2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Noor Sa'adah

This study aims to describe the academic material in Arabic teaching in the salaf and the modern Institutions, and describe the similarities and differences of Arabic teaching in both of them.The study  used  a qualitative.  In this  study  the  data  were  collected  by  using  interviews, observation, and documentation. To analyze  the  data,  the  researcher  used  the  interactive  technique  of  Miles  and Huberman,  while  to  test the  validity  of  the  data,  the  method  of  triangulation  technique  was  used.The result of the study shows the following: (1) The Arabic teaching materials in Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Islamic boarding schools consist of 10 subjects, while in the Raudhatut Thalibin only consist of 5 subjects. The Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah boarding schools use theory of integrated and separated system in their Arabic teaching materials, while the Raudhatut Thalibin use separated system theory; (2) The instructional method engaged in Arabic teaching is the eclectic method. The teaching use concrete (indrawi) media. Both oral and written test were applied in the evaluation system; (3) The kinds of language environment applied in Arabic teaching in Rasyidiyah Kalidiyah Islamic boarding school consist of the environment of listening and reading. While speaking, reading and listening environments, were applied in Raudhatut Thalibin Islamic boarding school.Keywor

Khuma Ida

Multicultural education has an important role in shaping the character of students to respect others and to foster a social spirit. Madrasas and Islamic boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions that have a major influence in shaping the character of students. This study aims to determine the differences in the implementation of multicultural education in MAN 3 Sleman and the Nurul Ummah Kotagede Islamic boarding school in Yogyakarta.The research method used is a comparative qualitative method, namely research that compares two or more entities. This study focuses on the similarities and differences between these two schools by comparing them with the same variables. Multicultural values include: diversity, humanity, pluralism, democracy, curriculum, culture, public relations, and comfort. From the results of the study it can be seen that in implementing multicultural education in both institutions, there are similar methods in its implementation.[Pendidikan multikultural mempunyai peran penting dalam membentuk karakter siswa untuk menghargai sesama serta untuk menumbuhkan jiwa sosial terhadap peserta didik. Madrasah dan pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam yang mempunyai pengaruh besar dlama membentuk karakter siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan implementasi pendidikan multikultural di MAN 3 Sleman dan pondok pesantren Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif komparatif, yaitu penelitian yang membandingkan dua gejala atau lebih. Penelitian ini berfokus pada persamaan dan perbedaan antar unit dengan membandingkan variabel yang sama untuk sampel yang berbeda. Nilai-nilai multikultural antara lain: keragaman, humanis, pluralis, demokrasi, kurikulum, budaya, hubungan masyarakat dan kenyamanan. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa dalam pengimplementasian pendidikan multikultural di kedua lembaga tersebut terdapat metode yang sama dalam pengimplementasiannya.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-193
Furqon ◽  
Dr. Isa Anshori, M.SI

This research aims to understand about the education developing model of MuhammadiyahBoarding School Jombang, factor endowments and a barrier, as well as the efforts of addressing and resolving the various obstacles. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenology approach to the subject: caregivers, ustadz – ustadzah and director ofMuhammadiyah Boarding School Jombang. This research uses data collection techniques of observation, interview, and document. Whereas the data collected is analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data display and take conclusion. The results showed that the education developing model of Muhammadiyah Boarding School Jombang combines educational systemof formal education by using ekspositori strategies, inquiry, CTL,as well as evaluation system formative and summative. In this boarding schools utilizes information and communication technologies as a means of supporting education and quality of ustadz- ustadzahin accordance with the field of their education, barriers in these boarding schools is the lack of ustadz – ustadzah qualified and competent in their field, not the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure, and lack of funding there are various attempts are made to overcome these obstacles include: improving the quality of human resources (ustadz – ustadzah), searching for ustadz – ustadzah that corresponds to the field of education, to improve the existing infrastructure as well as cooperation with communities and agencies for the provision of infrastructure and the provision of funds.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-168
Urwah Urwah

Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) Yanbu'ul Qur'an and the Dar Al-Qur'an of Cirebon are two boarding schools that are still continuing to teach the seven ways of reciting the Holy Qur’an (al-Qirā’āt as-Sab'). Both have similarities and differences in teaching that method. This research will explain the method and systematic teaching of the seven ways of reciting the Holy Qur’an using socio-historical analysis approach. At the Islamic boarding school of Yanbu'ul Qur'an, tahfizul Qur'an (learning the Qur’an by heart) is one of the requirements that the students of the Qira’at must have, because the  talaqqi  (the process of learning the Qur’an by heart by meeting face to face with the supervisor) is conducted by the way of the unseen (bil-gaib) and face to face. While at the Islamic boarding school of Dar Al-Qur'an of Cirebon, tahfizul Qur’an is not required because the process is conducted through the way called  talaqqi bin-na§ar  (seeing the Qur'an), and is conducted in groups.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 275
M. Mustholiq Alwi

