Judit García Martín ◽  
Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to describe the main psychological and educational trends of research about a social network, Facebook®, and they are being carried out internationally. For this, we do an empirical analysis of twenty articles on the topic published in the last four years in an international journal of impact, Computer and Human Behavior®. In this line, the present study confirms that research on the use and effects of Facebook®, is extensive, meticulous and strict. During this research study, we received competitive funds from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, currently MINECO) (EDU2010-19250 / EDUC) for 2010-2013, awarded to the Director/Main Researcher (J. N. García). J. García-Martín received funds from the (FPI-MICINN) of the same project for four years (2011-2015).Keywords: social networking sites, web 2.0 technologies, education, psychology, Facebook®Resumen:El propósito del presente estudio es describir las principales líneas de investigación psicoeducativas que se están llevando a cabo a nivel internacional en torno a Facebook® en una revista internacional de impacto, Computer and Human Behavior®. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de veinte artículos empíricos sobre la temática publicados en los últimos cuatro años en dicha revista. En esta línea, el presente estudio corrobora que la investigación sobre el uso y los efectos de Facebook® es extensa, detallada y rigurosa. Durante la realización de este estudio se recibieron ayudas competitivas del proyecto (EDU2010-19250/EDUC) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN, en la actualidad MINECO), para el trienio 2010-2013, concedido al Investigador Principal (J. N. García) así como una beca predoctoral de formación de personal investigador (FPI-MICINN) del mismo proyecto concedida a J. García-Martín para el cuatrienio (2011-2015).Palabras Clave: redes sociales, herramientas 2.0, educación, psicología, Facebook®

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 708
Andreas Chang

The use of Web 2.0 and Social Network Sites (SNS) has become an amazing phenomenon. In fact, one of the fastest-growing arenas of the World Wide Web is the space of so-called social networking sites. Face book, Tweeter, MySpace and other Social Network Sites have huge population of users. Almost seven hundred million people use Facebook, and hundreds of million others use other social networking sites. More and more advertisers switch their marketing budget to these SNS. This study contributes to our understanding of the Web 2.0 and the use of social networking websites by examining available literature. It seeks to understand what Web 2.0 and SNS mean, the trends, its functions and how they can be leveraged for marketing purposes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-86
Maíra Evangelista de Sousa ◽  
Brenda Rachit

Os sites de redes sociais facilitam a publicação, a discussão e o compartilhamento de conteúdos por cidadãos. Essas plataformas têm sido usadas na organização e na divulgação de mobilizações em massa por meio de ferramentas, como “Grupos” e “Eventos” do Facebook. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a mobilização de mulheres que articulou ações e estratégias de voto contra o candidato à presidência do Brasil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro (PSL), durante o período eleitoral de 2018 através do site de rede social Facebook. O objetivo deste artigo é compreender como as novas formas de mobilização com base online, aliadas às questões de gênero e representatividade eleitoral, contribuem para a construção de comunidades instantâneas de práticas transformadoras que se consolidam no espaço físico. Para alcançar tal objetivo, os procedimentos metodológicos são formados por uma combinação de técnicas qualitativas (observação, descrição e análise) (FRAGOSO; RECUERO; AMARAL, 2011). O objeto empírico é composto pelos Grupos “Mulheres unidas contra Bolsonaro” e “Mulheres Unidas Contra Bolsonaro | Pará” e pelo Evento “Mulheres contra O Bolsonaro | Belém”.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunicação Online; Mobilização Online; Gênero; Eleições; #EleNão.     ABSTRACT Social networking sites make it easier for citizens to publish, discuss, and share content. These platforms have been used in organizing and publicizing mass mobilizations through tools such as Facebook “Groups” and “Events”. In this context, we highlight the women mobilization who articulated voting actions and strategies against the Brazilian presidential election candidate, Jair Messias Bolsonaro (PSL), over 2018 electoral period through the social networking site Facebook. This article aims to understand how the new forms of online mobilization, allied to gender issues and electoral representativity, contribute to the construction of instant communities of transformative practices which are consolidated in the physical space. In order to do it, our methodological procedures are formed by a combination of qualitative techniques (observation, description and analysis) (FRAGOSO; RECUERO; AMARAL, 2011). The empirical object consists of the Groups “Mulheres unidas contra Bolsonaro” and " Mulheres Unidas Contra Bolsonaro | Pará” and the Event "Mulheres contra O Bolsonaro | Belém”.  KEYWORDS: Online Communication; Online Mobilization; Genre; Elections; #EleNão     RESUMEN Los sitios de redes sociales facilitan la publicación, la discusión y el intercambio de contenidos por ciudadanos. Estas plataformas se han utilizado en la organización y divulgación de movilizaciones masivas a través de herramientas, como "Grupos" y "Eventos" de Facebook. En ese contexto, se destaca la movilización de mujeres que articuló acciones y estrategias de voto contra el candidato a la presidencia de Brasil, Jair Mesias Bolsonaro (PSL), durante el período electoral de 2018 a través del sitio de redes sociales Facebook. El objetivo de este artículo es comprender cómo las nuevas formas de movilización con base online, aliadas a las cuestiones de género y representatividad electoral, contribuyen a la construcción de comunidades instantáneas de prácticas transformadoras que se consolidan en el espacio físico. Para alcanzar tal objetivo, los procedimientos metodológicos están formados por una combinación de técnicas cualitativas (observación, descripción y análisis) (FRAGOSO, RECUERO, AMARAL, 2011). El objeto empírico está compuesto por los Grupos " Mulheres unidas contra Bolsonaro" y " Mulheres Unidas Contra Bolsonaro | Pará” y el Evento "Mulheres contra O Bolsonaro | Belém".  PALABRAS CLAVE: Comunicación en línea; Movilización en línea; Género; elecciones; #EleNão.

