scholarly journals Pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan (studi kasus di sekolah menengah Assalihiyah, Thailand)

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 19
Titik Isniatus Sholikhah

Kerusakan lingkungan hidup yang terjadi adalah karena ulah tangan manusia itu sendiri yaitu kurangnya rasa peduli lingkungan yang dimiliki. Oleh karenanya, nilai-nilai budaya peduli lingkungan ini akan lebih baik jika ditanamkan sejak dini pada peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan di Sekolah Menengah Assalihiyah Thungphla, Khokpho, Pattani, Thailand Selatan beserta faktor-faktor yang menjadi penunjang dan penghambat dalam penanaman karakter peduli lingkungan pada siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dan bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan di Sekolah Menengah Assalihiyah dititikberatkan pada masalah menjaga kebersihan lingkungan yang berdasarkan hadits Rasulullah Saw. yaitu kebersihan merupakan bagian dari iman. Penanaman karakter peduli lingkungan ini termasuk realisasi program Green Environment seperti yang berlaku di negara Indonesia. Pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan diberikan dengan berbagai model salah satunya keteladanan. Kedua,  faktor penunjang pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan di sini adalah kebiasaan siswa di rumah yang rajin dan peran serta guru. Sedangkan faktor penghambatnya adalah sifat malas siswa dan kondisi luar masyarakat yang berbeda. The environmental damage that occurs is because of the human hands themselves, namely the lack of a sense of care for the environment they have. Therefore, cultural values that care about the environment will be better if they are instilled early on in the students. This study aims to find out the environmentally caring character education in Assalihiyah Thungphla Middle School, Khokpho, Pattani, Southern Thailand along with the factors that are supporting and inhibiting the cultivation of environmental caring characters in students. This type of research is field research and is qualitative descriptive. Data of this study were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of character education in Assalihiyah Middle School was focused on the problem of maintaining environmental cleanliness. The cultivation of character caring for the environment includes the realization of the Green Environment program as applicable in Indonesia. Environmental care character education is provided with various models, one of which is exemplary. The supporting factors for character education in the environment here are the habit of diligent home students and the participation of teachers, while the inhibiting factor is the laziness of students and different conditions outside the community. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Bhatari Lolita Pratiwi

This research project is being studied at kutai kartanegara district by tourist attraction kumala island. The purpose of writing this essay is to identify and describe the management of tourism services in kumala district kutai kartandistrict and also to identify the obstacles -- obstacles which the tourism service deals with in kumala island tourist management in kab. Kutai Kartanegara. The focus of the study in this study is of attraction, ability, facilities and obstacles faced by the tourism service in the management of kumala island tourist attractions at kab. Kutai Kartanegara.The kind of research used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are done in literature and field research consisting of observations, interviews, and documentaries, whereas the informants who were taken purposive sampling and accidental sampling.Studies show that the tourism service has achieved management according to its duties and functions in managing the tourist attractions of island kumala, this is indicated by implementation of the 3 (3) indicators taken from its service one area of the tourism service that they are partly accomplishing, But they have constraints that are, in fact, the lack of budget that's keeping them in the sense that their management is somehow hampered and not maximum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Juliana Juliana

The lack of the students ' interest and attention toward the local wisdom values of the local culture is this research background. The phenomena are due to the absence of interactive media to strengthen character education based on local wisdom in school. The purpose of this research is to create an interactive media based on local wisdom values with the implementation of the iconic card to strengthen the local wisdom values of Malay culture which is useful to build students’ character education. The research used a qualitative descriptive method with social anthropolinguistics approach. The subject of this research was students of Nurul Hasanah Senior High School, Medan. The data were collected through field observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the iconic card might be used as a media to teach Malay wisdom values with the use of the Pak Belalang icon and Malay pantun. Pantun in this research has local wisdom values of Malay culture such as moral, ethical and norm values. Therefore, it can be concluded that the iconic card can be used as media in strengthening the local wisdom values of Malay culture that useful for students' character education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-128
Syukbertien Kariani Lombu ◽  
Eny Suprihatin