AbstractIslamic boarding school is a place in structuring characters and developing humans as a whole that can create advantages for surroundings. The purpose of this research is to reveals the materials and resources used in structuring characters in the Islamic boarding schools Suryabuana in forming virtuous ethical considerate Moslem generation. The methods of this study is field research. The results show that (1) the eschatological doctrine al-Ghazali is already internalized in the form of curriculum and teaching materials in the Islamic boarding school of Suryabuana. (2) the Islamic boarding schools of Suryabuana implies the doctrine of al-Ghazali eschatology through religious activities such as wirid, tahlil, mujahadah, and other forms of worships including spiritual science of mukasyafah and mu’amalah.AbstrakPondok pesantren sebagai tempat dalam penanaman karakter dan sarana membangun manusia yang sempurna, yang bisa menciptakan kebaikan dilingkungannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pada materi-materi dan sumber-sumber penanaman karakter yang digunakan di pondok pesantren Suryabuana dalam membentuk generasi seorang muslim ahli ibadah, beretika, dan peduli sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah field research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) doktrin eskatologi al-Ghazali sudah termanifestasikan dalam bentuk kurikulum dan materi ajar di pondok pesantren Suryabuana. (2) Pondok pesantren Suryabuana mengimplikasikan doktrin eskatologi al-Ghazali lewat kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan, seperi wirid, shalawat, tahlil, mujahadah, dan ibadah-ibadah lain, yang berkaitan dengan ilmu akhirat seperti ilmu mukasyafah dan ilmu mu’amalah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Munasprianto Ramli ◽  
Nanda Saridewi ◽  
Abdul Rifki

The study aims to determine the scientific literacy ability of class IPA 11th grade students at traditional Islamic boarding schools using the 2015 PISA framework. Descriptive quantitative method used for this research. The research was conducted at two traditional Islamic boarding schools in South Tangerang called the Jamiyah Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School and the Madinatunnajah Islamic Boarding School. The research sample consisted of 57 students consisting of 33 students of the Jamiyah Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School and 24 students of the Madinatunnajah Islamic Boarding School chosen using a purposive sampling technique. The written test used is a test that distributed at PISA 2012 and 2015 which focus on two main domains of PISA 2015 scientific literacy, namely the domain of competence and knowledge. The results of this study indicate that the scientific literacy skills of students in Islamic boarding schools using the 2015 PISA framework are still "low" with an average percentage of scientific literacy obtained of 29.03%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Yunus Yunus

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara,  terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendidikan diniyah pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, tergolong dalam sub sistem pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, menjadikan manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menajdi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Sedangkan tantangan ada beberapa hambatan 1)Sistem kurikulum yang lebih modern, sehingga pesantren ketinggalan jauh dari sekolah umum, 2) Kurangnya anggaran dan sumber pendanaan disebabkan oleh kurang siswa. 3) adanya sebagian orang tua tidak tertarik menyekolahkan anak di sekolah Pesantren.Kata kunci:      Pengembangan, Pondok Pesantren As’addiyah.  AbstractThe pattern of the development of Islamic boarding schools in Malangke, the strategy of developing pesantren is the method or strategy used by the place or place for the process of planning changes that require the support of all parties, among others, the Head, staff, teachers and students are expected to develop and improving educational institutions, which require short, medium and long-term efforts to deal with changes that will occur in the future. Opportunities and hands for the development of Islamic boarding schools in North Luwu, there is Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, some of which emphasize the implementation of religious education, such as article 30 paragraph (1) and Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2007 concerning Education Religion and Religious Education in Article 1 paragraph (2) concerning Religious Education and Religious Education in which it is expressly stated that Islamic boarding schools conduct early childhood education at the elementary and secondary levels, belonging to the national education sub-system in Indonesia which aims to educate the nation, make humans who have faith and devotion to the Almighty God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen. While the challenges are several obstacles 1) A more modern curriculum system, so that pesantren lag far behind public schools, 2) The lack of budgets and funding sources is caused by lack of students. 3) there are some parents who are not interested in sending their children to school in Islamic boarding schools.Keywords:        Development, As'addiyah Islamic Boarding School.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-145
Zavgorodniy I.V., Lazarenko K. P., Chekhovskaya I.M.

