scholarly journals Kohesi dan Koherensi dalam Karangan Mahasiswa Program In-Country Tahun 2018-2019

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 775-793
Muhammad I’tishom

Abstract: This research aims to describe the use of cohesion and coherence in Thai students’ papers. This research uses qualitative methods. The data of this research are in the form of cohesion and coherence. The data source of this research are Thai students’ final papers. The data were then analyzed using description, interpretation, and explanation. The results of this research show two concerns as follows. First, the use of cohesion markers in student papers including grammatical cohesion (conjunctions and references) and lexical conjunctions (repetition, synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, and collocations). Second, the coherence markers used include marked coherence (causality, contrast, additive, temporal, chronological, intensity, and sequence) and unmarked coherence (details and data organization). Based on the results and discussion, it was concluded that these Thai students of In-Country program in 2018/2019 could use limited cohesion and coherence in writing Indonesian papers. Keyword: cohesion, coherence, BIPA, student writing, BIPA student. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemakaian kohesi dan koherensi dalam karangan mahasiswa Thailand yang belajar bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa bentuk-bentuk kohesi dan koherensi. Data penelitian bersumber dari sejumlah makalah tugas akhir mahasiswa. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan cara melakukan deskripsi, interpretasi, dan eksplanasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua hal sebagai berikut. Pertama, pemakaian penanda kohesi dalam karangan mahasiswa mencakup kohesi gramatikal (konjungsi dan referensi) dan konjungsi leksikal (repetisi, sinoni, antonim, hiponim, dan kolokasi). Kedua, penanda koherensi yang digunakan mencakup koherensi berpenanda (kausalitas, kontras, aditif, temporal, kronologis, intensitas, dan perurutan) dan koherensi tidak berpenanda (perincian dan perian). Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan disimpulkan mahasiswa Thailand program In-Country tahun 2018/2019 mampu menggunakan kohesi dan koherensi secara terbatas dalam menulis karangan bahasa Indonesia. Kata kunci: kohesi, koherensi, BIPA, karangan, mahasiswa BIPA.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-146
Yesy Tri Cahyani ◽  
Amalina Iariva Putri Astria

Incomplete sentence (ellipsis verbal) are often to be the problem in translating from Japanese into Indonesian. The purpose of this research is to explain the techniques to translate incomplete sentence to achive equivalence found in Japanese comics Naruto volumes 29, 30, and 31, and analyze the translation of incomplete sentence contained in Naruto comic  from Japanese to Indonesian. The method of this research is descriptive and qualitative methods. Data source are the Japanese comic title Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto as the source text, and the translation comic in Indonesia as the target text. Thirteen incomplete sentence data on source text were analyze using appropriate translation techniques to achieve equvalence in target text. The result showed that incomplete sentence had board meanings. In addition, incomplete sentence cannot be translate literally, without looking at the context. Context is an important reference so the messagges from source text can be conveyed.

Lindayana ◽  
Arifuddin ◽  
Halus Mandala

This study was conducted aiming at examining: (1) the divergent principles of politeness in students’ directive speech act (2) factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students at grade X in Senior High School 1 Mataram in the learning process. The subject of this study are teachers teaching Bahasa Indonesia, English, Economy, History, Math, Religion, Civic, and Science, and all students at Grade X of Science 1, Science 3 and Social 2 in Senior High School 1 Mataram. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data source in this study is the number of utterances produced by students and teachers in the learning process. The data were collected through observation. This study revealed that: (1) there were divergent principles of politeness in participants’ directive speech act namely single and multiple divergent principles of politeness affected by speaker intentionally accused addressees, intentionally uttered by neglecting the context, was protective to other arguments, showed emotional feeling, given critiques in impolite words and mocked at other; and (2) there were factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students in learning process namely linguistic factor and non-linguistic factor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Achmad Irfandi ◽  
Bambang Yulianto ◽  
Maria Mintowati

