scholarly journals Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Islam

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 195
Marya Tin

Artikel ini akan menjelaskan secara singkat peran kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Seorang pemimpin sekolah memiliki peran strategis untuk mewujudkan kualitas sekolah pendidikan. Lembaga ini membutuhkan pemimpin yang memiliki kemampuan dalam memimpin. Penggerak utama adalah tokoh dan inspirasi dalam merancang dan mengerjakan kegiatan di sekolah. Pemimpin bukan hanya seorang Manajer, dia juga harus menjadi pembangun mental, moral, semangat, dan kolektivitas untuk jajaran bawahannya dan tidak hanya menggunakan aturan tertulis, tetapi juga sikap perilakunya, figur, dan contoh dalam melakukan agenda transformasi kepemimpinan yang lebih baik. Pemimpin tidak harus dianggap sebagai objek eksploitasi, dengan demikian bawahannya harus dianggap sebagai teman dan mitra kerja. Jadi tidak ada kesewenang-wenangan dan ketidakadilan. Karena tanpa bawahan pemimpin kurang berarti. This article will briefly explain the role of the leadership of the head of school in improving education quality. A school leader has a strategic role to realize the school's quality of education.  The institution needs a leader who has skills in leading. The principal mover is a figure and inspiration in designing and working on activities at the school. The leader is not just a Manager, he or she must also be a builder of mental, moral, spirit, and collectivity to his subordinates. He must not only use the written rules, but also the attitude of his behavior, image, and example in making a better leadership transformation agenda. The leader should not be regarded as an object of his exploits, thus his subordinates should be considered as friends and working partners. So there's no arbitrariness besides injustice. Leaders’ role is meaningless without his subordinate. Kata kunci:    kepemimpinan, kualitas pendidikan, sekolah islam, madrasah

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 195
Marya Tin

Artikel ini akan menjelaskan secara singkat peran kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Seorang pemimpin sekolah memiliki peran strategis untuk mewujudkan kualitas sekolah pendidikan. Lembaga ini membutuhkan pemimpin yang memiliki kemampuan dalam memimpin. Penggerak utama adalah tokoh dan inspirasi dalam merancang dan mengerjakan kegiatan di sekolah. Pemimpin bukan hanya seorang Manajer, dia juga harus menjadi pembangun mental, moral, semangat, dan kolektivitas untuk jajaran bawahannya dan tidak hanya menggunakan aturan tertulis, tetapi juga sikap perilakunya, figur, dan contoh dalam melakukan agenda transformasi kepemimpinan yang lebih baik. Pemimpin tidak harus dianggap sebagai objek eksploitasi, dengan demikian bawahannya harus dianggap sebagai teman dan mitra kerja. Jadi tidak ada kesewenang-wenangan dan ketidakadilan. Karena tanpa bawahan pemimpin kurang berarti. This article will briefly explain the role of the leadership of the head of school in improving education quality. A school leader has a strategic role to realize the school's quality of education.  The institution needs a leader who has skills in leading. The principal mover is a figure and inspiration in designing and working on activities at the school. The leader is not just a Manager, he or she must also be a builder of mental, moral, spirit, and collectivity to his subordinates. He must not only use the written rules, but also the attitude of his behavior, image, and example in making a better leadership transformation agenda. The leader should not be regarded as an object of his exploits, thus his subordinates should be considered as friends and working partners. So there's no arbitrariness besides injustice. Leaders’ role is meaningless without his subordinate. Kata kunci:    kepemimpinan, kualitas pendidikan, sekolah islam, madrasah

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 102-106
T. Bondar

The article is devoted to the study of the quality management system of education in a modern school. In researching this direction, the author relies on the main characteristics of the quality that education must correspond to. Attention is focused on what should be the criteria in solving the problem of education quality. It is concluded that the teacher today has lost the role of a person transferring knowledge, who acts by authoritarian or totalitarian methods, trying to give as much factual information as possible. A teacher today is a mentor who guides and organises educational and upbringing work with students at school. Consequently, the quality of education is aimed at meeting the public demand for the formation of a personality that is ready to actively respond to permanent changes in the social environment and the challenges that education faces today.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Syahriar Ardanto Wibowo ◽  
Rukayah Rukayah