José Fernando López Quintero ◽  
Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle ◽  
Begoña Cristina Pelayo García-Bustelo ◽  
Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marín

Este artículo describe el desarrollo de una arquitectura funcional orientada a la Gestión de Conocimiento Personal (GCP), definido desde el concepto de las lecciones aprendidas que se registran en una red social de uso masivo. Esta arquitectura funcional aplica de forma práctica la implementación de un sistema de registro de las lecciones aprendidas personales, en la nube a través de una red social Facebook. El proceso inicia con la adquisición de datos a partir de la conexión a una base de datos no relacional (NoSql) en SimpleDB de Amazon Web Services y a la cual se le ha configurado un algoritmo de análisis complementario para realizar el análisis semántico de la información registrada de las lecciones aprendidas y de esta forma estudiar la generación de Gestión de Conocimiento Organizacional (GCO) desde GCP. El resultado final es el diseño de una arquitectura funcional que permite integrar la aplicación web 2.0 y un algoritmo de análisis semántico a partir de información no estructurada aplicando técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina.Palabras Claves: Gestión de conocimiento, gestión de conocimiento personal, lecciones aprendidas, análisis semántico, computación en la nube, redes sociales, aprendizaje de máquina.This paper shows the development of a functional architecture oriented Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), defined from the concept of lessons learned that are registered in a social network for mass use. This functional architecture applied in a practical implementation of a registration system for personal lessons learned in the cloud through a social network Facebook. The process begins with the acquisition of data from the connection to a non-relational database (NoSQL) in SimpleDB of Amazon Web Services and which you have set up a complementary analysis algorithm for semantic analysis of information recorded lessons learned and thus study the generation of Organizational Knowledge Management (OKM) from PKM. The final result is the design of a functional architecture that enables web 2.0 application integration and semantic analysis of an algorithm from unstructured information using machine learning techniques.Keywords: Management of knowledge, management of personal knowledge, lessons learned, semantic analysis, computing in the cloud, social networks.

2021 ◽  
Rhiannon Sian Downey

From inspirational messages to celebrated pictures of cellulite and belly rolls, body positive content has become increasingly popular on social media platforms, particularly on image-based networking sites. With the rapid growth of communication technology, it is not surprising that social networking sites, such as Instagram, have become one of the most dominant and influential mediates to cultivating awareness, foster community, and advocate for social change. Instagram’s transition to an advertising platform, however, has introduced a consumerist structure to user activity for corporations to better direct advertisements at target audiences. A once social movement advocating for the rejection of thin beauty ideals in favour of a more inclusive and positive conception of body image has felt the impact of commoditization on its message and advocates. Through Foucauldian Discourse Analysis, this research study seeks to analyze the impact of Instagram’s transition to a commercialization platform on the self-representation of body positive advocates to better understand the influence of neoliberal and capitalist structures on social resistance movements and strategies.

This study attempts to the Web 2.0 Social Networking Sites for Collaborative Sharing Research Information by the Social Science Research Scholars at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. A sample size 97 Scholars was selected by random sampling method. The data required for the study were collected through a questionnaire. The findings of the study: 30.9% of the respondents using Facebook/ WhatsApp along with most highly used in the popular web browser used for Google chrome 72.2% Google chrome. 48.5% of respondents’ preference of “Very Strongly Agree” Collaborate with Research projects and Teams. Whereas 46.4% “Research Collaboration “Strongly agree” of the respondents respectively. 30.9% purpose of Web 2.0 for Collaborations of Research Communication while 19.6% Opportunities and Learning for Web 2.0 tools support social interaction in the learning process of the respondents respectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 347-381
Michele Goulart Massuchin ◽  
Regilson Furtado Borges

