2018 ◽  
pp. 18-22
I. B. Korottseva ◽  
L. A. Kochetkova

The possibility of obtaining parthenocarpic hybrids of the female F1 cucumber type in combination with paternal forms of various sexual types – intermediate and predominantly female – has been studied. The research was carried out for four years – 2015-2018, in the winter greenhouse of the "Richelieu" type, in the winterspring turnover, with low-volume cultivation technology. In the competitive and preliminary tests, more than 100 promising hybrid combinations were studied. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the sexual type of perspective parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for the winter-spring rotation depends on the genotype of the original parental forms. The use of predominantly female-type flowering as paternal forms led to an increase in the female F1 hybrids. In a combination of maternal female-type forms with male-type paternal forms, hybrids of the female sex-type cucumber were obtained, but much less frequently than from crossing with the predominantly female types of flowering. According to the results of the competitive variety testing, two promising hybrids of the cucumber – Murava F1 and Vera F1 were transferred to the state variety testing in 2017. These hybrids were created using the paternal forms of a predominantly female type of flowering.

2020 ◽  
pp. 27-29
М.А. Косенко ◽  
А.В. Корнев ◽  
Л.М. Соколова ◽  
А.Н. Ховрин

Морковь столовая – одна из важнейших овощных культур, успешно возделываемых во всех земледельческих регионах РФ. Она занимает 10 % площади овощного поля страны и дает более 10 % валового сбора всех овощей открытого грунта. Из числа зарегистрированных в Госреестре 49% – гибриды F1моркови столовой. Из них 28% отечественной селекции (селекции ФГБНУ ФНЦО, Агрохолдинга «Поиск», ООО «Селекционная станция имени Н.Н. Тимофеева» и др.), а иностранных фирм («Бейо», «Вильморин», «Райк Цваан», «Монсанто» и др.) – 72%. В 2017 году ВНИИО - филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦО передал в Государственное сортоиспытание гибрид моркови столовой F1 Красногорье для Центрального региона. Цель работы – оценить потенциал гибрида моркови столовой F1Красногорье в условиях Центрального региона. Гибрид испытан в системе ФГБУ «Госсорткомиссия» в областях Центрального региона РФ. F1 Красногорье – межлинейный гибрид, получен путем скрещивания материнской линии 661П петалоидного типа и отцовской линии ШР 47. Среднеспелый. Розетка листьев полупрямостоячая. Лист длинный, зеленый, среднерассеченный. Корнеплод короткий, конической формы со слабым сбегом и слегка заостренным основанием (сортотип Шантенэ). Сердцевина и кора оранжевые. Масса корнеплода 110-200 г. Вкусовые качества хорошие и отличные. Содержание сухого вещества 10-12%, общего сахара 7-8%, каротина до 19 мг на 100 г сырого вещества. На двух инфекционных фонах (альтернариоз и фузариоз) и на естественном фоне гибрид входил в группу слабовосприимчивые с баллом поражения от 0,9 до 1,4, устойчив к цветушности. По данным сортоиспытательных участков, наибольший показатель урожайности гибрида F1Красногорье был отмечен в Рязанской и Московской области – 82,5 т/га и 76,5 т/га соответственно. Доля стандартной продукции в среднем по областям составила 80,5%, наибольший показатель отмечен в Московской области – 89,7%. Carrots are one of the most important vegetable crops successfully cultivated in all agricultural regions of the Russian Federation. It occupies 10% of the area of the country's vegetable field and gives more than 10% of the gross harvest of all vegetables in open ground. 49% of those registered in the State Register are F1 hybrids of carrots. Of these, 28% are domestic breeding (breeding FSBSI FSVC, Poisk Agro Holding, LLC Timofeev Breeding Station, etc.) and foreign firms (Bejo, Vilmorin, Raik Zwaan, Monsanto and others) - 72%. In 2017 ARRIVG - a branch of FSBSI FSVC transferred to the State Variety Testing a hybrid of carrots F1 Krasnogorye for the Central Region. The aim of the work is to assess the potential of a hybrid of carrots F1Krasnogorye in the conditions of the Central region. A promising hybrid of carrots F1 Krasnogorye was tested in the system of the FSBI «Gossortcommissiya» in the regions of the Central Region of the Russian Federation. F1 Krasnogorye is an interline hybrid obtained by crossing the maternal line 661P of the petaloid type and the paternal line SHR 47. Mid-season. The leaf rosette is semi-upright. The leaf is long, green, moderately dissected. The root crop is short, conical in shape with a weak escape and a slightly pointed base (cultivar Chantenay). The core and bark are orange. Root vegetable mass 110-200 g. Taste qualities are good and excellent. Dry matter content 10-12%, total sugar 7-8%, carotene up to 19 mg per 100 g of raw matter. On two infectious backgrounds (Alternaria and Fusarium) and on a natural background, the hybrid was included in the group of weakly receptive ones with a lesion score from 0.9 to 1.4, resistant to flowering. According to the data of the variety testing plots, the highest yield of the F1 hybrid Krasnogorye was noted in the Ryazan and Moscow regions - 82.5 t/ha and 76.5 t/ha, respectively. The share of standard products on average in the regions was 80.5%, the highest indicator was noted in the Moscow region - 89.7%.

