scholarly journals The Principle of Social Function of Land Cultivation Right in Agritourism Accommodation in Indonesia

Lusia Savitri Diah Candrasari ◽  
Lego Karjoko

The principle of social function as one of the principles of law enforcement in Indonesia supposes to be elucidated in the regulation of the obligation of Land Cultivation Right holder. Tourism accommodation held by the plantation company on the land under the Land cultivationright on one side, is unjustified by Agrarian Law, on the other side, Plantation law grants it. This writing aimed at evaluating the coherence of the regulation about the obligation of the holders of the land cultivation right towards the principle of social function. This writing could be categorized as a normative study with the statute and conceptual approach. The technique of data collection was literature study. Deductive-inductive syllogism and interpretation presented the analysis. This writing concluded that there had not been a coherence between the regulation about the obligation of the holders of Land cultivation right and the social function of Land cultivation right. This incoherence led to weak law enforcement.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 50
Efi Yulistyowati ◽  
Endah Pujiastuti

<p align="center">ABSTRAK</p><p>Artikel hasil penelitian tentang kajian normatif keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang akan mengkaji mengenai keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang apakah sudah  memenuhi ketentuan dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007. Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, metode pendekatan yang dipakai adalah yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis, metode pengumpulan datanya : studi dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan, sedangkan metode analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah analisis kualitatif.</p><p>Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  keberadaan toko modern di Kota Semarang sudah memenuhi beberapa ketentuan yang ada dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007, yang belum terpenuhi adalah : ketentuan Pasal 13  &amp; Pasal 15 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 112 Tahun 2007.</p><p><em>Articles of research on the normative study of the existence of modern stores in the city of Semarang will examine the existence of modern stores in the city of Semarang whether they have fulfilled the provisions in Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2007. To discuss these problems, the approach method used is normative juridical, with the specifications of analytical descriptive research, data collection methods: documentation and literature study, while the data analysis method used is qualitative analysis.</em></p><p><em>            </em><em>The results of the study show that the existence of a modern shop in Semarang City has fulfilled several provisions in the Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2007, which has not been fulfilled are:</em></p><p><em>p</em><em>rovisions in Article 13 </em><em>and p</em><em>rovisions Article 15</em><em> </em><em>of the Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2007</em><em>.</em><em></em></p><p><em>Keywords: Study, Normative, Modern Shop, Semarang City.</em><em></em></p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-195
Ahmad Zulfiyan

The social-relational lives of girls and boys often experience various problems of gender injustice, which are manifested in the form of gender stereotyping. This paper aims to analyze aspects of gender stereotyping and their implications for social resilience in children in the context of relations between girls and boys and their environment. The data collection relies on the literature study and interviews with one expert who is an lecturer as well as a child rights activist. This paper explains that gender stereotype has been done since childhood, even before the child is born. The stereotype is perpetuated through various socializations: through families, schools, and the general public environment. Gender stereotype has an impact on children's social resilience, particularly how children react in society. The difference of perceptions in children with society expectations makes them feel confused and uncomfortable with themself.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 394
Mayona Sri Devi ◽  
Hasanuddin WS Hasanuddin WS

This research is aimed to describe: (1) the structure of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam; and (2) the social function of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam. This sort of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. This research data is structure and social function of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam. Data is collected from informants through two stages, that is (1) recording folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah, and (2) data collection about storytelling environment. The data were analyzed by the steps of: (1) a data inventory phase; (2) classification of data; (3) the stage of discussion or conclusion from data classification results; and (4) the stage of reporting. Based on the research, was found the following statements. (1) The structure of folklore legends Inyiak Susu Sabalah in Koto Gadang Village, West Tanjung Raya, District Agam including: (a) language style; (b) characterization; (c) background; (d) storyline; (e) theme; and (f) mandate. (2) Social functions contained in folklore is inheritance of oral traditions, owner’s society identity, and social control.Keywords: legends, Inyiak Susu Sabalah, Minangkabau

2018 ◽  
pp. 191
Ni Putu Kurnia Saraswati ◽  
I Ketut Setiawan ◽  
Ida Bagus Saptajaya

The purposed this study is to know linguistic aspects of the Batu Jimbar inscription which includes script, language, spelling, and affixation. Furthermore, the research also discussed about the social aspects contained. Data collection methods used in this study were observation, literature study, and interviews with data processing through qualitative, interpretative, and epigrafi analysis. Based on the analysis of Batu Jimbar inscription, it can be known that the inscription used the ancient Balinese letters with the Old Javanese language. Batu Jimbar inscription used spellings that had been developed in the previous era, such as prefixes para-, ma-, pa-, ka-, sa-, um-, a-, and ha-, suffixes –?n, -nya, -an, and confixes (pa- + -ma), (ma- + -an), (a- + -an), (ka- + -an), ( ka- + -nya), (maka + -an). Socio-cultural aspects contained in the Batu Jimbar inscription is about the rights and obligations and social organizations that exist in it such as the rights and obligations that must be implemented by Indrapura residents by worshiping Bhatara (Gods) at Bukit Unggal (Hill).