The article deals with the problem of school adaptation of elementary school pupils studying in specialized boarding schools for children with special needs and musculoskeletal disorders. The article studies special materials and methods for diagnosis of school desadaptation. The authors presented the findings of the research identifying the peculiarities of school desadaptation diagnosis.Key words: сhildren with special needs, school adaptation, specialized boarding school, elementary school children with musculoskeletal disorders. АнотаціяДіагностика шкільної адаптації дітей з особливими потребами. Завгородній І.В., Лазаренко К.П., Чеховська І.М.         У статті розглядаються проблеми шкільної дезадаптації дітей з патологією опорно-рухового апарату, що навчаються у спеціалізованому начальному закладі. Описані методики для визначення рівня шкільної адаптації першокласників. Надані результати проведених досліджень серед учнів першого класу спеціалізованого навчального закладу.Ключові слова: діти з особливими потребами, шкільна адаптація,спеціалізований навчальний заклад,першокласники,  захворювання опорно-рухового апарату. АннотацияЗавгородний И.В., Лазаренко К.П., Чеховская И.М.Диагностика школьной адаптации у детей с особыми потребностями. В статье рассматриваются проблемы школьной дезадаптации детей с патологией опорно-двигательного аппарата, обучающихся в специализированном учебном заведении. Описанны методики для определения уровня школьной адаптации первоклассников. Представлены результаты проведенных исследований среди учащихся первого класса специализированного учебного заведения.Ключевые слова: дети с особыми потребностями, школьная адаптация, специализированное учебное заведение, первоклассники, заболевания опорно-двигательного аппарата.

Moh. Nurhakim

IMAM ZARKASYI DAN PEMBAHARUAN PESANTREN :REKONSTRUKSI ASPEK KURIKULUM, MENEJEMENDAN ETIKA PENDIDIKANOleh :Moh. Nurhakim *)Fakultas Agama Islam UMMABSTRACTThe study described Imam Zarkasyi’s reconstruction thought about Islamic boarding schoolreformation. The study aimed at exploring Zarkasyi’s thought to be implemented as Islamiceducation reformation model for Islamic society modernization. The limitations of the study wereZarkasyi’s curriculum, empowerment on organizational management, and ethics training in Islamicboarding school. The finding revealed in three main points. First, Zarkasyi’s believed that IslamicEducation curriculum were to cover both religious principles, and modern sciences as well. Thus,the students were expected to master both Arabic and English. Second, organizational and charity(wakaf) management required significant improvement to strengthen Islamic boarding schoolinstitution in accordance to modern principles. Third, Islamic education boarding schools were toemphasize on values of sincerity, simplicity, independence, solidarity, and freedom to raise theawareness of the ethics in Islamic education schools. The above values were expected to be thecharacteristics of Gontor Islamic Boarding School graduates.Keywords: Imam Zarkasyi, thoughtreformation, and modern Islamic boardingschool

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-27
Elizabeth Kella

This article examines the appropriation and redirection of the Gothic in two contemporary, Native-centered feature films that concern a history that can be said to haunt many Native North American communities today: the history of Indian boarding schools. Georgina Lightning’s Older than America (2008) and Kevin Willmott’s The Only Good Indian (2009) make use of Gothic conventions and the figures of the ghost and the vampire to visually relate the history and horrors of Indian boarding schools. Each of these Native-centered films displays a cinematic desire to decenter Eurocentric histories and to counter mainstream American genres with histories and forms of importance to Native North American peoples. Willmott’s film critiques mythologies of the West and frontier heroism, and Lightning attempts to sensitize non-Native viewers to contemporary Native North American concerns while also asserting visual sovereignty and affirming spiritual values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-341
Ade Salamun ◽  
Maemunah Sa’diyah

This study aims to provide an overview of the process of cultural change through total quality management in Islamic perspective carried out at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School. The method of the study is qualitative method by using in-depth interview techniques with informants. This research was conducted at the Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School, Depok City, West Java. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis with the stages of reducing data, triangulating data, presenting data descriptively, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that cultural change through total quality management at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School was seen from 7 focuses. The focus of planning for Islamic boarding schools is still focused on current conditions. The focus of the organization is participatory by involving all individuals to improve the quality of education and to develop Islamic boarding schools. The focus of control is still in the form of monitoring and supervising each section based on the existing SOP. The focus of communication has been two-way communication. The focus of the decision is still reactive and not based on well planning even though decisions are made based on deliberation and consensus. The focus of functional management has not been fully integrated. The focus of quality management is still reactive because it is still in the stage of finding the best and most suitable method to be applied in Islamic boarding schools. Therefore, the process of cultural change at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School has begun to occur.

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