AbstractThe research entitled The Study of the Development of Patience of Children 4-5 Years through Queuing Culture at Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten, Rumah Sumbul Village, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, aims to explore the results of queuing cultural habituation for Kindergarten A students in terms of development. patience. This type of research is field research (field research) using qualitative descriptive methods, which try to reveal the facts as they are. Qualitative research is an indepth study. Field research steps were carried out using descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words, observations of behavior and phenomena. Qualitative research emphasizes the meaning, reasoning, and definition of certain situations in certain contexts. Researching everyday life. The study was conducted on 9 children. From observations, it appears that children push each other and overtake when getting off the school bus, push friends when shaking hands with the teacher, place shoes carelessly on the shelf when entering class, run while washing their hands and run around on the bus when they come home from school. Therefore it is interesting to study the development of patience for children aged 4-5 years through the habit of queuing. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The habit of queuing starts at 08:00 WIB when the children get off the bus, at 08:30 WIB when entering class, at 10:30 WIB when washing their hands and at 11:00 WIB when the children take the bus back home. The results showed that through habituation queuing was able to develop patience in Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten children group A. The conclusion was that children's patience could be developed through habituation. In this case it is the cultural habituation of queuing.AbstrakPenelitian dengan judul Studi Tentang Perkembangan Kesabaran Anak 4-5 Tahun Melalui Budaya Antre di TK Bina Kasih Terpadu, Desa Rumah Sumbul, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, bertujuan untuk mendalami hasil pembiasaan budaya antre bagi siswa TK A dalam hal perkembangan kesabaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian lapangan (field research) menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yang berusaha mengungkapkan fakta apa adanya. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan penyelidikan mendalam (indepth study). Dilakukan langkah-langkah penelitian lapangan menggunakan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis maupun lisan, pengamatan perilaku serta fenomena-fenomena. Penelitian kualitatif memberikan penekanan pada makna, penalaran, definisi situasi tertentu dalam konteks tertentu. Meneliti kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian dilakukan pada 9 anak. Dari pengamatan tampak anak saling dorong dan mendahului saat turun dari bus sekolah, mendorong teman saat bersalaman dengan guru, meletakkan sepatu dengan sembarangan di rak ketika masuk kelas, berlari saat mencuci tangan dan berlarian naik bus saat pulang sekolah. Oleh sebab itu menarik untuk diteliti perkembangan kesabaran anak usia 4-5 tahun melalui pembiasaan antre. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pembiasaan antre dilakukan mulai jam 08:00 WIB saat anak-anak turun dari bus, jam 08:30 WIB saat masuk dalam kelas, jam 10:30 WIB saat mencuci tangan dan jam 11:00 WIB saat anak-anak naik bus pulang ke rumah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembiasaan antre mampu mengembangkan kesabaran pada anak TK Bina Kasih Terpadu kelompok A. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa kesabaran anak dapat dikembangkan dengan jalan pembiasaan. Dalam hal ini adalah pembiasaan budaya antre.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-35
Maratul Qiftiyah ◽  
Wina Calista

This research is to describe the shadow teacher for students with special needs at Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta Elementary School. This type of research is qualitative research. This is a qualitative descriptive study which produces descriptive data in the form of words based on detailed and in-depth field research. The subject of this study was the shadow teacher in class VI. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. As for the data analysis which is done which includes: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the shadow teacher who accompanies students with special needs (mild intellectual impairment) in class VI is doing an authoritarian accompaniment. The mentoring makes students experience pressure when learning, it is not uncommon for students to cry, and leave the classroom when learning. Also, the shadow teacher's actions disturb other students. That is what some parents in class IV agreed not to involve shadow teachers in the learning process in class.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Yuli Ning Sih ◽  
Kundharu Saddhono ◽  
Budhi Setiawan

<p><em>The struggle for modernity gave rise to the degradation of the value of character education. At this stage the revitalization of the value of religious local wisdom in tradition needs to be developed again. The existence of nyadran tradition in Ngepringan continues to be developed by mixing the value of local wisdom with religious values. This unique combination is a form of local wisdom against the individual culture that developed in the community, the development of modernity. This means that the community can not only uphold the cultural values of the ancestors, and also cannot adapt the tradition to conditions, and still insert religious values in it. Nyadran tradition is still played by the Ngepringan community because they are spiritual tourism and become a harmonizer political, social, economic and spiritual life. The collection of data information is through observation and interview with the Ngepringan village community. The purpose of this study is to explore religious values in the Nyadran ceremony procession. This type of research is ethnography with qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques use techniques, interviews, documentation, and language content. The data analysis uses interactive analysis technique. The results of this study are to reveal and describe the religious values in the ceremony procession that need to be preserved and improved by the Ngepringan village community in the face of modernity.</em></p><p><em>Pergulatan modernitas melahirkan degradasi nilai pendidikan karakter. Pada titik ini revitalisasi nilai kearifan lokal religius dalam tradisi perlu dikembangkan kembali. Eksistensi tradisi nyadran di Ngepringan terus dikembangkan dengan mencampur nilai kearifan lokal dengan nilai religius. Perpaduan yang unik ini merupakan bentuk kearifan lokal melawan budaya individualis yang berkembang di masyarakat mengikuti perkembangan modernitas. Hal ini bermakna bahwa masyarakat disana tidak hanya menjunjung nilai-nilai budaya dari para leluhur, melainkan juga mampu menyesuaikan tradisi dengan kondisi, serta masih menyisipkan nilai-nilai religius di dalamnya. Tradisi nyadran masih tetap dipertahankan oleh masyarakat Ngepringan dikarenakan nyadran sebagai wisata rohani serta menjadi penyelaras kehidupan politik, sosial, ekonomi, dan agama. Informasi data diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan masyarakat desa Ngepringan. Tujuan studi ini untuk menggali nilai religius dalam prosesi upacara nyadran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah etnografi dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan analisis isi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis interaktif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap dan mendeskripsikan nilai religius dalam prosesi upacara nyadran yang perlu terus dilestarikan dan ditingkatkan oleh masyarakat desa Ngepringan dalam menghadapi modernitas.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Tiara Yuniar Azhari

