scholarly journals The Characteristics of the Letter of Dād and the Miracle of Al-Qur’an

2019 ◽  
Harun Al-Rasyid

Since ancient times, Arabic has been an actively used language. Arabic language is also renowned as the language of Al-Qur’an (Muslim’s holy book). However, it is important to notice that the Arabic language used for communication is certainly different from that used in the Qur’an, which is also called the classical Arabic language (qodîmah). This Qur’anic Arabic has various unique characteristics. This paper elaborates some specificities and uniqueness of Arabic letter Dād that no other languages in this world bear similarities. Thus, it cannot be denied if this language is used to represent the verses of the Qur’an. Although some challenges were later found in pronouncing this letter after the Qur’an is read by all Muslims throughout the world. The letter Dād, found in the 15

Ioanes Rakhmat

<div><p><strong>Abstract :</strong> Man in ancient times, adheres the ancient cosmology, who hold no separation between supranatural and natural realm, beliefs that every occurrences in the world is ruled under the Divine free determination and decree. There is no natural law runs out of the order and will of God (as defended by Deism). Therefore, for them, miracle is always a real experience and unseparable part of daily life. Miracle is not something irrational. On the contrary, ancient reason provides justifications for its occurency. Certainly, this conviction as a mythological interpretation that is being applied toward the facts which actually are ordinary and natural. Commonly, such mythological interpretations were generally proposed by the writers of holy books (scripture) long after the actual events, all of which, however was normal and natural. All miraculous stories in the holy books are entirely imaginary narratives which were codified post actum or post eventum, long after the unsensational actual events, and were built with religious apologetical or propagandistic purposes, rather than reporting the historical facts as they were. At their hand, the history is under religious-political apologies and propaganda.</p><p><em>Keywords : Holy book, historiography, fact/history, fiction,  mitology, scientific subjectivism, objectivism, interactivism, sensus plenior</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><strong>Abstrak :</strong> Bagi manusia di zaman kuno, yang menganut kosmologi kuno, tak mengenal pemisahan antara dunia adikodrati dan dunia kodrati. Bagi mereka alam berjalan karena semuanya diatur dan ditentukan dengan bebas oleh Allah. Tidak ada hukum alam yang berjalan mandiri terlepas dari pengaturan dan kehendak Allah (sebagaimana dipertahankan deisme di zaman modern). Karena itu, mukjizat senantiasa merupakan pengalaman nyata dan keadaan yang tak terpisah dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Bagi mereka, mukjizat bukanlah hal yang tak masuk ke dalam nalar mereka. Namun sebaliknya, nalar manusia kuno membutuhkan dan memberi tempat bagi terjadinya mukjizat. Tentu saja, jika menurut mereka mukjizat telah terjadi, pendapat mereka ini adalah sebuah interpretasi mitologis atas fakta-fakta yang seluruhnya normal dan kodrati saja. Umumnya berbagai macam interpretasi mitologis ini diajukan para penulis kitab-kitab suci pada masa jauh sesudah kejadian-kejadian yang sebenarnya, yang normal dan kodrati semata. Semua kisah mukjizat dalam kitab-kitab suci adalah kisah-kisah imajiner yang disusun post actum atau post eventum, jauh sesudah kejadian sebenarnya yang tidak sensasional, dengan tujuan-tujuan apologetik atau demi propaganda keagamaan, bukannya melaporkan fakta-fakta sejarah apa adanya. Di tangan mereka, sejarah ditaklukkan seluruhnya pada apologetika dan propaganda religio-politik.</p><p><em>Kata kunci : Kitab suci, historiografi, fakta/sejarah, fiksi, mitologi, subjektivisme ilmiah,  objektivisme, interaktivisme, sensus  plenior</em></p></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 177-191
Ihsan Sa'dudin ◽  
Eka Safitri

Arabic education is a necessity for people who are Muslim. Islam is spreadthroughout the world including the Southeast Asian region. Southeast Asia, whichincludes the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singaporeand others who have a majority Muslim population. Islam entered the regionpeacefully, making it easier for development and its spread. The development andspread of Islam along with learning Arabic, because Arabic is the language of theMuslim holy book. However, the provision of education and learning in Arabicvaries from country to country even though it is still in one region of SoutheastAsia. The concepts of Arabic language education applied are strongly influencedby the state of government in these countries.