Este artigo apresenta uma análise sobre como o jornal O Estado do Maranhão (MA) se apropria da sua página no Facebook como espaço para difundir conteúdo jornalístico. A abordagem metodológica é quantitativa e qualitativa a partir da análise do conteúdo de 608 posts extraídos da fanpage do jornal e de entrevista com a responsável pela versão digital do veículo. A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as características dos conteúdos distribuídos pela rede social, especialmente observando o espaço destinado para temas políticos e eleitorais. A análise trabalha com as seguintes características: temas, tema eleitoral, abrangência, valência e interação. Como resultado principal ressalta-se que O Estado do Maranhão concedeu espaço considerável para o tema político-eleitoral, com baixa presença de entretenimento.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo; redes sociais; eleições.   ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of how the newspaper O Estado de Maranhão (MA) appropriates the Facebook page as a space for disseminating journalistic content. The methodological approach is quantitative and qualitative from the content analysis of 608 posts extracted from the fanpage of the newspaper and interview with the responsible for digital part of the vehicle. The research aims to analyze the characteristics of the contents distributed by the social network, especially observing the space destined for electoral subjects. The analysis discuses these characteristics: themes, electoral theme, scope and engagement. As a main result, O Estado do Maranhão granted considerable space for the political-electoral theme.   KEYWORDS: journalism; social networks; elections.     RESUMEN Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre cómo el diario El Estado de Maranhão (MA) se apropia de su página en Facebook como espacio para difundir contenido periodístico. El enfoque metodológico es cuantitativo y cualitativo a partir del análisis del contenido de 608 posts extraídos de la fanpage del periódico y de entrevista con la responsable de la parte digital del vehículo. La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las características de los contenidos distribuidos por la red social, especialmente observando el espacio destinado a temas electorales. El análisis trabaja con las siguientes características: temas, tema electoral, alcance y la relación com os lectores. Como resultado principal se resalta que el Estado de Maranhão concedió espacio considerable para el tema político-electoral.   PALABRAS CLAVE: periodismo, redes sociales, elecciones.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-95
Geórgia Filipin ◽  
Francielle Dorneles Casarotto ◽  
Bruno Machado Maroneze ◽  
Pâmela B Mello-Carpes

A grande expansão de estudos relacionados à divulgação e popularização da neurociência vem ganhando um cenário mais visível recentemente, principalmente na área da educação. Contribuindo para esse crescimento foi criado um programa de extensão, denominado POPNEURO, que objetiva popularizar a neurociência, levando informações desta área de forma lúdica e dinâmica a escolares da rede pública de ensino do município de Uruguaiana-RS e à população em geral. As principais ações do programa foram realizadas em quatro escolas, com alunos entre 10 e 13 anos de idade. As atividades incluíram: (i) atividades práticas realizadas em semanas temáticas; (ii) Neuroblitzes semanais compostas por uma pequena explanação teórica de temas relacionados à neurociência, seguida de atividades práticas para a fixação do conteúdo trabalhado; (iii) criação e manutenção de uma página em rede social sobre neurociência e educação; e, (iv) cursos de formação para professores. As ações, principalmente as práticas, tiveram grande aceitação por parte dos alunos e professores participantes, atingindo o objetivo de promover a popularização da neurociência em âmbito escolar. Palavras-chave: Extensão Universitária, Divulgação Científica, Escola, Sistema Nervoso.   POPNEURO: a Report of an extension Program that seeks to disseminate and popularize neuroscience at school Abstract: The great expansion of studies related to the dissemination and popularization of neuroscience has become more visible recently, particularly in education settings. In order to contribute to the development of this initiative, an extension program called POPNEURO was created with the objective of popularizing neuroscience by providing information related to this area in a fun and dynamic way to students from public schools and to thegeneral public in the city of Uruguaiana-RS. The  actions were carried out in four schools, with students ranging from 10 to 13 years- old. The activities included: (i) practical activities that took place during thematic weeks; (ii) weekly Neuroblitzes that offered small lecture on topics related to neuroscience, followed by hands-on activities to reinforce the contents presented; (iii) the creation and maintenance of a  social network webpage on the topic of neuroscience and education; (iv) training courses for teachers. The actions related to the project, especially the practical ones, had great acceptance by students and teachers, which contributed to achieve the goal of promoting neuroscience in schools. Key-words: University Extension, Scientific Dissemination, School, Nervous System.   Relato de un Programa de Extensión que busca divulgar y popularizar la neurociencia junto a las escuelas   Resumen: En la actualidad los proyectos relacionados a la difusión y popularización de la neurociencia han tenido un crecimiento significativo, principalmente en el área de educación. Contribuyendo a este desarrollo se ha creado un programa de extensión llamado POPNEURO, cuyo objetivo es popularizar la neurociencia y fomentar el suministro de información en este ámbito de una forma lúdica y dinámica a los estudiantes de escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Uruguaiana-RS y a la población en general. Este programa se llevó a cabo en cuatro escuelas, con alumnos de 10 a 13 años de edad. Las actividades que se implementaron en el programa incluyeron: (i) actividades prácticas en semanas temáticas; (ii) neuroblitzes semanales compuestos por una pequeña explicación teórica de temas relacionados con la neurociencia, que se siguieron de actividades prácticas para el establecimiento de los contenidos de trabajo; (iii) creación y manutención de una página en redes sociales sobre la neurociencia y la educación; y (iv) los cursos de formación para docentes. Las acciones, especialmente las prácticas, tuvieron gran aceptación por parte de los alumnos y profesores participantes, alcanzando el objetivo de promover la popularización de la neurociencia en las escuelas participantes. Palabras-clave: Extensión universitaria; Comunicación de la ciencia; Escuela; Sistema nervioso.  

Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón ◽  
Ana Beriain

ABSTRACTThe social networking phenomenon starts generating various investigations, but so far none has raised the relationships among users of a social network from the behavioral and psychological point of view. To this end, we have conducted an empirical study based on simulated profiles in Facebook, relevant social network due to the amount of available users and for its IPO. From imaginary profiles, we analyze the types of other Facebook users that are added, which can inspire ecommerce strategies related to digital newspapers.RESUMENEl fenómeno de las redes sociales comienza a generar investigaciones diversas, pero de momento ninguna ha planteado las relaciones entre los usuarios de una red social desde el punto de vista conductual y psicológico. A tal efecto, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio empírico a partir de una simulación de perfiles en Facebook, red social de referencia por la cantidad de usuarios disponibles y por su salida a bolsa. A partir de perfiles imaginarios, analizamos la tipología de otros usuarios de Facebook que se le agregan, lo que puede inspirar estrategias de comercio electrónico vinculadas a los periódicos digitales.

George Veletsianos ◽  
Cesar Navarrete

<p>While the potential of social networking sites to contribute to educational endeavors is highlighted by researchers and practitioners alike, empirical evidence on the use of such sites for formal online learning is scant. To fill this gap in the literature, we present a case study of learners’ perspectives and experiences in an online course taught using the Elgg online social network. Findings from this study indicate that learners enjoyed and appreciated both the social learning experience afforded by the online social network and supported one another in their learning, enhancing their own and other students’ experiences. Conversely, results also indicate that students limited their participation to course-related and graded activities, exhibiting little use of social networking and sharing. Additionally, learners needed support in managing the expanded amount of information available to them and devised strategies and “workarounds” to manage their time and participation.<br /><strong></strong></p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
José A. García del Castillo

Las llamadas adiciones conductuales, entre ellas Internet, siguen encontrándose en un limbo científico por las dificultades que entraña discriminar adecuadamente entre conductas, en principio normales, y patologías que podríamos considerar adictivas. La literatura científica ha sabido conceptualizar las adicciones a sustancias de una forma exhaustiva y ahora apuesta por delimitar las adicciones conductuales y sus consecuentes comportamientos de abuso en función de parámetros que están relacionados con la frecuencia de uso, el dinero invertido, la necesidad o la compulsión, así como las interferencias que puede provocar en la vida cotidiana de una persona consiguiendo que deje de cumplir sus obligaciones. Con la llegada de los Servicios de Redes Sociales (SRS) y su amplia repercusión, nos encontramos con un nuevo frente susceptible de adicción. Estos servicios, además de su atractivo y funcionalidad, cuentan con la facilidad de conexión en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar, lo que los convierte en potentes reforzadores inmediatos, el mejor caldo de cultivo para una adicción. Somos plenamente conscientes de que no es posible adelantarse a las tecnologías y, mucho menos, a sus posibles consecuencias, pero sería necesario profundizar más en el estado actual de las adicciones tecnológicas, en el sentido de cómo predecir su aparición entre los más jóvenes y cómo combatir terapéuticamente de una forma eficaz sus consecuentes. AbstractBehavioral addictions including Internet addiction still remaining in a scientific limbo because of the difficulties related to a properly differentiation between normal and pathological behaviors.  Literature has conceptualized substance addiction in a comprehensive manner and now stands for define the behavioral addictions and their consequential abuse behaviors as a function of parameters related to use frequency, money invested, need or compulsion, as well as the interferences in people’s daily lives that may lead them to default on their obligations. As a consequence of the advent of the Social Networking Sites (SNS) and their wide impact among population we may find a new addiction context. These services in addition to their appealing and functionality have an easy connection everywhere at any time, which makes them powerful and immediately enhancers, becoming a breeding ground for an addiction. We are fully aware that is not possible to keep ahead to the technologies and neither their consequences but extra effort is still needed to understand their mechanisms, how can we predict the appearance among young people and how can we fight therapeutically against their consequences.

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