The quality of education is often seen from the achievements of students. Meanwhile, student achievement in school is influenced by many factors. The financing factor is one factor that cannot be separated from the teaching and learning process. The relationship between educational funding and student achievement is still being debated. This study aims to reveal the relationship between the number of funding resources in schools and student achievement. This research used qualitative methods. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The collected data were analyzed using interactive model analysis and purposive sampling techniques. The results of this study indicate that public elementary schools have limited sources of funding. The amount of money managed by one school differs depending on the number of students and the ability of parents. This study finds that education funding has no direct effect on student achievement. Schools that have significant financial resources do not necessarily have high achievements. The effectiveness of schools in managing their finances also becomes essential. Besides, the role of policymakers, the ability of teachers, and the participation of parents are crucial to increase the education quality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Khoirul Anwar

The quality of education is related to whether or not national education goals are achieved as stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. Therefore, the quality of education can be said it is good if it meets the National Education Standards. The fulfillment of minimum standards of education which is the National Standard of Education is a prerequisite to improve the quality of education including madrasah. The reality that emerges is the quality of education in Indonesia is still far from what is expected, let a quality in most madrasah which are still having many obstacles. Many madrasah do not qualify the National Education Standards, such as educators and education staff who have not met standardized qualifications and competencies, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. This paper aims to describe how the role of the education quality assurance system in improving the quality of education in madrasah.

Nadwa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 269
Ju’subaidi Ju’subaidi

<p>This paper attempts to examine the important role of social capital in the meninges-forces madrasah education quality. Madrasah as national education subsystem has a heavy burden in carrying out the mandate of the law. The biggest problem is the activity of improving the quality of education that is determined by the achievement of the ultimate goal of education effectively and more efficiently. That goal is the realization of academic ability, moral and social. Structure and values of the communities around it is actually a social capital that should be used by the madrassa to improve the quality of education. Social capital is a means of achieving national education goals. </p><p><br /><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tulisan ini mencoba mengkaji peran penting modal sosial dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan madrasah. Madrasah sebagai subsistem pendidikan nasional memiliki beban yang berat dalam mengemban amanat undang-undang. Problem terbesar adalah kegiatan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan yang ditentukan oleh ketercapaian tujuan akhir pendidikan secara efektif dan lebih efisien. Tujuan itu adalah terwujudnya kemampuan akademik, moral dan sosial. Struktur dan nilainilai yang dimiliki masyarakat sekitar sebenarnya merupakan modal sosial yang seharusnya dimanfaatkan oleh madrasah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikannya. Modal sosial ini menjadi sarana mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional. </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-262
M. Suyudi ◽  
Miftahul Janah

This study aims to reveal the roles and strategies of the school committee in developing the quality of education. This research is important to do because the issue of the quality of education in Indonesia is looking for an ideal formulation due to the impact of industry 4.0. The quality of education is required to be comparable and parallel to the development of modern science. This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma'arif 1 Munggung. At least, this research wants to find answers to how strategies to optimize the development of education quality and the role of the school committee in achieving the mission of developing educational quality. This research is qualitative. To obtain complete data and pay attention to the relevance of the data for the study, the data collection in this study used interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The collected data were analyzed using the analysis technique of Milles and Huberman. The results of this study were 1) efforts of improving quality of education in MI Ma'arif 1 Munggung among other things are improving the achievement of the school, strengthening the role of the committee, and improving the professionalism of teachers. 2) The role of the School Committee in improving the quality of education at MI Ma'arif Munggung 1 is as: a) Advisory agency, b) Supporting agency, c) Controlling agency, d) Mediator, 3) The strategies used by the School Principal in enhancing the role of School 3 Committees are: Building trust in stakeholders, building a sense of kinship with stakeholders, giving authority to committed people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
Kharisul Wathoni