علاء حسنى المزين (Alaa Hosni)

كان من أهم الآثار الإيجابية للصحوة الإسلامية التى عمت العالم الإسلامى بشكل ملحوظ منذ أوائل السبعينيات فى القرن العشرين زيادة إقبال الشعوب الإسلامية على تعلم اللغة العربية، وبدأ الاهتمام الحقيقى لجامعات العالم الإسلامى بتوفير مساقات متخصصة لهذا الغرض منذ أوائل الثمانينات، وكانت الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا التى أسست سنة 1983 من أنشط الجامعات فى هذا الصدد، وهو نشاط استلفت نظر الباحث إذ وجده يستحق الرصد والتوثيق العلمى، والمراجعة إذا اقتضت الضرورة لا بهدف الإشادة بالتجربة بل رغبة فى الإفادة والاستفادة من قبل المختصين من المهتمين بهذا الميدان الحيوى من ميادين خدمة اللغة العربية بل خدمة الإسلام، وحضارته نظرا للارتباط الوثيق بين اللغة العربية وهذا الدين الحنيف باعتبارها لغة كتابه الخالد، والمعلم الرئيس من معالم الهوية الإسلامية المميزة والصمود الحضارى.*****************************************************One of the most positive effects of the Islamic awakening since the early seventies, in the twentieth century, which spread across the Islamic world in a significant manner, has been the increased Muslims’ interest in learning the Arabic language all over the world. There began a real interest in the universities of the Muslim world for the Arabic language by providing specialized courses for this purpose since the early eighties and  the International Islamic University Malaysia established in 1983 has been the most active university in this regard. And this activity of the university drew the interest of the researcher who found it worthy of investigation and scientific documentation as well as of revision, if necessary, not in order to pay tribute to the experience, but for taking advantage and learning from specialists interested in this vital field of the fields of Arabic language service which is actually service of Islam and its civilization considering the strong connection between Islam and the Arabic language, the language of the Qur’Én , the most distinctive feature of Islamic identity and resilience of Islamic civilization.

Vasyl Karpo ◽  
Nataliia Nechaieva-Yuriichuk

From ancient times till nowadays information plays a key role in the political processes. The beginning of XXI century demonstrated the transformation of global security from military to information, social etc. aspects. The widening of pandemic demonstrated the weaknesses of contemporary authoritarian states and the power of human-oriented states. During the World War I the theoretical and practical interest toward political manipulation and political propaganda grew definitely. After 1918 the situation developed very fast and political propaganda became the part of political influence. XX century entered into the political history as the millennium of propaganda. The collapse of the USSR and socialist system brought power to new political actors. The global architecture of the world has changed. Former Soviet republic got independence and tried to separate from Russia. And Ukraine was between them. The Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine was the start point for a number of processes in world politics. But the most important was the fact that the role and the place of information as the challenge to world security was reevaluated. The further annexation of Crimea, the attempt to legitimize it by the comparing with the referendums in Scotland and Catalonia demonstrated the willingness of Russian Federation to keep its domination in the world. The main difference between the referendums in Scotland and in Catalonia was the way of Russian interference. In 2014 (Scotland) tried to delegitimised the results of Scottish referendum because they were unacceptable for it. But in 2017 we witness the huge interference of Russian powers in Spain internal affairs, first of all in spreading the independence moods in Catalonia. The main conclusion is that the world has to learn some lessons from Scottish and Catalonia cases and to be ready to new challenges in world politics in a format of information threats.

