set the way of life, but the Qur'an is the life of the Muslims themselves. Each verse in the Qur'an contains complete, perfect, and comprehensive messages. Both of the verses are global and even specific. The contents of the Qur'an in regulating human life not only discuss one dimension, but are very multi-dimensional, among them dimensions in theology, bermuamalah, worship, and so on. Muslims and non-Muslims in interacting socially have boundaries that have been arranged in the Qur'an. Tolerant values ​​are explained in Q.S. al-Baqoroh: 256. This article about the concept of tolerance in the Qur'an, that in terms of worship and aqeedah there is no tolerance. Because in terms of aqeedah that is absolute. Therefore, cases that can injure aqeedah should be avoided. The context of tolerance between religions here is free to worship according to the beliefs of each. There is no mutual prohibition in carrying out their worsip. Tolerance will overestimate mutual respect and cooperation between religious communities. Religious tolerance causes believers in God. Different people can live and coexist with each other safely and peacefully so that harmony is created. In understanding verses in the Qur’an well, then the interpretation is the main key to achieving it. At the end of the 20 Mcentury an exegete from Egypt was born. He is Imam Mutawalli al-Sya’rawi with a wll known interpretation of Sya’rawi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 02021
Al Farouq Lazuardo ◽  
M. Suryadi

The Giver is a 2014 film adapted from a novel of the same name. The giver contains a supposition, which presupposes a world without war, racism, and discrimination. In this study, researchers used the theory of Multiculturalism from Clifford Geertz. The statement of this research is to know the condition if we live in such a perfect world without war, discrimination, racism. That exists in The Giver film and even in the current pandemic era. The data analysis in this study used a qualitative descriptive method. The results show that the true form of human perfection is our imperfection as humans themselves. When the elders in society in this film choose to create equations, throwing away human emotions and memories, they make a mistake. This conflict is a reflection of the absence of life with multiculturalism. Unlike film, we humans need emotions, and if we have emotions, we have to live in multiculturalism to avoid discrimination, racism, etc. Even during this pandemic, mutual respect for each other’s differences makes life beautiful and colourful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Sanerita Tresnawaty Olii

As one aspect of sociolinguistics, social communication is used to indicate relationships in society and refers to names that may come from status. Indonesia has many regional languages, one of which is Gorontalo. In Gorontalo, there are many regional languages. This study aims to analyze the meaning of the greeting terms used by the Gorontalo language speakers. The qualitative descriptive method was used in this study through interviews. Informants were taken based on the criteria of native speakers, adults, able to speak and understand the language, good speaking skills, and socially acceptable groups. The data collection uses a list of words and sentences about the term nicknames in Indonesian as an instrument. The steps to analyze the data are unitization, categorization, explanation, and interpretation. The study results found several greeting terms in the Gorontalo language, namely community, and religious leaders, grandparents' relationships with parents, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends. The greeting terms here are used in the formal and informal language during a conversation, and each language that exists in different or different communication has its characteristics in using the greeting term.

Humaniora ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 453
Dhanny Septimawan Sutopo

Amongst other things, Indonesian history was rife with religious conflicts. Religious differences had thus far been factored in the causes of intolerance amongst believers of different religions. This study examined how religious tolerance that was established in Sidoasri village where Christians and Muslims were living together. This research used a qualitative descriptive method, where it would describe and explain data from the subject research on the form of religious tolerance in Sidoasri village. The results of this research show that religious tolerance is always built through the long process by way of mediating various past conflicts. Religious dogma has never been a cause of intolerance. Social, cultural, political, and economic factors are decisive in founding religious tolerance. 

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