2018 ◽  
S.V. Kuzmin ◽  
A.V. Medvedev ◽  
A.F. Bukharov

Из обширного исходного материала выделено три половых типа кабачка. Для дифференциации использовано два показателя степени сексуализации: начало образования женских цветков и их количество. Усилению проявления женского типа цветения способствуют сложные скрещивания. Это обеспечивает объединение в одном генотипе различных наследственных факторов. Летний посев значительно снижает выраженность женского пола и позволяет выделить линии с гарантированно высокой экспрессией признака, имеющих от 25 % до 90 % женских растений.From the extensive source material, three sex types of squash are distinguished. For differentiation, two indicators of the degree of sexualization were used: the beginning of the formation of female flowers and their number. Enhancing the manifestation of the female type of flowering is facilitated by complex crossings. This ensures the unification of different hereditary factors in one genotype. Summer sowing significantly reduces the expression of the female sex and makes it possible to isolate lines with a guaranteed high expression of the trait having from 25% to 90% of female plants.

E. A. Vertikova ◽  

In a competitive variety trial, promising selection lines of sugar sorghum were studied in the Lower Volga region. Based on a set of signs, the best lines were identified, which are recommended for transfer to the State Variety Testing. Breeding lines, which are distinguished by high values of commercially valuable traits, can be used in planned crosses to create highly productive varieties and hybrids of sugar sorghum.

1982 ◽  
Vol 95 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-145 ◽  
Christine B. Le Blond ◽  
Stephen Morris ◽  
George Karakiulakis ◽  
Ruth Powell ◽  
P. J. Thomas

Synapses develop at similar rates in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats of both sexes, but values are higher in male than in female animals from birth to maturity. Male-type development cannot be mimicked by neonatal androgenization but results suggest that female-type development can be induced by neonatal castration of males. The results suggested that both prenatal and postnatal androgens are essential to normal male development.

1902 ◽  
Vol 48 (200) ◽  
pp. 143-143
W. C. Sullivan

The authoress has studied the characters of the pelvis in sixteen skeletons of male criminals in Lombroso's museum. In her paper she gives the details of the examination in each case, with tables summarising the results for the whole series. She finds that the pelvis in the criminal tends to approximate to the female type; and, though this type is generally admitted to be morphologically higher than the male type, she argues that the lack of sexual differentiation implied by this resemblance is to be properly regarded as an atavistic character, especially as it is in many cases associated with other peculiarities of a distinctly prehuman kind.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-232
I. F. Kozlov

On December 1, 1920, the patient Efrem Ignatiev, 22 years old, was admitted to the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of Kazan University, who was sent to the Krasnokokshai military commissar to establish his gender. In the documents sent with the patient, there was an act of the medical commission on military fees, from which it was clear that on November 22, 1920, a citizen of the Vyatka province, Krasnokokshaisky district, the village of Miklinoy, Efrem Ignatiev, who was born in 1899, was subjected to examination of the state of health when conscripted for military service, and during the examination it turned out, it was said in the act of the commission, that gr. Ignatiev has predominantly female organs and underdeveloped male organs. On this basis, the commission decided to send the aforementioned Ignatiev to the Kazan Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic, as a hermaphrodite, to establish gender.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (28) ◽  
pp. 101-109
V.A. Korelina ◽  
O.B. Batakova ◽  
I.V. Zobnina ◽  