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 221
Sjafril Karana

Kepulauan Seribu can be accessed only by sea vessels from Muara Angke Port and Marina Jaya Ancol north Jakarta. There are two type of ships have been services, traditional vessels and the other is speed boats. The traditional vessels are very dominan to be used eventlwugh they are very danger to be operated as a passenger vessels because they do not fulfilled the requirements especially in safeh; equipment, nevertheless they are still in operation. During its operation, vessels are loaded with passengers exceeding the permitted capacity, of course this condition is very dangerous when big wave come. In relation with to tourism activihj, the bad operational condition of the traditional vessels will cause number of tourists who visit the Kepulauan Seribu decline. T71is research was conducted based on literature study supported by the data and information from various sources. The analysis showed that the bad operation condition vessels was caused by weak law enforcement, besides that there is also a factor of lacking of understanding about the safety of ships in good voyage by the crew, and vessel operators. To improve the flaw of tourist visits to the Kepulauan Seribu, more effort is needed, mainly reconstruction of traditional vessels because it relates to the safety of human life at sea, besides that it should also imp rave understanding of various aspects of the tourism industry.Keywords : vessel, tau rism industry

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Faula Ismi ◽  
Ermanto Ermanto

This study  aimed to determine the structure and social function of folklore legend naming Batunabontar Batang Natal district Mandailing Natal district. The method used in this research was descriptive method. The data source of this research was the people who inhabit Batunabontar village, Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal District. The instrument used in this study was the researcher himself and the informant based on the understanding of the structure and social function of the naming legend of a place. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation by observation and to strengthen the data obtained, direct interviews were carried out to the authorities in research on the Social Structure and Function of the Legend of the Naming of Batunabontar Village, Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal District. The results of this study indicate that the Social Structure and Function of Naming Legend of Batunabontar Village, Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal District has a unique history and structure and function in the village. The uniqueness of this Batunabontar makes the writer want to know the importance of the structure and function of the Batunabontar in Batang Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Lenni Wulandari ◽  
Sri Rochana Widyastutieningrum

AbstrakTari Gatholoco adalah tari kelompok berjenis tradisi rakyat dalam sebuah kelompok seni di Desa Kembangsari. Tari Gatholoco belum diketahui siapa penciptanya dan digarap oleh Badrun tahun 1965 kemudian digarap oleh Tono tahun 1980. Tari Gatholoco menarik karena pola lantai membentuk formasi huruf (terbalik dari arah depan) yang menyusun sebuah kata Temanggung. Juga terdapat gerak penghubung antar gerak satu ke gerak berikutnya dan gerak penghubung untuk perpindahan pola lantai dengan senggakan “sukseskan pembangunan”. Tari Gatholoco memiliki fungsi sosial dalam masyarakat Desa Kembangsari. Penelitian ini menggunakan landasan teori bentuk oleh Suzanne K. Langer dan Sri Rochana Widyastutieningrum dan teori fungsi oleh Raymond Firth. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, merupakan metode penelitian yang menekankan pada telaah mendalam suatu fenomena yang terjadi dengan melakukan wawancara, dokumentasi, pengamatan langsung, pengamatan tidak langsung, dan studi pustaka. Presentasi yang disajikan berupa data dan visual. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh gambaran yang berkaitan dengan bentuk sajian dan fungsi sosial tari Gatholoco yang hingga kini masih hidup dan berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Desa Kembangsari. Bentuk sajian tari Gatholoco terdapat gerak yang menggambarkan aktivitas masyarakat sehari hari. Fungsi sosial tari Gatholoco yaitu sebagai sarana kepuasan batin, sarana bersantai dan hiburan, sarana ungkapan jati diri, sarana integratif dan pemersatu, dan sarana pendidikan amat positif di kehidupan masyarakat Desa Kembangsari.Kata kunci: Gatholoco, Bentuk, FungsiAbstractGatholoco Dance is a group dance of the folk-type tradition in an art group in Kembangsari Village. Not yet known who the creator of Gatholoco dance it was cultivated by Badrun in 1965 then tilled by Tono in 1980. Gatholoco dance is very interesting, because pattern floor as like alfabet (upside down from the front) which composes the word means like Temanggung. That dance also relational between one of the movement to the next movement, and then the relational connecting the other movement of the pattern floor it is mean that “successful development”. Gatholoco dance has a sociocultural function in the Kembangsari Village. This research uses the foundation of form theory by Suzanne K. Langer and Sri Rochana Widyastutieningrum and function theory by Raymond Firth. This research uses qualitative method, is a research method that emphasizes in depth study of a phenomenon that occurs by conducting interviews, documentation, direct observation, indirect observation, and literature study. Presentation is presented in the form of data and visual. The results of this study can be obtained a picture relating to the form of course and social function of Gatholoco dance which until now is still alive and growing among the people of Kembangsari Village. There is a movement that describes the daily activities of society in the form of Gatholoco dance course. The social function of Gatholoco dance is as a mean of inner satisfaction, means of relaxation and entertainment, means of expression of identity, integrative means and unifier, means of educational, means of healing, symbolic means of meaning and power, and means of integration in chaotic times are very positive in the life of the community of Kembangsari Village.Keywords: Gatholoco, Form, Function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Elsa Intan Pratiwi