Alumni have a strategic role including improving the quality of education and developing various extracurricular activities in schools and alumni who have competence can play an important function in building public opinion to attract new students and public. This article discusses the role of alumni according to the Total Quality Management (TQM) perspective to find out related matters, namely the understanding and role of alumni, how the characteristics of integrated quality schools and how alumni management is according to the TQM perspective. The results of the analysis show the characteristics of quality schools have 5 quality pillars which include a focus on customers, total involvement, measurement, commitment and continuous improvement. The pillars are based on school beliefs. Alumni are able to make many contributions in improving the quality of education, therefore there is a need for alumni management. Alumni management includes the development of alumni networks, alumni construction of educational institutions, institutional governance of alumni management and methods for tracing alumni data through electronic and social media.Keywords: Alumni, educational institutions, schools, total quality management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 498-517

Abstrak. Human resource development demands from time to time are increasing. Therefore education services must be able to keep up with these developments. Besides family and school, the community has its own role in education. The role of the community in madrasah education must be carried out jointly to improve the quality of education. So the role in education is not only educators but also the community must contribute to improving the quality of education for the betterment of the nation. Therefore, the community has an important role in achieving a quality education goal. Education as a process requires synergy between components and requires an understanding of the vision of all stakeholders involved. Support from the community is very necessary for the implementation of good education because of the community so that madrasas will become more qualified, because of the support from the community, of course the progress of the madrasa will be reaped through the future of children in the future by involving their role in improving the quality of education services which include planning, supervision and evaluation of education programs including the field of religious education. Keywords:The Role Of The Community In Improving Education Quality

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 237
Dewi Ika Sari ◽  
Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni

The objectives are to know the role of Leadership of Madrasa Principals andt to know of his efforts and strategies in MTsN 5 Tangerang and MTsN 2 Tangerang in improving the quality of madrasah education, to know the role of emotional intelligence of teachers and To know the efforts and strategies in MTsN 5 Tangerang and MTsN 2 Tangerang in improving the quality of madrasah education, to know the supporting and inhibiting factors of Madrasa Principals and teachers in improving the quality of education in MTsN 5 Tangerang and MTsN 2 Tangerang and to know the results achieved in the leadership of Madrasa Principals and teachers in improving the quality of education in MTsN 5 Tangerang and MTsN  2 Tangerang. The conclusion are increased teacher discipline percentage, ready to perform computer-based exams, increasing student achievement in prestigious competency arena in the provinces can compete in the arena of competition both at the regional level and even at the national level; Good community appraisal so that MTs become the main choice, teacher teacher average already S2, With kinship communication pattern owned by head of madrasah, hence good communication exists between stakeholder and also the creation of comfortable working climate Keywords. Leadership of Madrasa Principals, Teacher Emotional Intelligence, Education Quality

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Sri Herianingrum ◽  
Tika Widiastuti

Islam has many solutions in addressing the issue of limitations in education. That is cash waqf. Cash waqf, is expected to narrow the gap between rich and poor society by means of transfering of wealth (the profits from managing cash waqf) from rich to poor. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cash waqf empowerment model in an effort to improve the quality of education. The method is done by in depth-interview with the boards (Leader and Manager program) of Yatim Mandiri, administrators of YKN (Independence Nusantara Foundation), and the staffs of Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School. Limitation of this paper is to investigate the three institutions of zakat mentioned earlier. The results showed that waqfin the form of movable or immovable objects can be utilized and provide benefits to the society. The role of waqf, especially in improving the quality of education, is still limited to the purchase of land. The land is used for institution building of Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School. There is a model of cashwaqf empowerment in the institution of zakat (Yatim Mandiri) that can be replicated in other institutions of zakat. The structure of this paper are: Section 1 describe the development of cash waqfin Indonesia; Section 2 is literature review about cash waqf; Section 3 explain the research model used in this paper; Section 4 is discussion; and the last Section 5 is the authors conclusion and authors recommendation to improve the empowerment of cash waqf.

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