AbstractThis research is motivated by the collapse of the value of character education that is being planted by students, especially high school students. The teenage age instability, students are easily influenced by the social environment; to avoid this they must get used to love reading, namely reading novels. Many life values can be taken from this novel, especially in the value of character education so it can motivate readers about the world of education that can be used as a model in behave. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The object of this research is the novel Sekolah Pohon by Eko Kusumawijaya. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques with assessment and description of the data that had been obtained. The method of data collection is done by conducting literature studies. The result of this study are: (1) the value of character education in the novel Sekolah Pohon by Eko Kusumawijaya uses a pragmatic approach which includes religious values, honesty, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, curiosity, democratic, appreciate achievement, friendly/communicative, love of peace, likes to read, environmental care, social care, and responsibility; and (2) the novel Sekolah Pohon by Eko Kusumawijaya has relevance as a literary teaching material in high school in accordance with the syllabus and lesson plans.Keywords: novel, value of character education, pragmatic approach, teaching     material 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-221
M Fathurahman

This research is a library research, with the title Cultivating Environmentally Concerned Characters through Teaching Ecological Jurisprudence in Early Childhood. This research uses library materials as the main data source, and the main references in this research are ecological and Islamic books, character education and books on early childhood. The purpose of this study is combining two materials at once, namely environmental fiqh material and its role in shaping the character of early childhood. The results showed. First, environmental damage or the current ecological crisis is not actually due to ecological succession factors. However, the damage occurred precisely because of an anthropogenic disaster by human activities. Second, in environmental fiqh it contains material that is very important to study, namely maqoshidu shari'ah, especially hifdzu al-bi'ah. Thirdly, environmental care character is very urgent, especially given to early childhood, and for now studying this section is an obligation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nasruddin Nasruddin ◽  
Deliman Bu’ulolo

Identify the problem in this research whether the leader sets the standard of Work Time, Employee Performance Assessment, and What form of employee standard work. This research is qualitative descriptive, data collecting method with field research by using method, observation and direct interview on research object to get description of research subject. From result of research, obtained data and information, that leader set standard work time 8 (Eight) hours per day , provided that the company does not work on religious holidays, especially Islamic holidays. The standard of assessment carried out for the workforce is the objective standard, in which the management of the company has determined the unit of outcome of the working time used. To produce the Culvert for the size of 80.60, and 40 Cm standard of production objectives set by the company as much as, 36 units employing 6 (people) Labor, while for the size of 30.20, and 15 Cm, ​​employed 4 people with labor standard 45 Goal Units. Furthermore For Production Pavin Blok has 3 (Three) production type, Rectangle, Six and Nuts. Standard destination 1.800 Units, with 4 Persons labor, and other production is the Hole of the Wind that is Utuk Pagas and Layang, the workforce can produce as many as 80 Units, labor used 2 Person.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Muhammad Amin Qodri Syahnaidi ◽  
R. Umi Baroroh

This study aimed to determine the planning of character education integration in Arabic learning, the implementation of the integration and the implications of character education on the students’ character in Muhammadiyah Middle School 10 Yogyakarta. This was a qualitative research. Data were collected by observation, interviews and documentation. Data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. The results showed: (1) Planning for the integration was included into syllabus and lesson plans. The integration of character education was carried out in the philosophical, material and strategic domains. (2) The implementation of character education integration in Arabic language learning was done through learning activities, giving advice, and the teacher’s role model in Arabic teaching. At the stage of implementation, the integration  had been carried out in the philosophy, material and strategy domains. (3) The implications of character education on students’ character were the development of religiousity, obedience, discipline, communicativeness and responsibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 920-926
Muria Putriana ◽  
Matin Matin ◽  
Sugiarto Sugiarto ◽  
Tjetjep Darmawan

The study aimed to understand the value of national character education in Law number 23 of 2019. The policy of developing character values through the Act is related to strengthening national character. The method used qualitative descriptive. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. At the same time, the data analysis technique is presented in the form of narrative text through procedures, namely coding, data reduction, data presentation, data triangulation, drawing conclusions, and data analysis. The results show that there are thirteen character education values found in Law number 23 of 2019. Eleven character values are relevant to the character values conceptualized in the Indonesian education curriculum, and two new values are the values of patriotism and the spirit of Pancasila. The implications found are related to understanding the concept of character values by the diversity of Indonesian society 

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