This study aims to analyze the forms of action that are categorized as body shaming crimes and criminal law enforcement against body shaming crimes on social media. This study uses a normative juridical approach. The data used is in the form of secondary data consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. The data collection method uses literature study and descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that, the forms of action that are categorized as body shaming crimes, namely: the words uttered contain elements of physical insult and have humiliated and lowered one's self-esteem because they can be seen/witnessed by many people, making them feel sad and depressed. Perpetrators of body shaming can be charged under Article 315 of the Criminal Code, with a maximum imprisonment of four months and two weeks or a maximum fine of four thousand and five hundred rupiahs. And if it is done on social media, the perpetrator can be charged under Article 27 paragraph (3) jo. Article 45 paragraph (3) of the ITE Law with a maximum imprisonment of four years and/or a maximum fine of seven hundred and fifty million rupiah. The police also offer a settlement process in a non-litigation context, namely by maximizing penal mediation to reduce the build up of cases in court.

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Annisa Sherliany ◽  
Wisni Bantarti

The purpose of this research to describe the social capital that is owned by the working group members of PHBS of SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta in an effort to implement a clean and healthy living behavior. This research uses a qualitative approach and is a descriptive research through data collection techniques in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. The results of this research shows that social capital is owned by members of the working group of PHBS of SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta can support its success in an effort to implement clean and healthy living behavior.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Binar Kurniasari Febrianti

Tulisan ini memaparkan nilai-nilai budaya dalam cerita rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui budaya daerah melalui nilai-nilai budaya yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat. Cerita rakyat Burung Arue dan Burung Talokot berasal dari suku Dayak Kanayan, Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. Cerita ini dipilih karena merupakan cerita lokal dan masih dipercaya masyarakat setempat hingga sekarang. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari cerita rakyat Burung Aroe dan Burung Talokot berupa buku yang sudah diterbitkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah studi pustaka dengan pendekatan antropologi sastra. Adapun analisis penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, yakni metode yang menggambarkan data secara sistematis, faktual, dan akurat. Hasil analisis penelitian menerangkan bahwa cerita rakyat merupakan warisan budaya yang mempunyai arti penting dan berkaitan dengan kehidupan masyarakatnya. Hal ini diperkuat dengan unsur-unsur pembangun cerita yang mengungkapkan gagasan, pandangan hidup, dan ajaran moral yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan masyarakat yang bisa dijadikan pedoman hidup. Di lain sisi, nilai-nilai budaya dalam cerita ini adalah rumah adat, simbol budaya, sumber daya alam, bersyukur kepada Tuhan, menepati janji dan amanah, nilai kasih sayang, nilai kesabaran, dan menjaga persaudaraan.This paper describes cultural values in folklore. This study aims to find out regional culture through cultural values contained in folklore. Folklore of Burung Arue dan Burung Talokot comes from the Dayak Kanayan ethnic, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan. This story was chosen because it is a local folklore and is still trusted by the local community until now. The source of the data in this study comes from the folklore of Burung Arue dan Burung Talokot in the form of published books. The method used for data collection is literature study with the literal anthropogy approach. The analysis of the study uses descriptive methods that describe data systematically, factually, and accurately. The results of the research analysis explain that folklore is a cultural heritage that has important values and related to the lives of its people. This is reinforced by the story building elements that express ideas, views of life, and moral lessons related to people's lives that can be used as guidelines for life. On the other hand, cultural values in this story are traditional house, cultural symbols, natural resources, giving thanks to God, keeping promises and mandates, values of compassion, the value of patience, respect for parents, and maintaining brotherhood.

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