Development of Scouting Actualization Model in Indonesian Language Learning in Senior High SchoolABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan Model Aktualisasi Kepramukaan. Model Aktualisasi Kepramukaan hadir dalam Permendikbud nomor 63 tahun 2014 tentang Ekstrakurikuler Wajib Pendidikan Kepramukaan yang memuat integrasi muatan KI 1 hingga KI 4 dalam kegiatan Kepramukaan.  Penelitian ini menerapkan metode kualitatif dengan validasi menggunakan instrumen angket kepada beberapa validator ahli. Selain itu, dalam penerapannya juga diukur keefektifan dan kepraktisannya. Kevalidan model ini mendapat nilai 87% (berkategori sangat baik). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa model aktualisasi kepramukaan dapat menghasilkan pola belajar yang berbeda dan tidak membosankan bagi siswa. Model ini juga memberikan pembelajaran yang bermakna bagi siswa.Kata kunci: Aktualisasi, Bahasa, Siswa SMAABSTRACTThis study aims to develop Indonesian language learning using the Scouting Actualization Model. The Scouting Actualization Model is in Permendikbud number 63 of 2014 concerning Scouting Education Compulsory Extracurricular which includes the integration from KI 1 to KI 4 content in Scouting activities. This research applies qualitative methods with validation using a questionnaire instrument to several expert validators. In addition, its effectiveness and practicality are also measured in its application. The validity of this model gets a score of 87% (categorized as very good). This study found that the scouting actualization model can produce different learning patterns and is not boring for students. This model also provides meaningful learning for students.Keywords: Actualization, Language, Senior High Schol Student

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-285
Amelia Anggraini ◽  
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Munjiatun Munjiatun

This study aims to develop big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 elementary school and to determine the feasibility of big book learning media. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods using the FOUR-D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminte) model. The data collection technique used is by using questionnaires and trials. The feasibility of big book learning media is obtained from the results of media validation and testing. Validation was carried out by material experts and learning media experts. The results of the research show that the validation of the material experts and the validation of the learning media experts are very valid. The trials used in this study were limited to 10 students and received a very good response. The results of this development research indicate that the big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 Elementary School is very suitable for use in learning in Elementary School. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Ilfan Askul Pehala

This study aims to determine, analyze, and describe the person deixis and the polarity of the use of the deixis, based on the Yule deixis theory. The deixis analysis in this study is not only looking for the existing deixis persona but also looking at the correlation in the grammatical deixis category in lingual units. The analysis is then connected with the concepts of competence and performance in the linguisic deixis unit to see the concepts of language and thinking of the writers in this novel. It is all the basis of the novelty of this study. This study uses a qualitative descriptive design that is consistent with linguisic research. Data collection techniques were carried out through qualitative methods, that is, the method of distribution using the BUL technique or direct division of data into the lingual unit and the analysis of the Spradely ethnic method to determine the domain, taxonomy, and componential person deixis. The data in this research include the written lingual unit whose marker of reference and types indicates or is recorded as deixis. The main data source is a series of stories from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, particularly A Scandal in Bohemia which consists of three parts. The results of the analysis show that the persona in speech has other functions: as nominating, objective, and genitive markers. The polarity of the person deixis indirectly determines the concept of the author's competence and performance which unconsciously shapes the dominance and strength of the character that determines the centrality of the character and then also the storyline.