1967 ◽  
Vol 60 (5) ◽  
pp. 210
Richard M. Haywood ◽  
Carl Roebuck

1994 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-16 ◽  
Joshua Blau

After the Islamic conquest, the Greek Orthodox, so-called Melkite ( = Royalist), church fairly early adopted Arabic as its literary language. Their intellectual centres in Syria/Palestine were Jerusalem, along with the monaster ies of Mar Sabas and Mar Chariton in Judea, Edessa and Damascus. A great many Arabic manuscripts stemming from the first millennium, some of them dated, copied at the monastery of Mar Chariton and especially at that of Mar Saba, have been discovered in the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, the only monastery that has not been pillaged and set on fire by the bedouin. These manuscripts are of great importance for the history of the Arabic language. Because Christians were less devoted to the ideal of the ‘arabiyya than their Muslim contemporaries, their writings contain a great many devi ations from classical Arabic, thus enabling us to reconstruct early Neo-Arabic, the predecessor of the modern Arabic dialects, and bridge a gap of over one thousand years in the history of the Arabic language.

Muhittin Gümüş

ÖZET. Milletlerin çok eski zamanlardan bugüne kadar yaşayarak edinmiş oldukları tecrübeler, bilgiler, kazanımlar ve değerler o milletin kültürünü oluşturur. Edinilen değerlerin dil aracılığıyla hayat bulması kültürdilbilim alanı çerçevesinde kültür-dil-insan arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeye değer bulmuştur. Herhangi bir varlığın şekline, işlevine, görevine, görüntüsüne her toplumda farklı anlam veya dilsel dünya görüşünü yansıtan adlar verilir. Kültür-dil-insan çerçevesinde dil ve kültür ilişkilerinin belli bir disiplin altında incelenmesi ancak kültürdilbilim yoluyla mümkündür. Dilbilim alanına ait kültürdilbilim çalışmalarında ele alınan dilsel dünya görüşü kavramı her bir dilin dolayısıyla toplumun ya da ortak değerlere sahip toplumlarının oluşturduğu milletlerin dünyayı nasıl algılayıp yansıttığını, çevresindeki varlıkların ve kavramların hangi niteliklerini ayırt ettiğini, insanın duygu ve düşüncelerini, değer yargılarını nasıl betimledikleri incelenmektedir. Bu makalede kültürdilbilim çerçevesinde Türkçede “gibi”, Kırgızcada -DAy eki ve “sıyaktuu”, “öndüü” bağlacıyla yapılan benzetmeler ve deyimler Türkçe ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmekte, böylelikle iki toplum arasındaki dış dünya algısı arasındaki farklılıklar veya benzerlikler tespit edilecektir. Адам баласы алмустактан бери топтогон маалыматы, турмуштан топтогон тажрыйбасы жана баалуулуктары менен улуттук маданиятын түзгөн. Тилдик каражаттар аркылуу чагылдырылган турмуштук тажрыйбалар улуттук маданият чөлкөмүндө маданият-тил-адам баласы деген чөйрөдө изилдөөгө алынат. Сөз, форма, иш аракет, көрүнүштөр ар бир коомдо ар кандай маанини туюндурган лексикалар менен берилген. Маданият-тил-адам баласы аттуу чөйрөдө тилдик жана маданий байланыштар белгилүү бир тартипте изилдениши бир гана маданияттаануу жолу менен ишке ашат. Тил илимине тиешелүү маданияттаануу илиминде каралган тилдик дүйнө тааным түшүнүгү ар бир тилдин, ошол эле учурда орток баалуулуктарга ээ болгон коомдун дүйнөнү кабыл алышы жана аны чагылдырышы, анын чөйрөнү жана түшүнүктөрдү айырмалаган сапаттарын, адамдын ички уйгу-туйгусун жана түшүнүктөрүн кандай сүрөттөгөнүн изилденет. Бул макалада маданияттаанууда Түрк тилиндеги “gibi” Кыргыз тилиндеги –ДАй мүчөсү, сыяктуу жана өндүү жандоочтор менен бе-рилиши, фразеологиялык каражаттар Түрк тили менен салыштырылып, эки тилдин ортосундагы сырткы дүйнө тааным менен болгон айырмасы жана окшоштуктары аныкталат. The experiences, knowledge, achievements and values that have been gained by nations starting from ancient times and up today constitute the culture of that nation. It has become worthy of examining the relationship between culture-language-human within the frameworks of cultural linguistics. Names are attached to any entity in accordance with its shape, function, tasks, and appearance that reflect different meanings in each society or their linguistic worldview. Analyzing language and culture relations within the scope of a certain discipline in the frameworks of culture-language-human is only possible by means of Cultural Linguistics. The concept of linguistic worldview, which is discussed in cultural-linguistics studies in the field of linguistics, deals with studying how each language and therefore the societies or societies with common values perceive the world and reflect it through the language they use, what qualities of entities and concepts surrounding them they distinguish, how they describe feelings and thoughts of a human being and their value judgments. This paper studies analogies and idioms that are formed by means of preposition “gibi” in the Turkish language and “sıyaktuu” with the suffix –Day in the Kyrgyz language, which are examined in the context of comparative cultural linguistics. Thus, the differences and/or similarities between the perception of external world between the two societies are revealed.