Each region is characterized by a certain set of natural conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to have varieties of forage crops that can realize soil and climatic potential of the zone and are resistant to various possible stress factors. The purpose of the research is: study the variety samples of meadow clover according to the complex of economically useful characteristics in the competitive variety testing; identify the most promising ones in the conditions of the European North of the Russian Federation. The research was carried out in 2017, 2018 and 2019 at the experimental field of FSUE “Kotlasskoe”, which is located in the south-east of the Arkhangelsk region. Such breeding methods as selection, hybridization, creation of complex hybrid synthetic populations were used to create the studied variety samples. The studies were carried out according to the guidelines of the Federal Research Center “VNIIK named after V. R. Williams” and methodology of the State variety testing of agricultural crops (under the general editorship of Fedin M. A.). Soil of the experimental plots is weakly podzolic clay, medium cultivated on Permian clays. Mid-early diploid variety ‘Niva’ was used as a standard. The experiment was laid on a bare fallow; four-fold replication. Sowing was carried out with a SKS-6-10 seeder. Variety samples were evaluated according to a set of biological and agricultural characteristics: winter hardiness, vegetation period per mowing mass, plant height, leafiness, dry matter collection, protein content, protein collection, seed productivity. Agrometeorological conditions during the years of research were different, which allowed us to obtain more reliable results in assessing studied breeding material. All presented promising breeding samples exceeded the standard one in terms of the studied basic economic and biological characteristics. According to each studied indicator, we selected the best varieties. On average, over the years of research, a comprehensive assessment allowed us to identify the most valuable varieties that can form stable feed and increased seed productivity in northern conditions. They are K-2003, SD-289, K-1809, K-1556, ‘Taezhnik’. Winter hardiness of these samples varied from 84 to 94 %, dry matter collection – from 9.0 to 9.9 t/ha, seed yield – from 256 to 309 kg/ha, protein collection – from 1.26 to 1.35 t/ha. Variety ‘Taezhnik’ was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2020 for the 2nd region.

2019 ◽  
pp. 39-42
A. G. Besedin ◽  
O. V. Putina

The volume and structure of sown areas of vegetable pea varieties of different terms of ripening, selection of the Krymsk Experiment Plant Breeding Station, VIR in the southern region of Russia is shown. When creating new varieties, at present, priority is given to obtaining very early and early, in order to expand the conveyer of raw materials for processing. The merits of the breeding achievements created and included in the State Register are shown: a very early variety Prima (year of inclusion 2016) and an early Kudodesnik 2 (2018), which have already begun to be used in production. However, for processing enterprises in each group of ripening it is necessary to have 2-3 varieties. Therefore, we have set a goal - to create new varieties of vegetable peas of very early and early ripening periods, adaptive to the climatic conditions of the North Caucasus region. The studies were carried out from 2016 to 2018 in breeding fields (Krymsk Experiment Plant Breeding Station, VIR, Krasnodar region). Studied 10 varieties and lines. According to the results of evaluation in competitive variety testing (in 2016-2017), a very early grade of vegetable peas Izyuminka was transferred to the state test. The variety ripens 9 days earlier than the Alpha standard and surpasses it in yield (by 2.2 t / ha.). According to the competitive test held in 2017-2018, in 2019, the early variety Mayak was transferred to the state variety testing, which ripens 4 days earlier than the standard and is almost twice as high in yield. The use of these varieties in the processing industry will significantly increase the period of receipt of grain for processing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. e20195936 ◽  
Leopoldo Jesús Alvarez ◽  
Wagner Pereira Silva ◽  
Mariano Lucia ◽  
Antonio J.C. Aguiar

Here we provide descriptions of gynandromorphs of two species oil-collecting bees: Lophopedia nigrispinis and Epicharis iheringii, both with partial bilateral phenotypic asymmetry. The bees have a female phenotype predominantly on mesosoma and metasoma. The specimen of L. nigrispinis has distinct characteristics on legs, suggesting a mosaic pattern of gynandromorphism. The pollen and oil loads on legs suggest that the bee was foraging normally. The gynander specimen of E. iheringii has mostly a female phenotype, except for head, with right half female type and left half male type. The specimen of L. nigrispinis was collected foraging on flowers of Bidens sp. at Parque Nacional Iguazú, Argentina with loads of pollen on legs suggesting it was reproductive and was provisioning a nest. The specimen of Epicharis iheriingi has no evidence of any oil or pollen collection, despite its mostly female phenotype.

E.V. Shishkina ◽  
S.V. Zharkova ◽  
O.V. Malykhina ◽  
V.I. Leunov

Представлены результаты селекционной работы с культурой лука-батуна в условиях юга Западной Сибири. Исследованы наиболее важные для Сибири признаки: раннее отрастание и продолжительность периода «отрастание – стрелкование». Выделившийся по показателям образец № 44 был передан в Государственное сортоиспытание, успешно его прошел и был внесен в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений, допущенных к использованию, как сорт Премьера.The results of selective breeding work regarding Welsh onion cultivation in the southern part of West Siberia are discussed. The following most important characters for Siberia were investigated: early regrowth and the duration of “regrowth – bolting” period. The candidate variety No. 44 selected according to these characters was submitted to the State Variety Testing, it went through the trials successfully, and was included in the State Register of Selection Achievements approved for use as Premyera variety.

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