LingTera ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-99
Aleeyah Masae

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan instrumen tes hasil belajar pemahaman membaca Bahasa Indonesia berbasis web yang dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa Thailand tingkat dasar. Subjek yang terlibat dalam uji coba adalah 12 mahasiswa Thailand yang kuliah di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). Uji coba tes berjumlah tiga orang, sedangkan uji coba kelayakan web berjumlah sembilan orang. Data yang digali dalam penelitian ini adalah data dari angket dan data uji coba tes. Data dari angket menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan data uji coba tes analisis menggunakan program ITEMAN. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Proses pengembangan UKBIPUTH berbasis web terdiri atas dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengembangan tes dan pengembangan web. Tahap pengembangan tes diawali dengan penyusunan kisi-kisi, menyusun butir-butir soal dan ditelaah butir tes oleh ahli serta merevisi, uji coba tes, dan analisis butir tes. Selanjutnya tahap pengembangan web diawali dengan mendesain flowchart dan storyboard serta pembuatan produk, kemudian produk divalidasi oleh ahli media, uji coba skala kecil, dan uji coba skala besar; (2) Karakteristik tes pilihan ganda, tes benar/salah, dan tes menjodohkan memiliki validitas isi tes baik dan koefisien reliabilitas tes masing-masing kategori tinggi. Analisis butir tes berdasarkan tingkat kesukaran butir tes baik dan efektivitas pengecoh butir tes baik; (3) Hasil penilaian dari aspek tampilan web dengan berkategori baik; (4) Hasil penilaian dari aspek sistem web dengan berkategori baik. Developing web-based Indonesian language reading test for Thai students at the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta AbstractThis study aims to develop an elementary level web-based Indonesian reading comprehension test for Thai students. The data collection instruments included evaluation sheets for the material and media experts and questionnaires to individual students on the field trials. The test items were analysed using the Iteman. The quantitative descriptive analysis technique was used to analyse the data. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The process of developing the web-based UKBIPUTH is done in two steps; they are the development of test and the development of web. The development of test was started by developing test items and later validated by the experts, test try-out, and finally test items analysis; (2) Characteristics of the multiple-choice test, true-false test, and matching test are described as follows: the content validation was good and the test reliability of Alpha respectively 0.748, 0.762, and 0.772. Based on the analysis by using ITEMAN item, the tests have a good difficulty index and the effectiveness of the test items distractors are good because the distractors work well; (3) The final product gets the evaluation in the aspect of appearance which is categorized ‘good’ with an average score of 3.80; (4) The final product gets the evaluation in the system aspects is categorized as ‘good’ with an average score of 4.10. The web-based test tool, UKBIPUTH is fit to be used to measure elementary level Indonesian reading comprehension of Thai students.

Prosodi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-177
Mellati Riandi Putri ◽  
Tb. Ace Fachrullah ◽  
Susi Machdalena

This research is purposed to determine the pattern of phoneme which changed in Indonesian loanwords which derived from Japanese. This research based on descriptive qualitative analysis method. The data source of this research is article from Kompas news online website which uploaded from January until October 2020. There are 67 data which classified to the pattern of phoneme that changed based on theory of vowels and consonant from Marsono and for Japanese vowels and consonant using theory from Sudjianto and Dahidi. There are 3 patterns of phoneme that changed in Indonesian loanwords which derived from Japanese found from this research: the pattern from one vowel change, the pattern from one vowel and one consonant change, and the pattern from one consonant change. The further research through big data such as corpus based research might be needed to find another variations of this pattern.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Primasari Wahyuni

Abstrak: Penelitian ini berujudul Hegemoni Kekuasaan Dalam Novel Hujan Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mndeskripsikan formasi ideologi, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan, dan relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang memuat formasi ideologi dan bentuk hegemoni dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, serta relevansinya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan content analysis. Validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan validitas semantik dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Pertama, Formasi ideologi dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Formasi ideologi yang ditemukan dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye yaitu otoritarisme, feodalisme, kapitalisme, liberalisme, sosialisme, serta vandalisme. Otoritarisme merupakan formasi ideologi yang paling banyak muncul dalam novel. 2) Kedua, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan terjadi dalam masyarakat sipil dan masyarakat politik. 3) Ketiga, Relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini relevan dengan KD. 3.8 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen yang dibaca. Melalui novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, siswa dapat mengapresiasi karya sastra sehingga menambah pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan wawasan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk membentuk kepribadian diri. Kata kunci: formasi ideologi, hegemoni, relevansi pembelajaran, novel Abstract: This research entitle “The Hegemony of Power in Novel Hujan by Tere Liye and Its Relevance in Indonesia learning at High School” has aims to describe the ideology formation, term of hegemony power, and the research relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. This research is a qualitative descriptive with data source is Npvel Hujan by Tere Liye. Research data are words, phrases pr sentences which has ideology formation and hegemony term and also the relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. Read and write were used to collect the data. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Semantics and intrarater were used to test the validity and reliability. The reserach findings were : 1) the ideology formations were authoritarian, feudalism, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and vandalism. Authoritarian was dominant in the novel, 2) the term of hegemony happened both in civil society and political society, 3) the relevance of this research with Indonesia learning at high school. This research was relevant with basic competence 3.8 (identify the life values in a short story. Novel hujan brught student to appreciate the literatures to enrich their experience, knowledge and insight to create the personality.  Keywords : Ideology formation, hegemony, learning relevance, novel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Nanik Indrayani