Keruen ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
N. Nabiolla ◽  

From ancient times our people, who grazed four food animals, believed that they had an owner. The owners of the four food animals were considered to be their "ancestors" or "peers". That is why he gave them a mythical character. He leaned on his holy ancestors and asked them to help him. He wished them well and wished them well. He thought that only then he could have cattle. That is why various rituals and ceremonies have come to everyone. Currently in the country spread a lot of myths, indicating that the cow was the cow skorlupok animal. Special attention was paid to cattle, including bull. Even the purpose of the human earth that applies to spelled. He was known in myths as the blue bull, sometimes the blue bull, which was known in folklore with special vividness. This is mostly associated with myths about the injury of the earth. In the mythology of the peoples of the world say that the earth put on, fish, elephant (for the concept of the ancient Indians), snake Cotes, the myth, widespread among the peoples of Turkic origin, including among Kazakh people put on the surface of the blue ox, and sometimes on a blue bull to pick it up. He draws attention to the myths of the bull or bull and one case depends on the blue bull. In General, the blue color has a special property, for example, "blue Bor", "blue bull", etc. "Blue" is formed from mythical concepts: " blue sky","bull of the blue God". In this regard, it should be noted that in nomadic life, it became the first cargo transport.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Masoud Bavanpouri ◽  
Abdulahad Gheibi ◽  
Sohaila Kazem Alilu

As articles' production is growing at an increasing rate in Iran and the world, there is an urgent need for criteria to evaluate scientific publications. This will be achieved by using scientific evaluation. Who benefits from analyzing the information. The Journal of Studies in Arabic Language and Literature is considered one of the accredited and essential magazines in Arabic language and literature in Iran. University and educational institution. This article dealt with a statistical and analytical study of the number of article writers, their testimonies, the extent of cooperation between them, the centers and institutions active in the magazine. Moreover, From this standpoint, the article obtained the following results: 85 articles were written individually, 101 articles were also written jointly, 77 articles were jointly written with the cooperation of university colleagues, and 24 articles were written with the cooperation of different persons from different universities. Shaker Al Ameri and Wafiq Mahmoud Solitain became the most prolific authors with eight articles. Half of the essay topics are devoted to criticism, fiction, and text analysis. Fifty articles were written by the editorial staff with an average of 88/26, which is a large number.

Yusuf Ziya Tengiz ◽  
Zehra Meliha Tengiz

Beekeeping is one of the most common agricultural activities in the world. In addition to the world and human life, it is very important in the pollination and the efficiency of the plants. Beekeeping activities have been done since ancient times as the tradition of Anatolian people. In Turkey grows 75% of the honey plants species determined in the world. This provides a variety of honey in different aroma and flavors. Turkey with 7 796 666 beehives is in 3rd rank, with 114 471 tons of honey production is in 2nd rank and with 4 488 tons of beeswax production in 2017 is in 4th rank in the world bee products have an important role. It is important to determine future trends in developing appropriate policies for our country, which is one of the leading countries in beekeeping activities. The main aims of this study are to forecast honey and beeswax product in Turkey for 2019-2025. Arima model, which is one of the time series analysis, was used in this study. According to the results, it is expected that honey production will increase in these years. However, it is expected the increase in the production of beeswax until 2021. After 2021 year is expected to decrease a little. In our country which has great potential for beekeeping, it will be able to take place among the countries which have a significant influence in foreign trade with the effective use of production resources in the realization of activities.

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