As good citizens, when we gather among fellow language users who have different regional languages, we must always use Indonesian as a language of unity. This study aims to describe how the language behavior between the employees of the Buton tribe and the Buru tribe at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative and how the language behavior barriers between Buton and Buru tribe employees at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative in Namlea Buru Maluku Regency. This qualitative descriptive study examines linguistic phenomena. The data source in this study is the utterances used between the employees of the Buton tribe and the Buru tribe in the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative which contains the regional languages of the two tribes. The method of data collection is done through non-participant observation. While the technique of data collection is done through the technique of referring to skillful engagements, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data that has been classified is then analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study revealed that the language behavior between the employees of the Buton tribe and the Buru tribe at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative was initially not very good considering they communicated with each other in their respective languages but over time this could be overcome so that between the Buton tribes and the Buru tribe cooperated well. Subsequent findings of language barriers between Buton and Buru tribes employees at the Buru Jazirah Namlea Multipurpose Cooperative influenced their respective regional languages, between the two tribes unable to understand each other because the two tribes used their respective regional languages. when interacting.  Sebagai warga negara yang baik, ketika kita berkumpul antara sesama pengguna bahasa yang saling berbeda bahasa daerah, kita harus selalu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bagaimana perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea dan bagaimana hambatan-hambatan perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea di Namlea Kabupaten Buru, Maluku. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini mengkaji tentang fenomena kebahasaan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan-tuturan yang digunakan antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea yang mengandung bahasa daerah kedua suku tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi nonpartisipasi. Sementara teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik simak bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Data yang sudah diklasifikasi kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif.            Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea pada awalnya kurang begitu baik mengingat mereka saling berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa daerah masing-masing, namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu hal tersebut bisa teratasi sehingga antara suku Buton dan suku Buru terjalin kerja sama dengan baik. Temuan berikutnya hambatan-hambatan  yang terjadi dalam perilaku berbahasa antara karyawan suku Buton dan suku Buru di Koperasi Serba Usaha Buru Jazirah Namlea yaitu pengaruh bahasa daerah masing-masing antara kedua suku tersebut tidak bisa saling memahami karena kedua suku tersebut menggunakan bahasa daerah mereka masing-masing ketika berinteraksi.

Alfaza safira Alfaza

This research uses the object of the novel "The Educator" by Aguk Irawan MN. This novel tells the hegemony of intellectual figures and social classes who influence by instilling their ideology in certain groups by inviting goodness. The purpose of this research is to find and describe the hegemony of teachers to students in the novel "The Educator" by Aguk Irawan MN. In this study using qualitative methods by collecting data library and document techniques. The data source in this study was obtained from the novel "The Educator" by Aguk Irawan MN, published by Qalam Nusantara. Data analysis techniques in this study used a hermeniotic reader analysis technique, namely the stages of reading, marking, coding, interpretation and presentation of conclusions. The results of this study discuss the hegemony of Martokan as a teacher to his students. Martokan hegemony his students by giving advice to be a good person, Martokan also hegemony through the material described to tell the history of Sunan Drajat and Sunan Duwur, so that it will make his students enthusiastic in learning the Koran.

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